My first feature


On 2020, April 9 I released the Quiz Modern Day Countries of the Japanese Empire on a Map. It became an instant hit getting a lot of takes, comments and nominations. It was like I hit the jackpot and yes I did as my life changed after that, not just in Jetpunk but my real life too but that is for another day.

Before making that simple ordinary Map Quiz, I had already made some big Map Quizzes like the NYC Subway Stations Map Quiz but I never got such an awesome response from any Quiz ever before. It was more surprising because I could never expect such an ordinary and simple quiz to get so popular.

So popular that it made a new Nominations record at 85 and I got blown up at every new Nomination it received. I woke up to at least more than one nomination every day and the thought of it getting featured made me fly to the seventh heaven every dream I had till then. I often had weird thoughts like what if Quizmaster does not feature it since the third caveat of the Nominations Board clearly states
That said, the Quizmaster exercises the right to choose a different quiz if the winner is a duplicate of an existing quiz or was not submitted in good faith or if a similar Quiz existed beforehand without my knowledge.
But luckily nothing like that happened.

Almost 1 year ago Modern Day Countries of the Japanese Empire on a Map got featured thanks to all the Jetpunkers who nominated it.

That day was very special to me. Since I knew it will get featured, I was waiting since the previous day constantly checking my Jetpunk Page. I could not sleep the previous night with ease as I woke up early morning to check the page again. The Day passed and night arrived but it was still on the nominations board still getting more nomination.

After having my supper, I was going back and forth from the Nominations Board and my WhatsApp. Then all of a sudden I noticed, it is not there but instead found it on the Nominated Winners Page. Within seconds I got the special Email from Quizmaster informing me my Quiz just got featured. I fell down on my bed and started crying (Not a big deal for me considering how often I end up crying). I was so happy because it mattered to me. It was not just a featured Quiz for me but the beginning of a new journey as now I started having confidence about my competence.

A featured Quiz on a Website which I wish was popular where I reside probably should not mean a lot for me. For an average guy like me who could never meet anyone's expectations but never failed to make everyone expect a lot either, I could never reach my true potential since I have always thought it was limit. I never had the confidence to do something new or big and occasionally disappointed my guardians and teachers among others. But this feature was my first step towards feeling confident as now I know what I am capable of doing. Even if no one I know in my real life knows what is Jetpunk, it still holds a lot of value for letting me reach the milestone I failed in my real life and feel satisfied and so accomplished by just doing anything.

I am extremely grateful for what I have achieved on this platform certainly lacking enough words to explain what it truly means to me. Thank You so much Quizmaster for creating this Website and making my life so much more meaningful than ever before and of course for featuring my Quizzes. Thanks to all the Jetpunkers who nominated it and also those who tried it and rated it making it the 15 most Upvoted Quiz of 2020.

But apart from all these, thanks to the Jetpunk Discord Server without which it would have been impossible and where it all began.

The most helpful person I have met would certainly be Stewart. I can probably never repay him back for how much he has done for me. He taught me how to create Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs) and introduced me to Inkscape. He has always assisted me whenever I needed at times not even related to Jetpunk at all. Previously I could not believe there are people like him as I am used to being told that people help others expecting some favour from them in return but I guess selfless people do really exists.

Around April 2020, I was in a Modern-Day Countries of the XYZ Empire on a Map Quiz making spree (along with others) as, if users have noticed I made the Mughal Empire and Mauryan Empire on a Map quiz just before going International. Especially thanks to UG332 for motivating me to contribute to the Empire series otherwise I would have probably never bothered about it.

Around the same time, Nilles was making similar Empire Quizzes as well and somehow coincidentally we ended up in Imperial Japan at the same. I am super grateful to him for allowing me to make the Quiz which he planned to make as well.

But not just them, a lot of Jetpunkers in the Discord server helped me in different ways indirectly related to the Quiz and getting it featured. The Jetpunk Discord Server has had a great impact on my life and I learnt a lot from them but all that for another day as well.

Coincidentally my first featured Quiz was related to Japan which also happens to be one of my favourite countries. I will probably write another Blog about Japan as well.
This was my story of my First Featured Quiz. Thanks a lot for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. Please do comment and let me know what do you think about it.
Level 59
May 18, 2021
Thanks to everyone for taking out your time to read my blog (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

I apologize if I missed any spelling or grammatical errors to correct. I would be more than happy to learn. Cheers ( ^^)/▽ ✩ ▽\(^^ )

Level 51
May 18, 2021
The blog's just a year overdue :)

Anyways, about QM's comment, I thought the same about my quiz.

Additionally, you were lucky. I had to learn by myself :( Maybe that's the science of making of good SVG's, like how you do it.

Level 59
May 20, 2021
Exactly. I started writing it soon after getting my first feature but could never finish on time. This time I promised to release it for my 1 year anniversary of the first feature.

Yup, I was very very lucky being the first person in the server to learn about SVG(s) from Stewart along with IAB kun. Though you make a lot better Maps and SVG(s) now. All I can do is design Transit Maps. Your work has a lot more variety and effort

Thanks a lot for your support and love (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Level 54
May 18, 2021
Congrats on your first feature, Sorry, I am late, LOL.

Your position is mantained in top 200. That's good.

Level 51
May 18, 2021
Wow. Top 200. I've been waiting for that milestone for quite a long time :)
Level 59
May 20, 2021
Thanks (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Level 65
May 18, 2021
I have loved that quiz like many other empire ones, and congrats for your feature.
Level 59
May 20, 2021
Thanks a lot ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
Level 54
May 18, 2021
Congrats for your feature!
Level 59
May 20, 2021
Thanks a lot (✿^‿^)
Level 43
May 18, 2021
Congratulations! There is no user that says that Stewart didn’t help no one. I think I’m felling behind, because looks many are getting features and I don’t 🤣
Level 51
May 18, 2021
...and because other users are getting help from Stewart and you aren't ;)
Level 43
May 18, 2021
I used to. Many times. See the comment section of the blog of The SVG Update. Times when I was innocent... lol
Level 43
May 18, 2021
And when Translate was the thing that designated my life in JetPunk LOL
Level 59
May 20, 2021
I think learning something on your own is a lot more fruitful and self satisfying. I explored a lot of new things in Inkscape myself like experimenting with nodes and exporting pictures <( ̄︶ ̄)> .It's very fun exploring something on your own. Moreover the last of my quizzes got featured way back in 2020 sometime around September (^~^;)ゞ

You can be more proud of yourself learning about SVGs and stuff

And thanks a lot (≧▽≦)

Level 40
May 18, 2021
Seriously, you're just getting so good!
Level 59
May 20, 2021
Thank you sooo much (人*´∀`)。*゚+
Level 48
May 18, 2021
Level 59
May 20, 2021
ありがとうアビくん (*^3^)/~♡
Level 39
Jun 20, 2021
Arigatō abi-kun (*^ 3 ^)/~♡
Level 39
Jun 20, 2021
Omedetō, suwatto-kun!
Level 75
May 19, 2021
Great blog! It's always fun to learn about what happens in others' heads and their interesting stories.

I remember that day I was anticipating my nom feature , I was constantly refreshing the nom lb, my quizzes and my email. i was super excited to see that little orange star pop up.

Since then, nearly 2 months have passed, and I earned another feature from nominations. Can't wait for more in the future >:D

Level 59
May 20, 2021
Thanks a lot Breadchan (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Congratulations on your first features too. You are progressing a lot and that is just incredible.

Level 39
May 19, 2021
Congrats 👏🏻!
Level 59
May 20, 2021
Thanks ( ╹▽╹ )
Level 54
May 19, 2021
Enfin! You deserved it a lot for several months, in my opinion, but better late than never, how we say. You are very talentuous, so I hope you will continue like it! Congratulations!
Level 59
May 20, 2021
I don't really think just having talent is of much help if we can't utilitse it properly.

Thanks a lot though (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Level 71
May 20, 2021
This is awesome! I think that your Japanese Empire quiz is really great, and you definitely deserved the feature. I remember being absolutely ecstatic the day I got an email from QM where he said he'd feature my quiz (which for me was totally unexpected!)

I don't know if you feel enough the same way, but since my feature, I feel more willing to explore with my quizzes. Like, before I felt bound by this desire to just get something on the front page, but now that I've gotten it, I care more about making quizzes that are high quality but fun. For example, I've started to explore SVGs recently. I thought it would be intimidating but it's actually waaay more fun than just normal text quizzes. Also, I feel like I've had a gajillion ideas in the past 2 weeks, which has never happened before (maybe bc it's easy to make original map quizzes).

Anyways, I don't want to make this all about me, but reading this blog makes me happy. Looking forward to seeing what quizzes you make in the future!

Level 71
May 20, 2021
P.S. You should def do more to make JetPunk popular in the India subcontinent! My parents are from Bangladesh so I think it'd be awesome if it picked up there more. Unfortunately, I can't read/write Bangla so I can't translate those quizzes, but ik you can and if you did more translations (Hindi, Bangla, whatever other languages you know), it might help JetPunk become more popular in the region.
Level 59
May 21, 2021
Haha... I wish that would ever become true. There are a number of Indians using Jetpunk but I agree Jetpunk is certainly not very popular here. The problem is not much about the language barrier (which does exists though) but more related to social standard and financial situation.

Jetpunk is definitely one of the best trivia website out there but trivia website out there but it is just not popular here. Also because we are yet to reach higher level of educational standards and literacy rate. Having access to internet is no less than an Aladdin's Lamp where can do so many things. An average person from Indian Subcontinent would find watching a Salman Khan Movie or Lip Syncing in MX TakaTak much more easier and self satisfying because they would even understand the basics of Geography or Computer.

Level 59
May 21, 2021
I don't know much about Bangladesh but I don't expect it be much different. I have read quite a few articles about the Internet Usage of the Indian Subcontinent and the popularity of Social media like Tiktok. In one article the director for Sales and Partnership for Tiktok even quoted The majority of TikTok users are the not - so - privileged population of the country. And maybe that's why the rest of India has such an averse reaction to the app's content. This basically means Jetpunk will become very popular in India when we will have an overall development and increase in HDI, educational levels (and not just literacy rate) and standard of living.

And moreover I am always translating some notable quizzes in Bengali and Hindi with a very changrin response but I will still continue to translate and even write some blogs in Bengali is I ever get so much time.

Level 59
May 21, 2021
About the language barrier, most of the Jetpunkers from India belong to that category where they are very much comfortable with English if not more (like me).

Indian languages being highly complicated discourages people to use it. That's why most children study in English nowadays and people pursue higher education in English. Because a lot of scientific terms either doesn't have any real Hindi/Bengali translation or is more difficult than the actual word. That's why even translating a quiz in Hindi/Bengali is tough, so tough that even if the Indian subcontinent provides the highest numbers of Jetpunkers, we won't get a Bengali or a Hindi version of this website because translating this whole website would be too difficult and inconvenient. Especially since most of the users would be already very much comfortable with English.

Sorry this became a bit too large. I always wanted to talk about this and you just gave me the opportunity so I just talked my heart out (^~^;)ゞ

Level 71
May 21, 2021
Haha, it's okay if it's long, I write plenty of long responses myself! Your reply makes a lot of sense. In my experience, that's also true of Bangladesh--people are more interested in pop culture than things like geography and science, probably because of lower education levels like you said. Plus, younger/more educated people are better at English and so might have less trouble taking quizzes in English. That being said, I know that internet access has been improving in South Asia, and more young people are getting better educations, so hopefully that will lead to more Indian (and Bangladeshi) users in the coming years. I don't know how much translating quizzes would help with that, but if you're up to it I think it's worth trying!
Level 59
May 21, 2021
Thanks a lot for such nice feedback. I love to hear other people's stories as well when I am writing my stories too. I happen to like making quizzes which gives me a lot of self satisfaction even if it is alien to most like my Transit Maps Quizzes and the recent Ishgar Map quiz.

But I am just in love designing maps because I can say it's mine (≧▽≦) and I feel proud about it. Congratulations for your recent feature as well


Level 59
May 21, 2021
I can relate. When my 100k+ cities quiz was about to get featured, I spent about 20 hours updating the data and adding type-ins to cities, and couldn't sleep for 3 days. But when I woke up on Monday, QM had sent me an email that the quiz was too big to be featured :(