Poll - Where Would WW3 Start?



There will be 4 pinned comments (by me) down below. Each will have the area and a couple examples. Press the heart if you want to vote for that area. Only vote ONCE.

I know that Cyprus is in Asia and that Georgia isn't European (According to Jetpunk), but due to the close proximity, I decided to include them in the region.

Eastern Europe

Europe has historically been a hotspot for many major wars. World War 1 and 2 were both started here, and historically most multi-country wars have been fought here. (Napoleonic, Crimean, etc.) Today, there are a lot of economic and political powerhouses located in a very small area, which means a war fought here has a high chance of becoming international. However, thanks to NATO, the UN, and the EU, most of Europe is at peace and maintains good relations. The exception, being Eastern Europe. The Russo-Ukranian War has been ongoing since February of 2022, with Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia all being very involved. Countries like Poland have also upgraded their military as protection. Aside from this, relations between Turkey and Greece, Kosovo and Serbia, Russia and Georgia, and North and South Cyprus are all strained.

With NATO being involved in this area any war fought here has a large chance of getting both the US and possibly Russia involved.

East Asia

Any conflict here will draw attention from both China and the USA. There has been a continuous stand off here dating back to the Cold War. The USA maintains a string of alliances in the region including Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia, and Guam. This effectively boxes China in, limiting their abilities to expand militarily. Many starters in this region could be a showdown between the Koreas, a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, China moving on their claims to the South China sea, a change in alliances, or even a conflict between China and India over borders.

Map of the "Island Chain"

Middle East

This is obviously a big one. The Middle East has been almost constantly at war since the Ottomans fell, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Syria is still in a civil war, and the Israeli-Palestinian War still going strong, with some countries showing signs of possibly entering the war. Multiple Islamic groups are fighting for control, and the USA only recently pulled out of Afghanistan. There is so much to say about the Middle East that I can't fit in this blog. With the USA staying involved in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, it could possibly split the Middle East into Pro and Anti-American factions. The Middle East produces about 27% of the worlds oil and growing. Japan, South Korea, China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the Philippines are very reliant on the supply. If it was disrupted, it would bring the attention of many massive countries and lead to direct involvement.

While many wars have been fought here, and many of them have brought foreign involvement into them, they have never really managed to pit 2 superpowers against each other. What I mean by this is Europe is often seen as US/NATO v Russia/Soviet Union (When it existed). And Asia is often seen as a China v USA or Allies v Japan (During WW2) situation.

Map of the Middle East

Other Regions

This is everywhere not mentioned above. This includes areas like the Americas, Africa, Oceania, Antarctica, and even space. These regions are pretty much all the less likely areas that it could start in. I personally don't think any of these areas has a potential to start a world war any time in the near future.

Please vote, and I hope you enjoyed this blog :)

May your Jetpunking be good.

Current Results (As of 4/11/24)
Level 43
Dec 1, 2023
The Middle East
Level 43
Dec 1, 2023
East Asia
Level 43
Dec 1, 2023
Europe (Eastern) + Georgia and Cyprus
Level 43
Dec 1, 2023
Other (Everywhere else not mentioned)
Level 69
Dec 1, 2023
Personally, I don't see WWIII ever happening. The world is the most peaceful it's ever been, and MAD assures that.
Level 66
Dec 1, 2023
The world is the most peaceful it's ever been... with multiple genocides and two international conflicts occurring at once. Mhm.
Level 50
Dec 1, 2023
Then name a time it was more peaceful
Level 68
Dec 1, 2023
the day the first sonic movie design was changed.
Level 75
Dec 1, 2023
That statement wasn't wrong though, the world was just never truly peaceful
Level 60
Dec 1, 2023
Probably Cyprus, but not for the reasons you may think ;)
Level 34
Dec 1, 2023
Nah bro, Djibouti is where it begins. They become a world superpower and take over all of the Middle East and Africa. Trust me
Level 43
Dec 2, 2023
I feel sorry for the Americans. Djibouti would destroy them
Level 34
Dec 3, 2023
Yeah i live in America, and every night I fear for my life as Djibouti announces their 70% nomadic herding population.
Level 43
Dec 3, 2023
Same, and their population of 1/2 the size of Houston, I have nightmares about it
Level 34
Dec 5, 2023
Yeah, Djibouti is certainly a powerhouse worth watching for the beginning of world war three
Level 65
Dec 19, 2023
China's building a navy base there, so maybe you should watch out. (this comment is gonna age so well)
Level 43
Dec 19, 2023
USA, France, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and a couple other countries all have military bases there too.
Level 50
Dec 20, 2023
Also, their president is worth $80 bn. In today's world, that therefore means he can do whatever he wants and there will be no consequences. It's so scary. ÄAĀÃÄÅAÅHHHHH!
Level 65
Dec 1, 2023
East Asia.

China - Taiwan

China - South China Sea

China - India

North Korea - South Korea

North Korea - Japan

Level 75
Dec 1, 2023
China and India have way too small of a chance to actually go to war. Yes, border clashes do happen here and there, but quite sure neither side really wants to escalate that.

Also, do note that the Himalayas exist. A war across that is expensive and pointless, and I'm pretty sure that if I can bring this point up, experts in this field are already well aware of that.

Level 60
Dec 5, 2023
Reminds me of the China-India fight with medieval weapons
Level 50
Dec 20, 2023
Oh, yeah. That was strange.
Level 59
Dec 1, 2023
India is not that important of a Western Ally for escalation more than other regional countries involving and some sanctions
Level 43
Dec 20, 2023
But I could easily see the US and other western powers getting involved or at least sending supplies because the loss/weakening of India wouldn't be really bad for them. Similar to Ukraine, just much more valuable.
Level 75
Dec 1, 2023
Eastern Europe - Probably won't lead a worldwide conflict

East Asia - Fairly unlikely, as most ordinary people are fairly well integrated and uninterested in politics. It is hard to predict what directions the CCP would take, but war isn't sustainable, especially when it won't be an easy one and there is a lack of public support. If you were thinking of North Korea as well, realistically, it just won't happen. In the off chance of it happening, it most likely will be regional.

Middle East - Israel is more on their own than you think. Realistically, it only receives support from the US at this point. Even then, public opinion of Israel in the US has been dropping quite a lot since October.

Level 33
Dec 6, 2023
I think that the highest chance for an all out war is regarding Taiwan. From what I have seen, it seems like the PRC is being more and more aggressive in regards with Taiwan, with all of their tests, flying in airspace (I think), etc. President Biden said a few months ago that he would back Taiwan in the event of invasion; that could exacerbate it to a war between two nuclear superpowers. Invading Taiwan from China seems to me a bit unlikely, considering their reliance on Taiwanese semiconductors, though I read somewhere that China was expanding its Semiconductor manufacturing market, which might hint at an invasion soon? I don't think wars in other regions, namely Ukraine, the horn of africa, the middle east, etc will erupt into full scale world wars by themselves, but combined it might. All in all, I think if there were to be a WWIII, it would be caused by a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, and an American response.
Level 37
Dec 18, 2023
Pakistan and India
Level 43
Feb 27, 2024
The Middle East. If Israel starts losing the war (they won't), than USA and it's Non-NATO allies will help them which will trigger Iran. If Iran declares war, so will all of the Arab League. Then NATO will get involved and CSTO will declare war on NATO. Then the Arab League members in Africa will declare war on the other African nations. Hope WW3 never happens.
Level 43
Feb 28, 2024
But like you said, Israel isn't going to start losing the war, so that's not really a good argument
Level 43
Feb 29, 2024
Fair Point. It will only lose if Iran somehow finds a way to make nukes and gives them to the enemy. It's very rare that Iran will make nukes, so WW3 would be a very rare sight.
Level 43
Feb 29, 2024
Also no body really wants their entire countries obliterated into a nuclear wasteland

Kind of the entire point of the Cold War