New Series? (AFOTWIT: 1950s edition)


New Series!

Hello everyone! I said once in a comment I would hiatus... But now, I've decided to drop on you guys a new series, and its first chapter, as well as some other stuff, all on this blog. But before we start, I have a quick announcement.

Quick Announcement

Summer is coming, and these last few weeks of school are going to be the home stretch. I have work to catch up on, and I may not be active as much. But, I will still be doing the Daily Word Search almost every day, so that's how you will know my account is not dead. or is it

Announcement no. 2

The Ultimate Philippines Country quiz has been remade. Update 3 will be here in about a month or two. Maybe even three because by that time it'll be summer vacation! YEY!!!!!

Announcement no. 3

Fun facts: my birthday passed a while ago, don't greet me, I'm fine, I had enough fun!, last day of school for me is June 3, 2022, 2:25 UTC-8/PST.

Description of the new series.

This series will still be an AFOTWIT type of thing, but it will take place in the 1950s. The first chapter will be in this blog. Tell me if you guys like it or not, I will post more if you do! For now, here's the first chapter of AFOTWIT: Communist Cataclysm or Democratic Doom?

Let's go! It's time for the first chapter of AFOTWIT: Communist Cataclysm or Democratic Doom! The first chapter is called Prologue. Here it is:

This is based on some historical fact but is mostly alternate history.

In the first days of the 1950s, the world was a hot mess. The Red Scare and Joseph McCarthy's trials against people suspected of being communists was plaguing the United States. Also, WW2 had just ended, with Europe in ruins. Now, with tensions higher than ever, will there be a communist cataclysm, or democratic doom? Find out now.

US: I am officially announcing the Marshall Plan's implementation.

France: Thank you! This will help us rebuild. Should we divide it equally amongst us, or will we have disproportionate amounts based on the damage we suffered?

UK: I suggest we divide it equally.

France: One quick question though, will Germany get anything?

UK: They were the ones who started it. They can rebuild themselves. They can burn that idea in a fire.

West Germany: Please, give aid...


France: But Germany may become an important ally! Think of it—we will have a buffer state between the USSR and us. If we supply them with money, we can use their military to our advantage. And what's more, German industry actually seems to be booming in America. They may become an economic superpower. Now, I don't disagree with limiting the German military, but we should at least give them a chance to have an economy and improve their ruined land. What do you say?

UK: And let them destroy Europe again? France, you've always been so disagreeable, my friend. I will block this plan from happening, whether you or America like it or not.

France: You little—Fine. Have it your way. You spoiled brat...

UK: That's just what you think. Maybe you should just stay out of this. It's for your own good. I will deal with the Germans.

Meanwhile in the east...

USSR: Poland!

Poland: Yes?

USSR: These East Germans are not doing what I told them to! They keep on protesting and protesting, saying all these things about unification and whatnot. I say we invade them, silence them for good and make a new puppet government. I say we only let the top Russian elites live there. Or I may incorporate it into you, and you will have my troubles. So what do you say? Paradise or problems?

Poland: Paradise, for sure. Not even Hungary rivals them.

Hungary: Hey, I heard that!

Romania: Shut up Hungary, no one asked.

Hungary: You know, I say we should partition-


USSR: Romania! Behave yourself! Now, Hungary, what's this about a partition?

Hungary: As I was saying, we should each partition East Germany amongst us.  It can become an important foothold for our militaries.

Romania: For the first time in a long time Hungary finally came up with a good idea.

East Germany: What am I listening to?

Romania: Nothing, now go do something else.

East Germany: Sure, I guess I'll go- *giggles* -unite!

USSR: That is the last straw! All units, charge towards East Berlin! Burn the country down!

East Germany: I've been waiting for this day for a long time. *ahem* Help! The Soviets are invading!


France: UK, we should stop arguing! The Soviets are invading another communist state!

USSR: You can do nothing to stop me! I will destroy them, and if you guys try to stop me, you're next!

US: What if I stop you?

USSR: I don't care! I'll crush your military and you will be suing for peace before you know it!

US: Oh yeah? I'll have your military burn to ashes, then I'll burn their ashes! Then I'll reduce them to atoms then destroy those atoms!

UK: Chill, let me and France handle it.

US: Fine. Do a good job please.

UK: You can count on it.

Poland: Russia, chill! Trust me, you don't want to do this!

USSR: I don't care, they did this, they will pay. You want to join them or not?

Poland: No, but this might start the Third World War! And after we all just rebuilt, our families moved on from the pain... We can't! Our militaries are also in shambles, this is impossible! Just trust me, and you'll live to see another year.

USSR: Fine. East Germany, just get your stupid unity over and done with. I'll crush you soon enough...

Germany reforms. They immediately form a democratic government, write a constitution, and join the European Economic Community and NATO.

Germany: Yey! I'm back!

UK: No, please tell me this isn't happening! We must protect ourselves!

Germany: Relax, Britain. My-


Germany: My constitution protects against any use of the old ideology. We will not ever witness what we witnessed again. I can guarantee it.

UK: Okay, fine. You get aid, a military budget with a maximum of $100 billion, which can be raised at anytime, and the use of the Euro.

Germany: Danke!

UK: No problem... my friend.

France: See! I told you! What a happy ending-

German rebels: We will revive the old regime! Long live our glorious leader!

UK: I thought-

Germany: NO! Throw that idea in a hole!

German rebels: Oh yeah? Do you want to fight for it?

Germany: Go ahead, I'm not scared. I've got this.

German rebels: Okay then. Let it begin now.

Germany: With pleasure.

Battle of Magdeburg


Rebels: 90,283

Germany: 1,928

Armored units lost

Rebels: 124

Germany: 2

Artillery lost

Rebels: 203

Germany: 0

Planes lost

Rebels: 5

Germany: 0

Estimated total landmines planted/detonated

Rebels: 16,507 planted/938 detonated

Germany: 29,384 planted/ 2,834 detonated


Rebels: 12 total/7 destroyed/5 damaged beyond repair

Germany: 67 total/2 destroyed/14 damaged beyond repair

Rebels' 6th army group has been defeated.

German rebels: What? How?

Germany: Now stop, before you all go to prison.

German rebels: We'll go somewhere else! We hate you, just know that!

Poland: You know what? I hate communism! Democracy is best!

Romania: Same!

Hungary: No, Communism!

Bulgaria: I agree with Poland!

USSR: Oh no... It's a crisis!

Tell me what you guys thought! The end, and hopefully there's a Chapter 2!

Level 60
May 11, 2022
I have 15 days left of school (not including today, the 11th). How about everyone else?

1950 AFOTWIT is cool

Level 73
May 11, 2022
Ha! How sad.. I'm already into the 11th day of my vacation or something 😆
Level 61
May 11, 2022
Rip my vacation
Level 61
May 11, 2022
Also have until June 3
Level 61
May 12, 2022
Yeah, thanks! Also where do you go to school? How do you get vacation in May?
Level 61
May 12, 2022
:) :(
Level 73
May 12, 2022
If you were asking me, I live in India where May and June are the official summer months, that's why.
Level 61
May 11, 2022
Thank you @MiecraftMan
Level 43
May 11, 2022
Lucky you. Vacation only in July
Level 61
May 12, 2022
Level 66
May 11, 2022
Can I has make new version of AFOTWIT?
Level 61
May 12, 2022
Like what?
Level 66
May 28, 2022
I just kinda felt like since you're doing your series, I could get permission to make a new modern series with my narration?
Level 61
May 31, 2022
Hmm... Okay, fine. Collaborate it to me so I can see what it's like. If I like it, I will let you publish it and continue on.
Level 35
May 12, 2022
WWIII probably gonna start in Chapter 2, if there is one. We have holiday right now.
Level 61
May 12, 2022
Level 66
May 12, 2022
Really cool blog!
Level 61
May 12, 2022
Thank you
Level 66
May 12, 2022
Do you remember me?
Level 61
May 13, 2022
Sadly not, I think?