My Solution: World Peace



We, as humans, are terrible at making borders, Africa? - Big Failure, the Middle East? - Even bigger failure, and the list goes on. Nations are constantly disagreeing on their borders, and many nations aren't even fully recognized. But I believe there is one, near-perfect world map that I've come up with that would almost all these problems. 

Current Disputes

The Aegean and Easter Mediterranean Conflicts - This is mostly a Greek-Turkish dispute on whether or not the Greek islands should be allowed a EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone). Multiple countries have been drawn into this including Libya, Cyprus, and Egypt.

Israeli-Arab/Palestinian Borders - Ever since 1948 when the British Empire promised both the Jews and Arabs a land in Modern Day Israel-Palestine, there has been constant disagreements. Multiple wars have been fought over these borders, including the current conflict. Neither nation is completely recognized by the entire world adding to the problem.

China (PRC) - Taiwan (ROC) Legitimacy - Ever since the ROC lost against the communist forces of the PRC and retreated to Taiwan, both claim each other's land, and claim to be the one true China. Neither are recognized by the entire world, although most of the world recognizes the People's Republic of China.

Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea - China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei, and the Philippines all have overlapping claims over territory in the South China Sea.

Kashmir Conflict - India and Pakistan have both claimed the region of Kashmir since 1947 when India was divided into the Muslim and Hindu sections. China also claims Kashmir and has fought with India over it. Currently, China occupies about 15% of the region (mostly uninhabited) while Pakistan and India have 30% and 55% of the region.

North and South Korea - Both of these countries claim the entire peninsula to be rightfully theirs, even though South Korea has 45% of the land and North Korea has 55% of it.

The Cyprus Problem - The northern 1/3 of Cyprus declared independence with help from Turkey, from the country of Cyprus. Turkey is the only country that recognizes Northern Cyprus (Majority Turkish), with pretty much all of the international community siding with Cyprus (Majority Greek).

The disputed territory of Guyana Esequiba - Both Venezuela and Guyana claim this oil rich land.

South Sudan-Sudan Dispute over Abyei - Since South Sudan's independence, both countries have claimed this border province.

Falkland Islands Dispute - Both Argentina and the UK claim the Falkland Islands (off the coast of Argentina). Currently the UK is the owner of them.

There are so many more of these examples I could list, but I think you all get the idea now. Most countries in the world have at least one area of disputed land/sea with another.

My Solution

There is clearly only one way, in my opinion, that we can solve all of these problems. So without any further comments, here is my idea for the best possible world map that would bring peace to everyone.

Map of the country Monaco.
Level 69
Dec 6, 2023
Is this real?
Level 69
Dec 6, 2023
Now, my solution for world peace? Make all the world into U.S. states. A union of 800 states, now that's something we can rally around.
Level 34
Dec 6, 2023
Yeah! Also why bother fighting over Cyprus, its like a tiny island with a flag that looks like someone spilled some cheese on it... no offense
Level 63
Dec 12, 2023
I pray to God that this does not happen. Unification under one major power is definitely the worst thing that could happen. Especially under the US government
Level 43
Dec 18, 2023
I feel like it would be worse with other governments. My 1# example is North Korea. There would be so many revolutions, and the world would turn into chaos pretty much immediately. And chances are, the world would probably end up pretty similar to how it is now.
Level 59
Dec 6, 2023
Goshdarn it ive been monacoed
Level 75
Dec 6, 2023
It will also help with world poverty by making everyone instantly rich right?
Level 63
Dec 12, 2023
Millionaires do not live and do business in Monaco because Monaco is rich. Instead, Monaco is rich, because millionaires live and do business there
Level 50
Dec 6, 2023
I can still see this country facing border disputes with the rival nation of the Peoples Democratic Republic of Antarctica (not shown in the map)
Level 78
Dec 9, 2023
Right about the time the whole world agreed to this scenario, life on several other planets will be discovered and the whole thing starts all over again on a MUCH bigger scale.