Contemplating the Mysteries of the World - Part 8: Pets


Why are Some People so Mean to their Pets? 

Personally, I love animals. My house could be considered a menagerie of different animals. I have 2 dogs, 2 cats, a bearded dragon, and a turtle. I love all of my cats and dogs and I would do anything for them. Our turtle is the most social turtle I have ever seen, she is always swimming to the glass of the tank to greet to anyone who walks by (and no, it is not because she is hungry, when we feed her she does this even before she starts eating). As for the lizard, he kind of grosses me out, but he is my sister's pet, so she is the one that really loves to take care of him. He is always loved and cared for. My point is, I love animals and I cannot understand why anyone would want to be mean to one.

We hear of people who abuse their dogs and cats, hoard animals, and even put them against one another to fight for other people's entertainment. These people make me sick. What makes a person think that it is okay to harm a sweet, helpless animal. People think that is fun to watch dogs fight, that these dogs are mean and like to be violent. I think that there is no dog that is born a mean and vicious, just mean people that force them to behave that way to survive.

Aside from people who are purposely cruel to their animals, there are people who do not even realize that they are being an irresponsible pet owner. People will leave for work and leave their dog alone in a create for 8+ hours at a time. That animal is not getting the love, attention, or exercise that it needs. People also think that because cats are mainly self-sufficient as long as they have food and water, you can leave them alone at home for days at a time. Cats still need to be loved and cared for.

Bottom line: Don't be stupid. Care for your pets and love them like they deserve. Okay, I'm done ranting now. Thank you again to MiecraftMan for the topic suggestion. Thank you for your cooperation,


Level 48
Oct 27, 2021
Please let me know if you have any suggestions! Especially silly ideas, these have been very serious lately and I really like to add in some randomness. Thanks
Level 65
Oct 27, 2021
Silly Suggestion: Flags. Most JetPunkers love flags, and people from countries love their own country's, but they are just colored cloth, but they get so much meaning.
Level 43
Oct 27, 2021
Damn, that’s profound...
Level 75
Oct 27, 2021
Language courses: Why do they have to be so unnecessarily complex and always seek to find hidden meanings that might not have existed in first place?
Level 43
Oct 27, 2021
And also how they can be boring, or even can teach like, things you with 12 yers old, could see in the kindergarten.

I mean, English for Brazilians, is basically Geography for Americans lol, I learnt 99% of English like I say, with JetPunk (I admit that I used to use Translate all times, be writing or reading — when I entered —). Also, I think my course is too boring, I don’t find any grace, and I “learn” things that I already know.

So, this can be even a interesting topic. Of course, the courses will start with basics, but I think that even for my level, it’s too easy for be true (despite it’s stupid do class with 30-year-old people)

Level 43
Oct 27, 2021
There could be a topic like “Why people complain about Cyprus?” Lol

I don’t have pets actually, although I support dogs above cats (lol), and I also don’t understand why people treat badly the pets ok, I used to have fear of dogs, and some hate over cats (although I think I don’t have anymore.

P. S. About the topic I quoted, #CyprusIsInAsia

Level 65
Oct 27, 2021
Level 73
Oct 27, 2021
No, no, no.. definitely not!


Only thing Quad members disagree on lol

Level 65
Oct 27, 2021
What do ZooTuber and BGG say?

i can give you an essay about why it's in europe just for fun if you want lol


Level 73
Oct 27, 2021
Don't give that here.. that might annoy Rosie and she'll get a new topic to rant on: irrelevant comments lol.

Let's talk in our group.

Level 65
Oct 27, 2021
True lol
Level 48
Oct 27, 2021
That does sound like something I would do, but I honestly find it so funny when the comments section gets crazy!
Level 60
Oct 27, 2021
Can we argue about Malta for a change?
Level 48
Oct 27, 2021
What about it would you like are argue about?
Level 65
Oct 27, 2021
Do you mean the Sovereign Military Order of Malta ?
Level 43
Oct 27, 2021
Why people could think Cyprus is in Europe lol
Level 65
Oct 27, 2021
because it is

Join the debate in the group MG lol

Level 52
Oct 27, 2021
The Cyprus debate is as old as time. While I do believe in a certain side of the debate, an argument can be made for both sides, so hear me out. It is both pointless and foolish to deny that Cyprus is geographically closer to Asia; it's 264 kilometers from Lebanon, 456 kilometers from Turkey, 472 kilometers from Israel, 508 kilometers from Syria, 628 kilometers from the Sinai Peninsula, and it's distance from Crete is 783 kilometers. But when have we let geography dictate our point of view? Trinidad and Tobago, as you likely know, is very close to South America, but does that stop us from deeming it "North American"? (At least, for those of us that include the Caribbean and Central America in North America.) But also, think about the island of Papua New Guinea, which is a particularly interesting topic. The island is considered Oceanian, and for good reason - the customs, ethnicities, wildlife are all related with Oceania. But the surrounding islands, (TO BE CONTINUED)
Level 52
Oct 27, 2021
do we consider them Oceanian? Some of them, no. You can make other arguments about how geography is arbitrary and can be changed by mere speech, more than just the distance between landmasses. Now what about the other side? I completely get that people consider Cyprus European (some people, anyway), because of its political ties to Europe (it's in the EU, after all), its culture, and its Greek influence. Fair. But this can be contradicted. Let's take Greenland, for example: it was "colonized" by the Vikings, and it is part of the Nordic country group, which makes sense given its culture and such. But have you heard someone consider it European? I don't know. Seychelles is obviously closer to Africa than any other continent, but isn't it in the INDIAN Ocean, and claimed by Aficionado's Greater INDIAN Empire? All this is meant to prove that geography is based on arbitrariness, bias, it's all random. I think Cyprus is Asian, but that's just me. Dictate geography in whatever way you want.
Level 65
Oct 27, 2021
The debate is happening in the group!
Level 48
Oct 27, 2021
I would love to be apart of this it sounds like an interesting debate
Level 65
Oct 27, 2021
Okay, let's argue here then. I'll post my argument that I put in our group:

1. Cyprus has generally been considered European throughout history

This isn't a very strong point, but it's a good place to start. Cyprus has generally been considered European, and has historically had a Greek culture and influence. Most sources consider it that as it seems to be the norm.

2. Cyprus is NOT geographically Asian

Cyprus is geographically Cyprus. Islands aren't part of landmasses, they are simply assigned to continents using a number of factors. So if give Cyprus to the closest continent, than geographically it would be Afro-Eurasia. Which brings us to the 3rd point.

3. Europe is an artificial continent

Europe has no real separation from Asia. Mountains? Yes, but why not split it even further? Why not have the Balkans separate? Why isn't India a continent, Himalayas are bigger, India has more population, and has cultural variation. Continued...

Level 65
Oct 27, 2021
The reason is culture. Europe is a continent defined solely on culture. I do not know why India and Arabia aren't continents by this logic, but as long as Europe exists, its boundaries will be cultural. What about Israel and Armenia? Next point.

4. Islands are ambiguous

This was already mentioned a bit, but islands aren't inherently part of a continent. That is why it is not just geography that matters, but culture as well. Central African Republic or Tajikistan are clearly in Africa and Asia, no question. But Islands are a midway, all factors must be used to make the critical decision of what continent it is in. And due it its historic ties with Greece and Europe, the case can be made for it to be in Europe. As for Israel, it clearly lies in Asia, and Armenia has been decided as an Asian country according to the arbitrary lines that were drawn, but the lines don't go through the ocean. What about New Zealand, Australia?

Level 65
Oct 27, 2021
5. Cyprus isn't that far from Europe

Cyprus is only 500 KM from Europe. Is that too much? It's certainly not absurd to say it is in Europe, if you look from far away on a map you probably wouldn't even notice that it's a bit close to Turkey. Unlike NZ, which is clearly not Europe.

6. "You can't mix Geography and Politics"!

This is an argument used by Pro-Asia-Cyprus-ers, but uh... no, you can mix Geography and Politics. That's what a country is. There aren't natural lines in the Sahara between Egypt and Libya, countries are human concepts. Japan isn't known as the set of 5 islands in the western part of the biggest ocean near that peninsula and east of that big place with 2 rivers. It's known as the country of Anime and Sushi lol

7. The case of other islands

There are so many examples of culture being chosen over geography to determine an islands position. Timor-Leste is closer to Australia than Mainland Asia. Continued...

Level 65
Oct 27, 2021
But Timor-Leste is closer to other islands in Asia right? Well, Iceland is closer to Greenland, a North American island than anywhere in Europe.

Trinidad is literally next to Venezuela, but it is in the same continent as Greenland and Canada, maybe because they speak English? I don't even know why Trinidad is in North America. So distance isn't everything.

I think that's my argument lol

Also, to clarify, this is just for fun, I don't expect QM to change anything or start an actual drama lol, you don't have to argue if you don't want to, this isn't an actual issue.

Level 62
Oct 27, 2021
Let's just agree that Cyprus is a country and belongs to Afro-Eurasia.
Level 43
Oct 27, 2021
What did I start... lol

Ok, I can send my points. But I promise is the last time I’ll take about this here lol

Level 43
Oct 27, 2021
I agree with the last comment of Thread lol

So, what I think, is that Cyprus is located in Asia. WHY?

1. Geographical localization, closer to Asia

After the point of Trinidad and Tobago, I felt down the stairs lol. But the geography completely mind on this point. It’s clever how Cyprus is closer to Asia, than to Europe, so it’s a point. Maybe isn’t the same with Trinidad and Tobago because of the culture, that is more associated to Caribbean, but that’s where we get on the second point

2. Culture, minds or no?

The culture of a country is important for it. Cyprus is more associated to Europe (Greece), what could make a argument for be considered European. But actually, the culture can be controversial. Let me get the example of Brazil. Multi-cultural country (btw, I will start to write about top 25 most common ethnics on BR 🙃). We have Italians (Europe), Japanese (Asia), Africans (do you know how to read lol?), Portuguese (really?), Indigenous (natives, so...) CONTINUE

Level 43
Oct 27, 2021
...and many others. Furthering, we have even Lithuanians (23rd most common ethic) (Europe), and we have more Lebanese in Brazil, than Lebanese living on the own Lebanon (Asia)! The culture of Brazil is completely mixed in a freaking blender, and it’s clever with the traditions/festivals, and even the architecture. But Brazil keeps being a South-American country. So, that’s basically what happen with Cyprus (although Brazil is more mixed, and way cooler 😁)

3. History. Does it influence?

I love history (mainly of Brazil). In fact, I’m doing my history homework about Cartago and writing this bible lol. Cyprus history is complicated, and it was disputed between Greece 🇬🇷 VS. 🇹🇷 Turkey (and is still nowadays). We have an European country, against an Asian country (basically a little dot on Europe). Talking about actuality, maybe it can be a forgettable and no-important point, but it’s... considerable?

4. EU: Let’s spice the stuff 🇪🇺

Cyprus is on EU (continue)

Level 43
Oct 27, 2021
...since 2004. That’s probably the point the lovely Cyprus-Europeans 😁 (+Thread 😑 it’s a joke ok, it’s completely the opposite actually lol) argue for get into its point. But let’s see... Israel (please, don’t argue about Jerusalem or Tel Aviv mainly because at our group of Quadruple Alliance, Israel is in my domain now, meaning BH is their capital 😝 lol). Israel. Plays for UEFA (I’m getting into freaking soccer now lol), but do this affect on its status as being an Asian country? No. It doesn’t. And about soccer again, Australia is on AFC, and not OFC, playing for Asia. Is it an Asian country? No, again. So, the meaning of being part of EU, can maybe be broken on here. Countries out of Schengen Space are out of Europe? UK with its Brexit, left Europe? That’s the point I’m trying to get.

So, this is my opinion, and before Stewart complaint about our debate, we maybe should stop. But wait, another idea: Middle East can be considered part of Asia? 🤔🤔

Level 59
Oct 27, 2021
can you guys stop it doesn't really matter
Level 65
Oct 27, 2021
we stopped
Level 73
Oct 27, 2021
The debate ends here...

Winner: Absolute stubbornness

Decision taken: Cyprus is just a random country in the Mediterranean. Spiritually, it belongs to Earth. That's it! Northing more.

Even the Cypriots don't argue where does their country belong, then why should we?

Level 65
Oct 28, 2021
Don't clutter up the comments! Go to my Debate Field instead!
Level 71
Oct 27, 2021
Animal abuse sucks