French History Quizzes

Take a Random French History Quiz
With the help of a map, can you name the modern-day countries that were fully or partially under the control of France?
Name these facts from French history.
Guess these facts about Napoleon and his reign as Emperor of France.
Can you answer these multiple choice questions about the history of France?
Can you guess the names of the kings and emperors in French history?
Can you guess these people, places, and things from French history starting with each letter of the alphabet?
42,912 All Modern-Day Countries Ever Controlled by French People
36,329 History of France Quiz
27,396 Kings of France Quiz
26,999 The Reign of Napoleon
26,478 French History Multiple Choice
18,068 Embarrassing Chapters in French History
11,065 French History A-Z
10,234Countries of Napoleonic France (With Map!)
5,701The Napoleonic Wars
4,871Modern-Day Countries of the Frankish Empire on a Map
3,283Countries Occupying France after the Napoleonic Wars with a Map
2,351Major Battles in Napoleonic Wars with a Map
1,832Crown Lands of the Kingdom of France in 987 with a Map
1,754Departments of Napoleonic France in 1812 with a Map
1,313Kings of France, 987-1870
1,196Biggest Cities of the Carolingian Empire with a Map
973Historical Figures Turned into Cartoon Characters
872Medieval French History
860Nations of Napoleon: Total War
784Marshalls of Napoleon Bonaparte /26/
769Napoleon's Marshals
643Countries occupied by France (under Napoléon)
643Napoleon Bonaparte: True Or False?
377History of France - Picture Quiz
337Kings of France
315Napoleonic Wars- Whos Who? Extreme Quiz!
281French history: Colonies
266Commanders of the Napoleonic Wars
238Napoleonic Battles - 1st part
229Soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars
209Countries Napoleon Ruled
195French Kings
181Countries Napoleon Fought
174Normandy D-Day Beaches with a Map
170Napoleon I or Napoleon III?
167Napoleonic Quiz
151Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz
133Kings of France (Extra hard!)
132The Napoleonic Wars
119Proud Chapters in French History
115Did it happen? - Napoleon film
111Napoleon (Hard)
111Napoleon I Multiple Choice Quiz
107Napoleonic Wars Quiz #1
107Life of Napoleon
94Anti-Napoleon coalitions
91France Picture Decoder
89French Marshals of Napoleonic Wars
84Napoleonic Wars
78Late French History
77A-Z Napoleonic Wars
72French History: Part 1
72Napoleonic era quiz
71Napoleon Multiple Choice Quiz
61Kings of France (Includes Mayors)
50French History: Part 2
34Political Geography: French Colonies
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