Hiatus Time!



It's me.

Do you remember me?

Probably not.

But I am going to say that I was on a hiatus. But why though? Well, I guess we'll se why. Here I go into the details of why I was on hiatus, if I plan to go off of hiatus, my plans for the future and something that actually might be blog worthy? You decide.

Get ready to travel to the past, the present, and the future...

Why was I on hiatus?

There are multiple reasons, including, but not limited to:


Life. It can be a real pest. Sometimes it throws good things at you and other times it's bad.

One reason that falls under this category is family. Family visits, family sort-of reunions, etc, etc, yadda yadda.

And just living life in general. Like, vacations, experiencing the joys of nature... the joys of friendship... and the joys of my couch.


I know, I know. Education is a real bummer. I've sort of just kinda been focused on education, education, education. If you know what Advanced Placement classes are, well, I'm taking one, and you probably have heard of just how much god awful homework and how 'hard' the class is. It's hard to not get frustrated with the amount of homework I have! I hate it! I hate the homework. Not the class, the homework.

And just homework in general for all my other classes. I hate homework. Nobody likes to do homework! It's a pain to have to get frontloaded with homework... But oh well. That's another reason why.

Video Games


I got games on my phone.

What are you gonna do about it?

Motivation (or the lack thereof)

Okay, it's kinda boring to make Jetpunk blogs and quizzes for me. They take too much time and effort, and I know that that's what it's supposed to take... But sometimes I just want to not do Jetpunk. And sometimes became a long time. Like, almost a whole year.

Will I ever go off of hiatus?

Who knows? Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Either way, I plan to try to be more active, maybe release one more blog or a few more quizzes, stuff like that, so yeah. If I do, I would hope that I actually decide to go off hiatus somewhere by the end of the year, for at least a month or two.

What are my plans for the future?

Well, for starters, I hope to finish at least one blog, whether it be AFOTWIT, or something else... I don't even know what blogs I have other than fricking AFOTWIT, which is basically now my most successful blog series (and my only successful blog series). So yeah. And I plan to update some quizzes, or make new one, maybe a total of at least 5.

What did I do on hiatus?

Before we start, let's establish that the hiatus period is from March 30, 2023 to February 25, 2024.

April 2023:

Busy with school

May 2023:

Busy with school

June 2023:

School ended, played video games

July 2023:

Went to Oregon and a bit of Washington (the state)

August 2023:

School started again (10th grade, yey...)

September 2023:

Busy with school

October 2023:

Busy with school

November 2023:

Busy with school

December 2023:

School, then my cousins came over and visited the USA.

January 2024:

My cousins left and returned to their countries, and, oh, did I mention school?

February 2024: (before today)

Went on an overnight trip for the orchestra. It was fun, and very relieving. We watched the San Francisco Symphony. Oh, and HAVE I MENTIONED SCHOOL?!?!?


So, yeah. Anyways, it was fun detailing everything I did during my hiatus, why I even went on hiatus, when I plan to go off hiatus and what I plan for the future...

If you have any further questions, hit me up in the comments.

Okay, bye now.


This is the sign-off image. There is nothing after this. Today's sign off image: Philippine flag construction sheet.
Level 59
Feb 25, 2024

jk, but on a better note, glad y’r back!

Level 59
Feb 25, 2024
as for the gatas bolg

I’ve added a bit of text in english, if you can translate that and the read the blog thru once we should be good to publish!

Level 61
Feb 25, 2024
Alright. Thanks a bunch.
Level 59
Feb 25, 2024
I've added my link and I've added 2 more small paragraphs. that should be it
Level 61
Feb 25, 2024
Alright, I'll check again
Level 66
Feb 25, 2024
What AP class are you taking?
Level 61
Feb 25, 2024
Level 59
Feb 25, 2024
I’ve taken that so if u need some help
Level 61
Feb 25, 2024
Nah bruh I'm good. But thanks anyway. I'll ask if I'm stumped lol
Level 66
Feb 26, 2024
hey again! I’ve been fairly active here recently, and just wanted to say hi!
Level 61
Feb 26, 2024
Well, hi!
Level 43
Feb 27, 2024
Glad to have you back
Level 61
Feb 29, 2024