Greek Mythology #1 Asclepius


Asclepius and Ravens?!

Asclepius, was the son of Apollo, and Coronis. When Coronis was pregnant with Asclepius, a raven, watching from the sky, found Coronis with another man. The white raven told Apollo, and he was so mad, he scorched the raven with fire, turning them black. He and his sister found Coronis and killed her, but Asclepius was saved.


The Gods Love Him

Apollo had no idea what to do with baby Asclepius. So he sent him to Chiron, that centaur. Chiron trained many heroes, but Asclepius wasn't like the others. He wasn't a fighter, he was a healer. Chiron taught Asclepius everything he knew about healing. 

Eventually, all the Gods took notice how good Asclepius was getting. So Athena, gave him a vial of gorgon blood from the right arm. Gorgon blood from the right arm can heal anything and gorgon blood from the left side can kill anyone.


The Gods Hate Him

Asclepius joined the Argo. The Argo was a ship of the best 50 warriors in the world. By the end of the trip, Asclepius had used the whole vial, bringing back two warriors from the dead. When he used the blood on the people, it made them immortal, and that was for the Gods only. Hades, the God of the underworld was mad. But he was relived to realize there was no possible way for him to bring back the dead anymore.

One day, a local king found Asclepius and asked him to help find his son who he had lost in their palace. So Asclepius went searching and found their son, Glaucus dead, in a barrel of honey, in their basement. Asclepius had found him and was ready to go but, the king locked him in the basement and said he wouldn't let him out until he returned his son, alive. When Asclepius was in the basement he heard a snake and immediately killed it, chopping its head off. Then he heard another snake, and he watched it. Asclepius watched the snake go outside through a small crack in the wall, and grab a herb. He then gave it to the snake and he came back to life. So Asclepius did the same thing, bringing Glaucus back to life. He was done and got to leave, but this was the final straw for the Gods. Zeus killed him with his lightning bolt. But to remember him, the Gods turned him into the constellation Ophiuchus.

Picture Of The Rod Of Asclepius                
My next blog will be on; What happened after the death of Asclepius, a God turned into a mortal, and wrestling death.
Level 59
May 16, 2024
Level 43
May 17, 2024
This is very informational!