r/PictureGame Celebrates 10 Years


/r/PictureGame is a Reddit/Discord community based around the playing of the eponymous Picture Game. February 15th 2024 marks 10 years since the game first started.

The Game

The Game involves players taking turns to solve and then host rounds. A round of the game involves posting a picture to the subreddit and asking a question in the title. A typical round involves asking for the co-ordinates of a location in the picture. Players will then try to be the quickest to use Google and other search engines to find out the information they need to narrow down the location. Other round types involve Puzzles, where the host will ask the players to solve a puzzle they've made. There are various other types of rounds and new types of round are created quite frequently, especially from new players.

How It Started

At 12:29pm on February 15th 2014 (UTC), /u/Oh_Bruddah posted the first round of the Game to r/Pics.

"Let's play a game. The password to this account is the city name of the location of this pic (lowercase). Identify the city, change the password and post another picture" - /u/Oh_Bruddah

This round was solved by /u/Goat_47_, who recognised that this was Newport, Oregon.

First Winning Comment

Eventually, the Game was moved to its own subreddit, /r/PictureGame. Initially, winners would log into the /u/PictureGame account, but this was obviously not viable long term as trolls and mishaps meant new accounts had to keep being created. It was decided that winners would host rounds on their own accounts.


You can look at the stats for the game on the website Picturega.me. This is possible due to the work of several people, notably /u/Provium, in setting up a bot that tracks all the rounds and winners. Using this site we can see that 7223 unique accounts have solved a round.

As of writing this, there have been 133,514 rounds in total.

The Game has seen 29 people hit 1000 or more rounds total, with 7 people having solved multiple 1000s of rounds.

Rank Username # Rounds
1 TheLamestUsername 4985
2 SuperFreakonomics 3000
3 walkalong 2774
4 quatrevingneuf 2601
5 emmvxy 2522
6 stevekeiretsu 2086
7 kmsasaki 2062
8 arousedsiren 1789
9 Aure20 1775
10 i_luke_tirtles 1500
11 AGlassDarkley 1396
12 Jojo733 1395
13 marcol-copperpot 1366
14 cpc2 1319
15 HighestCommonFactor 1296
16 Dr_SteveBrule 1282
17 AirplaneReference 1241
18 iGeography 1109
19 Has_No_Gimmick 1064
20 The-Truse-Self 1056
21 SoDakZak 1050
22 smala017 1050
23 p-27 1048
24 chuttiekang 1044
25 RisibleComestible 1044
26 ItoXICI 1043
27 bryberg 1026
28 PM_me_cute_penguins_ 1015
29 level_81_pikachu 1003


Me and PG

I found out about r/PictureGame from an r/Askreddit thread asking about niche subreddits. I was immediately fascinated with the game. My first solve was on August 22 2016, when I solved the below round by /u/amboyscout.

"[Round 25065] Tell me what all of the pictures combined say out, and how you used each picture to find the phrase. You MUST explain EVERY picture. I will accept any correct answers." - /u/amboyscout

I wound up solving 14 more rounds from August 2016 to January 2017, before moving on from r/PictureGame.

I returned briefly in 2018 and 2019, but it wasn't until September 2021 that I really got back into the game. On October 23 I hit 100 wins, part way through my "New Zealand Election" series where each round featured finding a location in each New Zealand electorate.

"[Round 102517][PG New Zealand Election #22][100 Wins!] URL coordinates please"
On July 19 2022 I hit 200 wins.
"[Round 114384] Big crossword for 200 wins - give me all the answers please! :D"

On May 4 2023, I hit 300 wins.

"[Round 126183] 300 Wins! Puzzle time!"

Some Interesting Rounds

This round by /u/judethedude781 looks like just a picture of a cat, but if you look closer you'll be sent down a rabbit hole of various clues that lead you to being able to solve it. This is currently the most upvoted round.

This round by /u/TheRealBoyo shows a common round type where people will post a meme and ask for you to find the location.

This round by /u/cpc2 is cool because they've created a photosphere actually on google maps that you have to find using hints from the photo.

This round by /u/p-27 is an example of a very difficult round.

This round by /u/punchingcatto which is one of my favourites and which won the 2022 PG Best of Award for "Best Sh*tpost with a Solve Path".

Level 54
Feb 15, 2024
Interesting and informative blog! Didn't know about this subreddit. Looks much interesting.
Level 66
Feb 19, 2024
This is very interesting, and a subreddit I will check out. Speaking of, I've never played, but to make people find this blog would be an interesting puzzle...