Travel Blog - France Trip: Paris Day 1


So... I Went to France

Welcome to this little blog series detailing my adventures in France. I will be including pictures I took, funny stories, and details from the whole trip. A lot of these blogs will follow a storytelling style. I will be starting off with my first day in Paris.

Arriving in Paris

If I am being honest, the plane ride to France was pretty miserable. I was stuck in front of 2 screaming children (around 8 and 10 years old) and one of them really enjoyed kicking my seat. The I had already been traveling for about 10 hours when I got on this 7 hour flight. I did not sleep on the plane, and arrived in Paris about 8am local time. By 10am my group had made a stop at the hotel and was ready to go see some places. Hours without sleep at this point: 21.

The view of the Eiffel Tower from The Montparnasse Tower

My group of 7 along with our guide took the Underground (train system) to our first site of the day: The Montparnasse Tower. The huge skyscraper in the middle of the city has an amazing viewing platform at the top. You can see so many landmarks from up there, the view is just amazing!

I took so many pictures and videos, and this is the point my friend and I had the idea for a ridiculous TikTok. Try to find it if you want I guess. This place was so fun and I will never forget the view! Afterwards, the group decided we needed to find a place to sit for a few minutes. We left the tower at around 2pm. Hours without sleep: 25.

We decided to sit down for a while in the beautiful Luxembourg Gardens! This place is full of statues and gorgeous trees, flowers, and fountains. We got to take in the beauty of the place while resting on at a picnic table. I was just happy to be able to sit down for a while.

At this point, all 7 of us were completely exhausted. My feet hurt from walking, my sister had a migraine, and we all really needed to get sleep. We left the gardens around 4pm. Hours without sleep: 27.

The Luxembourg Gardens!

An Evening in Paris

La Cathedrale de Notre Dame

The group then took a nice walk to the Notre Dame Cathedral. The walk was about 15 minutes but felt so much longer. I absolutely loved walking though the city, but the exhaustion and joint pain were really starting to make me miserable. The cathedral was amazing. I had obviously seen pictures and I had actually done a few school projects on it. I was really sad that repairs are still going on so we couldn't go inside, but just being there was amazing. Next, we left to meet up with another group we would be touring with, then we all went to dinner around 6:30pm. Hours without sleep: 29.5.

After an amazing dinner and dessert, the group made our way back to the hotel via the train. Using the Paris underground train system with a group of 18 was very interesting. We got checked in and I finally got to sleep around 11:30pm/12am. Total hours without sleep: 35. Below I will include more pictures that I took of the streets during my 1st day in Paris. Stay tuned for Paris day 2 and the rest of the trip!

Thank you for reading this incredibly useless blog. I hope you enjoyed it at least a little.


I love the look of Paris Streets
I cannot get enough of this view!
The Architecture is so Beautiful!
Level 65
Aug 5, 2022
Yes, the tower view is great.
Level 59
Aug 5, 2022
I will find the TikTok. I don't use it tho so I'm breaking multiple of my rules about never using it unless absolutely necessary.
Level 48
Aug 5, 2022
Honestly it probably will not be that hard
Level 73
Aug 5, 2022
Wait, you didn't sleep for 35 hours!? 😲

Anyway, this was a fun little travel blog. Looking forward to the next one!

Also, I found your TikTok account even though that app's banned here.. 🤔

Level 48
Aug 5, 2022
Yeah... It was a long day, but surprisingly that is not the longest I have gone without sleep. And I also put the videos on YouTube if that's better... Idk
Level 43
Aug 5, 2022
We’ll probably need a travelogue tag ;) I just love reading these!
Level 48
Aug 5, 2022
I completely agree! Travel stories are awesome.
Level 78
Aug 5, 2022
Paris is an amazing city, my favourite part is Montmartre. The Sacre Coeur church and the artists in the squares there make the area come alive. I could spend a whole day there just watching them painting.
Level 48
Aug 5, 2022
We went to Montmartre on the last day. I absolutely loved it. The view was amazing, and I agree, it was so fun to watch the artists work!