Contemplating the Mysteries of the World - Part 18: Time Management


I used to be good at this...

I am no stranger to a busy schedule. For the last 7 years, I have been running from one activity to the next with essentially no regrets or second thoughts. After doing at least 4 activities at a time in high school, at times as many as 6 on a given day, my time management skills were seriously tested last semester.

4 regular classes. 1 language lab. 1 Gym class. Choir. 4 clubs/extracurriculars, a student job, and a sports team. (I am literally writing this at a student newspaper meeting).

Not really anything that I am not used to. But additional workload and some interesting chronic illness episodes made my life... difficult. So, like anything that causes me even slight frustration, am gonna rant about it. If you waste your time reading this, that is your fault, not mine.

Why Can't Schedules Be Easy???!!!?!?!!

I'm going to be honest. I already wrote most of this section once, but then my computer crashed before I could save it. I guess it will just add fuel to my rant fire.

I am just going to say it. It is impossible to live up to societies expectations, especially for teens. I did a lot of stuff in high school, often having days where I was at school for 15 hours because of activities. I thought this was abnormal. Coming to college and talking with my friends, I am realizing that, in order to get into a good school, teens are expected to do countless crazy activities in high school while retaining top tier grades. Most adults can't manage a schedule like that. Did I graduate high school with a 4.39 weighted QPA and 14 activities on my transcript for senior year alone? yes. Was it good for my mental or physical health? NO! I have been trying to do less stuff this year, and I still feel burnt out at the end of a given week and looking at my google calendar makes me feel anxious. This should not be the status quo. Why is it expected that we are involved in everything, and then we are punished due to scheduling conflicts. My high school musical and choir director really hated me because I had to split my time between activities, not because I wanted to, but because everything happened to be scheduled at the exact same time. If coaches, teachers, and advisors had it their way, every student would be doing their activity and that only. But that is not the reality. My high school reality was...

- Way to much stress that is not heathy for anyone

- 7 hours of classes and up to 7 hours worth of homework everyday

- 6 and hours worth of activities nightly

- barely getting any sleep

...and I still was very worried I wouldn't get into a good enough college. If scheduling was easy, everyone could do everything. When I lived at home, I had a calendar whiteboard on my wall for easy view for me and my parents. Just my schedule on it. It often looked like a toddler took 5 different colored markers and just scribbled all over it due to all of my meticulous color coding that was needed just to keep myself organized. I was very proud of my time management skills in high school, even presenting a time management workshop at a student council conference, but now I realize that I only got through it because I was trying to live up to ridiculous expectations from my parents, teachers, coaches, and from myself.

Should students be expected to do so much, no. However, I thing the bigger issue is just how hard the world tries to make us fail.

The World Hates Successful Schedulers

The title says it all. When every activity is at the same time, there is conflicts and so many people get mad at you for missing for your other things. Also, constant comments such as "how do you do so much", "you should really get more sleep", "you do too much stuff", "take a break, overachiever!", and "jeez, why do you try so hard" don't make it any easier.

I am literally just trying to do the things that I have been told I need to do to have a decent future. IM  SORRY. My parents drilled it into me at a young age to be an over achiever. This is how I function. I am so frustrated by people who want me to do so much, yet are always telling me to take a break. UGGGGGGHHHHH.

Anyways, I really don't know when I will release another blog after this. I keep trying to come back, then don't have the time to write a few weeks later. I am not making any promises this time, but I hope that I can start writing more soon.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Level 69
Feb 8, 2023
I concur, the nights I've spent gathering good information for a project. And I've yet to reach High School!

Though at my school this is mostly unheard of. It's alien to even write a list of assignments to complete. Like, Carson, it isn't weird to want to finish my History tickets on time.

Level 66
Feb 8, 2023
I love these blogs. They truly are interesting. Great job, Rose.
Level 48
Feb 9, 2023
Thank you!
Level 60
Feb 9, 2023
Wow that was a large break lol
Level 48
Feb 9, 2023
I know... I'm hoping to post once and a while this semester. I do have a bit more free time than I did last semester, so fingers crossed
Level 57
Feb 9, 2023
Isn't high school the best!!!
Level 74
Feb 9, 2023
Wait, you have a gym class in college?
Level 48
Feb 9, 2023
A lot of colleges in the US require a gym class, especially very small schools, but they are more specialty. My mom talks about taking gym classes in college such as "volleyball and racquetball". My school doesn't require them, but I took a karate class to see if I could get back into martial arts after a 5 year hiatus. My school also offers PE courses like Self-Defense, Yoga, Weightlifting, and others like that.
Level 74
Feb 10, 2023
Okay, I see. I have heard of various Weightlifting or Yoga classes, but never just "gym".

But that's cool! I never took any PE related courses in college.

Level 59
Feb 9, 2023
Well, I guess a blog is sort of like a newspaper, so you'ren't off task! (double contrations there)
Level 57
Feb 10, 2023
Amen to being an over achiever. I am one as well, don't let those types of comments get to you. Being an over achiever can help you become a better human in the long run.
Level 43
Feb 10, 2023
Great views... I second that, managing time is hard even when you don’t have anything to do. And welcome back after such a break!
Level 65
Nov 20, 2023
Hmm, hadn't read this one before.

Aaaaaaarghhhh! This is true. TRUE! And (though i secretly love overachieving) it's really difficult to keep it up always.