Facts of Comoros


One Day....

Of all 196 countries, Comoros is one of only 27 countries to not have a single UNESCO World Heritage Site. But on the bright side, they have four locations they have submitted for eligibility.

Sad :(

Don't worry, we'll get into some positive facts later, but for now, here is another sad one. Comoros is the fourth-least visited country in the world, only receiving 24,000 visitors in 2016. The only ones with less are Sao Tome, Kiribati, and Tuvalu.

Madagascar who?

Ok, maybe they do have something. Anyway, Two Comorian islands, named Anjouan and Moheli, are the only places in the world where you can spot the Livingstone's Fruit Bat, a massive bat with a wingspan of 4'7" (1.4M), making them one of the largest bat species, only behind the Flying Fox.

Yin Yang

Ylang-Ylang, a flower used in perfumes, is all over the place in Comoros, and visitors even report that the whole island of Gran Comoro smells like perfume when a breeze comes in. The government takes advantage of this, and uses many ingredients, such as Vanilla, Ylang, and Clove to create their largest export, perfume.


Monaco Islands

Despite only having 870,000 people, its small area of 1,862km^2 gives it a density of 477 people per square kilometer, or 16th in the world! Despite that, there is tons of nature to enjoy, as it is home to one of the largest reefs in the Indian ocean! It's home to over 500 species of fish, sharks, rays, and snails. over 100 of whom are endemic!

Where do knights keep their armies? up their sleevies haha totally funny

The Comorian Army is one of the smallest in the world, containing only 500 police officers, and 500 armed personnel, making them the seventh smallest army in the world, not including the countries without armies. They have such a small army because they really don't have any enemies, and only one major ally; France.

Maybe this? Maybe that?

On December 23, Comoros officially changed its flag, making it the fifteenth-newest flag in the world! The old flag was a green background with an askew crescent with five stars, the same symbol seen on their flag today.

Good thing it rarely happens...

Next time your fiance wants to marry you (hopefully :( ), Be glad you're Comorian. The average price to hold a wedding is 1,500 USD, or around 1,470 EU, WAY less than an average American or European wedding.

It's getting better....

Despite all of its natural beauty, Almost nobody knows about it, (only 24% of players do, making it the fifth-least known country) so visits are very rare, as mentioned above. This means that Comoros is sadly, a third-world country. The most common jobs are Agriculture and Fishing.


Mount Karthala is one of the most active volcanoes in the Indian ocean! It has erupted over 20 times in the last 150 years. That may sound not bad, but in volcano standards, that is very active. Luckily, the volcano that created Comoros is usually not fatal, though the indirect effects can be very bad.

Costa Rica is next!

I hope it won't take 366 days lol

Level 69
Oct 6, 2022
Am I reading the wedding fact incorrectly? That's way cheaper than any American or European wedding.
Level 61
Oct 6, 2022
dang i was wrong! lemme fix it real quick
Level 69
Oct 6, 2022
It's still worded oddly. The title doesn't make sense in this context, and for some reason it assumes you're Comorian?
Level 61
Oct 6, 2022
what should i change it to?
Level 68
Oct 6, 2022
It's unfortunate I wasn't able to visit Comoros during my trip around Africa but I'll probably go there on my next trip also very good blog! :)
Level 61
Oct 6, 2022
Thanks! hopefully i'll be able to make more!
Level 78
Oct 9, 2022
Interesting blog and with a bit of humour too, I like it.

Incidently weddings can be done cheaper that that, at least in the UK. It all depends on what you want. Want a big castle wedding ? Its going to cost a lot. Small church wedding with a few friends and family ? Cost comes way down. I had a freind that got married and his whole wedding including the holiday afterwards was less than £1000. Still a day to remember. And they're still married over 30 years later. A work colleagues wedding cost at least 6 figures and they divorced 2 years afterwards. It's not the actual ceremony that matters, its the love between the two people that makes the difference.

Sorry that went on a bit, looking forward to your Costa Rican blog.

Level 61
Oct 9, 2022
Nice! Thanks!
Level 75
Jan 31, 2023
You spelled beauty wrong.
Level 61
Feb 1, 2023