Dawn of the JetPunk Empires - Part XIV


Abuja, Veggie Caliphate

MCM, MKF, and the QB's along with the head of their respective intelligence agencies, meet with each other in Abuja to discuss their intel on Viniga, dovewing, and the unidentified Agent X.

88pikachu (head of the Veggie Caliphate Intelligence Agency): What the VCIA has been able to find out is that Viniga, dovewing, and an unidentified woman named Agent X (we assume this title is a code name) have planned to, and likely succeeded in making themselves superhumans, and have also developed a mind controlling serum that they plan on using to raise a group of violent supersoldiers.

Dylan Boult (head of the Black Chamber): The Black Chamber has been able to reveal that Alexander's actions may be a result of hypnosis. We have no way to confirm this, but we also believe that Viniga may be involved with this in some way, however we don't think he is the hypnotiser.

Nguvu (head of the Alpha Bureau of Intelligence): The ABI has been successful in tracking the movement of Viniga and dovewing. Viniga has recently been sighted in cities such as Jerusalem, Riyadh, Sana'a, and Tokyo among others. dovewing has been seen in Tokyo (at the same time as Viniga and who we believe to be Agent X), and Alexanderville. We have tried to track Agent X, but for whatever reason, she continues to slip away from us.

MCM: Given the information we have been able to gather, I think we can all agree that we must find out once and for all what Viniga, dovewing, and Agent X are up to.

MKF: And perhaps the only way we can be successful is if we continue to share our country's intel on the matter with each other.

QB1: So we will sign this sheet of paper stating our membership to a joint international intelligence alliance.

QB2: And that alliance will be known as the International Intelligence Initiative, or the III.

MCM: But maybe people will confuse that with the Roman numeral for 3?

MKF: Yeah, you're right. Maybe we could call it the Triple I Aliance as well.

QB1: That would be cool because there are three members of the alliance, and we are spying on Viniga, dovewing, and Agent X, so it could also be known as the Triple Eye Alliance.

QB2: Sounds good. Today marks to commencement of the International Intelligence Initiative, aka the Triple I Alliance, aka the Triple Eye Alliance.

MCM, MKF, the QB's, 88, Dylan, and Nguvu cheer.

Alexanderville, Macedonian Empire

dovewing: Great people of Belarus, thank you for coming to yet another independence protest. For too long we have been subjected to stern and cruel Macedonian rule. They have forced us to be a part of their terrible empire, and even named our city after their pathetic leader. Now they have sent a force of thousands of soldiers to try and stop us. But we will not surrender! We will fight to the end! For Korea... erm... I mean for Belarus!

The confused crowd awkwardly cheer at the end of dovewing's speech.

dovewing leaves the stage and is escorted back home by his personal guards. During the drive home, dovewing notices that a black SUV seems to be following him around the city.

dovewing: Mr driver, please take some random turns in an irregular pattern. I think we are being followed, and I want to make sure.

The driver obeys and starts drivingly randomly around Alexanderville. The black SUV follows every turn.

dovewing: Ok, let's see what they want. Pull over, and make sure your guns are ready in case anything happens.

The driver pulls over and stops, but leaves the car running. dovewing's two guards exit the vehicle with their guns ready. The black SUV pulls over behind them, and a man gets out.

Driver: Добры дзень. Чаго ты хочаш? (Hello. What do you want?)

Man: I am looking for a man known as dovewing. Perhaps he is in your car?

Driver: And why would you be looking for him?

Man: I need to talk to him. Ask him a few questions.

Driver: Well, sorry, but I've never heard of a man called dovewing. You'll have to look somewhere else.

Man: Unfortunately I know exactly where he is. So stand aside, and once I'm finished questioning him, you can have him back.

The driver and the other guard clutch their guns tighter.

Driver: Who do you think you are?

Man: I'm an Alpha Agent, working on behalf of the Palapyan government.

Driver: We don't appreciate international interference. I'm warning you. Stand aside or we will open fire.

The Alpha Agent ignores the drivers warnings. He just walks towards the car, not even flinching when the two guards raise their guns and aim them at him. He continues walking towards them. The two guards glance at each other and nod. One of them pulls the trigger and shoots the man in the chest. The man stops, looks down at his chest, but then looks back up and continues walking. The panicked guards look at each other. Suddenly they unleash rapid fire on the man, but despite this he just continues walking. The guards stop firing after they see it isn't working.

Agent: It's a simple ultramegatanium suit. Nothing can penetrate it.

Inside the car, dovewing sees the whole thing. He quickly jumps into the drivers seat and takes off. The scared guards try to jump into their car, but dovewing takes off before they have the chance.

The Agent turns and runs back to the black SUV. He speeds down the road after dovewing, leaving the guards in the dust. dovewing does his best to throw the Agent off his course, but unfortunately for him, the Agent is a skilled driver, and continues reducing the distance between them. dovewing sees that he has no chance at outrunning the Agent, so he decides to dangerously swerve in and out of the oncoming traffic. It works out well at first, but after a few minutes his luck runs out, and he collides with another car. The impact sends him off the road, and his car smashes through a garage door so hard that the car goes out of sight in the garage. The Agent stops his SUV and walks up to the building. He suddenly hears the car rev, and dovewing speeds out of the garage, knocking the Agent over in the process. The Agent gets up, though he is hurt from being hit. He runs back the SUV, but sees his tires have been slashed. He looks around to see who did it, but sees no one.

He grunts, and turns to see dovewing driving down the road. The car is all smashed up, and doesn't look like it would last much longer at the speed it is travelling. The Agent begins to sprint after dovewing, using his super strength to gradually catch up. Once he gets close enough, he removes a pistol from his suit, and begins firing at the wheel of the car. After a few shots, the wheel breaks off, and the car spins to a dramatic halt. The Agent catches up to the crashed car, and with one hand lifts a struggling dovewing off the ground so he can't get away.

dovewing: I guess you win Black Panther. At least for now.

The Agent pulls out a two-way radio.

Agent: Nguvu, come in. Over.

Nguvu: What is it? Have you caught dovewing?

Agent: Yes sir. I will activate my tracker, and you can pick us up.

Nguvu: Good job, Agent Leopard. You're not our best superspy for nothing. The Emperors will be very happy.

The car that dovewing crashed into

Svalbard, GrandOldLand - The year 2011

Young kid: Papa. Remind me again, how did we get here to Svalbard again?

Papa: Listen well, my son. This is the great story of the nation of Svalbard. Long ago, back in 1773, a man named Qy and his family were living in the Pennsylvania. They became sick of the constant war around them, and were scared that one day, they may be killed as a result of the brutality. So Qy and his family stole a British merchant ship from Boston, and threw all of the tea that was on board into the water to make room for their furniture. They sailed around the Atlantic, settling in various places like Liberia and Brazil, but after the revolutionary war back home and the establishment of the United States, they returned. They lived in America for many years until the year of 1862 when the US Civil War threatened to displace them. Qy's great great grandson, also called Qy, stole a confederate ship and took his family away from the warzone. They sailed around the Atlantic, settling in various places like Barbados and the Canary Islands, but finally they arrived right here, in Svalbard. Qy and his family settled here, and because they just loved ice, they decided to stay. They started their own nation to try and preserve the United States' legacy, knowing that one day the country would cease to exist. They isolated themselves from the outside world for centuries, making a flag similar to their mother nations', and adopting the 'Battle Hymn of the Republic' as their national anthem. They remained devoted to Christianity, and even to this day we are still devout Christians. And now here we are, my son. I am the proud president of this great nation. The nation we have, as a result of our ancestors bravery in times of conflict and strife.

Young kid: Is that why I'm called Qy?

Papa: Yes son. One day, like Qy and Qy of old, you will be a great leader of our nation.

11 years later...

Qy is now a grown man. His Papa has sadly passed, and Qy is now the president. He sees the state of the world around, and decides to announce the presence of the Republic of Svalbard once and for all. He plans to re-introduce the American ideologies that were somewhat lost when they US fell to Nauru. He plans to spread American influence around a world that had just got used to it being absent. President Qy III of the Republic of Svalbard, sails around the Atlantic like his patriarch ancestors of old, and sets up various trading post colonies in Liberia, Brazil, Barbados, and the Canary Islands.


San Francisco, Chilefornia

Chilefornian intelligence representative: Sir. We have hacked into the communications between the Empire's Empire and GrandOldLand like you asked.
TNT: Do you have any information on their plans for the war?

CIR: No sir, it seems they don't have any plans yet. But we did find something else that we think you would find rather interesting.

TNT: What's that?

CIR: We heard that the reason the STF continue rising again and again in the EMG is because they are being funded by the Empire's and GrandOldLand. It seems they want to destroy the EMG's power in the South American region, and then take advantage of it.

TNT: Really? That's outrageous. I would declare war on GrandOldLand, but we are sworn to peace. I'll declare war on the Empire's instead.

CIR: But then GrandOldLand will likely defend their ally, and you will be at war with them anyway.

TNT: I know. But it will be them that has broken the truce, not me.

CIR: Aaaahhh... very smart sir. Oh, and one last thing. MCM has asked you to occupy Santa Barbara for him, to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.

TNT: He wants us to occupy his territory?

CIR: Yes sir. I guess it will be a rather benign occupation. Just so none of his enemies take control of it.

TNT: Ok, sounds good.

I think this is a picture of San Francisco

Belo Horizonte, Empire of the Minas Gerais

MG's advisor: Sir, the STF have arisen yet again. They have blockaded all of the major roads leading into BH. They force any travellers to pay an outrageous fee before they can pass. The traffic is backed up for hundreds of km's.

MG: Those pesky scums. Send as many troops as you need to stop them.

Advisor: And we have been told that Alexander the Great, the emperor of the Macedonian Empire, is conducting an exploration of the Amazon rainforest.

MG: Without my permission?

Advisor: Well unless you've given him permission sir, yes.

MG: Tell him to leave the EMG immediately.

Advisor: He says he doesn't answer to anyone, especially not a little, irritating, and stupid schoolboy who thinks he can somehow rule and empire.

MG: Who was he referring to?

Advisor: You, I would assume.

MG: WHAT!? HOW DARE HE SAY SUCH A THING. Send 200k troops to kick him out and demand him to pay us an outrageous sum of reparations.

Advisor: But we're not at war, you can't demand reparations.

MG: Not at war, eh? Well if war is what he wants, then war he shall get. Show him the fury and might of the great Minas Gerais!

Hobart, Great Southern Empire

Geopro: I here that the PBC and the Blaze's have their own superhumans in their army. Well, I want one of my own.

Advisor: How do you suggest we create a superhuman? And who should it be?

Geopro: UTAS just discovered a way to cure people of paralysis. Maybe if we administer the serum they developed into a perfectly fine human, they would gain super human abilities. And maybe you could be my superhuman.

Advisor: Ok, sir.

Geopro: I'm going to have my national chefs make a batch of lamingtons with the serum in it, and you can go to town on them like there's no tomorrow.

The lamingtons are finished, and Geopro's advisor goes to town on them.

Geopro: Fair dinkum'. You must be flat out mate!

The advisor turns around with a grin on his face.

Advisor: I think it worked sir. I feel pretty buff.

Geopro: Great! Now to give you a name. How about, Captain Oz?

Advisor: Sounds good.

Geopro: Now you need a signature weapon, like a round physics-denying shield, but more original.

Captain Oz: How about something Australian?

Geopro: Yeah, like a boomerang! I'll have a lethal boomerang tailor made for you. You'll be unstoppable!

Little did Geopro and Captain Oz know, their whole conversation was being recorded be a certain sneaky and mysterious new reporter...

A boomerang

WWIII frontlines, various empires

On the WWIII frontlines, the YPLA continue to take cities along the Nile River, until Sudan and South Sudan capitulate. The YPLA then sends a small force over to capture Eritrea, and they do so with little resistance. They also send a small force that captures Qatar, and thus the first battle on Blaze soil is seen.

Chilefornia captures the Grandese post of Belize, and as mentioned above occupies Santa Barbara for MCM.

Vampire soldiers receive orders from Angbo to capture all of the Volga River. They move south from Volgograd and capture the river all the way to the Caspian Sea, and then head north until they reach the city of Saratov.

The soldiers of the Imperium Sanctus move East, with a little help from the Vampires, from their already captured territory and all of eastern Russia capitulates.

Napoleon leads his army through Greece, and captures the whole former country, with Athens holding out for a while but eventually falling. tgig escapes to Istanbul before he is captured with the RB's.

Grandese troops cross into Lithuania and take the western half of it.

TNT commands a naval blockade of the Grandese naval blockade around the island of Taiwan.

Breaking News, Worldwide

Reporter Dollyforggy: WWIII is getting even more spicy, with some major advancements happening across all fronts, and Chilefornia and the EMG joining the war. It seems we've had our first demonstration of the power of the QB's Alpha Division, with Agent Leopard being caught on security cameras around Alexanderville in a dramatic car chase. It seems he was out to catch the Belarusian vigilante responsible for the independence protests in the area. It must have been a powerful demonstration, because emperor Geopro of the GSE copied them and now have a supersoldier called Captain Oz with a fancy boomerang weapon. Here is a summary of the empires:

- The Great Southern Empire:

Capital: Hobart

Biggest city: Jakarta

Countries: Australia, New Zealand (Wellington, South Island and Pavlova), Indonesia, East Timor, United States (Hawaii), Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, France (New Caledonia), South Africa, Tanzania, Azerbaijan, Lunar Palace.

Leader: Emperor Geopro

Population: 459 million

- The Blaze Empire:

Capital: Tehran

Biggest city: Tehran

Countries included: Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Monaco, Spain, United Kingdom (Gibraltar), Syria, Iraq, New Zealand (Antarctica), Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, half of the moon, Qatar.

Leader: His (Great) Imperial Awesomeness, Solomon Blaze III

Population: 286 million

Allies: Macedonian Empire, Veggie Caliphate

At war with: Vampire Empire, Grande Empire, Yemen

- Greater Indian Empire:

Capital: New Delhi

Biggest city: Delhi

Countries: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Comoros, Mauritius, France (Mayotte and Reunion), United Kingdom (BIOT), Madagascar, Norway (Antarctica), Mozambique, half of the moon, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, Seychelles, Azerbaijan.

Leader: Emperor Aficionado

Population: 2.007 billion

- Empire of the Minas Gerais:

Capital: Belo Horizonte

Biggest city: Sao Paulo

Countries: Brazil, Botswana (Chobe National Park), France (French Polynesia), Uruguay, Bolivia, Argentina, Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: MG17

Population: 297 million

At war with: Macedonian Empire

- The Pacific Empire:

Capital: Suva

Biggest city: Tokyo

Countries included: Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Philippines, Vanuatu, Japan, Tuvalu, New Zealand (North Island except for Wellington).

Leader: FacterLiger0804

Population: 241 million

- The Nauru Empire:

Capital: Gaziantep

Biggest city: New York

Countries: Nauru, Tuvalu, United States (Except for Hawaii, Alaska, the Carolinas, Wisconsin, California, Virginia and overseas territories), New Zealand (North Island except for Wellington), Turkey (Gaziantep), Djibouti, Kuwait, Russia (Crimea), Serbia.

Leader: Afghabwe

Population: 267 million

- The Imperial Union:

Capital: Reykjavik

Biggest city: Kathmandu

Countries: Iceland, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada (British Columbia), United States (Puerto Rico), China (Tibet), Nepal, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Andorra.

Leader: ZooTuber3000

Population: 58 million

- The Macedonian Empire:

Capital: Athens

Biggest city: Moscow

Countries: Greece, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Georgia, Kosovo, Romania, Moldova, Russia (European part except for Crimea), Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel (Jerusalem), Egypt, Syria, Serbia, Estonia, Netherlands.

Leader: thegoatisgoaty

Population: 437 million

Allies: Blaze Empire, Veggie Caliphate

At war with: Grande Empire, Vampire Empire, Yemen, Empire of the Minas Gerais

- The Palapyan/Botswanan Empire:

Capital: Palapye/Gaborone

Biggest City: Kinshasa

Countries included: Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi, Congo, D.R. Congo, Gabon, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Eswatini, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Barbados, Lesotho, Cameroon, Equatorial GuineaCentral African Republic, South Sudan, Ethiopia, EritreaSudan, Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, New Zealand (South Island), France (Antarctica), Ghana, United Arab Emirates, Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: The QuizzerBros

Population: 590 million

- The Vampire Empire:

Capital: Taipei

Biggest city: Ho Chi Minh City

Countries: Taiwan, United States (overseas territories and Virginia), Vietnam, Vanuatu, Venezuela (except Maracaibo), Vatican City, Spain (Valencia), Lithuania, Malta, Russia (Vladivostok), Canada (Vancouver), Mexico (Veracruz), Burundi.

Leader: Angbo

Population: 183 million

Allies: Imperium Sanctus

At war with: Macedonian Empire, Blaze Empire, Veggie Caliphate, GrandOldLand, Empire's Empire

- GrandOldLand:

Capital: Nuuk

Biggest city: Luanda

Countries: Canada (Newfoundland, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba), Denmark (Greenland), Angola, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Belize, United States (Wisconsin), Suriname, Paraguay, Germany, Poland, Russia (Kaliningrad), Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: ClutchNferno

Population: 265 million

Allies: Empire's Empire

At war with: Imperium Sanctus, Vampire Empire, Chilefornia

- Chilefornia:

Capital: San Francisco

Biggest city: Mexico City

Countries: United States (California except for Santa Barbara), Mexico (except for Veracruz), Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador (Except Galapagos Islands), Peru, Chile (besides Southern part), Venezuela (Maracaibo), Sao Tome and Principe, North Korea, South Korea, Nigeria (south east coast)

Leader: TheNatureThread

Population: 446 million

National food: Dhokla, Dabeli, Burritos and Tacos

Allies: Veggie Caliphate

At war with: Empire's Empire, GrandOldLand

- Republic of Carolina:

Capital: Hamilton

Biggest city: Hamilton

Countries: United States (Carolinas), United Kingdom (Bermuda)

Leader: JackQuizzer

Population: 63 thousand

- The Empire's Empire:

Capital: Juneau

Biggest city: Mogadishu

Countries: United States (Alaska), Russia (Siberia), Somalia, Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: Jetpunker180

Population: 64 million

Allies: GrandOldLand

At war with: Imperium Sanctus, Vampire Empire, Chilefornia

- British Isles Empire:

Capital: London

Biggest city: London

Countries: United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Russia (Severny Island), Canada (Baffin Island).

Leader: BigGeographyGuy

Population: 72 million

Vassals: Duchy of Wyvernia (Leader: NiobiumVoid)

- Med-Atlantic Empire:

Capital: Tangier

Biggest city: Milan

Countries: Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cape Verde, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Cyprus, France, Portugal, Guyana, Grenada, Ivory Coast, Benin, Italy (except for Elba), Spain (Balearic Islands), United States (Carolinas), Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: turnbacktwo

Population: 412 million

- Imperium Sanctus:

Capital: Beijing

Biggest city: Guangzhou

Countries: China (minus southern Tibet), Mongolia, Russia (around Lake Baikal)

Leader: cathlete

Population: 1.402 billion

Allies: Vampire Empire

At war with: Empire's Empire, GrandOldLand

- Veggie Caliphate:

Capital: Abuja

Biggest city: Lagos

Countries: Nigeria (except south east coast), Armenia, Niger, Greece (Crete), Iraq, Syria, Chad, Eritrea, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel (besides Jerusalem), Equatorial Guinea, Ecuador (Galapagos Archipelago), United States (Santa Barbara), Bahrain.

Leader: MiecraftMan

Population: 359 million

Allies: Macedonian Empire, Blaze Empire

At war with: Yemen, Grande Empire, Vampire Empire

Semi-autonomous region: Yemeni People's Republic

Vassals: Apostolic Armenian Empire (Leader: YakosaysBOT5WANA)

Viniga Sultanate:

Capital: Jerusalem

Biggest City: Cairo

Countries: Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen

Leader: Sultan Viniga

Population: 0 million

National Food: Salt and Vinegar Chips

Second German Empire:

Capital: Berlin

Biggest City: The Ruhr, Cologne/Dusseldorf or Berlin

Countries: Germany, Russia (Kaliningrad), Poland, Latvia

Leader: Felix1958

Population: 124 million

Middle Earth Empire:

Capital: Unknown

Biggest City: Unknown

Countries: Unknown

Leader: ducklingpanda1245

Population: Unknown

At war with: Unknown

Korean Empire:

Capital: Seoul

Biggest City: Seoul

Countries: North Korea, South Korea, Estonia, Latvia, Ghana, Austria, Poland, Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Dominica, Barbados, Italy (except for Elba).

Leader: Tigerheart1919

Population: 0 million

Apostolic Armenian Empire:

Capital: Yerevan

Biggest City: Tashkent

Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ecuador, Iraq, Syria, Serbia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Equatorial Guinea, Namibia, Bhutan, Bolivia.

Leader: YakosaysBOT5WANA

Population: 0 million

National Food: Raspberry tarts with rose oil

Grande Empire:

Capital: Half Tree Hollow

Biggest city: Portoferraio

Countries: United Kingdom (Saint Helena), Italy (Elba), Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: Napoleon Bonaparte

Population: 25 million

Allies: Yemen, Vampire Empire

At war with: Macedonian Empire, Blaze Empire, Veggie Caliphate


Capital: Tímår¬

Biggest city: Tímår¬

Countries: Make believe islands in the Pacific

Leader: Almighty Dhruv

Population: 11 million


Capital: New Baltimore

Biggest city: New Baltimore

Countries: Norway (Svalbard archipelago)

Leader: Qy

Population: 17,389

A wholesome smiley face
Level 60
Sep 18, 2022
Sorry to the QB's and MKF for stealing your idea of super soldiers for my own empire :)

And I'll finish the blog in a few hours when I get home and have the chance to...

Thanks for reading again.

Level 60
Sep 19, 2022
Well it seems I spent my afternoon playing AFL with my brother, so I'll try to do the frontlines sometime soon when I get the chance (probably on Wednesday or something). Stay tuned!
Level 67
Sep 18, 2022
Second! Good blog again

Your Captain Oz thing is fine with us btw Geopro. Although if anyone else decides to copy us, then they'll have to pay us some money for sure... :)

Maybe the Alpha Division could work together with Cap Oz for something, but idk what lol

It's also nice to see Agent Leopard finally in action as well.

Level 65
Sep 18, 2022
no problem. its nice to see more episodes from everyone. i think i'm really starting to get into the DOTJU lol
Level 65
Sep 18, 2022
Ah yes, the Dawn of the JetPunk Umpires, where various JetPunkers judge a cricket game lol

But me too, I'm thinking of an idea for an episode I could make.

Level 60
Sep 19, 2022
Please do TNT, that'd be great. And I'm glad there are some other cricket lovers out there in the DOTJE universe (QB's, you, me, I'm assuming Afc, and probably MKF...)
Level 65
Sep 19, 2022
I was meaning Dawn Of The JetPunk Universe.

and yes i do like the Blackcaps so that puts me at cricket fan status

Level 73
Sep 19, 2022
I don't like playing the game but I absolutely love watching it 🏏

Let's have a tournament in the next episode.. a World Cup featuring the teams of GIE, GSE, PBC, Blaze and others (if any).

There's a real tournament beginning from tomorrow (IND vs AUS) too!!

Level 67
Sep 19, 2022
I'm all for that!
Level 60
Sep 19, 2022
Sounds like a plan.
Level 62
Sep 20, 2022
I love a game of cricket! My favourite sport too, actually :D
Level 60
Sep 20, 2022
Great! I'm in the spirit now after Australia's win over India!
Level 43
Sep 21, 2022
Am I the only one here who doesn't watch cricket, but football?
Level 65
Sep 21, 2022
Am I the only one here who doesn't watch sports?
Level 60
Sep 21, 2022
I watch the March Madness when it comes around and that’s it
Level 73
Sep 21, 2022
@MG Just start watching it and then you'll realise how decent the game is. A suggestion though, start with T20 format because those are shorter and packed with unexpected moves. A single over can be game-changing and make the team which was losing onto the winning side. Australia scored so many runs in the 19th over when it became clear that the "world's no. 1 team" (that's how they have been promoting Indian team these days) will be losing.

Only then you'll realise why we Indians say that "cricket is a passion".

How dare you Aussies? How dare you win against India on Indian soil itself? You've challenged the tiger.. we'll show you tomorrow and send you back to land down under in your kangaroo pouches lol.

Level 60
Sep 22, 2022
We'll see lol. Probably tho
Level 65
Sep 22, 2022
Imagine if MG starts watching cricket, it'll all be because of me making a random joke from McKenzieFam calling DOTJU lol

Oh yeah, I only watch cricket when I rewatch Lagaan for the 34324th time lol

Level 34
Oct 4, 2022
@TheNatureThread lol me neither
Level 60
Sep 18, 2022
Thanks for not sanctioning me lol
Level 65
Sep 18, 2022
Great blog! I'm really happy that it came right after I joined the war lol
Level 60
Sep 19, 2022
Level 69
Sep 19, 2022
Very interesting… here's to a new nation!
Level 60
Sep 19, 2022
Yes, and the many Qy's
Level 43
Sep 19, 2022
Well I guess now I have two things to handle with 🫠
Level 71
Sep 26, 2022
Why did you declare war on our empire?? Alexander isn't allowed in Macedonia anymore, and anyways you wouldn't be able to invade us. If you capture Alexander, I will give you money if you give him to my government.
Level 60
Sep 26, 2022
Don't blame him, that was me, sorry. In the story MG's intention is just to give Alexander a lesson, not to invade your empire :)
Level 71
Sep 26, 2022
Well I hope he does teach that fool a lesson
Level 60
Sep 26, 2022
Yes, but remember Alexander is hypnotised
Level 15
Sep 26, 2022
mckenzie keeps calling him 'alexander the unimportant' or 'alexander the hothead' and stuff like that. guess he does need to be taught a lesson
Level 66
Sep 19, 2022
i want my empire back ;-;
Level 60
Sep 19, 2022
Glad that nothing more really happened to me than what was already in my blog. It’s always great to see a new DOTJE!
Level 60
Sep 19, 2022
Yeah, well I haven't updated the frontlines yet...
Level 73
Sep 19, 2022
DOTJE makes a dull day full of sunshine (it's actually night time here, but whatever..)

Now we know why all that tea was dumped into the Atlantic lol.

Also, it's good that finally dovewing is caught. Let's see what happens next. 🤞

Level 60
Sep 19, 2022
I was really surprised when Geopro had dove wing caught, since there would be retaliation, dovewing would probably get away, and the PBE would be forced into the war officially.
Level 52
Sep 20, 2022
Dovewing won't escape the clutches of Agent Leopard. (:

BTW great blog again Geopro

Level 60
Sep 20, 2022
Haha thanks
Level 60
Sep 19, 2022
Thanks again Aficionado!
Level 71
Sep 19, 2022
My army will crush those fools soon
Level 60
Sep 19, 2022
Oh and also dovewing is called Patrick01 now
Level 60
Sep 19, 2022
Good to know. I was wondering where he was, I thought he must have deleted his account
Level 15
Sep 20, 2022
just bookmark the tab in your browser. then no matter his name youll find him
Level 34
Oct 4, 2022
I wouldn't mind some nuking of Japan (just joking)
Level 60
Sep 19, 2022
Can more people start to make Empire Blogs?
Level 65
Sep 19, 2022
Are you asking for permission or asking people to? Because I am going to and Geopro told me I should.
Level 60
Sep 19, 2022
I was saying that more people should make their own
Level 65
Sep 19, 2022
I agree
Level 15
Sep 20, 2022
the more the better. i love reading these, theyre so entertaining
Level 60
Sep 20, 2022
Looking for a vp for the Veggie Caliphate comment below if interested
Level 60
Sep 20, 2022
I'm interested...
Level 66
Sep 24, 2022
Level 60
Sep 24, 2022
Level 39
Sep 21, 2022
wait, you could just ask for an empire?
Level 60
Sep 22, 2022
I don’t think Geopro’s making any new ones.
Level 60
Sep 23, 2022
It's a bit tricky. You can't overlap with any current nations and it has to be able to fit in in a way. You can try to find another way to join, though. For me, I wanted to join so I joined as a reporter.
Level 60
Sep 25, 2022
Yep, exactly ^
Level 60
Sep 21, 2022
Nice job! Excited to see release my report!
Level 60
Sep 22, 2022
Level 66
Sep 22, 2022
Is it possible for me to get my empire back?
Level 60
Sep 22, 2022
No sorry
Level 65
Sep 22, 2022
Could he be involved in some way? Just saying as it could make it interesting.
Level 60
Sep 22, 2022
Idk. He did get banned and caused a lot of unnecessary drama last time, so I don't think I should include him at all. I know I did include dovewing, but he doesn't have a big role, and it may not last too much longer (or maybe I'm tricking you)
Level 66
Sep 23, 2022
"Caused a lot of unnecessary drama" yeah ok calling someone out on plagiarism is definitely causing unnecessary drama
Level 60
Sep 23, 2022
I daresay the unnecessary drama was comments like this one, which were posted in retaliation after being called out for calling out plagiarism.
Level 66
Sep 23, 2022
I don't want a big role either! I just want my empire back!
Level 60
Sep 24, 2022
Perhaps after WWIII is over? It would be a bit dangerous to join during it anyway
Level 15
Sep 26, 2022
*senses big drama coming on*
Level 15
Sep 26, 2022
lets not start it here guys. we dont want dotje or whatever ur all calling it to get slammed
Level 60
Sep 22, 2022
Maybe rename the series Wars of the JetPunk Empires, now that the series has come so far?
Level 60
Sep 22, 2022
Level 69
Sep 30, 2022
Eagerly awaiting that next blog… for I have something planned! :)
Level 69
Oct 3, 2022
I've said it on another blog, so I might as well re-announce it here: war has been declared on the Veggie Caliphate! Also called upon is the American military, de facto headed by Svalbard, to aid us in the fight for freedom, equality, and justice (that's nuclear missiles, aircraft carriers, and about two million soldiers).
Level 60
Oct 3, 2022
2 million soldiers!!! Geez... okay. And you are planning on arming your nuclear missiles?
Level 52
Oct 1, 2022
I reckon the orcs could take em all
Level 60
Oct 3, 2022
Not the mighty VC!

don’t take my word for that

Level 34
Oct 4, 2022
can i at least get south korea back
Level 60
Oct 4, 2022
No sorry