Contemplating the Mysteries of the World - Part 11: The Alphabet


Why is the Alphabet So Weird?

What is up Jetpunk. I am back and feeling snarkier than ever (Is snarkier even a word? Oh wait, I don't care). Let's get started shall we?

The alphabet, one of the first things we learn as children, is so STUPID. Different letters annoy me to different levels, and I hope you know that all complaints will be included here, but lets start off generally. Overall, why can't all languages just use the same alphabet? Differences in the systems that different cultures have developed around the world have led to confusing and complicated differences in the ways that we write. Even in two languages that technically use the same alphabet, all of the letters make different sounds than they do in the other language. Take English and French for example. The letters function in different ways, making everything more confusing. In French, "qu" makes the same sound that the letter "k" does in English. Also, most of the time you see the letter "h" in French, it is silent. If two languages are going to use the same alphabet, why can't they at least keep the letter sound consistent.

Next, my complaints about some specific letters...

W. Y'all have already read most of my complaints about w in one of my only posts. I just wanted to reiterate that it is very, very dumb.

C. I think it is stupid this letter doesn't really have a sound of its own, at least in English. It can either sound like a "k" or an "s". C needs to learn to be more original.

Z. The sounds that "z" and "s" make are so similar, I find it stupid to have two different letters. When they are close enough that it is hard to remember when to use a z in a word. Frankly, I think we should just use "s" for everything.

X. What sound does "x" even make... I honestly think it just sounds like you are saying the letter x. I don't think I need to say anything else about this one.

B/D. Why do b and d sound so similar. Its dumb.

Q. There are only about 50 words (depending on who you ask) in the English language that have a "q" and no "u" (look it up). Do not ask me why I know that.

Feel free to add your own complains in the comments. I like to read all of your feedback, not because I care about what you think, because the arguments in the comments are hilarious. Okay, I think I am done ranting about the letters we use to construct words. 
Thank you for your cooperation,


Level 65
Nov 23, 2021
Snarkier is a word.

X sounds like Z. (e.g. Xylophone or Ximena or Xanthe)

English is weird. This is a fact.

Level 52
Nov 24, 2021
However, in cases were x is not the first letter, like "fox" or "complex", it makes a "ks" sound, which is a useless letter nonetheless as you can just use k and s.
Level 60
Nov 23, 2021
Yah, C is super unnecessary. I do think though that if a letter makes a different sound, no matter how similar it sounds, it should be a letter. Why there has to be a U after Q? Idk.
Level 65
Nov 23, 2021
Nice blog, I am also making a blog both complimenting and complaining about languages soon lol

I disagree that all languages should use the same writing system though. Writing systems are just as important to the language as how it's spoken. Also, I think you meant B and D look similar. Anyway, this is how I would ideally make the alphabet

A: A sound as in Father

ə: U in Butter

Æ: Sound in Hat

B: B in Box

C: Ch sound in Chocolate

D: D in Dog

Ð: Th in The

E: E in Check

Ey: A in Make

F: F in Fine

G: G in Good

H: H in Hat

I: I in In

II: Ee in Meet

J: J in Jog

K: C in Cat

L: L in Lamp

M: M in Mouse

N: N in Nice

Ŋ: Ng in Singing

O: O in Hole

Ô: O in Pot

P: P in Pot

R: R in Row

S: S in Song

Š: Sh in Show

T: T in Talk

Þ: Th in Thing

U: Oo in Poor

Ü: Like the word You

V: V in Vent or W in Win

Y: Y in Yarn

Dəs ðæt meyk sens?

Level 73
Nov 23, 2021
What about the 'Z' sound as in zombie? And also the point of alphabet is being a single letter, so perhaps change Ey to Ā.
Level 48
Nov 24, 2021
I meant that when you say "the letter B" and "the letter D" they sound similar. It makes verbal multiple choice very difficult due to people hearing others wrong. It's dumb
Level 52
Nov 24, 2021
Ðis nu ælfəbet siims tu bii verii vel-eksekyuted.

But what about the ow sound?

Level 65
Nov 24, 2021
Þænk ü. Ðə "ow" saund lyk in "sound", vil bi ritən as "au", lyk ü jəst sô. So "cow" vud bi Kau. Ôlso, y forgôt tu menšən ðæt ðə "ai" saund is reprəsentəd by "y" as vel.
Level 73
Nov 23, 2021
One unified alphabet for every language is a bad idea. Every language has developed independently and suddenly changing its script will not only impact the language but also it's speakers. An important part of their culture will be lost.

In this age of technology, computers, phones all have the scripts programmed into them and suddenly changing it will result in reprogramming everything. Anyway, we should try to reform English alphabet particularly as Thread mentioned in the above comment.

The Latin script is full of anomalies and that's why they say that the Devanagari script is the best. 😂

Level 59
Nov 24, 2021
Poor Polish cities. For example, Szczecin if all of this changed would be Sksekin lol
Level 65
Nov 24, 2021