250 Quizzes



On December 13, 2023, I posted my 250th quiz on this website. I am surprised that I have stayed on this website for so long, and I have almost left many times. However, I have always come back within a few days. I currently visit this site every day and love to contribute to the quizzes and blogs on it.

On December 13, 2023, I posted my 250th quiz, Click a Valid Country Flag Shape or Flag Shape #2 , on this website.

Some Other Milestones

I almost have 10,000 takes on this website, as well as almost 20 blogs. I am also almost at Level 50. I intend to reach these milestones sometime soon. Another close milestone is being among the top 2,000 quizmakers. I am currently #2,032.

Happy Holidays

If you celebrate any holidays around now, I wish you good times this season. If you do not, good luck luck with JetPunk and life in general. Thank you to everyone who took my quizzes and commented on my blogs.

Merry Christmas

Happy Hanukkah

Happy Kwanzaa

Happy New Year

On December 13, 2023, I posted my 250th quiz, on this website. I am surprised that I have stayed on this website for so long, and I have almost left many times. However, I have always come back within a few days. I currently visit this site every day and love to contribute to the quizzes and blogs on it. I almost have 10,000 takes on this website, as well as almost 20 blogs. I am also almost at Level 50. I intend to reach these milestones sometime soon. Another close milestone is being among the top 2,000 quizmakers. I am currently #2,032. If you celebrate any holidays around now, I wish you good times this season. If you do not, good luck luck with JetPunk and life in general. Thank you to everyone who took my quizzes and commented on my blogs.
Level 68
Dec 13, 2023
Congrats on doing so good!
Level 50
Dec 14, 2023
Thank you.
Level 65
Dec 14, 2023
Nice work @Astana! I remember my milestones, too, they're such good-feeling moments! Here's to another great year of JetPunking
Level 50
Dec 15, 2023
Thank you! It is pretty funny how I am going to reach all of my upcoming milestones at around the same time! I remember when I got hardly any takes. I now reach different thousand markers every month, or even every few weeks. I actually almost left JetPunk a few times recently, but I always came back the next day after I changed my mind. Thank you for reading my content, and thanks to everyone else as well, for the positive comments I received motivated me to stay. I hope you also remain on JetPunk for a long time in the future, McKenzieFam!
Level 69
Dec 15, 2023
How did you change the link color and how did you add the effects on the Happy Holidays section?
Level 50
Dec 15, 2023
I used HTML for both of those. I suggest visiting the blog Pandora 49 (Now known as peardestroyer) made about HTML effects. It has everything I used for this included, as well as how to make it. For some reason, the colored text on the names of the holidays did not work out exactly as I had hoped.
Level 65
Dec 15, 2023
The html you used there used to work in comments as well but they no longer let you use it
Level 69
Dec 15, 2023
You did great on the blog, though!
Level 50
Dec 16, 2023
Thanks :)