Contemplating the Mysteries of the World - Part 5: Internet Toxicity


Why is the Internet So Toxic? 

The internet is a notoriously toxic place. From posts on twitter to the comments sections of YouTube videos, people have no filter when it comes to negativity. I know I already wrote a whole blog about respect, but I feel like I need to talk more specifically about the online side of this topic. So why do people think that it is okay to be more cruel on the internet? It is like they think that it is somehow less hurtful to read mean things because they are coming from a faceless name. Maybe that it the point. Maybe people would always be this mean if there were no consequences for them to do it in person. The internet is a place where the bullies can remain completely anonymous, so they don't have any real repercussions for their actions, or do they. As we know, most of the time we think that we are more anonymous than we actually are. There are always methods of tracing a rude post or harsh comment back to the poster.

This poses the question, why do people feel the need to be mean on the internet in general. We are taught in schools to be kind. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all, right? So why do some people listen to that and are actually nice to others, while the majority of the population ignores that message. The worst part is, I have met so many horrible people who think that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way that they treat other human beings. They are nice to the people that they like, and think that the people that they are rude too deserve it, like they are a lesser person. Social media bullying has become such an issue, especially in a high school environment. Mental health in teens has significantly declined due to social media, and the if the internet was a nicer place, these problems wouldn't be at the forefront of every student, parent, and teacher's mind. Okay, I think I am done ranting about the very platform I am ranting on.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Level 65
Oct 11, 2021
Interesting as always, I subscribed! Also, If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all is kind of a dumb rule. There are things which aren't necessarily nice but not hurtful either, like valid criticisms so...
Level 60
Oct 11, 2021
I would think a certain Tigerheart1919 would disagree with you there.
Level 60
Oct 11, 2021
Tancred, if you’re reading this, please stop being hypocritical. I recommend coming up with a fun series without copying any of Yako’s to gain back your credibility, or just take a break from blogging altogether.
Level 60
Oct 11, 2021
And as ALTMC and Imperio said on your comment blog, don’t copy Angbo’s format, closing, and motivation.
Level 65
Oct 13, 2021
I don't want you keep argue about this topic. Yeah, I do mean MiecraftMan. I authorized Tancred. OK?
Level 74
Oct 11, 2021
I agree that the Internet is toxic. It’s quite sad. And I will admit that I’ve been toxic myself on the Internet (even on here before). But look at us now on this blog about how the Internet is toxic! I know I’m ashamed of myself.

Tanc, if you’re reading this, I’m sorry about all the hurtful comments. Even with all the mistakes you’ve made, you deserve to be notified and given criticism constructively and with respect. I would be happy to help you create more original blogs or find ways to paraphrase or help in whatever way if you’d like to accept.

I hope you haven’t been hurt by our frustration with your blogs and I really hope we can turn from what’s happened and move on.

Level 60
Oct 11, 2021
+1, as long as you can move on from your flaws as well.
Level 34
Mar 17, 2022
I think Yako was trying to hurt him on purpose

One comment said 'I hope you get hurt by all this'.

Level 62
Oct 12, 2021
To some of the comments above: Guys, this a blog about contemplating the mysteries of the world, not a blog complaining about Tigerheart1919. So let's just stick to the point and talk about this blog.

Anyway, great blog as always! Everything about the internet toxicity applies to all websites apart from JetPunk lol.

Level 43
Oct 12, 2021
Level 43
Oct 12, 2021
Isn’t it so ironic the fact the blog says about Internet toxicity, and we are just doing more toxicity here? This blog isn’t about Tanc, Colin, TigerHeart, blah blah blah. He did many wrong things, but we really need to do this? Think on the 247 times we said to Stewart “we’ll be friendly”, and the 247 times we are being toxic with a single JetPunker. We are being toxic, to the point of be poisonous. Isn’t about Tanc, TigerHeart, Colin, is about ourselves. He surpassed some limits, but because of the limits he surpassed, that are making we also surpass the same limits!

Tanc, it’s good to hear some criticism, when it’s constructive. Don’t think we are scolding you, but also think on the times you did wrong, and try to improve, being original and creative.

Level 43
Oct 12, 2021
Btw, Happy Children’s Day to the Children of JetPunk (I made a blog exactly one year ago about that)
Level 43
Oct 12, 2021
(I think someone said that, I think KingEureka... but nice story!) Happy day for me too!
Level 34
Mar 8, 2022
I'm 10 lol
Level 74
Oct 12, 2021
Yes, exactly. This is why I am ashamed
Level 65
Oct 12, 2021
I agree with MG, Cathlete, and ALTMC, we should never be too toxic, by indulging in this argument we are prolonging it, we should try to start fixing it.
Level 74
Oct 12, 2021
Level 34
Mar 8, 2022
According to what I've heard about this, all of you just forgot that Tancred (or Colin, Tigerheart, etc.) was human. If not, why would you have done all this, even if he was wrong?
Level 60
Oct 13, 2021
Rosie, how about a blog about irresponsible dog owners?
Level 48
Oct 13, 2021
I will add that too my list. Great idea!
Level 65
Oct 14, 2021
Hey has anyone seen Stewart's blog about the new restrictions for toxicity
Level 48
Oct 14, 2021
I just read it, and I honestly think it is a good thing. The toxicity on this website has gotten excessive, I have even seen it in some of my comment sections. I hope that I have not contributed to this, and I am hoping that there will be less hate seen because of it.