Travel Blog - France Trip: Paris Day 2


France Day 2!

I was very excited to continue my journey abroad after getting a decent amount of sleep. Here is the story of my second day in the amazing city of Paris!

The Day Begins

Following breakfast at the hotel, my group started our morning with a bus tour of the city. It was great to see so much amazing old architecture. We drove around places like l'Arc de Triumph and we got off of the bus to take pictures in front of le Tour de Eiffel, both places pictured below. I absolutely loved the bus tour because we got to see more of the city than we would have been able to see by walking around.

The Eiffel Tower!
The Arc de Triumph!

During the middle of the tour, we stopped at a café for a snack, and I got croissant and a hot chocolate. One of my favorite things about French Cafés was that hot chocolate was always available. That is not very common, at least in my hometown, and as someone who does not enjoy tea or coffee, I really appreciated it.

This was so good!

The Louvre Museum! 

The Famous Glass Pyramid

Following the amazing bus tour of the city, we made our way to the Louvre Museum. This place has been on my bucket list to visit for quite a few years, so I was so excited for this place. I got to see so many amazing pieces of art, including the Mona Lisa! This place is home to so many incredible statues, paintings, and historical artifacts. As a history nerd, I really enjoyed looking around. I wish I could have seen more, but I only had 2 and a half hours, and it is basically impossible to see the whole place in that short of a time.

A Blurry Picture of the Mona Lisa that I took from 60 feet away
These were really cool, so I took a picture. That makes sense.
This picture was nice, the frame is pretty and really like the lady's dress.
The place was just so busy! SO MANY PEOPLE!!!

The group was in the museum from 12:30pm until 3pm, and everyone had a blast. Afterwards, we went to a more commercial street and got to hang out with our smaller groups for a few hours. I didn't really take pictures, but I did get Starbucks and the 4 other students from my school and I all got matching sunglasses, because why not? After dinner, we went back to the hotel and got to sleep fairly early, because we had to be up early on the next day.


To be honest, this blog is probably going to be the most boring one of the whole series. The Louvre was very exciting at the time, but looking at all of the pictures and videos I have from the week, everything else is just more interesting. I really don't know how often I will be posting these... I guess whenever I get them done? Once I go to school I will have a more set schedule and will (hopefully) be more consistent. Anyways, have a wonderful day.


Level 65
Aug 16, 2022
yep louvre is cool. on my BL too
Level 68
Aug 16, 2022
I’ve always wanted to go to Europe but I haven’t been able to go beyond Eastern Africa thanks to trauma.And also this is a really good blog :)
Level 48
Aug 16, 2022
I hope you get to go someday! And thank you!
Level 68
Aug 16, 2022
My dream destination is Croatia,I love the architecture they have
Level 48
Aug 17, 2022
Definitely on my list as well
Level 59
Aug 17, 2022
Sad that it looked pretty rainy that day.
Level 48
Aug 17, 2022
It was mainly just cloudy. It might have rained when we were inside the museum, but I don't really remember.
Level 78
Aug 17, 2022
I was a little disappointed when I saw the Mona Lisa. It's a lot smaller than I thought it would have been, plus there are many more paintings that are just as good if not better that don't have the same fame.
Level 65
Aug 17, 2022
apparently it only became famous when it was stolen. Maybe if you stole a different painting that you thought deserved the fame then it would also become famous.
Level 48
Aug 18, 2022
I really thought the same thing. Although, my group was there less than a month after someone threw cake at it, that was the main topic of conversation among my friends.