Contemplating the Mysteries of the World - Part 2: The Letter W


Why is the Letter "W" so weird?

So I cannot take full credit for this topic. I was talking to my friend and she said something about this, and it has been bothering me ever since. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. When we say the letters out loud, 25 of them are one syllable. Then there is the letter "W", which is not one, not two, but three syllables. It is annoyingly long and it bothers me that this is okay to most people. What really bothers me is that I was okay with this until I really thought about it. It isn't really something that people realize until it is mentioned to them, so you are welcome if this bothers you now.

Let me get into the more common complaint that people have about the letter "W". It is said "double u" but is most commonly written as "double v". Even this font that I am typing in now, the English word for "w" makes no since. In French, the letter is pronounced "dublave" or "double v", which make so much more sense. It is also not the only letter that isn't one syllable in the French language, but I will not start talking about that again. Okay, I think I am done ranting about a letter in our alphabet.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Level 39
Oct 3, 2021
W is really weird and should be replaced so I agree

In Spanish w is doble v too.

Level 65
Oct 3, 2021
I agree with this, and I HATE W FOR EVEN MORE REASONS!! Many people can't even tell the different between it and V, many languages don't have the difference, and couldn't we have used that letter on Ch or Sh or a more distict sound?
Level 48
Oct 3, 2021
Exactly, that would make so much more sense.
Level 60
Oct 3, 2021
Y and W are weird speaking that they start with a different letter.
Level 78
Oct 4, 2021
and depends on pronunciation, H (aitch or haitch)
Level 39
Oct 3, 2021
Next blog suggestion: The US penny
Level 48
Oct 4, 2021
Trust me, this one is pretty up on my list :)
Level 43
Oct 4, 2021
In Portuguese, the Y is really weird.

W = Dáblio

Y = Ípsi(o)lon

I think the H also (Agá)... yeah, some letters are really strange.

Level 65
Oct 4, 2021
If only everyone did it like India, just calling the later how it's pronounced.

Ka makes a k sound, Kha makes a kh sound, Ga makes a g sound


Level 43
Oct 4, 2021
And what’s the difference between Ka and Kha?


Level 73
Oct 5, 2021
It is difficult to explain it by writing but there is a huge difference. Ka is pronounced as cu in the word cut while there exists no word in English or any other European language with a kha equivalent. Kha has an h sound in it. Have you heard how certain people pronounce time as thime?

Here is the Wikipedia link explaining the difference. :)

Level 65
Oct 6, 2021
In American or British English, K, P, T, et cetera are often aspirated in words like Cup, and that sound is similar to Kha. However, ironically I guess, in Indian English the aspirated sounds are never used, and in Indian Languages it is much stronger. Basically in aspirated you exert more effort and breath.
Level 75
Apr 15, 2024
I heard that it was called a "double u" because it can be a vowel in some cases.
Level 48
Apr 17, 2024
interesting! i haven't heard that before. also, how did you find this silly little blog from 2.5 years ago lol!
Level 48
Apr 17, 2024
nevermind, i figured it out lol