Q&A - IAB Edition


Hey there, this is IAB. I've been on JetPunk for almost 3 years now and recently, I've reached a big milestone, 1 million takes, which I thank everyone who took my quizzes. :)

So today, I have decided to do a Q&A for this special occasion, submit your questions on the form below so you can participate it even if you're blocked.

I will answer the questions in this blog, the form will be open for 3 days.


Q: What is your favourite SVG you've made?

A: I literally cannot just choose one so here are two:

5 Most Populous Cities in Each E.U. NUTS1
ALL First-Level Subdivisions of the World With a Map

However there is one more map that is currently in the making and it would definitely be my favourite by far, I can't say it yet but just know that it's massive.

Q: What's your favorite fruit

A: "Apple obviously" - Apelkrab

Q: What do you think of geese? Hjönk hjönk

A: Hjönk hjönk, sorry I mean uhhhh güs are good I guess

Q: Do you like my blogs? - MrBlogger

A: Needs a lot of double-checking, that's (mostly) all. Also tone down on the CSS

Q: What kind of games have you been playing recently, if any?

A: I play mostly TrackMania Nations Forever now days (251/260), but I also play Minecraft and Tetris once in a while

Q: How and when did you start using Jetpunk?

A: It was back in late 2018 when I was bored at home and randomly decided to search up "Countries of the World Quiz" and found JetPunk, the rest is history

Q: If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A: Gloucester UK, for... reasons.

Q: Do you like cheese

A: I do, indeed

Q: What is life in Paraiba like

A: Poor, unless you live in João Pessoa, then it's a different story

Q: Which JetPunkers do you respect the most?

A: A lot of my close friends on JetPunk, as well as the QuizmasterJiaoziraovertired, the list goes on.

Q: Do you plan on making any new quizzes anytime soon?

A: I do! As I said on the first question there is a huge SVG map quiz currently in the works, expect it to be finished in the next few days or so.

Q: Favorite singer or band?

A: I don't really listen to music so I can't answer this question, sorry.

Q: Are hot dogs sandwiches?

A: In my opinion hot dogs are food

Q: It's YakosaysBOT5WANA. My question is: if you could erase ten countries from the map of your choosing, what would they be?


Q: why are you bad

A: 13 year old me was not very good with names

Q: Do you think spotlights are a good or a bad thing for the nominations system?

A: They are a good thing, yes, the "bad" quizzes that get spotlighted every now and then have no chance on being nominated by anyone so that's not really a problem.

Q: The sea level is rising rapidly, and soon enough, all countries would be submerged. Now, you can choose to save only 5 countries, which ones would you pick?


Q: You get 100 USD and are forced to spend it in the next hour. What would you purchase?

A: JetPunk Premium ($35), Trackmania United Forever (~$17), GeoGuessr Pro (~$32), and uhhhhhh Slime Rancher (~$7) maybe

Q: Does your name IAB stand for anything or where they just random letters?

A: IAB stands for "IAmBad" as seen in places like the URL of my public profile, like I said, 13 year old me was not very good with names.

Q: Have you met any Indigenous Brazilians in person?

A: Nope, at least not that I remember

Level 55
Aug 27, 2021
german shag cave (congorats)
Level 55
Aug 27, 2021
Level 75
Aug 27, 2021
Congrats on 1 million takes IAB!!!
Level 55
Aug 27, 2021
Thanks! :)
Level 65
Aug 27, 2021
Level 55
Aug 27, 2021
Level 37
Aug 27, 2021
Congrats so much Vicky! You totally deserve even more!
Level 55
Aug 27, 2021
Thanks ytpo! :)
Level 65
Aug 27, 2021
Level 78
Aug 27, 2021
Congratulations! You have won a special prize for self-promotion. To redeem your gift, click here. You do not want to miss this present!

But all comedy aside, please do not self promote on other people's blogs. It is not funny and it is really annoying.

Level 82
Jan 27, 2023
Fuse why you gotta rickroll me like this man ;-;
Level 74
Aug 27, 2021
I'm going to throw a cactus at you
Level 55
Aug 27, 2021
i will annihilate you
Level 52
Aug 28, 2021
Who was self-promoting?
Level 75
Aug 28, 2021
It obviously isn't not the 1st level comment
Level 74
Aug 27, 2021
Congratulations Vicky! Well deserved for all those amazing quizzes :D
Level 55
Aug 27, 2021
Thanks Jenny! :)
Level 69
Aug 27, 2021
Congratulations IAB for a well deserved 1 million takes!
Level 55
Aug 27, 2021
Thanks bots! :)
Level 78
Aug 27, 2021
Congratulations for 1M takes! This is well deserved for a great quizmaker. Good job!
Level 55
Aug 27, 2021
Thanks fuse! :)
Level 74
Aug 27, 2021
Congratulations (took me way too long to spell that xd) Vicky, well deserved ofc! Really looking forward to the mysterious new SVG quiz...
Level 55
Aug 27, 2021
Thanks Nate! :)
Level 71
Aug 27, 2021
Congrats! While I feel I don't know you that well, I can definitely say your quizzes are really amazing. I don't think I have the patience to make a quiz for the subdivisions of a single country, let alone a continent or the entire world, so I really respect and admire the effort you put into all of your quizzes. The one million takes is very well deserved!
Level 55
Aug 27, 2021
Thanks! :) I definitely do not plan on doing anything like what I did with World Subdivisions, lol
Level 65
Aug 27, 2021
Great! You and Stewart are the most hard-worked SVG creator I ever seen. Congrats for your 1 million taken!
Level 55
Aug 27, 2021
Thanks! :)
Level 68
Aug 27, 2021
Late to the party but congrats! A well deserved milestone for an excellent quiz maker, in so little time as well!
Level 55
Aug 27, 2021
Thanks! :)
Level 54
Aug 28, 2021
Well, I'm a bit late too, but toutes mes félicitations, Vicky! Congratulations! It's an amazing achievement, and you really deserve it. I hope you will continue to create amazing quizzes with great maps during years and years!
Level 55
Aug 28, 2021
Thanks! :)
Level 75
Aug 28, 2021
Canned gay rats on 1 million takes!
Level 55
Aug 28, 2021
Thanks! :)
Level 54
Aug 28, 2021
Level 55
Aug 28, 2021
Thanks! :)
Level 54
Aug 28, 2021
Level 68
Aug 28, 2021
Congorattatas on 1,000,000 takes!
Level 55
Aug 28, 2021
Thanks! :)
Level 62
Aug 28, 2021
Level 55
Aug 28, 2021
Thanks! :)
Level 70
Aug 28, 2021
Congratulations on the 1mil takes!! Every single one was very well deserved :)

Looking forward to seeing what the huge SVG project is too.

Level 55
Aug 28, 2021
Thanks! :)
Level 75
Aug 29, 2021
Tbh you didn't need to save the Dutch, knowing them they'd easily save themselves by reclaiming land from the ocean
Level 55
Aug 29, 2021
fair enough
Level 65
Aug 29, 2021
Congrats on one million takes!
Level 55
Aug 29, 2021
Thanks! :)
Level 65
Aug 29, 2021
Question: when is mystery quiz coming?
Level 55
Aug 29, 2021
In the next few days or so, should be about the 5th of September or before,
Level 52
Oct 2, 2021
So what is this colossal quiz?
Level 68
Mar 5, 2022
Bastante atrasado, mas parabéns pelo 1 mi de quizes respondidos. Rumo aos 2 mi! :)