The Most Obscure Languages Part 7



The Breton Language is a Celtic language spoken in the French region of Brittany, The only known and still spoken Celtic Language on the European mainland as most have went extinct. Like most languages I covered, It is a endangered language meaning it could become extinct anytime soon, But it seems that the language is rising due to children attending schools teaching both French and Breton. In Brittany, The city of Brest has the largest amount of Breton speakers over 45,000 speakers. But there are still lots of speakers in other parts of the region.

Yorta Yorta

The Yorta Yorta Language is a Aboriginal Australian language mostly spoken around the Murray River in Echuca, Victoria. The Language was formerly an extinct one until it was revived soon after, Like most unknown languages. The Yorta Yorta could be a isolate language meaning its not known which language family it could belong to although it is thought to be Pama-Nyungen. There are many famous Indigenous singers that are known to sing in Yorta Yorta like Jessica Mauboy


Okay, Twi is actually a dialect of the Akan language but we'll still mention about it. The dialect is spoken in parts of Ghana and is a major language among Ghana's population. It is considered an official language of the Ashanti region in Central Ghana named after the Ashanti Empire in the region. The language is speculated to be part of the Niger-Congo Language Family.


The Occitan Language is definitely one of my most favourite obscure languages. The Occitan language is spoken in Southern France in the Occitane Region. It is also spoken in Monaco and parts of Western Italy in the Occitan Hills and is seen as one of Catalonia's official languages other than Catalan. It is known that the first documents of the language was in 960 AD as a another version of the language, The more older one.


The Moksha Language is a Uralic language spoken in Russia with around a few 100,000 speakers. Though being Uralic, It uses the Cyrillic script like most Slavic languages and is a Mordvinic Language. There are 33 consonants which is more than the English language but probably less than the Danish. The language is also similar to the Erzya language but not intelligible and Moksha is also classified as endangered. But not as much.

Level 74
Jan 15, 2023
I'm learning a tiny bit of twi, so thanks for including it! Some of the sounds are not normal for a native English speaker.

And interesting about Occitan, I had no idea it was spoken as far east as Monaco!

Level 56
Jan 15, 2023
Same, I always knew that Occitan was in Southern France, and parts of Spain and Italy, But forgot that Monaco also had Occitan speakers aswell. Cool your learning a bit of Twi, Interesting one aswell.
Level 43
Jan 15, 2023
Maybe Klingon for a next part?
Level 56
Jan 15, 2023
Ehhh no, That isnt a real one.
Level 69
Jan 16, 2023
That's not really obscure.
Level 56
Jan 16, 2023
Correct, Plus its a fictional one
Level 65
Jan 15, 2023
Nice blog! A lot of languages in the Caucasus are well known for being quite crazy in certain aspects, here are three that I think are well known.

Ubykh, the indigenous language of Sochi, Russia, is known for having the most sounds of any language, 65.

Tsez is known for apparently having the most grammatical cases of any language with over hundred though I think this is actually false and it's 39, still a lot though.

Archi can hypothetically have more than a million forms of each verb based on all the affixes that can be added. The Archi people also have a legend about why it's so hard, that God was giving everybody languages but nobody wanted to have the hardest language (Archi) which is why so few people speak it.

Level 56
Jan 15, 2023
Oh yeah, Archi. I found that language when I researching some of my obscure languages. Forgot to add it.
Level 68
Jan 20, 2023
You know I have met people who speak Twi since I am in Ghana after returning from a trip to Brazil.