Serbia Quizzes

Take a Random Serbia Quiz
72,091 Countries Bordering Serbia
26,802 Serbia Country Quiz
11,17520 biggest cities in Serbia
5,927Countries that border Serbia
4,876Modern-Day Countries of the Serbian Empire on a Map
3,825Flags of Countries that Border Serbia
3,249Districts of Serbia
3,176Random Serbian words
2,948Countries that Occupied Serbia in World War II (WWII) - Map Quiz - Serbian History
2,844Syria... or Serbia?
2,578Countries that Bombed Serbia and Montenegro (FR Yugoslavia) in 1999 - Serbian History
2,389Serbian NBA players
2,229All 50k+ Cities in Serbia with a Map
2,025Serbian licence plates
1,925Municipalities of Serbia on a Map
1,665Serbian Empire And Present Day Countries - Serbian History
1,607Countries closest to Serbia
1,504Biggest Trading Partners - Serbia
1,477Countries Closest to Serbia
1,471Random Serbian Words
1,469Languages of Serbia Quiz (with map)
1,371Serbia country quiz
1,136Serbia 2022 FIFA World Cup Squad
1,109Popular Serbian and Croatian Male Names
1,106Famous Football Players Picture Quiz - Serbia
1,084Serbia Country Quiz
981Belgrade City Quiz
885Municipalities/Cities of Serbia
845Serbian Football Superleague Teams
815Click to Translate - Serbian
775Serbia by Picture
719Serbia... or Albania?
696Countries Visiting Serbia the Most
686Countries from Serbian to English - Cyrillic Script #1
655Serbian cup champions
653Districts of Serbia with a Map
637Biggest rivers in Serbia
625Serbia-Country quiz
590Historical Timeline of Serbia
53810 Biggest Cities in Serbia
525Countries Bordering Serbia - Map Quiz
523World Cities in Serbian language
475Countries from Serbian to English - Cyrillic Script #3
471Serbian Historical Figures
449Serbian words
445Countries of the Serbian Diaspora
405World countries in Serbian language
382Countries Bordering Serbia Clockwise - Map
368Serbian Football Players Abroad
350Serbia Football Team World Cup Starting XI
339Serbian words 2
334History of Serbia Quiz
309Serbian league teams 2014/2015
298Serbia-Country quiz 2
296Countries from Serbian to English - Cyrillic Script #2
283History of Serbia
274Countries of the World in Serbian *1
269Serbian sportsmen
265Shapes of Countries That Border Serbia
255Red Star Belgrade Champions League Winner Starting XI
253Cities of Serbia
239Serbia Eurovision Entries
231Serbia bordering countries
221Largest cities in Serbia
2172022 FIFA World Cup Group G - Brazil - Serbia
210Countries from Serbian to English - Cyrillic Script #4
197Serbia cities per size
196Red Star Belgrade Best Scorer By Year
195Countries Bordering Serbia by Border Length
185Countries from Serbian to English - Cyrillic Script #5
184Countries that Bordered Serbia and Montenegro
184Famous Hungarian and Serbian People
180Partizan Best Scorer By Year
171Serbian Monasteries - Serbian History Picture Quiz #1
166Countries Closest to Serbia - One Minute Sprint
161Languages Most Similar to Serbian
160Countries that Start with A - Serbian to English (Cyrillic Script)
141Countries Closest to Serbia - 30 Second Sprint
139Top 10 Serbian PL appearance makers
134Countries from Serbian to English #1
133World Capitals from Serbian to English #1
133Serbian Army ranks
120Countries Closest to Serbia - 15 Second Sprint
119Former Official Names of Serbia
117Countries of the World in Serbian *2
106Countries Bordering Serbia
105World Capitals from Serbian to English #2
104Serbia... or Bosnia and Herzegovina?
99Countries of the World - Serbian - English
92Countries Bordering (Countries Bordering) Serbia
87Countries that border Serbia
86Countries from Serbian to English #3
82Countries that border Serbia
79Novak Djokovic's Final Grand Slam Rivals
79Serbia in the Eurovision Song Contest
78World Capitals from Serbian to English #3
77Countries from Serbian to English #2
71Eurovision Song Lyrics - Serbia
70World Capitals from Serbian to English #4
66World Capitals from Serbian to English #5
522022 FIFA World Cup Group G - Serbia - Switzerland
50Roman Emperors born within the current borders of Serbia
452022 FIFA World Cup Group G - Cameroon - Serbia
40Serbia and Montenegro in the Eurovision Song Contest
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