Most populated cities in the USA


List of the Most populated cities

New York 8M

Los Angeles 3M

Chicago 2M

Houston 2M

Phoenix 1M

Philadelphia 1M

San Antonio 1M

San Diego 1M

Dallas 1M

Austin 974K

New York City

New York City is the biggest city in the United States, With a population of 8.3 Million.

It's borough of Manhattan has some of the tallest skyscrapers. The Freedom Tower / One World Trade center is the tallest building in the United States.

Many people move to New York after the early years for jobs. The city has many jobs which is one of the reasons it grew to be so big and populus.

New York City

Los Angeles

Los Angeles is the 2nd most populated city in United States with a population of 3.8 Million.

It's costal in California, A state with almost 40 Million people. It has a downtown with skyscrapers, And areas with towns surrounded by hills. It also contains the famous Hollywood sign, A lot of Big letters on a hill saying the word "Hollywood".


Chicago is a very big city in the USA with a population of 2.6 Million people. It's many skyscrapers and buildings and tall and contain many people. It is on lake the southern part of Lake Michigan, Where many ships and routes of trade pass through.

Even though it is not costal, It still has access to the ocean, And many city across the Great lakes.

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May 2, 2024
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