Dawn of the JetPunk Empires - Part XVII


Chaos and Havoc Around the World

Palapye, Palapyan-Botswanan Empire

Nguvu knocks on the door of the QB's office in the Aqua House.

QB1: Come in, Nguvu.

Nguvu enters and looks at the emperors with a grave face.

QB2: What is it? You look troubled, my friend.

Nguvu: I'm afraid your lives may be in danger if you stay here any longer. A giant supersoldier broke into the prison and liberated dovewing from custody this morning. We don't know how he got past the Alpha soldiers on patrol, but we fear you could be the next target.

QB1&2 share unsettled expressions.

QB1: As you wish, Nguvu. We will board a SkyPod and fly to a safe place immediately.

However, before the QB's could rise from their seats, a strong electrical current surged through the room. It surrounded the three men, and in a flash, they were all gone...

Tehran, Blaze Empire

In the Black Chamber's secret HQ, Dylan Boult looked intently at a cluster of computer screens. One of the Black Chamber members signaled to Dylan and he looked at what the man was referring to.

Dylan: Interesting. I will inform the emperor at once.

Dylan pulled out a phone from the pocket of his leather jacket and waited for MKF to answer.

MKF: Dylan. What is it? Has Ben & Jerry's refused to pay me for using my trademark 17-scoop ice cream in their marketing again?

Dylan: No sir, it's not that.

MKF: Then what is it?

Dylan: The Black Chamber has discovered that the STF from Brazil have created an army of enhanced animals. We don't know what they plan on doing, but we suspect it isn't good. Likely an attack on the EMG.

MKF: But aren't we at war with the EMG? Didn't they side with the Infinity League?

Dylan: Yes, sir. But should they release the animals, it would be disastrous for...

Dylan was cut short as a strong electric current zapped everyone in the Black Chamber HQ, and MKF in his palace, and they all disappeared...

Egypt and Sudan, Veggie Caliphate

Head general of the Veggie army: Alright soldiers. For long enough, the YPLA have held this front. It's time for us to make our family, our friends, the citizens of our great country, and our veggie patches proud. We will launch a monumental counteroffensive against these spineless rebels!

The army cheers, and charges towards the enemy. The Veggie army makes enormous gains in a short amount of time, pushing unorganised YLPA back to the border of Egypt. Just as they begin to close in on Cairo and Alexandria, a strong electrical current surges around the frontline, every one of the thousands of soldiers suddenly disappear...

Taiwan Strait, Vampire Empire (EEZ)

Blaze navy officers on board the El Toro prepare for a naval assault on the coast of Taiwan. They ready their missiles and aim them at strategic points on the island. They wait, and wait, and wait, for the go-ahead order to come from the emperor in Tehran. After an uncomfortably lengthy wait, the sea on the horizon begins to glow. Soon the glow grows from a dim sparkle, to a bright and rapidly moving bolt of lightning - heading straight for the El Toro. Navy officers brace themselves and take cover, but the bolt comes too quick for them to properly react. There is a bright flash, and when it is gone, the El Toro remains - its Blaze Empire flags still flying proud and high - but no one is left aboard...

New Delhi, Greater Indian Empire

The big day of the GIE's annual royal military parade and demonstration has come. Millions of men and women march through the streets of the city to delight millions upon millions of happy spectators.

Loudspeaker: See first hand the might of the world's greatest military - the Greater Indian Empire is the sleeping tiger, that the world fears will soon awake.

As the GIE's millions of troops march the streets, and strong electric current, and various lightning strikes ravage the streets of the city. Once the chaos has stopped, an even bigger concern is discovered. You guessed it the entire GIE's army has vanished...

Amazon Rainforest, Empire of the Minas Gerais

Captain Oz sneaks through the jungle, until he reaches the temple of the orb. He enter and after hours of weaving his way through its maze, he finally finds Alexander and his soldiers in a room with the orb.

Alexander: What happens now? I have possession of the orb, does that mean I automatically have conquered the world, or do I have to physically defeat everyone with the power this orb has now given me?

Macedonian soldier: I've no idea, you've told us everything we know about the orb- where it is, what it does, what it looks like. Maybe you should consult whoever gave you that information in the first place.

Alexander: I was always destined to possess the orb. That's why my subconsciousness gave me visions of its whereabouts and power. However my subconsciousness could've been a little more specific about the whole 'ability to conquer the world thing' so I don't have to figure it out myself. Maybe if I think hard enough, I can consult my mind again. Be quiet everyone!

Alexander places the tips of his index fingers on his temples. He closes his eyes and hums softly, trying to reconnect with his subconsciousness. Suddenly, a strong electrical current shoots through the room, but it is gone as quickly as it came.

Alexander: Well my subconsciousness isn't talking. Typical. Wait a second... maybe the orb has given me the power to create and conduct lightning. Maybe that's how I can defeat and conquer the world!

The sound of voices can suddenly be heard above the underground chamber in the temple. It ounds as if there are many people up there.

Alexander: What is that?

Soldier: No idea, sir. Maybe MG17 has noticed you are here without his permission, and has sent his army to capture you.

Alexander: Then let him try! Will his army stand up to my newfound might and lightning powers?

Alexander hurries through the maze (somehow remembering the way out) until he stands on the front steps on the exterior of the temple. His soldiers follow close behind him and join him on the steps. None of them can believe their eyes.

Crowded in the dense rainforest, as far as the eye can see, are millions and millions of men and women, from every country in the world.

Alexander: What on earth is this?

Soldier: It looks like all of the armies of the world are here!

Alexander: Huzzah! They have all come to be defeated. I have the power to slay them all!

Alexander feels the orb which is held firmly in his hand. He places both index fingers on his temple and wait to summon lightning and destroy everyone who is there. However, after a considerable time waiting, nothing happens.

Alexander: I must be doing it wrong. Be quiet everyone! I need silence to concentrate!

Person in the rainforest: And who do you think you are?

Alexander: Why, I'm glad you asked. I'm Alexander the Great (though I prefer the Greatest), and with the possession of this orb, I now can rule the world. And who might you be?

Person: I am Napoleon Bonaparte, of the Grande Empire. And unfortunately for you, it's rather inaccurate for you to be called the greatest, because I already clearly am the greatest.

Alexander: And so this is your army? You think this can defeat me?

Napoleon: No this is not just my army. Everyone is here.

He looks around, and indeed, every person of significance, along with the armies of every empire in the world is present.

From the Emperors of the world, to the royal advisors, to the generals, to the supersoldiers like the Alpha Division and Inferno, to the STF, to Sultan Viniga and dovewing, to Yako, to the Random Bystanders, the electric current that the orb created has circumnavigated the globe, and taken everyone here. The world is ready for one big all-out battle to settle this war...

War of the World

As it turned out, everyone present was split in half by a dividing factor. On the Eastern side of the temple were those aligned to the Pentente, and on the Western side were those joined to the Infinity League. Awkwardly in no-mans-land in the middle of the two sides was Chilefornia. Chilefornia found themselves at war with, and aligned with, both sides because they were at war with GOL, and EE, as well as Svalbard. Forced to choose a side before the inevitable fighting began, they quickly moved to the East. Another army was present, but was stationed behind the temple, and out of sight. The army of the Great Southern Empire was there, but not involved, as the only neutral empire left. Then there was Dollyfroggy. He also stood in the middle, but instead of choosing a side, he just pulled out a microphone and began reporting on the situation. Alexander and his soldier climbed down the steps and joined the Pentente on the East.

So quickly, here are the sides of the Battle of the Amazon, the War of the World:


Blaze Empire

Greater Indian Empire

Imperial Union

Macedonian Empire

Palapyan-Botswanan Empire



Empire's Empire

British Isles Empire

Veggie Caliphate


Infinity League:

Empire of the Minas Gerais

Pacific Empire

Nauru Empire

Vampire Empire

Med-Atlantic Empire

Imperium Sanctus

Yemeni People's Republic

Grande Empire




The Battle Begins

The two coalitions eyed each other for a few brief moments. Then, they charged at each other. There were very few weapons to go around, only a few had small guns or batons. Those who weren't armed picked up sticks and anything else they could find to use in the battle. As the two gargantuan armies fought, many began to make their way to particular enemies. The STF made their way towards MG, Sultan Viniga made his way towards MCM, the Alpha Division (led by Agent Leopard) made their way towards the Yemeni supersoldiers, and of course, Alexander made his way towards Napoleon. Both sides fought hard, and soon many lives had been lost, but each side still had millions left.

The STF released an army of around 200 enhanced animals, but it backfired when they mostly attacked the ones who had held them captive for so long. Soon enough, the only STF member left was their leader. Batted and bruised from the animal attacks, the STF's leader looked up to see MG looking down at him with a menacing expression. He pulled out a pistol from its holster on his belt, and then there were no more STF members left. The animals fled the battle and began to inhabit the expansive rainforest that was now their home.

Sultan Viniga met up with MCM, accompanied with a giant supersoldier to help him.

Viniga: You tried to turn the world against me. But now I will show you what true power looks like.

The supersoldier began to throw punches at MCM, but he dodged each one. A few of the Veggie soldiers noticed their emperor's distress, and came to his aid. Despite the soldier's noble efforts, they were no match for the giant supersoldier. Soon enough, it was back to just MCM vs the supersoldier. MCM was getting tired, and knew he couldn't beat the supersoldier himself, so he started scanning the battlefield for someone who could help him. Unfortunately, in his concentration shift, he was taken off guard when the supersoldier kicked his legs out from under him, and he came crashing to the ground. The supersoldier then tried to stomp on him, and MCM desperately rolled around on the ground to avoid his attempts. However, MCM wasn't fast enough to avoid them all. The supersoldier slammed his foot down onto MCM's arm pinning him to the ground, and he screamed in pain - until he realised he was only pinned by his sleeve, and not his actual arm. He squirmed around but couldn't free himself. The supersoldier pulled out a sword from his belt, raised it high above his head, began to bring it down at MCM, and then collapsed on the ground. Sticking from his back was a dagger, and standing beside him was 88pikachu. MCM crawled away and stood to thank 88 for his bravery. Their celebration was cut short however when the supersoldier got to his feet.

Viniga: Haha! You thought a measly dagger could stop him? He is controlled by me telepathically, and as long as I communicate my orders to him, he will never be defeated.

MCM looked at 88 fearfully as the supersoldier advanced on them once again. 88 ran away from the soldier, ducking under an outstretched arm, abandoning MCM. MCM called after him, but was more concerned with the supersoldier that now stood only a few metres away. The supersoldier retrieved his sword, and went in for a another final blow. He raised the sword above his head, and brought it down hard towards a cowering MCM. Just as the blade was about to split MC in two, and loud scream was heard, and the supersoldier stopped. He dropped the sword, and then just looked around awkwardly. He turned to look behind him, and saw Viniga lying on the ground, dead. 88 stood beside him.

88: He said he controlled the supersoldier telepathically. I figured if he wasn't alive to give orders, the supersoldier wouldn't know what to do.

MCM: Genius! And now if we can get ahold of the telepathic device, we can use the supersoldier as our own.

Supersoldier: No need. After what those awful men put me through, I'll gladly join your side.

MCM: Great! Now what should we do?

88: Well the other Yemeni supersoldiers are fighting the Alpha Division, so maybe we should help them out.

MCM, 88, and the supersoldier made their way to the superhuman battle that was taking place. When they finally got there though, all of the Yemeni supersoldiers were lying on the ground. They had been completely out-skilled by the superior Alpha soldiers.

Agent Leopard suddenly took off at lightning speed. He raced around the battle, dodging enemy attacks left, right, and centre. He was searching the millions of troops for someone in particular. He pulled out a small tracking device with a screen that told him the whereabouts of his next victim. He stormed through the enemy lines, casually unarming and knocking out many of the troops as he went. Finally he came to the end of the army lines, and found who he was looking for. Dovewing was standing there, pointing a pistol at him. Unphased, Agent Leopard walked ominously towards him. Dovewing desperately opened fire on him, but the bullets simply ricocheted off his bullet-proof armour. Once he realised it was no use, he turned and attempted to flee, but it only took one leap for Agent Leopard to reach him. He grabbed him, placed him over his soldier, and took him back to be held in custody by the Alpha Division.

The Battle Continues...

The War of the World continued to take its devastating toll on the world armies. Before long, Alexander the Great and Napoleon Bonaparte had come face to face. As they began to quibble, the RB's along with some Macedonian troops, and the Grande Army began to battle around them.

Napoleon: What have you come here for?

Alexander: I've come to accept your surrender.

Napoleon: Ha! Surrender? I am the greatest military leader of all time. I never surrender!

Alexander: Someone forgot to tell the Duke of Wellington that.

Napoleon: Excuse me? You dare to mention that feeble man? He could only do what he did after I had defeated all of Europe, and smashed enemies twice my size!

Alexander: Twice your size, eh? Aren't most people twice your size?

Napoleon: How dare you! I am the average height for the time!

Alexander: I think it's evident who he greatest really is. You and I both know it's me.

Napoleon: Is that what you think? Did you defeat Austria? No! Did you defeat Prussia? No! Did you defeat Spain? No! Did you defeat Russia? No!

Alexander: Did you defeat Britain? No!

Napoleon: That's rich coming from you. Did you ever defeat Britain?

Alexander: Well unfortunately I was occupied occupying Athens, Sparta, Persia, Egypt, and anything left of the known world by the age of 25. But maybe if Britain existed back then I would have done so.

Napoleon: Alright then, if you think you're the greatest ever, I guess I'll just have to show you first hand the true truth.

Napoleon clenched his fists, and charged at Alexander. Alexander pulled out a large cavalry spear, and attempted to plunge it into Napoleon's chest. Napoleon quickly flung himself to the side to avoid the sharp blade which missed him by a hair. Alexander expertly swung his spear around and tried to stab Napoleon again. Napoleon was on the ground, and utterly defenseless. Luckily for him one of the Grande soldiers noticed his plight, and swiftly turned and shot Alexander's spear, splitting it in half. Napoleon stood up and lunged at Alexander. However, the RB's tackled him to the ground. Alexander stood over him menacingly, but soon he too was tackled to the ground.

Napoleon: I propose a deal. Order your men off me, and I'll order mine off you.

Alexander: Deal. RB's, get off him now. I'll deal with him myself!

The RB's promptly got off Napoleon, and resumed their skirmish with the Grande army. Alexander got to his feet.

Napoleon: Men, off Alexander, I need no aid in disposing of his worthless body.

Soldier: But sir, we can pin him to the ground and you can destroy him!

Napoleon: No. A promise is a promise, get off him now.

The Grande soldiers got off Alexander and he got to his feet.

After a brief exchange of dirty looks, and snide remarks, Alexander and Napoleon were ready for round two. Both filled with fury, and a desire to make themselves the greatest by ripping the other apart, they charged at each other at full speed. The dived at each other with their arms outstretched, and just as they were about to make contact, both of them disappeared...

The Great Intervention

Just as Napoleon and Alexander were about to rip each other to shreds, both were taken out of sight. The soldiers looked around, wondering what happened to their respective leaders. Suddenly a huge object fell from the sky, crashing through the trees with a loud noise. The soldiers braced themselves and ducked for cover, but there was no escaping whatever was falling from the sky. A large shadow covered them all, but the object hit the ground softly. In fact, it wasn't an object at all. It was a fell beast, a flying dragon like creature I think. Riding the beast, is the most mysterious and secretive man that anyone knows of, ducklingpanda1245 from Middle Earth!

All the soldiers gasp loudly. They had all heard rumours of ducklingpanda's role in the defeat of Tigerheart - some of them had even been present at Kaliningrad for the drama. And here he was, back on Earth. Everyone looked around uneasily - most of the fighting had stopped as the armies of the world took the time to observe what was happening. The beast opened its wings and revealed Napoleon and Alexander underneath. No one could figure out how such a large creature had silently swept through and grabbed them without anyone seeing it. Ducklingpanda then dismounted the beast, revealing someone else behind him. Most of the soldiers had no idea who this was, but some of the people present recognised her straight away. MG, Nguvu, Dylan Boult, 88, and MCM all gasped. It was Agent X!

Agent X dismounted the beast and stood beside ducklingpanda. Ducklingpanda pulled out a loudspeaker, and began to explain to everyone that was close enough to hear him...

ducklingpanda: Hello everyone. For those who don't know me, I'm ducklingpanda, Emperor of Middle Earth. I see my master has worked - my plan to get all of the world's armies to fight each other. Everyone seems to have fallen into my trap except for the GSE of course. However, since my plan worked so well, curtesy of the international meddling of my right hand woman, Agent X, I've decided to come and relieve you of your pain and suffering - on one condition. You see, I have been orchestrating the world events over the last few months and even years, and none of you have realised. Firstly, I bewitched MCM and the VC's citizens into becoming vegetarians, something I predicted would get them into a war with someone eventually. This worked, thanks to a patriotic Svalbardian American who is bent on some sort of complete freedom, equality, justice, and democracy. Secondly, I had Agent X (and the Orange Jackets) infiltrate the world's intelligence systems to gather the required information for my plan to succeed. She meddled with the STF, the New World Triumvirate, and any other organisations. Thirdly, during the fusion between VeryCoolPerson and Alexander the Great, Agent X and the Orange Jackets were involved in a successful mission to hypnotise the creation into seeking the Orb. We tricked him into thinking it would automatically make him ruler of the world - something that would make him officially greater than Napoleon Bonaparte (who we resurrected earlier). However, once the Orb was in his possession, it magically transported every notable character, and the world's armies here in the Amazon. Some other things we did was tamper with the tectonic plates in the Pacific to create Sawiwi. And we also used a bunch of gold we stole from Smaug to bribe Dollyfroggy into interfering with international relations and intelligence, which he agreed to. Anyway, the original plan was to get everyone to come here, then sweep through with my army of monsters from Middle Earth and take over the world. However, I've since decided that would cause too much bloodshed, and it'd be let to us to clean everything up if everyone else was gone. So now I have your attention emperors, I'll ask you to one by one hand over your empires to me.


Afc: You can try and take it, but that's your funeral.

QB's: We'd like to see you try!

TNT: Only if there's a war. War is exciting!

Qy: As long as you rule Svalbard as a democracy that offers equal and ethical rights to every citizen.

MCM: I'll give you half of the VC if all of your citizens must convert to vegetarianism.

Yako: You can have the all of the VC except for Armenia which I'll keep for myself.

Napoleon: I'll do you one better and surrender the Macedonian Empire to you instead!

ducklingpanda: Haha, I was only kidding. You see, the reason I initially wanted to defeat the worlds armies was on one hand to try out my new Orc Infantry Regiment, but on the other hand to relocate those pesky Zephesis somewhere far away from my palace.

cathlete: What's a Zephesis?

ducklingpanda: A new species of dragon that we originally kept as pets but they bred like rabbits and now they've overrun my royal gardens.

BGG: Are they dangerous?

ducklingpanda: Not really, though they can be slightly aggressive when they're irritated. We trained them to do funny little tricks to amuse me, but they soon got old and someone brought in a Zephesis bull, and the next day there was an egg. In just a few months the place was teeming with them.

Afghabwe: Do they breathe fire?

ducklingpanda: No, they aren't real dragons, just annoying flying reptiles.

Angbo: I might not have any vampires in my empire, but a dragon would be cool!

ClutchNferno: I own Scandanavia, so it would be fitting to have a dragon in my empire.

Qy: I think I'd like one.

MCM: I like all animals!

MKF: They might not breathe fire, but the Blaze Empire could do with a dragon.

Ethaboo: A dragon? I'm sure Cohanu won't see that coming.

Afc: I've been looking to invest in some exotic animal, but the WWF won't let me have okapis, koalas, jaguars, or even komodo dragons, so I guess a Zephesis will have to do.

Yako: Maybe I can get one and try to enhance it by exposing it to radioactivity. Or maybe not...

All of the other emperors nodded their heads in agreement - they all wanted a pet Zephesis.

ducklingpanda: I'm not gonna argue with you, you're more than welcome to have them, but don't say I didn't warn you!

Geopro: Hopefully they don't get too out of hand. We don't have the greatest track record with wars against animals.

ducklingpanda: Well, I'll have them delivered to you all by Thursday. Pleasure doing business with you all. Now if you'll excuse me and my various trusty sidekicks, you can resume the massive world war of demolition if you desire.

tgig: Wait! Before you go could you do something about Alexander?

ducklingpanda: Oh yeah!

Agent X pulls out a small orange rod from her belt. She walks over to Alexander with it.

Alexander: Woah. Stay away from me or I shall have you shot.

Agent X continues towards him. Alexander throws a threatening punch at her, but she grabs his fist and effortlessly flips him onto his back. Alexander gasps for air - the wind was knocked out of him. Agent X places the tip of the orange rod on the back of Alexander's neck. A green light shines from the tip and then disappears a few seconds later. Agent X then snaps her fingers in front of Alexander's face.

ducklingpanda: He should be back to normal now.

Alexander (spluttering): Where... where am I? What happened? I... is this a dream?

tgig: Alexander?

Alexander: I'm actually VeryCoolPerson. Or at least I think I am. The last thing I remember was being taken to a laboratory in Athens...

ducklingpanda, Agent X, and the Middle Earth monster leave on the back of the fellbeast. The fellbeast quickly took off and the trio disappeared a few seconds later.

The Battle Ends

The emperors, armies, and notable people of the world stared around wondering what to do. They all figured it would be silly to resume fighting - all except TNT who just wanted something exciting to watch.

Geopro: Can we all agree to peace now guys?

MCM: Yes please!

BGG: Thought you'd never ask!

Qy: I'd love to.

Afghabwe: How long can we look at each other down the barrel of a gun?

QB: I think we can all agree there's no longer a need to fight.

ChineseChen: Not that there was in the first place.

turnbacktwo: We've had enough of war now.

FacterLiger: It would've been interesting for the readers though hopefully

Dollyfroggy: Peace would be nice. Then I can get back to making an income by spreading false rumours.

Geopro: Then it's settled. We will meet in the Lunar Centre on the moon for peace negotiations and a treaty to this war on Thursday. Anyone who doesn't come, misses out on a pet Zephesis...

Breaking News, Worldwide

Dollyfroggy: The most exciting event of the DOTJE timeline has just occured. Another world war, this time much larger than we've ever seen before. Once again, ducklingpanda couldn't stay out of it and was a notable character present in the Amazon, where all of the armies of the world duked it out. A peace treaty discussion will be held on the moon on Thursday to decide the of the war. All of the emperors will be attending. Here's a summary of the empires before the treaty takes place:

- The Great Southern Empire:

Capital: Hobart

Biggest city: Jakarta

Countries: Australia, New Zealand (Wellington, South Island and Pavlova), Indonesia, East Timor, United States (Hawaii), Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, France (New Caledonia), South Africa, Tanzania, Azerbaijan, Lunar Palace.

Leader: Emperor Geopro

Population: 459 million

Side of war: Neutral

- The Blaze Empire:

Capital: Tehran

Biggest city: Tehran

Countries included: Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Monaco, Spain, United Kingdom (Gibraltar), Syria, Iraq, New Zealand (Antarctica), Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, half of the moon, Qatar.

Leader: His (Great) Imperial Awesomeness, Solomon Blaze III

Population: 286 million

Side of war: Pentente

- Greater Indian Empire:

Capital: New Delhi

Biggest city: Delhi

Countries: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Comoros, Mauritius, France (Mayotte and Reunion), United Kingdom (BIOT), Madagascar, Norway (Antarctica), Mozambique, half of the moon, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, Seychelles, Azerbaijan.

Leader: Emperor Aficionado

Population: 2.007 billion

Side: Pentente

- Empire of the Minas Gerais:

Capital: Belo Horizonte

Biggest city: Sao Paulo

Countries: Brazil, Botswana (Chobe National Park), France (French Polynesia), Uruguay, Bolivia, Argentina, Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: MG17

Population: 297 million

Side: Infinity League

- The Pacific Empire:

Capital: Suva

Biggest city: Tokyo

Countries included: Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Philippines, Vanuatu, Japan, Tuvalu, New Zealand (North Island except for Wellington).

Leader: FacterLiger0804

Population: 241 million

Side: IL

- The Nauru Empire:

Capital: Gaziantep

Biggest city: New York

Countries: Nauru, Tuvalu, United States (Except for Hawaii, Alaska, the Carolinas, Wisconsin, California, Virginia and overseas territories), New Zealand (North Island except for Wellington), Turkey (Gaziantep), Djibouti, Kuwait, Russia (Crimea), Serbia.

Leader: Afghabwe

Population: 267 million

Side: IL

- The Imperial Union:

Capital: Reykjavik

Biggest city: Kathmandu

Countries: Iceland, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada (British Columbia), United States (Puerto Rico), China (Tibet), Nepal, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Andorra.

Leader: ZooTuber3000

Population: 58 million

Side: Pentente

- The Macedonian Empire:

Capital: Athens

Biggest city: Moscow

Countries: Greece, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Georgia, Kosovo, Romania, Moldova, Russia (European part except for Crimea), Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel (Jerusalem), Egypt, Syria, Serbia, Estonia, Netherlands.

Leader: thegoatisgoaty

Population: 437 million

Side: Pentente

- The Palapyan/Botswanan Empire:

Capital: Palapye/Gaborone

Biggest City: Kinshasa

Countries included: Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi, Congo, D.R. Congo, Gabon, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Eswatini, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Barbados, Lesotho, Cameroon, Equatorial GuineaCentral African Republic, South Sudan, Ethiopia, EritreaSudan, Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, New Zealand (South Island), France (Antarctica), Ghana, United Arab Emirates, Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: The QuizzerBros

Population: 590 million

Side: Pentente

- The Vampire Empire:

Capital: Taipei

Biggest city: Ho Chi Minh City

Countries: Taiwan, United States (overseas territories and Virginia), Vietnam, Vanuatu, Venezuela (except Maracaibo), Vatican City, Spain (Valencia), Lithuania, Malta, Russia (Vladivostok), Canada (Vancouver), Mexico (Veracruz), Burundi.

Leader: Angbo

Population: 183 million

Side: IL

- GrandOldLand:

Capital: Nuuk

Biggest city: Luanda

Countries: Canada (Newfoundland, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba), Denmark (Greenland), Angola, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Belize, United States (Wisconsin), Suriname, Paraguay, Germany, Poland, Russia (Kaliningrad), Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: ClutchNferno

Population: 265 million

Side: Pentente

- Chilefornia:

Capital: San Francisco

Biggest city: Mexico City

Countries: United States (California except for Santa Barbara), Mexico (except for Veracruz), Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador (Except Galapagos Islands), Peru, Chile (besides Southern part), Venezuela (Maracaibo), Sao Tome and Principe, North Korea, South Korea, Nigeria (south east coast)

Leader: TheNatureThread

Population: 446 million

National food: Dhokla, Dabeli, Burritos and Tacos

Side: IL

- Republic of Carolina:

Capital: Hamilton

Biggest city: Hamilton

Countries: United States (Carolinas), United Kingdom (Bermuda)

Leader: JackQuizzer

Population: 63 thousand

- The Empire's Empire:

Capital: Juneau

Biggest city: Mogadishu

Countries: United States (Alaska), Russia (Siberia), Somalia, Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: Jetpunker180

Population: 64 million

Side: Pentente

- British Isles Empire:

Capital: London

Biggest city: London

Countries: United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Russia (Severny Island), Canada (Baffin Island).

Leader: BigGeographyGuy

Population: 72 million

Vassals: Duchy of Wyvernia (Leader: NiobiumVoid)

Side: Pentente

- Med-Atlantic Empire:

Capital: Tangier

Biggest city: Milan

Countries: Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cape Verde, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Cyprus, France, Portugal, Guyana, Grenada, Ivory Coast, Benin, Italy (except for Elba), Spain (Balearic Islands), United States (Carolinas), Free State of Hudson Bay, United Kingdom (Bermuda).

Leader: turnbacktwo

Population: 412 million

Side: IL

- Imperium Sanctus:

Capital: Beijing

Biggest city: Guangzhou

Countries: China (minus southern Tibet), Mongolia, Russia (around Lake Baikal)

Leader: cathlete

Population: 1.402 billion

Side: IL

- Veggie Caliphate:

Capital: Abuja

Biggest city: Lagos

Countries: Nigeria (except south east coast), Armenia, Niger, Greece (Crete), Iraq, Syria, Chad, Eritrea, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel (besides Jerusalem), Equatorial Guinea, Ecuador (Galapagos Archipelago), United States (Santa Barbara), Bahrain.

Leader: MiecraftMan

Population: 359 million

Semi-autonomous region: Yemeni People's Republic

Side: Pentente

Vassals: Apostolic Armenian Empire (Leader: YakosaysBOT5WANA)

Viniga Sultanate:

Capital: Jerusalem

Biggest City: Cairo

Countries: Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen

Leader: Sultan Viniga

Population: 0 million

National Food: Salt and Vinegar Chips

Second German Empire:

Capital: Berlin

Biggest City: The Ruhr, Cologne/Dusseldorf or Berlin

Countries: Germany, Russia (Kaliningrad), Poland, Latvia

Leader: Felix1958

Population: 124 million

Middle Earth Empire:

Capital: Unknown

Biggest City: Unknown

Countries: Unknown

Leader: ducklingpanda1245

Population: Unknown

At war with: Unknown

Side: Unknown

Korean Empire:

Capital: Seoul

Biggest City: Seoul

Countries: North Korea, South Korea, Estonia, Latvia, Ghana, Austria, Poland, Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Dominica, Barbados, Italy (except for Elba).

Leader: Tigerheart1919

Population: 0 million

Apostolic Armenian Empire:

Capital: Yerevan

Biggest City: Tashkent

Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ecuador, Iraq, Syria, Serbia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Equatorial Guinea, Namibia, Bhutan, Bolivia.

Leader: YakosaysBOT5WANA

Population: 0 million

National Food: Raspberry tarts with rose oil

Grande Empire:

Capital: Half Tree Hollow

Biggest city: Portoferraio

Countries: United Kingdom (Saint Helena), Italy (Elba), Free State of Hudson Bay.

Leader: Napoleon Bonaparte

Population: 25 million

Side: IL


Capital: Tímår¬

Biggest city: Tímår¬

Countries: Make believe islands in the Pacific

Leader: Almighty Dhruv

Population: 11 million

Side: IL


Capital: New Baltimore

Biggest city: New Baltimore

Countries: Norway (Svalbard archipelago)

Leader: Qy

Population: 17,389

Side: IL

Level 60
Jan 30, 2023
Unfortunately I can't add images for some reason. I've been trying every now and then for the last few days, but it keeps on timing out. I'll try again sometime later if I remember. I hope you enjoy!
Level 67
Jan 30, 2023
Great blog again, and very enticing thumbnail! You're more than welcome to have a treaty meeting to be held in Timbuktu ;P
Level 60
Jan 30, 2023
Level 67
Jan 30, 2023
I think I will update my 'Most Powerful Empires' blog after the peace treaty is drawn up and released.
Level 65
Jan 30, 2023
Hey! Nice one Geopro! I'd better get my biotech scientists to work on Zephesis upgrading, I'll need mine to have fire-breathing, and maybe an allergy to Zargonite so it can be defeated if it ever gets out of hand...

Cool seeing what the orb does finally

Wait Alexander joined the Pentete side?? Eject him!!

Level 65
Jan 30, 2023
@QuizzerBros I've already offered my Lunar Center for meetings but Timbuktu would be cool too. Desert Fortress, anyone?
Level 60
Jan 30, 2023
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I might quickly change it from Timbuktu to the moon!
Level 15
Feb 19, 2023
I'm still available as mediator if no-one objects?
Level 60
Jan 30, 2023
Alexander was de facto on the Pentente bc he's leader of the Macedonian Empire
Level 71
Jan 30, 2023
I thought I was... He was just an ally at first, though I was the ruler
Level 60
Jan 30, 2023
I just added a little bit too near the end just before ducklingpanda leaves, so it might be worth reading that section @QB's and MKF :)
Level 67
Jan 30, 2023
Level 65
Feb 13, 2023
yup cool
Level 66
Jan 30, 2023
I'm so confused this literally does not match anything we discussed in the plan 💀
Level 66
Jan 30, 2023
I mean the blog is cool but I never agreed to be on IF side so not sure why you put me on that side :D please fix it next time because this is not what we discussed

I reconciled with MCM and they were in the process of ending the war and I was supposed to gain independence through peaceful means, so not sure where you got me joining Infinity League from

Level 60
Jan 31, 2023
Yep I know, and I haven't forgotten that
Level 60
Jan 30, 2023
I love how Yako offers up the VC
Level 66
Jan 30, 2023
Yes even though I literally did not say I wanted to do that 💀
Level 60
Jan 31, 2023
No, it was just a joke
Level 66
Feb 1, 2023
oh lol
Level 60
Jan 30, 2023
Soo, what now?
Level 66
Jan 30, 2023
we should actually do the plan we discussed since geopro didnt do it this time
Level 60
Jan 30, 2023
Yeah, I’ll be a bit busy this week but we can hopefully officialize it soon
Level 74
Jan 30, 2023
What a climactic battle!
Level 43
Jan 30, 2023
*insert finally, some good f*cking blog meme here*

I love how I still haven’t sent my troops as I’m claiming it since some 5 chapters ago... hopefully we’ll have a victory over Alexander to enforce my approval on a politically divided empire pretty much like real life ngl. I’m open to make alliances to trade products in exchange of military help and sanctions to Alexander.

Finally DOTJE is back! Also, please add some of these to my data:

National food: pÃo dE qUeIjO 🥵🥶🍷🗿

National animal: Canarinho Pistola, que nos trará o Hexa 🇧🇷⚽️🏆🐤

National currency: 200-reais-bill-that-I-have-never-seen-in-my-life 😔✊🏻💸👀

Level 60
Jan 30, 2023
No comment on how you shot a man dead lol?
Level 43
Jan 30, 2023
I didn’t read the whole thing, but that’s the power of having the MG’s totally legal gun.
Level 43
Jan 30, 2023
Oh, they wanna create animals... cool. At least none of these post-apocalyptic beasts include a cachorro caramelo.

EDIT: Wow... War of the World, and STF and TSE are at my side. It’s exquisite to see they doing something correct

EDIT OF THE EDIT: No they’re not lol. Didn’t expect Chilefornia at Pentente. Wasn’t TNT at IL?

EDIT OF THE EDIT OF THE EDIT: Yayyy they are dead, take that Alexandre de Moraes (let’s say both STF and TSE are the same thing)! Btw, ducklingpanda W

Level 66
Jan 30, 2023
Geopro didn't do the sides right, so that may be why it doesn't make a lot of sense.
Level 60
Jan 30, 2023
Geopro asserts a certain control over what its the blog, if he wishes the sides to be how they are, we must oblige. However, I certainly hope its just an accident and that the VC and Armenia can become friends
Level 60
Jan 31, 2023
Yes, it wasn't a mistake. But don't worry Yako, I haven't forgotten yours and MCM's treaty and negotiations.
Level 65
Feb 13, 2023
yup the totally legal gun makes a comeback xD
Level 73
Jan 30, 2023
Who could have guessed who was behind all these wars!? The Middle Earth are the real Illuminati.

This was a phenomenal blog, btw!

Where's the treaty happening? On my side of the Moon or MKF's?

Level 60
Jan 31, 2023
Thanks Afc. The treaty will be on MKF's side, though I'm sure we can all pay a visit to you, and to my Lunar Palace as well.
Level 69
Jan 30, 2023
Nice blog! Always exciting.

Also, I made a DOTJE Wiki so we can all access an easy history of the series. If you could help, I'd really appreciate it. :)


Level 60
Jan 31, 2023
Thank you Qy! I'll have to take a look
Level 73
Jan 31, 2023
That's a nice idea Qy! I can help you with writing a small info panel for all countries, maybe.

Could you tell me if visual editing is possible for that? I can't find the option for that.

Level 69
Jan 31, 2023
There might be. I'll have to check the wiki settings.

But yeah, any help at all is appreciated. I'll start work on country pages today.

Level 65
Feb 13, 2023
I'm working on mine slowly. Haven't got much free time just lately..



Level 66
Feb 1, 2023
Yes! I have done most of the page for the AAE.
Level 60
Jan 31, 2023
Great blog! I'm surprised I haven't been killed yet.
Level 52
Feb 1, 2023
Don't threaten the real world power or I'm coming back. :) Middle Earth is the most powerful of all kingdoms so don't underestimate my little flying reptiles.
Level 34
Feb 3, 2023
Am I dead?
Level 60
Feb 3, 2023
No. Likely you’ll be freed and given a chance to reform.
Level 60
Feb 5, 2023
No you're not dead. But likely what MCM said
Level 66
Feb 8, 2023
If you ever regain power of Korea, we should be allies ^_^
Level 65
Feb 13, 2023
when we do the treaty, would it be possible for me to get Syria somehow? I really want a Mediterranean port.
Level 60
Feb 15, 2023
I'll consider that as an option thanks
Level 66
Feb 15, 2023
I have a lot of devious plans... tehehehehe...
Level 60
Feb 28, 2023
For the treaty, can me and the QBS expand along the Gulf of Guinea, seeing as turnbacktwo betrayed the African Alliance?
Level 60
Feb 28, 2023
Yep. I have already drawn up the peace treaty, and rest assured, you will gain territory from turnbacktwo
Level 65
Mar 1, 2023
looking forward to that!!!
Level 65
Mar 1, 2023
*the peace treaty blog, not MCM getting tb2's land. exciting for you though MCM