

Quick Note: This is not an informative blog. It's just a personal one and there isn't much content here. Jump to the last header to read about the event itself.


Hey there, it's been a while.

Now, I must first say that this idea popped up suddenly last night. I was attending homecoming hosted by the seniors in our school and randomly came under the spotlight. You will see what I meant here in a bit.

Alright, without further ado...


I'm the typical introverted and sort of socially awkward nerd. So, when I first heard of the homecoming, I wasn't sure whether I wanted to go. I asked a few of my friends and they were not planning to go either way, so I thought I might as well just let it slide this year. But, this one day at school, I found out that some of my other friends were going. I just can't miss that. Without anything planned, I just agreed to go with the homies.


The problem with this event was that I didn't want to spend too much money, and all the other kids with the pumped up kicks... were gonna wear some fine suits. I already spent about 600 AED on my graphing calculator the same week, so for obvious reasons I do not want to throw in more money for something I didn't really care about.

I had this dark blue shirt at home. It looked pretty clean and I didn't really need a new one. However, I didn't have any pants, so I just went out with my mom to buy a pair. We managed to find one that was pretty affordable and didn't look too bad, so we just bought it.

That was basically everything that happened on my end. But I still felt like I was missing a decent belt. The only one I had was just a really old one my dad wore years back. So, on the day before the event, I went to the mall with my friends to look for whatever we needed.

The belts there weren't all that cheap, so I ended up buying nothing. All we did was just browsing through Zara shopping for one of the gang. We bought him a clean striped shirt and a pair of black pants. To finish the day off, we had some good ol' Starbucks and fried chicken down at the food court.

Friday - Before the event

The event was at 7 PM, so obviously I would still have a lot of time to spare in the morning. I revised for the mechanics test I have in the week just a bit after I got up at 6:30. It was about forces, UARM and UCM. It was a rather tedious task so I won't go into it.

After I was done with that awful revision, I opened up Minecraft. I played some Skywars and Bedwars for a while and then hopped off about 2 hours in as I needed to get dressed up. I was hoping to play the Skywars tournament but didn't end up doing so since the friend I planned to team with in that event was busy.

Oh also, I received a notification about my SAT score being available mid-game. It went pretty well and I did much better than I expected in that.

When it was about time, I left my house for the metro. Luckily, by that time, the sky was starting to darken. I didn't sweat and end up arriving at the hotel stinky. The metro was just like it normally is: full. I stood in the train for the whole way, about 40 minutes, and finally arrived at the station my friends were waiting at.

Friday - The event

When we got there, it was just a couple minutes past 7. There was like a grand total of 10 others there, including the hosts. Most arrived about 30 minutes to an hour late and the event didn't properly begin until about 8. We ate for a bit and when dinner ended, the seniors made an announcement.

They were selecting the 5 guys and 5 girls who they think had the best outfit and we, the juniors, would have to yell for the ones we think had the best fit. With my plain shirt, I surely did not win that part. I didn't want to be under the spotlight with a bunch of dudes yelling at me, anyway.

Then, we were voting for the homecoming king and queen. There were 11 tables and each had to cast one vote for a boy and another for a girl. Remember how I mentioned I'm an introverted nerd? Yeah. I still have no idea if it was initially meant to be a joke, but two guys started running around telling people to vote for me. I was really nervous at that point, because I didn't know what I'd do if I somehow actually won the vote, and I ended up drinking quite a lot of water.

The hosts were standing on the stage, talking into the mic. All of a sudden, they announced who the homecoming king was. I heard my name. I was so confused. So many things went through my head at that instant. I thought the SAT score would've been the peak of that day. But no, it surely wasn't. The next thing I see was a mob dashing at me, jumping around and cheering. On our school WhatsApp group, a bunch of people who did not come to the event were cheering too. I had everyone's attention there. I surely wasn't used to this, and could only give off a shy yet joyous smile.

The plastic crown they got was broken, someone might've sat on it or something right before the event. But it was fine, I had my moment. The rest was just the casual vibing to the music and I'll not go into that. What was worth mentioning though, was that they ended up Rickrolling us all towards the end. It was fun. Surely worth going.

Alright, that will be everything for this blog. Last night was truly fun and far better of an experience than what I anticipated.

Shameless plug: Only a small percentage of people... gets smacked I have another (informative) blog WIP at the moment. So if you liked reading my blogs, then that's some good news for you.

Okay, think it's time for me to go burn through the 120 games of Skywars tournament now. See y'all.

Level 48
Oct 16, 2021
Level 75
Oct 16, 2021
Level 65
Oct 22, 2021
Level 59
Oct 16, 2021
Drinking lot of water when stressed cuz of being in a very social surrounding~ I can definitely related to that. Cuz of that I felt the urgent to pee in some very awkward and embarassing situations so I would suggest to not continue the habit.
Level 75
Oct 16, 2021
I did feel the urge to pee there, fun
Level 62
Oct 16, 2021
Lol I hope you do well in the Skywars tournament. Is it on Hypixel? :)
Level 75
Oct 16, 2021

And yep, the one on Hypixel. It ends on Sunday.

Level 71
Oct 16, 2021
Congrats! (Corntags?) If there's one thing I think the world needs, it's more socially awkward, introverted people becoming popular :)
Level 75
Oct 17, 2021
Thanks :D

I don't think it's always good since some might feel uncomfortable with that, but in my case I do agree

Level 65
Oct 26, 2021
Sounds like a nice experience. I have low self confidence, but everyone sees me as extroverted as I always can think of something funny to say in the moment. I wouldn’t know much about Homecoming though, I’m only in eighth grade. Enough of me though.

Congrats! If those jerks were joking, then it went right back in their face. Sounds like it was a good time.