Dawn of the JetPunk Empires - Part XV


Mwathirika, Veggie Caliphate*

*Note: This takes place before the last episode

Dollyfroggy: I'm here at ground zero in what used to be the small village of Mwathirika. Mwathirika is a village in the South Sudan area of the Veggie Caliphate. Little is known on the details; however, we can reveal that the village, with an estimated population of approximately 10,000 people, was almost completely levelled by an unknown force. Original reports on the incident indicated some sort of natural disaster may have been responsible, but as the ongoing investigation continues, we have been told that it was more likely a targeted attack, perhaps by a rival tribe or ethnic group. Others speculate that perhaps the Yemeni's, the Svalbardians, or another of the Veggie's enemies were behind the attack. So far, the death toll is estimated at 8,000, but we have been told that it may be much higher than that after the rubble is finally cleared. Nothing else is known about this most mysterious incident that really seems quite sudden and out of the blue. The QuizzerBros and MiecraftMan are having a meeting to discuss the matter which is quite pressing for both empires.

QB1: The Palapyan-Botswanan Empire would like to give you a gift of 10 million Naturas to help the survivors, and to help rebuild Mwathirika if you choose to do so.

MCM: Thank you very much, the Veggie Caliphate very much appreciates your continued support and aid to our empire, including supplying us in the ongoing war.

QB2: We also have another proposition to make, we would like to offer our investigation services to help you find the true cause of this incident. Would you like our help?

MCM: Um... yes, I will accept your help. However, I will inform you that we have already discovered a potential lead. We believe we may know who and what was behind this attack.

MCM: I'll explain, the leader my intelligence agency claims to have overheard the schemes of various international criminals to endue themselves with superhuman abilities. Not only would they do this, but they would mind control other superhumans, and use them for their plans. We believe they are behind this attack, although we can't figure out what prompted it against this particular village.

QB1: Are you referring to Bykarbe Soder and dovewing?

MCM: Who? I've never heard of them before.

QB2: They also go by the alter egos of Sultan Viniga, and tigerheart.

MCM: How did you know?

QB1:Your empire isn't the only one with an intelligence initiative. We have been keeping our eye on Mr Viniga and tigerheart.

MCM: Well, although we can't be sure, we believe that they may be planning more attacks, considering how successful their first one was. We don't know where, when or even why, but we do have a hunch.

QB2: There is one more thing, we were able to gain intelligence on Viniga and tigerheart, however we have noticed their frequent interactions with a woman, who we have failed to identify. We know nothing about her at all.

MCM: Yes, I know about her too! She was there scheming with Viniga and Colin as well.

QB1: Colin?

MCM: Tigerheart

QB2: Well, it seems we have a pretty big mystery to solve then. Do you think we should try and find the woman together, or separately? Maybe we could share our intel with each other on the matter, in order to have a greater chance at tracking these criminals down.

MCM: Sounds good to me, well, what are we waiting for then?

A young child from Mwathirika

New Baltimore, Svalbard

Qy: I cannot tolerate the evil that MCM blatantly displays by granting vegetarians extra rights!

VP: What will you do?

Qy: I'll sanction them.

VP: But we're just a small icy archipelago. Our sanctions will only really help ourselves.

Qy: Then I will ask other stronger empires to join me in sanctioning them.

VP: Ok.

Qy: Geopro, I know you have a strong empire. Will you join me in condemning and sanctioning the VC for their crimes against human rights?

Geopro: I can't really. I'm sworn to neutrality. I don't agree with giving vego's more rights, but I wouldn't call what he's doing a crime.

Qy: Ok, fair enough. Aficionado, will you sanction the VC?

Aficionado: No, because my empire has an enormous population of vegetarians. It would be quite hypocritical if I did, and I might as well invite a rebellion in my empire.

Qy: Ok, fair enough as well. I guess there's only one option left.

VP: And what is that?

Qy: We'll go to war!

VP: What!? We can't go to war with them. They'll smash us to smithereens.

Qy: We have de facto control of the whole American army and all of their assets.

VP: Kind of. But a lot of the American forces were destroyed by Nauru's surprise attack remember? We may have control of what is left, but is it enough to go to war with VC, and likely their allies?

Qy: Of course it is! We have nukes!

VP: Do you want us to arm the nuclear missiles?

Qy: Yes. And deploy the aircraft carriers. I want to launch a direct assault on VC soil.

VP: So, what exactly should our orders be?

Qy: We will land our troops in Sudan, Arabia, and Israel, and lay siege to Santa Barbara.

VP: But that will likely make us go to war with the Macedon's and definitely Chilefornia then.

Qy: Oh well. It won't be ideal, but we have almost 2 million troops. We can do it!

VP: We don't have that many troops. We do have a large force of about a million, but can that stand up to 3 of the strongest countries in the world?

Qy: Well, the Veggies are losing to a simple rebel group, and the Macedon's are being beaten by the Grandians. Given this, I don't think we'll be in much trouble. We only have to worry about Chilefornia.

VP: The whole thing sounds very expensive. How can we afford that?

Qy: I don't know, but we'll figure something out.

VP: Ok then.

14 hours later...

VP: Sir, a Palapyan SkyPod has just landed outside the city.

Qy: I wonder what for?

All of a sudden, an Alpha soldier landed in front of Qy and the VP as if he had fallen out of the sky.

Alpha soldier: I've come to speak to your leader.

Qy: Yes, that's me. What do you have to say? And who are you?

Soldier: I am Agent Leopard, and the QB's have sent me to ask you a few questions.

Qy: Ask away.

Leopard: Why have you armed your nuclear missiles?

Qy: Well, just in case we need to use them, obviously.

Leopard: And why might you be expecting to use them?

Qy: In case we get desperate in war.

Leopard: So you are going to war! Will you go to war with us?

Qy: What? Why? No, we are going to war with the VC because they favour vegetarians.

Leopard: Wait. Let me get this straight. You're gonna go to war and nuke the VC just because they lower the taxes for vegetarians? Are you a carnivore?

Qy: No. But every human deserves equal rights. It is a serious crime to violate human rights. Everyone deserves them. Our forefathers fought for...

Leopard: Come on now. Don't get all American on me. I just want to know what you're up to.

Qy: I'm not up to anything. We're just being cautious. And if you're going to stand in our way then we will have no choice but to actually go to war with you.

Leopard: So you don't want to destroy us for what Nauru did to America.

Qy: Why would we want to destroy you? You had nothing to do with it, right?

Leopard: No, of course not. Sorry, we were also just being cautious. Just in case you planned on nuking us. We spotted one of your ships off our coast and we thought you may be up to something.

Qy: No, we don't plan on nuking you. That ship was probably spying on the VC, not you. Thank you for peacefully coming and settling this.

Leopard: No problem, see you later, and maybe rethink going to war with the VC. They haven't really done anything that bad. I disagree with vegetarians as much as the next person, but I don't go to war with them because of their choice. I mean, maybe I would if they were vegan, but...

An evil broccoli. Svalbard are out to destroy the VC's pathetic vegetarian rights!

Abuja, Veggie Caliphate

MCM: I need a VP. Who should it be?

YakoNickelz: I'll do it!

MCM: Ok, sounds good. As long as you don't raise up a coalition against me like you did last time.

Nickelz: I won't, I promise.

MCM: Good. Then it's settled, you can be my VP.

Nickelz: Thanks.

MCM: Now I need to ask the QB's for military access to Burundi.

MCM texts the QB's on his phone.

MCM: Cool. They said: "Why not?" Ok now I'm going to send an army division to take Burundi.

Nickelz: How many troops?

MCM: Um... 10,000 should do. It's a Vampire exclave and doesn't start with a 'V' so it's probably neglected and hardly defended.

Nickelz: Sounds good to me.

Veggie paratroopers land in an undefended Burundi

San Francisco, Chilefornia

Advisor: Sir, the explorers will return in an hour.

TNT: Great, you may send a minor official to receive them and have them at the sunny meeting room in the palace as soon as possible. Remember that this is a secret mission.

an hour and a half passes

TNT: Welcome back. I hope everything has gone well.

Spy: Thank you. We have not found anything that would disrupt the invasion. You were smart to bring experts from the academic fields of our empire, as we have have made a mysterious discovery that could be very helpful as long as we can be certain that we will be the first to utilize it. Varaludzo will explain.

Varaludzo (representative of Chilefornia's official botany field): We have discovered a new plant on the borders of Siberia, in Empire's Imperial territory. It has not yet been fully studied, but what is important for all of us is that this plant has very thin leaves and is especially responsive to sounds. We discovered that this lets us distinguish human languages by watching the plant's leaf, even cut off, as sounds in the language's phonetic inventory causes certain movements. Now I'm sure you understand how this can be used to spy.

TNT: Wow, that's amazing! Do we know any ways this can be utilized further?

Varaludzo: The leaf can also be dissolved in water easily giving the water these properties to a lesser level.

TNT: Interesting. The immediate concern however is that these plants are in Empire's Imperial territory. While the Empire's Empire is no big threat, GrandOldLand is one of the few countries which rivals us in the field of national linguistics, and they would surely know of this if it was discovered by the EE. Have any ideas already been proposed about how to track these leaves to detect languages?

Varaludzo: Not yet, but what you mentioned is correct, and finding out if GrandOldLand has knowledge of this is crucial.

TNT: Well that's simple. As soon as the invasion is announced, we will immediately send spies disguised as Grandese soldiers. They will speak Grandese and talk about how GrandOldLand is going to invade the Empire's Empire and turn on them. If they have the technology to figure out what is being said, they may believe this and declare war on the Grandese, the larger enemy, and we can take out the EE after we both take out the Grandese. In this case we will have to break peace with them though. If they can figure out the language, and have already figured out technology for that, they may believe the Grandese have already arrived to help them, and start fighting back early and sending too many troops. If they have no knowledge of this, the invasion goes on.

Does Empire's Empire know about the leaf? We'll see...

Hobart, Great Southern Empire

Geopro: Alexander seems has been stirring up war when I told him not to. I want you to go to the Amazon, with MG's permission of course, and bring him back so I can talk some sense into him.

Captain Oz: Yes sir. I will do you proud.

Geopro: I know you will. Now I need to send my best to the cricket team for their game this arvo in Bangalore.

A toucan

Bangalore, Greater Indian Empire

Dollyfroggy: I'm here in Bangalore for the opening match of the ICC ODI World Cup. Tonight, the GSE will battle it out against the BIE. The GSE are clear favourites, but the poms could pack a punch.

The goes on and is an exciting one. The BIE bats first and scores a respectable 7/287. However, they are no match for the GSE's masterclass, and they chase it down in 43 overs to win by 5 wickets.

Dollyfroggy: The GSE has triumphed tonight, and are the favourites to win the World Cup, but the GIE are certainly in with a chance, and could definitely make an upset.

The GSE beating the BIE

WWIII Frontlines

Grandese troops complete their invasion of Lithuania, and the region capitulates, falling under their control.

Chilefornian troops go through the EMG and flood into a Paraguay, taking it by surprise. the Grandese troops fight hard but are no match. They retreat to Asuncion and hold out there, fiercely defending the city.

Troops from the Imperium Sanctus continue westward from their already captured territory until all of Siberia east of Kazakhstan is under their control.

Grandian troops push upwards from Greece until they get to Serbia, isolating the Balkan strip of Macedonian territory.

Veggies move into Burundi which was basically undefended as predicted, and take it with ease, marking their first success on the battleground of the war.

The Yemeni's attempt an invasion of Chad but are stopped by the Veggies.

Svalbard manages to land troops on the Sudanese coast, and they supply the Yemeni's. Together they plan for an invasion of Chad and the CAR. Svalbardian aircraft carriers are stationed off the Nigerian coast, ready for a massive assault. The Svalbardian air force launches air raids on Nigerian cities to try and get MCM to take away vegetarian privileges in his caliphate.

Svalbardian marines launch a surprise assault on Santa Barbara and make a naval landing in the city. Unfortunately for them, Chilefornia then declares war on them, and the troops from San Francisco quickly move down and kick the Svalbardians out.

Grandese and Blaze troops attempt a naval invasion of Taiwan, but the Vampires defend it well, and it is unsuccessful. They continue their blockade of the island though, with Sawiwi granting them access to some of their ports for assistance.

Vilnius, Lithuania

Breaking News, Worldwide

Dollyfroggy: In breaking news, Qy and the Svalbardians are now at war with the VC and Chilefornia. Have they bitten off more than they can chew? WWIII continues with the VC finally tasting success, and Chilefornia showing their strength. The cricket World Cup has begun in the GIE, so we will continue to keep you updated on this. Anyway, here is a summary of the empires:

- The Great Southern Empire:

Capital: Hobart

Biggest city: Jakarta

Countries: Australia, New Zealand (Wellington, South Island and Pavlova), Indonesia, East Timor, United States (Hawaii), Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, France (New Caledonia), South Africa, Tanzania, Azerbaijan, Lunar Palace.

Leader: Emperor Geopro

Population: 459 million

- The Blaze Empire:

Capital: Tehran

Biggest city: Tehran

Countries included: Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Monaco, Spain, United Kingdom (Gibraltar), Syria, Iraq, New Zealand (Antarctica), Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, half of the moon, Qatar.

Leader: His (Great) Imperial Awesomeness, Solomon Blaze III

Population: 286 million

Allies: Macedonian Empire, Veggie Caliphate

At war with: Vampire Empire, Grande Empire, Yemen

- Greater Indian Empire:

Capital: New Delhi

Biggest city: Delhi

Countries: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Comoros, Mauritius, France (Mayotte and Reunion), United Kingdom (BIOT), Madagascar, Norway (Antarctica), Mozambique, half of the moon, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, Seychelles, Azerbaijan.

Leader: Emperor Aficionado

Population: 2.007 billion

- Empire of the Minas Gerais:

Capital: Belo Horizonte

Biggest city: Sao Paulo

Countries: Brazil, Botswana (Chobe National Park), France (French Polynesia), Uruguay, Bolivia, Argentina, Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: MG17

Population: 297 million

Allies: Chilefornia

At war with: Macedonian Empire

- The Pacific Empire:

Capital: Suva

Biggest city: Tokyo

Countries included: Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Philippines, Vanuatu, Japan, Tuvalu, New Zealand (North Island except for Wellington).

Leader: FacterLiger0804

Population: 241 million

- The Nauru Empire:

Capital: Gaziantep

Biggest city: New York

Countries: Nauru, Tuvalu, United States (Except for Hawaii, Alaska, the Carolinas, Wisconsin, California, Virginia and overseas territories), New Zealand (North Island except for Wellington), Turkey (Gaziantep), Djibouti, Kuwait, Russia (Crimea), Serbia.

Leader: Afghabwe

Population: 267 million

- The Imperial Union:

Capital: Reykjavik

Biggest city: Kathmandu

Countries: Iceland, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada (British Columbia), United States (Puerto Rico), China (Tibet), Nepal, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Andorra.

Leader: ZooTuber3000

Population: 58 million

- The Macedonian Empire:

Capital: Athens

Biggest city: Moscow

Countries: Greece, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Georgia, Kosovo, Romania, Moldova, Russia (European part except for Crimea), Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel (Jerusalem), Egypt, Syria, Serbia, Estonia, Netherlands.

Leader: thegoatisgoaty

Population: 437 million

Allies: Blaze Empire, Veggie Caliphate

At war with: Grande Empire, Vampire Empire, Yemen, Empire of the Minas Gerais

- The Palapyan/Botswanan Empire:

Capital: Palapye/Gaborone

Biggest City: Kinshasa

Countries included: Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi, Congo, D.R. Congo, Gabon, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Eswatini, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Barbados, Lesotho, Cameroon, Equatorial GuineaCentral African Republic, South Sudan, Ethiopia, EritreaSudan, Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, New Zealand (South Island), France (Antarctica), Ghana, United Arab Emirates, Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: The QuizzerBros

Population: 590 million

- The Vampire Empire:

Capital: Taipei

Biggest city: Ho Chi Minh City

Countries: Taiwan, United States (overseas territories and Virginia), Vietnam, Vanuatu, Venezuela (except Maracaibo), Vatican City, Spain (Valencia), Lithuania, Malta, Russia (Vladivostok), Canada (Vancouver), Mexico (Veracruz), Burundi.

Leader: Angbo

Population: 183 million

Allies: Imperium Sanctus

At war with: Macedonian Empire, Blaze Empire, Veggie Caliphate, GrandOldLand, Empire's Empire

- GrandOldLand:

Capital: Nuuk

Biggest city: Luanda

Countries: Canada (Newfoundland, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba), Denmark (Greenland), Angola, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Belize, United States (Wisconsin), Suriname, Paraguay, Germany, Poland, Russia (Kaliningrad), Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: ClutchNferno

Population: 265 million

Allies: Empire's Empire

At war with: Imperium Sanctus, Vampire Empire, Chilefornia

- Chilefornia:

Capital: San Francisco

Biggest city: Mexico City

Countries: United States (California except for Santa Barbara), Mexico (except for Veracruz), Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador (Except Galapagos Islands), Peru, Chile (besides Southern part), Venezuela (Maracaibo), Sao Tome and Principe, North Korea, South Korea, Nigeria (south east coast)

Leader: TheNatureThread

Population: 446 million

National food: Dhokla, Dabeli, Burritos and Tacos

Allies: Veggie Caliphate, Empire of the Minas Gerais

At war with: Empire's Empire, GrandOldLand, Svalbard

- Republic of Carolina:

Capital: Hamilton

Biggest city: Hamilton

Countries: United States (Carolinas), United Kingdom (Bermuda)

Leader: JackQuizzer

Population: 63 thousand

- The Empire's Empire:

Capital: Juneau

Biggest city: Mogadishu

Countries: United States (Alaska), Russia (Siberia), Somalia, Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: Jetpunker180

Population: 64 million

Allies: GrandOldLand

At war with: Imperium Sanctus, Vampire Empire, Chilefornia

- British Isles Empire:

Capital: London

Biggest city: London

Countries: United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Russia (Severny Island), Canada (Baffin Island).

Leader: BigGeographyGuy

Population: 72 million

Vassals: Duchy of Wyvernia (Leader: NiobiumVoid)

- Med-Atlantic Empire:

Capital: Tangier

Biggest city: Milan

Countries: Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cape Verde, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Cyprus, France, Portugal, Guyana, Grenada, Ivory Coast, Benin, Italy (except for Elba), Spain (Balearic Islands), United States (Carolinas), Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: turnbacktwo

Population: 412 million

- Imperium Sanctus:

Capital: Beijing

Biggest city: Guangzhou

Countries: China (minus southern Tibet), Mongolia, Russia (around Lake Baikal)

Leader: cathlete

Population: 1.402 billion

Allies: Vampire Empire

At war with: Empire's Empire, GrandOldLand

- Veggie Caliphate:

Capital: Abuja

Biggest city: Lagos

Countries: Nigeria (except south east coast), Armenia, Niger, Greece (Crete), Iraq, Syria, Chad, Eritrea, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel (besides Jerusalem), Equatorial Guinea, Ecuador (Galapagos Archipelago), United States (Santa Barbara), Bahrain.

Leader: MiecraftMan

Population: 359 million

Allies: Macedonian Empire, Blaze Empire, Chilefornia

At war with: Yemen, Grande Empire, Vampire Empire. Svalbard

Semi-autonomous region: Yemeni People's Republic

Vassals: Apostolic Armenian Empire (Leader: YakosaysBOT5WANA)

Viniga Sultanate:

Capital: Jerusalem

Biggest City: Cairo

Countries: Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen

Leader: Sultan Viniga

Population: 0 million

National Food: Salt and Vinegar Chips

Second German Empire:

Capital: Berlin

Biggest City: The Ruhr, Cologne/Dusseldorf or Berlin

Countries: Germany, Russia (Kaliningrad), Poland, Latvia

Leader: Felix1958

Population: 124 million

Middle Earth Empire:

Capital: Unknown

Biggest City: Unknown

Countries: Unknown

Leader: ducklingpanda1245

Population: Unknown

At war with: Unknown

Korean Empire:

Capital: Seoul

Biggest City: Seoul

Countries: North Korea, South Korea, Estonia, Latvia, Ghana, Austria, Poland, Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Dominica, Barbados, Italy (except for Elba).

Leader: Tigerheart1919

Population: 0 million

Apostolic Armenian Empire:

Capital: Yerevan

Biggest City: Tashkent

Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ecuador, Iraq, Syria, Serbia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Equatorial Guinea, Namibia, Bhutan, Bolivia.

Leader: YakosaysBOT5WANA

Population: 0 million

National Food: Raspberry tarts with rose oil

Grande Empire:

Capital: Half Tree Hollow

Biggest city: Portoferraio

Countries: United Kingdom (Saint Helena), Italy (Elba), Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: Napoleon Bonaparte

Population: 25 million

Allies: Yemen, Vampire Empire

At war with: Macedonian Empire, Blaze Empire, Veggie Caliphate


Capital: Tímår¬

Biggest city: Tímår¬

Countries: Make believe islands in the Pacific

Leader: Almighty Dhruv

Population: 11 million


Capital: New Baltimore

Biggest city: New Baltimore

Countries: Norway (Svalbard archipelago)

Leader: Qy

Population: 17,389

Allies: Yemen

At war with: Veggie Caliphate, Chilefornia

100 Recent Comments
Level 65
Oct 5, 2022
Great blog! I guess my blog isn’t canon lol
Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
Oh yeah. I completely forgot about that *facepalm*
Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
Added it now (I just c&p'd your blog lol)
Level 71
Oct 5, 2022
Just one question, how is Napoleon's army so strong? Doesn't he just own one or two islands?? My army should crush his
Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
Yeah, but Napoleon is the greatest military mind in history. And it makes it more entertaining ig
Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
totally agree with you goaty, if DOTJE were realistic the Yemeni cult would be a grease spot in next year by now. However, it’s not, and I appreciate that, in a way. DOTJE is a fictional, comedic series, and what’s what is what’s what
Level 43
Oct 5, 2022
That means Napoleon is a vassal from Goaty?
Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
As always, astoundingly astonishingly amazing.
Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
Hehe see what I did there, a bunch of A’s? Nobody?

I’ll excuse myself

Level 60
Nov 20, 2022
Above arises another amusing attempt at alliteration.
Level 60
Nov 21, 2022
Not bad!
Level 65
Nov 24, 2022
Followed by what's actually an awesomely adjectivized answer from Dollyfroggy.

#100th comment

Level 65
Nov 24, 2022
#we need the next episode
Level 60
Nov 26, 2022
# it's out
Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
Well, the war seems to be approaching an endgame. Excited for it, no matter how dreary things are for me
Level 43
Oct 5, 2022
The friend of my enemy is my enemy. I won’t keep any relationships with the Veggies and Blaze. I’ll try to have more contact with Vampire Empire. Also, my troops are standing quite well to the war

oh they are having events on dotje bruh, i should postpone fifa world cup while the war isn’t solved

Level 69
Oct 5, 2022
Today the annual Svalbardian Fair was held, featuring food, rides, games, and a literature award, granted to Geopro for his riveting and action-filled stories.

The main event, however, was the official Svalbardian Declaration of War against the Veggie Caliphate. It was unofficially declared a few days ago amongst government officials, but now it was announced to the world. In President Harrison's own words;

"The Veggie Caliphate has committed an unspeakable transgression against human rights. Within the nation, omnivores are given higher taxes, harder citizenship tests, and an inability to run for government office, all based upon what they eat. What kind of world do we live in that would allow such brutality to stand? Are we not a nation founded on the principles of equality and justice? I call upon every nation that loves honor and freedom, and every man with the spirit of equality in his heart, to join us in the fight against oppression."

Level 69
Oct 5, 2022
Though not officially announced, the American military, de facto headed by Svalbard, has also been called upon, adding a wealth of soldiers and valuable weapons to the war effort.

Additionally, as a byproduct of the Invasion of Santa Barbara, Chilefornia is also at war with Svalbard.

Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
Who said anything about taxes?
Level 69
Oct 5, 2022
My mistake; I could've sworn I read something about taxes. Extra government-granted money is practically the same as a tax cut, however.
Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
We humans, are not deserving of rights. We stand here fighting wars against our own kind, killing each other. Slaughtering each other. Claiming to be better than each other. When in reality, we, as race, are all wicked and twisted. We allow, and contribute to destroying our own planet. And, it’s not our planet to destroy. We share this planet with trillions and trillions of other living organisms, animals, plants, and bacteria alike. They all deserve a chance. A chance this world as we know it can’t give. And why can’t it give? Because of us, because of humans.

Are you aware that the meat you eat every lunch, every dinner, comes from what used to be a living, breathing, thinking creature? While they may not be sentient, they have lives. They have families. They have things they enjoy. And they deserve to enjoy it. But they can’t. They are stuck in fences, farms, factories, their entire lives. Here’s a quote I found from the Interesting quotes: “A sheep spends…

Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
…their entire live fearing the wolves, only to be eaten by the shepherd”.

This says a lot about the race we are.

The VC tries their hardest to bring back stability, nature, and peacefulness to the [fictional] world. People like you, Qy, are ruining this opportunity.

Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
And while DOTJE is fictional, that doesn’t mean these problems aren’t real and don’t deserve attention to.

Now last but not least, Qy. About you commenting how ironic it was that I hate America; this is why. I live near LA. I have to travel through it pretty frequently. I hate it. I hate the traffic, I hate the factories, I hate the smog.

I’ve been to San Diego. I’ve seen the skyscrapers, the hotels, the offices. How busy and bustling it is.

I’ve seen my own city. Even here, in Santa Barbara, the beautifulest of places, we are plagued with fast food places, with politics.

These are all examples of how corrupt America, and the humankind is. And this exists. Just look around you. This exists in DOTJE as well (as far as my knowledge goes), and the VC works to prevent this

Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
Just thank Stump that your country isn’t based off China. I’d be forced to write comments longer than these ^
Level 69
Oct 5, 2022
First off, animals are eaten and domesticated by humans… because we're so much smarter. Sure, animals may be abused to make profit, this is the unfortunate truth. But we've been eating animals for centuries because we have the advantage over them. It's simply the natural process of things. It's not like we're going out of our way to kill every animal on the Earth, anyways.

And of course those plants and bacteria you mention? No feelings at all. They don't care.

Level 69
Oct 5, 2022
Only a human is capable of intense and meaningful thought. That fish you eat for dinner? The only thing in its mind is how to get upstream and what to eat. They'd kill their own family for some food. The human body needs protein, and, most importantly, God gave animals for us to eat.
Level 69
Oct 5, 2022
Also, even though this universe is fictional, your solution to killings and war is… more killings and war? Why not try to reach a swift conclusion, or even better just stay out of controversial situations. That'd be the greatest thing for such an environmental-conscious nation.
Level 67
Oct 5, 2022
Although I don't think anyone in their right mind should eat fish, I agree that eating animals isn't a crime or a sin just because it used to be alive. Otherwise plants would fall under the same category. And then what can we eat? Tofu or something else 3D-printed?
Level 69
Oct 5, 2022
Last thing — you present a city being filled with smog as an example of why America is a terrible country that deserves to be crushed under the worst of serpents' heel. Well, wow! A city having smog? Who would've guessed. And fast food in a city? Politics in a city? That's to be expected. It's a city after all.

America is a beautiful nation. It’s not perfect in any way, I'll concede, but don't drag yourself because a city has smog. We have dozens of national parks where wildlife flourishes. An amazing culture and great history. Be a little more optimistic about it, and don't get mad over administrative hay in a city.

Level 69
Oct 5, 2022
You can always move to like, Wyoming, or someplace if you want to be closer to nature. :)
Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
You’re religious. Well, ok. When you believe in a superior god that created humans to inhabit this world, and everything else is for the humans, there’s not much my argument will do. I am not religious (apart from Stumpism (: ) and therefore do not share these beliefs.

I don’t really want to continue this argument, Qy, because:

1. I am tired

2. I want you to just read my comments and think about them. See what I mean. You don’t have to agree, you don’t have to care; I just want you to see my point of view, and understand my argument.

Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
And lastly, about your point of moving to Wyoming, I’m 11. I don’t have a cent over 1000 dollars.


Argument ending line:


Level 69
Oct 5, 2022
I understand it. I mean, yeah, you present valid points. By the way, just because I'm religious doesn't mean I'm closed to hear more arguments. We'll have to discuss this later, but really. At the end of the day I'm just talking with some sixth-grader behind an iPad over whether or not humans should… I guess relinquish the Earth back to nature?

Have a good night man, hopefully we can get over this. :)

Level 69
Oct 6, 2022
All this is irrelevant, though. We wanted total equality within your borders, and you weren't willing to negotiate, so we took up arms.
Level 60
Oct 6, 2022
I was simply explaining why total equality will not happen, so no, it is not irrelevant
Level 69
Oct 6, 2022
Still seems a little silly to me. How would you like a world where omnivores are given tax cuts, near-instant citizenship, and the exclusive right to government office, all because the government favors them?

The last part is the silliest of them all; you refuse to give omnivores political office, so it's a deadlock where they can't express their own freedoms. It's quite literally political segregation.

Level 60
Oct 6, 2022
As I have expressed before, the rule about meats eaters in government is temporary. If everybody would get together and stop the warfare, that rule would likely change
Level 60
Oct 6, 2022
And once again, we’re back to the line. The omnivores don’t have anything taken away from them. I’m simply rewarding vegetarians for what (in my opinion) is the better, and more eco-friendly (which the VC is all about) way of life
Level 69
Oct 6, 2022
Well that creates a paradox of all the sort. No war without equality, and no equality without war.
Level 60
Oct 8, 2022
Alright, I have a question for you as a reporter, Qy. If you believe in total equality, then do you believe that criminals should not be punished in anyway?
Level 65
Oct 24, 2022
goodness qy and mcm are really going back and forward there...

nice one geopro, always look forward to these.

any chance blaze could be more successful? my army's a laughing stock, getting routed by grandes and vampires and whatnot

Level 60
Oct 25, 2022
Thanks, but you aren't really losing much at all. Although the veggies and Macedons may be, you're not really
Level 73
Oct 5, 2022
Nice blog, as always, Geopro!

What I find really amusing is that one part of the world fighting wars while the other (more civilised and humane lol) part playing the fancy game of cricket. :)

Level 69
Oct 5, 2022
Well, you mustn't let the drags of someone else distract you from a good game now and then.
Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
Should I be offended lol? Maybe I’ll join the Cricket League just to get more allies…
Level 73
Oct 6, 2022
You shouldn't. You're in this war mainly because of Yemen and Svalbard.

I'm hosting the tournament, so I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment. But I promise, once that ends, I'll be doing quite a lot of things for the collective betterment of the world.

In the meantime, Geopro, I'd like to send a contingent of 100,000 troop members to the Veggie Caliphate to help them defend Chad and Sudan.

Level 60
Oct 7, 2022
Ok :)
Level 60
Oct 7, 2022
Thanks Af. What a lot of people seem to be forgetting was that I was forced into this war. Then they proceed to blame me for fighting and warring when the VC is an empire based on the environment and peacefulness.
Level 67
Oct 5, 2022
Haha yes that's true
Level 60
Oct 6, 2022
Thanks again Aficionado! Yes cricket makes the world a better place indeed!
Level 67
Oct 5, 2022
Great blog again! Thankfully I'm not at war with Svalbard. It was all just a misunderstanding!
Level 60
Oct 5, 2022
If you care to continue your lefty rule, you soon will be.
Level 69
Oct 5, 2022
Why are you turning this into some political game? It's about equality not politics.

r/wokekids moment. 💀

Level 60
Oct 6, 2022
You think I’m mirroring my parents? Who do you thing they are? That Vegan Teacher?
Level 69
Oct 6, 2022
You really did look up the sub, eleven-year-olds shouldn't be on Reddit anyhow.
Level 60
Oct 6, 2022
All it took was a quick Safari. And I’m not on Reddit. Just because I have an opinion doesn’t mean I’m all over social media with it.
Level 60
Oct 6, 2022
Thanks QB's!
Level 66
Oct 6, 2022
😭 now to find a way to get the Apostolic Armenian Empire back
Level 52
Oct 6, 2022
Level 66
Oct 15, 2022
who even are you :/
Level 60
Oct 16, 2022
Agent Leopard of the PBE
Level 73
Oct 6, 2022
Lol, make sure that history doesn't repeat itself, ok? ;)
Level 66
Oct 6, 2022
i have an idea
Level 60
Oct 6, 2022
Geopro’s giving you privileges by even being back in the story. And while, realistically, it would be easy to form an empire, Geopro controls the story. I don’t think you’re getting anything more than VP
Level 66
Oct 6, 2022
you being in the story is a privilege as well so :)

also i didnt demand anything i asked and if he doesn't want to do that its fine

Level 60
Oct 6, 2022
Yea ig so. Maybe it’ll be over soon and geopro will do a reset or something
Level 60
Oct 8, 2022
That would be nice, then I could get my own nation... that gives me an idea, actually...
Level 65
Oct 9, 2022
I support the idea! If it doesn't involve problems for me or my allies lol
Level 34
Oct 6, 2022
dang i wish i led the middle earth empire lol
Level 60
Oct 6, 2022
Dawn of the JetPunk Empires

Also has 15 episodes

Level 34
Oct 9, 2022
Am I still in jail (or have I been executed lol)

Ha ha😂😂

Level 60
Oct 10, 2022
Still in jail :)
Level 34
Oct 19, 2022
Haha. Can I escape?
Level 60
Oct 19, 2022
We'll see 🤣
Level 60
Oct 19, 2022
I haven't decided yet
Level 66
Oct 20, 2022
Any predictions for when XVI comes out?
Level 60
Oct 20, 2022
You can follow DOTJE in a ton of other blog series - probably isn’t canon but in one of my DOTJE blogs a Yemeni Supersoldier is coming to free you
Level 66
Oct 21, 2022
Which blog?
Level 34
Oct 26, 2022
Which blog?

Maybe after this I will like Yemen

Level 65
Oct 26, 2022
MiecraftMan, QuizzerBros, TheNatureThread, Geopro, and Qy all make Empire Blogs which are in the same universe
Level 34
Oct 28, 2022
I mean which SPECIFIC blog
Level 60
Oct 28, 2022
My latest Adventures in the Veggie Caliphate
Level 66
Oct 15, 2022
Geopro! We need to talk! URGENTLY!
Level 73
Oct 17, 2022
Geopro, Nickelz has requested something very serious. Could you please take a look in a certain group called "Pentente Alliance"?
Level 60
Oct 24, 2022
Holy crap just remembered that GOL has the super missile….

Chilefornias in for a surprise ;-;

Level 65
Oct 24, 2022
uh oh

*blaze empire launches secret campaign to steal the supermissile and the entire base overnight*

Level 60
Oct 25, 2022
Level 39
Oct 24, 2022
so... did anyone take the kamchatka peninsula yet?
Level 60
Oct 25, 2022
Sure did
Level 54
Oct 25, 2022
i am like turkish cyprus and just turkey is with me. Everyone else :(. Vampire is really a vampire
Level 60
Oct 28, 2022
Hey Geopro I was wondering what teams would the next cricket match be and if the VC could host it in a Adventures in the Veggie Caliphate blog Which you know always end in some disastrous thing or another with an enemy victory
Level 60
Oct 29, 2022
Well, you can certainly be represented, but the tournament is usually just held by one country (or sometimes a small region of multiple countries). Maybe I could change it to be hosted by many different countries. So yeah, you can if you want
Level 60
Oct 31, 2022
Ok the blog is out lol not sure if it’s too violent or extreme or something to be canon
Level 65
Nov 3, 2022
Blaze short story ( geopro you can choose if its canon or not)

Young hotheaded commander bursts into an office. Solomon Blaze is inside.

Commander : Sir! Sir!

Solomon : What is it, commander?

Commander : We have detected possible violence!

Solomon : In the middle of WW3?

Commander (laughs nervously) : Yeah, I guess so. No, wait, it's serious. The Svalbardians have commandeered the remainder of the American troops and have mobilized them! They could have violent intents toward us! We have to do something!

Solomon : What would you have me do?

Commander : Fire the nuclear missiles! We'll blow Svalbard out of the water! Just give the word!

Solomon : I'm sure there's an explanation. Let me check...

Level 65
Nov 3, 2022
Solomon opens a secret panel. Behind it is a screen with a logo of a green eye, a blue eye, and a brown eye. Solomon enters something into it.

Commander : The top secret Triple Eye database!

Solomon : I shouldn't have let you see it. I'll have to move it later. Ah, here it is. The Svalbardians....nukes....the veggie empire.....carnivores....american forefathers..... hmm, OK.

Commander : Well?

Solomon : They seem to be extremely patriotic carnivorous expats who possibly want to smash up the Veggie Caliphate due to their biases toward different food groups. We may have to keep an eye on them... or three...

Commander : No nukes?

Solomon : No. We don't want to get into war with anyone else at the moment unless we have to. And the Svalbardians kinda haven't actually done anything to us.

Commander (disappointed) : Yes sir. *sadly leaves the room*

Level 60
Nov 3, 2022
Haha, it probably works
Level 66
Nov 6, 2022
When can we expect a new episode? It *has* been over a month.
Level 60
Nov 7, 2022
Not sure. I've been pretty busy at school recently, and work as well
Level 15
Nov 9, 2022
looking forward to the new one whenever it comes ! :D
Level 60
Nov 11, 2022