Interesting Quotes - Page 4

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
- Samuel Johnson
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
- Lord Acton
Everything in moderation, including moderation.
- Unknown
A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is a conservative who's been arrested.
- Unknown
The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.
- Margaret Thatcher (paraphrased)
Level 24
Apr 25, 2019
Fact 18 is by Oscar Wilde and Fact 19 is by Tom Wolfe. All I did was copy and search the quote and the names came up straight...
Level 50
May 13, 2019
Level ∞
Apr 30, 2020
Cite primary sources or get out.
Level ∞
Jan 7, 2021
Deleted a couple links to low-quality quote sites. Cite primary sources please. If you don't know what this means, please look it up.
Level 79
Apr 4, 2022
hahaha Quizmaster getting ruthless
Level 57
Apr 14, 2024
2 pages in a row
Level 54
May 30, 2019
Isn't no.18 by Oscar Wilde and no.19 by Thomas Wolfe?
Level ∞
Apr 30, 2020
Probably not.
Level 69
Jan 7, 2021
That's not a very good response. I have always heard that those quotes were by Wilde and Wolfe and a few minutes research provided several confirmations.
Level ∞
Jan 7, 2021
I'm sorry, @PHG1960, but the links you posted are from low quality sources. Please cite primary sources or a high value site such as Wikiquote or Quote Investigator.
Level 42
Apr 21, 2021
They are the most inaccurate quotes pages to be on
Level 82
Feb 11, 2020
What an ignorant quote by Thatcher.
Level 24
Feb 18, 2020
oh naw
Level ∞
Apr 30, 2020
I like it. It's pithy. What I don't love is shifting definitions of socialism. It has gone from "workers owning the means of production" to "something vaguely Swedish". I think that, like terrorism, the word has lost all meaning. People should say what they mean.
Level 25
Sep 23, 2020
As a conservative Swede, this upsets me.
Level 82
May 17, 2022
It is certainly pithy. But it makes absolutely zero sense if you think about it for ever a short amount of time. If we're in danger of running out of money, having less of it, or keeping vast quantities of it in the pockets of the wealthy, doesn't eliminate that danger. If the problem were that we don't have resources to allocate, then allocate fewer of them. Regardless of what definition of socialism you want to use, it's still just dumb on its face.
Level 82
Oct 26, 2023
Not really. The former you mentioned is indeed socialism, while the latter is social democracy. People just have a tendency to mix them up.
Level 69
Jan 7, 2021
There are many other problems (and good things) about socialism but it does rely on forcibly taking your money and using it for the perceived good of the whole. I tend to agree with Churchill that democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.
Level 63
May 31, 2021
Isn't that all taxation though? Taking money for the perceived good of the whole?
Level 53
May 25, 2021
In what way is it an ignorant quote. Pretty accurate if you ask me. A system built on the premise of needs and wants met by the capacity of the state, means that the state become the arbiters of what is deemed necessary and what is excessive, become the arbiters of who can own what.

As the cost of living increases, resources become scarcer, populations increase, ect. - all these things mean less money-per-person. And that means deciding to take actions such as (but not limited to as creative dictators have proven) reappropriating ownership (stealing), reduction of population (killing), forcible reduction in cost of living by not providing the basic necessities. And for their unpopularity, even more methods of authoritarian control are peddled, in the realm of surveillance, CI's, murdering dissenters.

No part of socialism at any degree is about fiscal responsibility, you suckle off the state and you give as much as is demanded, and in times of shortage, you have, and get nothing.

Level 37
Feb 28, 2023
Wow what a great depiction of capitalism.

As the cost of living increases, resources become scarcer, populations increase, ect. - all these things mean less money-per-person. And that means deciding to take actions such as (but not limited to as creative dictators have proven) reappropriating ownership (stealing),

Notice how the wealthy just keep owning more and more and any competition that arises is just bought to maintain the monopoly.

reduction of population (killing),

How many have died or committed suicide because they cant afford to both eat and heat their homes. I am not talking developing nations, In the UK the reliance on food banks is ridiculous while leaders like Boris Johnson say his £250,000 second job is chicken feed.

forcible reduction in cost of living by not providing the basic necessities.

This is the hallmark of capitalism

And for their unpopularity, even more methods of authoritarian control are peddled, in the realm of surveillance, CI's, murdering dissenters

Level 67
May 27, 2021
What an ignorant opinion of kal.
Level 69
Jan 13, 2022
Socialism is all about spending everyone else's money in the name of the greater good but fortunately most Socialists are smart enough to completely take all the money from the people who pay for everything. I'm also a fan of "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the rest."
Level 65
Apr 11, 2020
#18. JetPunk in moderation too?
Level 74
Jun 20, 2020
Absolutely not. If you use Jetpunk less than 8 hours a day you're a traitor.
Level 23
Jun 7, 2020
did you know that sloths don't move
Level 71
Nov 2, 2021
Sloths sleep 15 - 18 hours a day and average movement per day is 41 yards. No real incentive to move more or faster when you food is just hanging there where you are.
Level 57
Nov 12, 2021
the problem with pissing on thatcher's grave is that you will eventually run out of piss
Level 73
Dec 13, 2021
not if you drink chug water the whole time
Level 79
Jan 26, 2022
or champagne.
Level 50
Jun 27, 2022
Finally a quote that is actually good
Level 37
Feb 28, 2023
The trouble with capitalism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.

What happens when the 1% owns 99% of all the money. We are headed there.