中国市县名字 Chinese city and county names

A quiz series by uoiu
Quiz# TakenBest
中国多字城市 Chinese cities with names longer than 2 characters70-
中国四字县级行政区 Chinese counties with 4-character names17-
中国五字县级行政区 Chinese counties with 5-character names17-
中国名字最长的县/旗 Chinese counties with longest names18-
中国名字最长的市辖区 Chinese districts with longest names24-
中国所有含方位词的城市 Cities in China containing direction words120-
中国所有含阴/阳/州的城市 Cities in China containing direction words178-
名字含“城”的县区 Counties with city in their names31-
名字与水果相关的县区 Counties with fruits in their names22-
名字含“坡/丘/陵/岭”的县区 Counties with “hill” in their names19-
名字含“湖”的县区 Counties with lake in their names28-
名字含“山”的县区 Counties with “mountain” in their names24-
名字含“江”的县区 Counties with river in their names28-
名字含“川”的县区 Counties with river in their names26-
名字含“河”的县区 Counties with river in their names20-
名字与河流相关的县区 山陕西北篇 Counties with rivers in their names15-
名字与河流相关的县区 华北东北篇 Counties with rivers in their names18-
名字含有河流的县区 洞庭篇 Counties with rivers in their names17-
名字含有河流的县区 江淮篇 Counties with rivers in their names21-
名字含“海”的县区 Counties with sea in their names37-
名字含“阳”的县区 Counties with sun in their names22-
名字含“水”的县区 Counties with water in their names40-
名字含“州”的县区 Counties with “zhou” in their names23-
全国重名市辖区 Municipal district with the same name41-