Guess the American President #2



Welcome back, everybody. In this Guess the American President blog, a new president has been chosen. Users get a chance to ask questions about the president and make a guess as to who our newest Mystery President is!

Full Rules

The president is selected before the blog is published. Each user is allowed to ask two questions. When asking a question in the comment, make sure to include the hashtag #mysteryquestion somewhere in there. A user can decide to make a final guess as to who the president is. This must be done in a comment and include the hashtag #finalguess. After you make a final guess, you can ask no more questions and make no more final guesses. I will notify you if you are correct.

When asking questions, please try your best to stick with something commonly known, measurable, and factual, as well as appropriate for all users reading this.


A scoreboard of all the correct guesses made by users. This is from the Guess the American President and the Can You Guess the Mystery Country.







Level 68
Nov 16, 2023
#mystery question

1-were they born in a landlocked state

2-were they born between 1800 and 1899

(by landlocked i mean not bordering the main Pacific and Atlantic so I would count Illinois as landlocked for example)

Level 50
Nov 17, 2023
1-Yes, they were born in a landlocked state. By this definition, their state did not border the Pacific, Atlantic, or Gulf of Mexico. It hypothetically could, however, have bordered one or more Great Lakes

2-Yes, they were born between 1800 and 1899.

Level 66
Nov 17, 2023

Did the president ever own slaves?

Level 50
Nov 17, 2023
No. According to Wikipedia, this President did not own slaves. (I wish that was true for all of them.)
Level 55
Nov 17, 2023
#mysteryquestion Where they Democratic?
Level 50
Nov 17, 2023
No. They were not a member of the Democratic Party.
Level 69
Nov 17, 2023
#mysteryquestion Did they serve only one term?
Level 50
Nov 17, 2023
Yes. This President served exactly one term.
Level 69
Nov 17, 2023
#mysteryquestion Did they ever lose the popular vote but win the electoral college?
Level 50
Nov 17, 2023
Yes. They did lose the popular vote but win the electoral college.
Level 68
Nov 17, 2023
#final guess-Rutherford B Hayes

He served one term

He was born in Ohio

He was a republican

He was born between 1800 and 1899

He lost the popular vote but one the electoral college

Level 50
Nov 17, 2023
Sorry, but that is incorrect.
Level 60
Nov 17, 2023
#finalguess Chester A. Arthur
Level 69
Nov 17, 2023
Good guess, but he served less than a single full term, and while he did win the electoral college, he never lost the popular vote.
Level 60
Nov 17, 2023
Shoot, at some point I think I forgot whether I was marking off people that won the popular vote or lost it.
Level 65
Nov 17, 2023
#final guess Benjamin Harrison
Level 69
Nov 17, 2023
#finalguess Benjamin Harrison
Level 50
Nov 17, 2023
Correct. Maxibon, you have won Guess the American President #2. Congratulations!