The Greatest Geography Snap Day


9th August 2022, the greatest day in the Geography Snap history

Well yeah, here we go again, a new Geography Snap blog ! This time, we'll be talking about 9th August 2022. This day was particularly incredible, for one reason : In this single day, no less than 19 World Records were beaten, in 11 different game modes ! Here, you can see what records were beaten, by who and when :

Well yeah, as you can see, loads of Changedaworld and a bit of me. Also, you can see that a World Record lasted for only 1 minute and 20 seconds (Countries, Capitals, Flags & Shapes Easy). But by writing this blog, I realized something. It's that I predicted that ! Well, sort of. On 31st May 2022, I wrote a blog : The Battle with Changedaworld. It's not very long, but in the end of it, I wrote this :

"But the battle is not over, it's just starting. I don't know what the perfect time would be. But this (friendly, I hope) battle could spread out in other game modes, [...], so I can't wait to see what the future of Geography Snap will look like."

And now, he have 17 WRs and I have 19. But hey, I won't surrender that fast. As I said, it's a battle.

Level 65
Aug 15, 2022
congrats on WR
Level 57
Aug 15, 2022
I'm still in a battle with Changedaworld.