Svalbard: a New JetPunk Empire



If you're even partially active on the blog scene you've likely heard of "Dawn of the JetPunk Empires." What a fine series it is; I even went and requested my own nation. And guess, guess, the request was granted. Now then, an empire popping up out of nowhere is bound to cause a little confusion, so I made this blog in order to present basic information about the country. Happy reading!

United States of Svalbard


The national flag.
The former national flag (1923 - 1985)

Capital: New Baltimore

Largest city: New Baltimore

Population: 17,389

Area: 23,561 mi²

Pop. density: 0.74 / mi²

Founded: September 5, 1863

Leader: President Qy Harrison (2020 - )

Government: Presidential republic

Religion: Overwhelmingly Protestant Christian (97%), but also some Catholicism (2%), and Judaism as well (1%).

GDP: $2.4 billion / year

Driving side: Right

ISO code: SVL

Disputed territory: Bear Island with GrandOldLand. 

Allies: American government-in-exile

Military size: 412

Currency: Svalbard Dollar (1 SVD = 1.2 USD)

National color: Cardinal red

National food: B.L.T. sandwich

National animal: Bald eagle, polar bear

National sport: Svalbardian baseball

National anthem: Battle Hymn of the Republic (listen to a rendition here.)

Motto: "Liberty and justice for all!"

Language: English (official, 93%) but also some Russian (4%), Norwegian (2%), and Grandese (1%).

Demonym: Svalbardian

Calling code: +475

Domain: .sp

National Holidays

Svalbard has many national holidays; here is a complete list. Also included are some unofficial holidays that, while popular, are not officially recognized by the government.

National holidays

Unofficial holidays

January 1 - New Year's Day

April 17 - Easter

May 30 - Memorial Day

July 4 - Independence Day

September 5 - Founder's Day

November 24 - Thanksgiving

December 25 - Christmas

February 14 - Valentine's Day

March 17 - Saint Patrick's Day

April 1 - April Fool's Day

May 8 - Mother's Day

June 19 - Father's Day

September 5 - Labor Day

October 31 - Halloween


Svalbard is an archipelago in the Arctic Ocean spread across 23,561 square miles. The nation, being an archipelago, is composed of dozens of islands, fjords, and skerries, the largest of which is Fallgrass Island (14,546 mi²). Most of the country's area is covered by ice sheets and glaciers, with mountains dotting the barren landscape. There is virtually no arable land as well, though various shrubs can be found around the islands. As a result of the North Atlantic Current, the climate is very cold, and the islands have cool summers and harsh winters.

The country's highest point is the summit of Newton Peak, at 5,620 feet tall.

A satellite image of Svalbard.


The nation was founded by a group of Americans escaping the Civil War back home, around 1863. They had originally departed on a stolen Confederate steamer in 1862, intending to settle in the Caribbean; however they were incredibly unprepared for the heat and looked for someplace cooler. Traveling the seas for a place to settle themselves, they finally came upon Svalbard, the frosty archipelago north of Norway. Weary from traveling for so long, they figured they may as well throw the anchor and settle down. Though already named, it did not belong to any country, making the settlement process significantly easier.

For the first few years, life on the island was rough. Food was hard to come by and dozens either died of starvation or succumbed to the bitter cold. But when everything seemed lost, a light of hope arrived one frosty morning; when American president Ulysses S. Grant heard of the venture, he immediately sent a ship loaded with food, supplies, and men to support it. On this particular morning, the ship finally arrived! The settlers rejoiced and wrote up a Treaty of Friendship with the United States that would be signed the next day.

A few of the ship's barrels are displayed in the National Museum.

For the following decades, more and more settlers would come in on ships, eventually reaching the point where the country could produce its own food. The American government established an embassy in order to stay in contact; the embassy is still open to this day. After that the nation was rather uneventful, so let us move on to 1914.

A small force of 20 volunteers were sent to fight for the Allies in WWI (specifically, as French reinforcements). Fighting was seen at the First Battle of the Marne, but all 20 men survived. For the next few years, they would fight various smaller battles, and the patrol returned home in 1917. Similarly, a small force was formed in 1942, but the government refused to send them off to the battlefield for fear of Axis retribution. Later, a small squad would be mustered to fight in Italy, however they fought under the American banner.

Soldiers at the First Battle of the Marne.

Svalbard would become one of NATO's founding members in 1949, and its strategic position was a key point to keep the Soviets in check. Rumors circulate that the Soviet Union planned to invade the nation sometime during the 1970's, but no evidence exists to support these claims.

The nation remained isolated and maintained good relations with the NATO group until the fall of the United States in 2021, after which the United States government-in-exile became stationed in Svalbard. Since then, the nation has been greatly expanding its military capabilities in order to survive in this fiery new world of empires but has not yet joined any modern wars. However, rumors exist that Svalbard may be planning to enter WWIII at an unknown date.


Svalbard is a presidential constitutional republic. Unlike the United States, the states of Svalbard do not have quite as much jurisdiction over their own territory; this is because the populations of some states are much too small to sort their own deals. Much like the United States, it is a mostly two-party system. However, instead of Republican and Democrat, it is Republican and Federalist, thanks to a bad association with Democrats during the Civil War.

The Svalbardian government is made of three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.

The legislative branch is, unlike the United States, unicameral — a single house, the Senate, given seats based on the population of a state. All legislators are directly elected by the people, and there is a total of 21 at the moment. Additionally, the Senate is led by the vice-president.

The executive branch is composed of the President and his cabinet — Presidents serving terms of four years and being elected directly by the people.

Finally, we have the judicial branch — it is composed of a Constitutionally-mandated four judges, each appointed by the President. Each judge serves a five-year term, and at the end of their terms they are held before the Senate in order to decide if they should get another term or be replaced.

The logo of the Federalist Party.

Cities and Subdivisions

Svalbard is composed of seven states and nine cities. Note that the cities listed are only the officially incorporated cities, and that there also exists several smaller settlements throughout the archipelago.



1. New Baltimore Capital District

2. North Fallgrass

3. South Fallgrass

4. Boston Bay

5. West Island

6. Newton

7. Bear Island*

*in dispute with GrandOldLand.

1. New Baltimore (11,103)

2. Lincoln (1,076)

3. Fallgrass Town (802)

4. Surwell (765)

5. Coalsville (721)

6. Newton (698)

7. Marpool (673)

8. Washington (642)

9. Boston (617)


Svalbardian culture is based on, mostly, American culture. And it makes sense; the country was founded by Americans. Svalbardian culture is rooted in a strong work ethic and the democratic process; this standard has remain mostly unchanged as the vast majority of the country remains American, just as it was in its founding days.

Film, literature, and art has a rich history in Svalbard. Many art pieces and books were inspired by the arctic landscape, and filmmaking began in 1905 when the technology was imported from the United States. Since then, the mystery film "Eagle on the Rocks," noted for its shocking ending, has gone on to win an Academy Award, an achievement widely celebrated in the country.

Braxton Collett, director of "Eagle on the Rocks"

While not many sports are played in Svalbard, they do have some presence. The most commonly played and national sport is Svalbardian baseball, which is a slight modification of the baseball we're all used to.

1. There are three bases, not four, creating a triangle instead of a diamond.

2. Pitches are thrown from behind the triangle, not from within.

3. The first three innings have three strikes, but every inning after that has only two strikes.

Besides Svalbardian baseball, the other most common sports are hockey and American baseball. At the Olympics, Svalbard has won several gold medals in hockey and baseball.


The Svalbardian economy is very large for a nation of its size, and many have attributed this to extremely friendly relations with the United States and western Europe. Coming in at an average GDP of $2,421,321,452 a year, it results in a GDP per capita of $139,244 per person, a very high number by world standards. The economy is based mostly on tourism, mining, manufacturing, and fishing. The largest imports are machinery / equipment, metals, and foodstuffs.

The currency of Svalbard is the Svalbardian Dollar (also known as "Rush" in slang), represented by the "$" symbol. 1 Svalbardian Dollar is approximately equal to 1.21 United States Dollars; however, most Svalbardian stores will accept both currencies. The Svalbardian Dollar comes in denominations of $0.01, $0.05, $0.10, $0.25, $0.50, $1, $3, $5, $10, $20, $30, $50, $100, and $300.


At first glance, the Svalbardian military seems rather small, with only 412 soldiers. And while this is true, you must remember that the American government-in-exile is stationed in Svalbard, giving it a de facto soldier count of 1.6 million.

But you're not reading this blog for information about the U.S. military, so let's stick to the Svalbardian Military alone. Of the 412 soldiers, 212 are registered with the Army, 135 with the Navy, 57 with the Air Force, and a squad of 8 soldiers are held for any miscellaneous needs. Most of the country's military equipment was purchased or given from the United States, though some arms deals have been made with France and the United Kingdom.

Here is a list of the wars the Svalbardian Armed Forces has fought in (officially, so not including small groups of soldiers under a foreign banner):

1. Anglo-Egyptian War (1882, as a part of the Egyptian Expedition)

2. Boxer Rebellion (1901)

3. WWI (1914 - 1917)

4. Russian Civil War (1919 - 1920)

5. War in Afghanistan (2007 - 2021)

A young man registers to fight in WWI, 1914. The former national flag can be seen in the background.


To conclude this blog, here is a small gallery of pictures from the nation.

A polar bear (one of the co-national animals) with her cub.
A makeshift memorial to the fallen of WWI.
A rare Norwegian sign warns of Polar Bears.
A group of tourists admires the northern glaciers.
A research station upon the southern shores.
A historical building on the disputed Bear Island.


And that's Svalbard! Hopefully this has been a fair introduction to the newest JetPunk empire, and a great thanks to you all for reading.

Level 60
Sep 21, 2022
I hope Svalbard and the VC will grow to become great allies and friends otherwise… :)
Level 69
Sep 21, 2022
I reckon it'd not be very strategic to have no allies (besides the American government-in-exile, but that doesn't really count).
Level 60
Oct 28, 2022
Well this aged well lol
Level 73
Sep 21, 2022
Of all the empire intro blogs made so far, this one really stands out! Pretty decent blog.

Just one question: have you got any nuclear weapons too?

Level 69
Sep 21, 2022
Not as a part of the Svalbardian Armed Forces, but as a part of the U.S. military, de facto headed by Svalbard.
Level 60
Sep 22, 2022
Very nicely done! Good to know more about your empire/archipelago
Level 69
Sep 22, 2022
Thank you!
Level 60
Sep 23, 2022
Also, I was wondering why many important dates are on the 5th September?
Level 69
Sep 23, 2022
Sharp eye — I didn't even notice that. A work of coincidence I suppose.
Level 67
Sep 23, 2022
Nice blog!
Level 69
Sep 23, 2022
Thank you!
Level 66
Oct 14, 2022