What if the Commonwealth of Nations United Today?


The Commonwealth of Nations - formerly known as the British Commonwealth - is today, in the 21st century hello people from the future, a major association of many different former British Colonies that are all friendly towards each other and co-operatively work together. Due to their extreme differences and complete opposite locations in the world, almost nobody has proposed an idea for the unification of the whole Commonwealth. However, the idea is still not 100% impossible. So what if  the organisation did unite today?

Population and Land

The first thing we would need to think about the Commonwealth, if it united, would be its land area, population and cities.

In total, a huge 54 countries, just over 1/4 of all the countries in the world, would make up the union of course, I won't name them for obvious reasons. With this many countries making it up, the Commonwealth would be present in every single corner and continent in the world: just one would be located in South America, 2 in Europe, 9 in Asia, 11 in Oceania, 13 in North America, and 19 in Africa. (Note: This does not include the two former members of Zimbabwe and Ireland).

Another result of so many countries making the United Commonwealth up, its land area would also be huge. Standing at almost a massive 30 Million Sq Km (11.566 Million Sq mi), this would easily make the union, by far the largest country in the world, even making Russia (17.098 Million Sq km) look puny in comparison. Not only this, but to really show how large the Commonwealth would be, it would still be significantly larger than China, the United States and Brazil, combined.

The population of the Commonwealth would also be mind-boggling, like its land area, at roughly 2.55 Billion, with a population density of 85/km2 . Obviously, this would easily make it the most populous country in the world, even almost double the population of China (1.449 Billion) and over 7.5x the population of the United States (331 Million). However, the population would be far from being evenly distributed across the Union as huge parts like Canada would only have a population of just 37 Million, while significantly smaller parts such as India would account for over 50% of its whole population.

If we had to decide on a capital city for the gargantuan country, London would probably be the most likely option as it would debatably be the most important city in the Commonwealth and, furthermore, is also where the current organisation's headquarters is located. Despite being the capital, London would not be the biggest city, only being the 7th largest. Instead, Delhi would be the biggest, with a huge 31.3 Million people, being far larger than London's 14.8 Million. Here would be the rest of the top 10 biggest urban areas in the Commonwealth of Nations:

  1. Delhi (31,300,000)
  2. Mumbai (25,600,000)
  3. Dhaka (20,300,000)
  4. Lagos (20,100,000)
  5. Karachi (18,200,000)
  6. Kolkata (17,000,000)
  7. London (14,800,000)
  8. Johannesburg (14,200,000)
  9. Lahore (13,500,000)
  10. Bangalore (12,700,000)
Land area of the united British Commonwealth on a world map. Countries in orange indicate former members of the union

Money and Economy

The next thing we come to is the Commonwealth's economy, which would also be very impressive. Beginning with one of the most important parts of its economy, the Nominal GDP of the union would be very large, standing at a whopping $10.923 Trillion. This would be enough to rank it 3rd place, steaming ahead of many other big and well-known economies such as Japan ($5.383 Trillion) and Germany ($4.557 Trillion), but just remaining behind China ($18.463 Trillion) and the US ($24.516 Trillion).

Despite having some parts of the Union with quite high average yearly wages, the Commonwealth, collectively, wouldn't have a that impressive GDP Per Capita, mainly due to some quite poor areas, such as Cameroon, Uganda and a few others. When taking this into consideration, this amount would stand at $3,532, enough to have the 148th highest average yearly salaries in the world, ahead of the Philippines ($3,492) and Morocco ($3,471), but behind Tunisia ($3,556) and Algeria ($3,638).

Oil would also be very prevalent within the Commonwealth, as many hugely oil-producing countries such as Canada and Nigeria, which are both home to some of the world's largest oil reserves. With all of this under the control of the union, it would definitely be a major oil producer, allowing it to boost its recognition on the World Stage.

Religious and Ethnic Groups

A united Commonwealth of Nations would be incredibly diverse, with many different religious and ethnic groups of hundreds of cultures, which is what we come to talk about now.

Starting with the first, believe it or not, Hinduism would actually be - by far - the most followed religion in the union with a very significant 47% adhering to the faith. Following behind at 27%, Islam would be the second largest religion in the Commonwealth, split between 22% Sunni and 5% Shia. Surprisingly, Christianity would fall behind to being only the 3rd largest religion in the country, accounting for only about 13%. Other small religions would also have a small following in the union, such as Buddhism at 1.1% and Sikhism at 0.9%. The final 10% would be a mix of various other small religions and Atheists and other irreligious people.

Coming to its Ethnic Groups now, Indo-Aryan ethnicities would collectively make up almost half of the population, at 49%. Next, various ethnic groups native to Africa, like Sukuma, Igbo and Kikuyu, would be collectively 22% of the population. Dravidians, another ethnicity in the Indian Subcontinent, would represent a further 13%. People that identify themselves as exclusively white would make up a small 5%, followed by people that identify as exclusively Black at 3.2%. Finally, the remaining 7.8% of the population would be a mix of various other small ethnic groups prevalent in the union's borders.

Green = Islam

Purple = Christianity

Pink = Folk Religion

Orange = Hinduism

Prevailing religions in the rough area of the African part of the Commonwealth of Nations


As well as its Religious and Ethnic Groups, the languages of the Commonwealth would also be very diverse. Hindi, being the most spoken language in the union, would only account for about 27% of the population, really showing how Linguistically diverse the country would be. Bengali, another language native to the Indian Subcontinent, would be next at 12%. English, despite being the most important language in the country, would fall behind to only 10% of the population. However, if we were to include the people speaking this as a second language, English would by far be the most spoken language in the union, with over 1.3 Billion speakers in total. Various small African languages, such as Igbo and Hausa would collectively make up about 10%. This would be followed by Swahili at 9% and Punjabi at 7.3%, Marathi and Telugu at about a further 4% each, while Tamil would be make up 2.9%. The final 13.8% of the population would be a mix of various other tiny languages with very little speakers in the Commonwealth.

Choosing an Official Language for the new country would probably lead us to the most likely option of English as most of the whole population of the Commonwealth of Nations would be able to speak the language as either a First or Second Language.

Military Power

The final topic we would need to look at about a united Commonwealth, is its Military Strength.

Beginning with manpower, the union would in total have a gargantuan 3,370,100 active-duty personnel. This would by far be the largest force in the world, even dwarfing China's amount (2,185,000 troops) and being almost double the army size of the United States (1,388,100 troops). In addition to this huge amount, the Commonwealth would also have an extra 1,924,800 troops, bringing its army size when fully mobilised to a total of 5,294,900 troops.

The country's budget to fund this enormous military would also be quite large, at around $186 Billion, which would be the 3rd highest budget in the world, only just behind the juggernauts of China ($261 Billion) and the US ($732 Billion).

Another major advantage for the military of the Commonwealth would be the fact that it would be in possession of Nuclear Weapons, inheriting all of the UK, India and Pakistan's nukes, bringing its stockpile to a total of around 550 Nukes.

Strengths and Weakness - Conclusion

Now that we have covered all of the major topics we would need to think about a united Commonwealth, here is a brief overview of the strengths and weaknesses the new country would face in the real world:



✔️ Large GDP
✔️ Huge Military
✔️ Huge Population can mean more people for more things
✔️ Very big cities within its borders
✔️ In control of Nuclear Weapons
✔️ Many large oil and gas reserves in the union
✔️ Able to achieve Superpower Status
❌ Gargantuan land area meaning hard to govern
❌ Quite low GDP Per Capita
❌ Conflicting Nations within the country
❌ Incredibly diverse
❌ Huge population can mean also quite hard to govern
In conclusion, if it were to unite today, the Commonwealth of Nations would definitely be an extremely powerful country, if not the most powerful, in the world, already able to easily achieve superpower status. Despite this, the union would also have a big amount of problems such as its quite problematic diversity, low GDP Per Capita and the conflicting nations within itself, like India and Pakistan. If the country were to overcome these problems standing in their way, the Commonwealth would easily have the power and ability to be the most powerful country in the world, more powerful than even the United States and China. Furthermore, the union would need a very strong leader to rule this world power and to fix its problems so in my opinion the Quadruple Alliance would do a good job at this. Anyway, here are the voting options for this vote:

Qing Dynasty | Khmer Empire | First French Empire | Gupta Empire

Anyway, that brings us to the end of this blog in the series and as always, if you have any suggestions for empires or unions you want me to cover, please let me know straight away! That's all I have for now so now all that's left to say is thanks for reading and goodbye! :)
Level 62
May 1, 2022
Voting has ended in the first ever tie! When it ever comes to this, I will choose between the two top empires and do that. This time, I'll decide on the Khmer Empire. Here are the final standings:

Qing Dynasty | 3 votes | Joint 1st Place

Khmer Empire | 3 votes | Joint 1st Place

First French Empire | 2 votes | 3rd Place

Gupta Empire | 1 vote | 4th Place

Level 43
Apr 19, 2022
Once again, a great work. Finally, I can vote for new options so, anything between First French Empire or Qing Dynasty.
Level 62
Apr 19, 2022
Thanks MG! I’ll put a vote to both the Qing Dynasty and the First French Empire :)
Level 56
Apr 20, 2022
Could I make a blog about the European Union Uniting as one nation?
Level 62
Apr 21, 2022
Sorry, but I've already made a blog about the European Union uniting, quite a while back.
Level 55
Apr 19, 2022
Really interesting blog!

All of the voting options would be good ones, but I have to choose so my vote goes to the Qing Dynasty.

Level 62
Apr 19, 2022
Thanks a lot! I’ll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 66
Apr 19, 2022
Been waiting for this! But just one question: Did Barbados leave the commonwealth, or just the crown?
Level 43
Apr 19, 2022
I think they left Commonwealth, which means they aren’t governed by the Queen. At least is what I think.
Level 62
Apr 19, 2022
No, actually. Barbados doesn’t have the Queen as it’s Head of State anymore but has chosen to still be a member of the Commonwealth. A commonwealth member doesn’t need to have the Queen as it’s Head of State to be in the organisation. It just left the Crown :)
Level 43
Apr 19, 2022
Yeah I forgot of Mozambique case ;-;
Level 62
Apr 20, 2022
The Mozambique case is something I s don’t understand to this day lol.
Level 65
Apr 20, 2022
Watch the beginning of Geography Now! Mozambique, you'll understand then.
Level 62
Apr 20, 2022
Ok, I will :)
Level 73
Apr 19, 2022
Good to have you back! How unsurprising that even after uniting all these countries, it still has a GDP lower than China and the US.

I'll let you know which empire I'll be voting for later, if that's okay with you.

Level 62
Apr 19, 2022
Thanks, Aficionado! Sure thats fine. You can vote later on. Just remember to make it before the voting end lol.
Level 73
Apr 22, 2022
I'll be voting for Khmer Empire!
Level 62
Apr 22, 2022
I'll add that to the polls :)
Level 65
Apr 19, 2022
Incredible blog! I really enjoyed seeing a new blog from you after a while, and this one gave me a lot of thoughts. I also appreciate this series a lot more after working on our collab which should be impossible because i already appreciate this series infinitely

This is quite a bit more powerful than the Commonwealth from our collab, but that one has Antarctica so it's way bigger lol.

Pretty cool that Indian ethnicities are the largest, maybe that would let there be more equality in this empire. I also just realized how much the GDP per capita would change if it actually reunited, there would be so much more or less for a country to govern, and the government put in charge could completely decide the fate, especially for GDP per capita. For example, Canada is probably way better to work in than Malawi, but the UK would have to handle both of them in one way, so this might be worse for countries that are already rich. Also, a comparison you could make is...

Level 65
Apr 19, 2022
How the size of the military compares to populations of countries. For example, a whole Norway's people would be in the commonwealth military. And I'm not sure about conflicting nations within the country, if you are talking about India and Pakistan. I always thought there wouldn't be as much violence if they were united, but it would still be unstable.

But great blog again, I vote for the collab Khmer!

everyone go to the group

Level 62
Apr 20, 2022
Thanks for the essay comment, Thread! That comparison is a good idea so I might actually include that in the next blog of the military would be large enough lol.

And yes, you are right. Places like Canada, Singapore, the UK and Australia would have their living standards reduced significantly to sustain the poorer countries with GDP Per Capitas of less than $1000.

Also now that I have finished writing this blog, I can now just solely work in the collab for a week lol :D

Level 65
Apr 20, 2022
That's great! Let's discuss it on the group :D
Level 62
Apr 20, 2022
Level 54
Apr 20, 2022
Gupta empire! The religous distribution was quite surprising
Level 62
Apr 20, 2022
Yes, for mot people the largest religions would be quite surprising. I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 60
Apr 20, 2022
(Compliment)! I’ll vote for the Qing Dynasty
Level 62
Apr 20, 2022
Lol thanks. I'll add your vote to the polls.
Level 65
Apr 21, 2022
I miss when these comment sections used to be way more active, can we start a thread or something?
Level 66
May 16, 2022
it’s because I wasn’t here 😎
Level 65
Apr 25, 2022
Hey BGG, how's the statistics going? I've been making some revisions so I can give you an update if you want.
Level 65
Apr 28, 2022
i think bgg is too stunned from the fact that we got our first tie ever
Level 67
Apr 26, 2022
Amazing blog, very interesting, and in Zootuber's absence it was riveting. Thanks again
Level 73
Apr 30, 2022
Hello BGG! The polls are still not updated. And why haven't you been talking with us lately? We're missing you.. please check our group. :)