Statistiques concernant Titre dans les paroles - The Beatles

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  • Ce quiz a été pris 701 fois
  • Le résultat moyen est 5 sur 10

Statistiques - réponses

Musique% Correct
{Hey} {Jude} / Don't make it bad / Take a sad song and make it better
{Yesterday} / All my troubles seemed so far away / Now it look as though they're here to stay
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me / Speaking words of wisdom / {Let} {It} {Be}
Baby you can {Drive} {My} {Car} / Yes I'm gonna be a star / Baby you can {Drive} {My} {Car} / And maybe I'll love you
{Eleanor} {Rigby} / Picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been / Lives in a dream
Nothing is real / And nothing to get hung about / {Strawberry} {Fields} {forever}
I am the eggman / We are the eggmen / {I} {Am} {the} {Walrus}
{Lady} {Madonna} / Children at your feet / Wonder how you manage to make ends meet
Words are flowing out like / Endless rain into a paper cup / They slither wildly as they slip away {Across} {the} {Universe}
So may I introduce to you / The act you've known for all these years / {Sgt}. {Pepper}'{s} {Lonely} {Hearts} {Club} {Band}

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