Santa Claus + More



After seeing a blog that the quality of the RUB has been declining, and knowing I have been procrastinating on JP matters for quite some time now, I have quickly postulated this idea: What are Santa Claus's names across languages + some backstory about him, other characters like him and other information. And to proove that good blogs can still be made, I shall do it all in one day!

Origin and the Gift-Bringers

As a disclaimer, I might get your nation or language wrong.

The origin of Santa Claus traces back to Saint Nicholas, a 4th-century Christian Greek bishop from Myra (modern-day Turkey). Known for his generosity and kindness, Saint Nicholas became the inspiration for the figure of Santa Claus. Many countries have had Christmas Gift-Bringers; Santa merged with them, particularly the Dutch Sinterklaas, and English Father Christmas.

St. Nick
Amazing Depiction of Father Christmas Bringing Good Cheere
Ded Moroz, a Gift-Bringer

So lets go through the (European) Gift-Bringers!

We've already met Father Christmas who brings good cheere, so lets go to St. Basil.

St. Basil is the Gift-Bringer of Greece. When Saint Nick is cooped up in Poland, and Father Christmas in the West, they send St. Basil! No-one knows Greek breaking-and-entering laws better than this man. Note the split between Father Christmas and St. Basil in the African nation of Cyprus. 1974 must have been a tense Christmas for the two.

St. Nick we've seen, so lets go to Baby Jesus.


Yep, in Central Europe Baby Jesus brings your presents, and is called Christkind, (in German "Kind" means child). He must have learned from the Magi or something. This is also the origin of the name "Kriss Kringle"

In West Poland we can see Gwiazdor (Star Man)

I could not find a good photo but he looks like Santa

Now we have Finland with their...Christmas Goat? Joulupukki literally means "Christmas goat" or "Yule Goat" but seems to be "persons performing in goat costume in return for leftover Christmas food".

I thought this was just Santa until you notice the hands. While it might seem like its the same old Santa, note the Goat Hands.

Yule Goat

Not to be confused with a Yule Goat.

And for the last of this section we have the Christmas Lads and Christmas Gnomes, also up North.

They give gifts and their mother cooks children
I don't think any of them cook children...unless..

The International Santa

With the rest of the world, Santa is a more recent phenomenon, and while these European Gift-Bringers have blended with Santa a lot, in a lot of places there is only Santa. However the names are still numerous.

No 1: Daddy Noel/Christmas  (Noel from the Latin for birth)




Père Noël

Brazilian Portugese

Papai Noel

Portugal Portugese

Pai Natal


Babbo Natale


Pupà Nadałe


Papá Noel


Noel Baba


Baba Nwel


Bâbâ No'el


Dadabe Noely


Baba Krismasi


Ông già Noel

No 2: Christmas/Frost Old Guy/Grandpa 

+ Ded Moroz (which means Grandpa Frost and is technically a different Gift-Bringer)

Chilean Spanish

Viejito Pascuero


Ziemassvētku Vecītis


Deda Mraz


Dedo Mraz


Dyado Koleda


Ded Moroz

Chinese (in general I guess)

Shèngdàn Lǎorén


Kristamas Thātha

Toyotathonese (no Honda Days Sales Event enjoyers allowed)

Toyota Guy

The rest of the world uses other people (like St. Nick) or just Santa


Well. Did I do what I set out on? I think. I also did not manage to do this in one day, but two sittings isn't too bad.

Thanks for reading, and have some Happy Winter Holidays!

- Neodymium

Level 59
Dec 24, 2023
Poirot, I shall get started on your blog soon....ish
Level 74
Dec 24, 2023
Or Los Reyes Magos!

Anyway, nice blog idea! Interesting to hear about the different realizations of Santa

Level 59
Dec 24, 2023
...I should've researched deeper about those.

Thank you!

Level 54
Dec 24, 2023
Definitely a good seasonal idea.

But yeah... start it. One week left.

Level 59
Jun 1, 2024
Hmmm is now too late?
Level 65
Dec 24, 2023
amejing i would have said శాంతయ్యగారు how educational

fun fact marathi and gujarati use నతాళ instead of క్రిస్తమసు

Level 59
Jun 1, 2024
Level 78
Dec 25, 2023
Firstly....Merry Christmas!

Short but definitely sweet blog. Easy to read, plenty of pics (especially inspired by the pic of Gwiazdor). The RUB needs more like this!

Wasn't the current image of Santa (Red and white costume etc) introduced by Coca-Cola in their Christmas advertising campaigns. Or is that a myth ?

Level 59
Dec 25, 2023
According Coke they didn’t invent Santa, nor is he red because of them. I’m sure their marketing campaigns did however spread Santa over the others and stop other colors. I also think thats why is he is…horizontally challenged more often in depictions. If you see Sinterklaas, he managed to get in a diet.
Level 78
Dec 26, 2023
Horizontally challenged, I like that. I shall be using that to describe myself at work !
Level 56
Dec 26, 2023
What is the RUB?
Level 54
Dec 26, 2023
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