A Quizmaker's Update - One Million Takes

Back in July 2020, I published a blog post reflecting on how ‘one of the first quizzes I ever published (which happens to be a combination of [my passions for] Scotland and geography) reaching 1,100 [takes].’ In April 2021, I published another blog post acknowledging how, over the course of 238 more days, that quiz ‘only amassed a further 95 takes.’ I also observed that while ‘all of my quiz takes on 16 July 2020 totalled 14,197’, as of 7 April 2021, I surpassed 69,000 takes. In summary, ‘after publishing my first quizzes, it took 951 days (more than two-and-a-half years) to reach 1,000 takes, while I have “jumped" from 14,197 to 69,260 takes (an increase of 55,063) in fewer than 240 days.’

Since that time, I have had several more featured quizzes (for which I am thankful to those who have nominated quizzes as well as the Quizmaster for picking several others). At that time, I was wondering if I would break into the top 200 quizmakers, while now I am sitting at number 54 (having also been number 53 for a time). And now, sitting at quizmaker number 54, I have passed another significant milestone—one unthinkable to me in the past: 1,000,000. It has taken me nearly a decade to reach this figure, far longer than many other quizmakers!

Breaking down the statistics (which is one of the many banal fascinations of my neurodiverse brain), this means that over the course of 2,964 days since my first quiz was published, I have had an average of 337.56 takes per day. In a sense, that low daily average is a bit shocking when considering that I have had a million takes, but I must remind myself that it the following ‘round’ number of takes took this number of days:
1,020 takes in 951 days
10,018 takes in 1,589 days (elapsed time since 1,020: 638 days)
50,122 takes in 1,849 days (elapsed time since 10,018: 260 days)
100,048 takes in 2010 days (elapsed time since 50,122: 161 days)
500,489 takes in 2,559 days (elapsed time since 100,048: 549 days)
1,000,205 takes in 2,963 days (elapsed time since 500,489: 404 days)
As can be observed from the above, it is not exponential growth, but a steady increase to get to this place. I can share more detailed statistics (from a longstanding Excel spreadsheet I have been keeping for eight years), but I will spare the reader for now.
What I wish to express here—in addition to my astonishment—is my gratitude for JetPunk, for the Quizmaster and for all of those quizmakers and takers who have been so encouraging to me over the years (especially the HinesBrothers and Stewart). JetPunk really is a great community and has provided me with a huge sense well-being over what has been the most difficult decade of my life. I am quite certain that many others benefit in the same ways.
To all those who are either considering making your own quizzes, those who have been at quizmaking for years and to everyone in between—if I may offer some humble encouragement: keep at it! (This encouragement applies back to me as much as anyone else!) Keep making quizzes that you enjoy. Keep refining your understanding of the amazing and growing number of features here on JetPunk. Don’t be discouraged if you aren’t where you’d like to be in the quizmaker standings. In my opinion, what is most important here is that sense of enjoyment, quizmaking and taking pleasure, and well-being. You’re all great!

Much love,


Level 77
Feb 29, 2024
I felt happy while reading this. Thank you for writing it. However, you underestimate how much we JetPunkers love graphs. I’d love to see the statistical breakdown of your journey someday!
Level 66
Feb 29, 2024
We JetPunkers are very peculiar people. I read travel advisories for fun 😭
Level 84
Feb 29, 2024
Congratulations Elijah! That’s a great accomplishment. I’ve always enjoyed your quizzes. Your maps have a distinct style that I really like. I’m glad JetPunk has been a positive place for you. Same for me. :) Thanks for posting this!
Level 82
Mar 2, 2024
Congratulations on reaching this milestone! Your SVGs are absolutely amazing, and I appreciate the fellow neurodiverse representation on this website!
Level 54
Mar 2, 2024
You deserved it. Your quiz ideas were just so amazing and your timing for quiz submission was perfect.

Me happy at 100,000 takes ;)

Level 65
Mar 8, 2024
Wow that's a huge milestone to reach! Congratulations elijahwade, you are now one of only 54 users to have 1,000,000 takes! And I must say, I agree with Dimby and Nickelz above, a stats blog would be actually quite cool.
Level 75
Mar 11, 2024
Congrats! That's super exciting! Thanks for the shoutout and here's to the next million!
Level 58
Mar 19, 2024
Congratulations mate, can’t wait until I too cross the 1,000,000 mark!