
Jaka to piosenka po tekście? - Sabaton

Masz podane teksty piosenek Sabatonu. Czy uda Ci się odgadnąć wszystkie?
Quiz wykonany przez BrotoPL
Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 5 luty, 2024
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Po raz pierwszy przesłany5 luty, 2024
Razy rozwiązany14
Średni wynik40,0%
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Przewiń w dół, aby zobaczyć odpowiedzi i więcej statystyk ...
"Fast as the wind, the invasion has begun"
Ghost Division
"Över Norden jag härskar
Med det arv som jag gavs"
Carolus Rex
"On the second night, in the darkest hour,
The Kriegsmarine returns"
"All of these years I have been frozen in time,
I cried for spring to come, but here winter remains"
Soldier of Heaven
"And I called for my mother and she never came,
Though it wasn't my fault and I wasn't to blame"
"Final Solution, when all others have failed"
Light in the Black
"As the pop is growing stronger,
Will metal fade away?"
Masters of the World
"In a dream I saw the future,
In a dream I saw the world"
"And as the end draws near,
November dawn"
The End of the War to End All Wars
"Escort to safety, out of the kill zone,
A short salute, the departed"
No Bullets Fly
"Once in the air, the battle begins,
They have proven their worth, now they fly for revange"
Aces in Exile
"From the foots of the Alps,
To the shores of the sea"
The Last Battle
Status Quo has been reached,
Wasp's Unleashed"
Metal Crüe
"Facing the storm, battle and thorn,
Fighting for our..."
Glorious Land
"We remember, in September,
That's the night when Vienna was freed"
Winged Hussars
1 Komentarzy
Poziom 26
5 lut, 2024
Super quiz nic nie umiem nie znam się na tym