JetPunk Blogs

A list of all blogs that fall under the category of JetPunk. Blogs about JetPunk that don't take the form of an official update.

Malgré déjà plusieurs années d'existence, les serveurs Discord JetPunk restent encore méconnus d'une grande partie de la communauté JetPunk, qui pourrait pourtant y trouver un lieu convivial d'aide et de partage autour d'une passion nous unissant tous. Ce blog aura donc pour but de vous mettre au jus de ce qui se fait en la matière, afin que vous ne manquiez rien dans votre expérience sur JetPunk.

Ogłoszenie dotyczące polskiego serwera discord dla polskojęzycznych użytkowników JetPunka

I made a Spanish JetPunk Discord server. Yo hice un servidor JetPunk español.

Can JetPunk make a good chess variant?

Well, it's been a week since voting began for the JetPunk Legislative Election, and thus it is time to review the results. Thanks to all who participated.

Well, it's been a week since the introduction blog, so I reckon it's time to start the voting. It was really cool to see people actually invested in a blog I made out of boredom. Thanks, y'all! :D

I thought it would be fun to hold an election for the newly-invented JetPunk Legislature. The position holds no power, of course, but I imagine it would be fun to run. Here's how it works.

Is this interview the one of one of the most creative quizmakers of the whole website? Elementary, my dear reader.

Welcome to the first and only edition of the "JetPunk Word Search Year in Review - Puzzle Stats"! Although the minigame has come to an end, I have managed to keep on collecting stats during the final weeks of its existence. Read this blog to find some of those! Also check out some new stats!

No surprise for this one: cathlete, the winner of the previous WITJ, is my victim interviewee for the 24th blog in the series!

Once again, by playing this game, you could become the next interviewee in the series!

This is a list of the top blog (by number of likes) in each JetPunk featured language, as of December 31st, 2022.

This is a list of the top 7 quizmakers in each language, as of December 22nd 2022.

Une nouvelle année est passée: il est donc temps de se retrouver pour une deuxième édition du blog "Année en revue" francophone!

C'est également l'occasion pour l'équipe en charge de la section francophone du site de souhaiter une très joyeuse année 2023 à ses membres!

The eighth edition of the "JetPunk Word Search Puzzle Statistics" blog, where I share with you the latest stats about the word search puzzles (updated to December 18, 2022)!

More than two years after considering this situation, I finally took action... Dear JetPunkers, please enjoy the interview of the famous dug28!

Petite présentation de votre potentiel nouveau calendrier de l'Avent quizistique, pour la troisième année consécutive.

Our dear youtubeplayer reached an impressive amount of 2 million takes today. The occasion for me to interview one of the most famous JetPunkers of our favourite website!

The seventh edition of the "JetPunk Word Search Puzzle Statistics" blog, where I share with you the latest stats about the word search puzzles (updated to November 20, 2022)!

Quizmaster, if you read this, be awared: here are the confesions of an evil Belgian!

The sixth edition of the "JetPunk Word Search Puzzle Statistics" blog, where I share with you the latest stats about the word search puzzles (updated to September 18, 2022)!

An explanation of and guide to memorizing all 1M cities.

An explanation of and guide to memorizing all 1M cities.

The fifth edition of the "JetPunk Word Search Puzzle Statistics" blog, where I share with you the latest stats about the word search puzzles (updated to August 14, 2022)!

This is the JetPunk iceberg. I'll be explaining the entries in here, which get more unknown the deeper we go.

Every July I update the quiz "ALL First-Level Subdivisions of the World With a Map", this blog will show the changes I have made to the quiz this year (2022).

The fourth edition of the "JetPunk Word Search Puzzle Statistics" blog, where I share with you the latest stats about the word search puzzles (updated to July 10, 2022)!

On June 11th 2022 took place the 131st Daily Word Search. But there was a weird thing with it.

La version française du Guide SVG est arrivée !

The third edition of the "JetPunk Word Search Puzzle Statistics" blog, where I share with you the latest stats about the word search puzzles (updated to June 12, 2022)!

It's been almost a month since I published the last statistics blog, and things have changed quite a bit since then, so I decided to write another blog in which I share with you the latest stats (as of May 8)! Also check out the newest "letter stats" of the word search puzzles!

Les mises en lumière (spotlights francophones) fête cette semaine leur premier anniversaire. Retour sur cette première année d'existence en quelques explications et statistiques.

Ever wondered which day's puzzle had the most words and which had the fewest? Read this blog to find out!

This is the first week of the THIRD season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.

Today ended the r/place event on Reddit. What about the JetPunk participation?

No, you're not dreaming! It's not a joke, the 20th interviewee of this series is... the series maker baptiste himself! Ponder what questions and insights might lay ahead, or read them by clicking on this blog!

I created many quizzes with SVG over the years. This blog goes through some of my SVGs, from the good, the bad to the ugly.

A short blog announcing a new quiz series I'm uploading, and a way that you can help!

This is the tenth week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information. MG17 is the guest judge this week!

I am talking about how I reached 1000 takes in a little over a year.

This is the ninth week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information. But this week is the trying out of the new grading system, the rubric!

Over the past three months, there have been over 250 blogs. Out of the most recent 250 of these blogs, which ones have been the most popular?

This is the eighth week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information. Fuse is the guest judge this week!

JetPunk utilise des "type-ins" pour vérifier la correspondance entre ce que l'utilisateur saisit dans la boîte de texte et des expressions prédéfinies.

Ce blog vous fournira les connaissances nécessaires pour tirer le meilleur de ces type-ins.

This is the seventh week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.

In this blog I'm ranking the DOTJE Empires by strength. Who would last the longest in a battle royale?

This is the sixth week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information. iluvbread123 is the guest judge this week!

This is the holiday special of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.

Présentation de différentes balises HTML permettant la mise en forme du texte sur JetPunk.

What better way to start the year than with an interview, and with dear Swat at that!
