Etymology Quizzes

Take a Random Etymology Quiz
We describe the origin of the country name. You guess the country.
Such as a Rubik's ____ or Ferris _____.
Difficulty level: hard. We describe the origin of the country name. You guess the country.
Can you name the cities that are served by these airports named for people?
We describe the origin of the name. You guess the capital city.
Name these objects that are named for their inventors.
Fill the blanks in these things that are named after people.
Can you guess these places that were named after people?
Fill the blanks in these things from science and math that are named after people.
Can you guess these U.S. state capitals based on how they got their name?
Can you guess these U.S. cities based on what they are named for?
124,429 Things Named For People #1
110,363 Country Name Etymologies #1
54,912 Country Name Etymologies #2
49,209 Airports Named for People #1
47,276 Things Named For People #2 - U.S. Centric
45,959 Things Named for Inventors
44,999 Capital City Etymologies
44,157 Places Named for People
36,166 Foods Named for Places
35,988 Things Named For People #3 - Science
24,014 U.S. State Capital Etymology
19,042 U.S. City Name Etymologies
14,710 Countries by Alternate Etymology
12,333 Airports Named for People #2
9,914 U.S. States by Alternate Etymology
9,644 Words Invented by Specific People
2,139Country Name Etymology
1,530Countries Named After People
1,215Country Name Etymology 2
1,130Etymologies of countries (picture quiz)
1,114Capital Cities Named After People
988U.S. Cities named after UK cities
987African Countries by Etymology
965Countries Named After Cities
876North American Countries by Etymology
843Etymologies of U.S. States (picture quiz)
820Band Name Etymology
797Element Etymologies: Places
774European Countries' Etymology
678More Airports Named for People
445Female First Name Etymology
432Country Name Etymology: Now with extra clue!
403European Capital Cities with Greek or Roman Etymology
360State Etymology #1
350Ten World Capitals Named for People
332Male First Name Etymology
327Capital city etymologies
309Country and Place Name Etymology Fun Times Quiz
291English Word Etymologies
259State Etymology #2
258Capital city etymologies
243US States Named for Rivers
230Country names by etymology (meaning) of native name
228State Etymology #3
220US State Etymologies
21350 Airports Named for People
210Germanic or Romance etymology #1: To see
204Etymologies of elements (picture quiz)
198All Megacities By Etymology
179Things Named for Places
158Germanic or Romance etymology #3: Fruits
153Country Names from their Etymology
147Airports Named After People - Difficult
137Company Name Etymologies
134Country Etymologys
132Canadian City Etymologies
124Etymology of US states and territories
114Portmanteau True or False
104Germanic or Romance etymology #2: To say
94Fake Etymologies
75Personal Names for European Airports
73U.S. Commercial Airports Named for People #1
72Capital Cities by Alternate Etymology
50Personal Names for Asian Airports
49Canadian Provincial and Territorial Name Etymologies
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