If The U.S. States Were all High Schoolers: Popularity Ranks



Here is a list of the 25 most popular states if they were students in a high school, and a little bit about their character and likings.

1. California 

California is easily the most popular kid. California lives in the biggest house, has the most money, and gets to do whatever he wants. You can always see him at the skateboard park, or surfing with Hawaii. He always has a nice tan, and the ladies love him. Always rocking his coolest shades and clothes, he is the most popular kid in the school.

2. Florida 

Always hanging out with California, Florida is also very popular. He always has a nice tan, and always has a story to tell about his amazing summer vacations. In the summer, his house never gets rest. He always has parties, and he always gets everyone to come.

3. New York 

New York is easily the most popular girl in the school, as she is friends with almost every girl in school. She is a fashionista and dreams of becoming a movie star. You can count on her to rock the best outfits. She makes cheerleaders jealous, due to her stunning looks and funny personality.

4. Texas

Also hanging out with California and Florida, Texas is a bad*ss. You can always see him on a motorcycle or at a shooting range. At school you can commonly see him wearing shades, jeans, and a leather jacket.

5. Georgia

Georgia makes a lot of friends and has a vibrant and loud personality. You can always see Georgia hanging out with Louisiana and having a blast. Everyone is jealous, as Georgia's mom cooks the best chicken in town. Students (States) are always asking to come to her house for dinner. Georgia loves to snack on peaches and peanuts, and drink coke.

6. New Jersey 

New Jersey is very social and outgoing. He has a lot of friends and loves partying. You can always see him having fun at the local pizzeria with New York, or hanging out with his buddies, Delaware and Connecticut at the beach. You can always see him wearing shorts and a jersey as well as the coolest new sneakers.

7. Hawaii

Hawaii is very kind and generous. She always cares for people and is kind-hearted. You can always see her on the beach surfing with her best buddy, California. She loves wearing short skirts with flip flops and a beach hat.

8. Tennessee 

Tennessee is a singer. She loves to sing and you can always find her listening to music. Tennessee looks up to Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus as she wishes to be like them one day. You can always see her wearing her iconic cowgirl hat with leather boots and jeans.

9. Arizona 

Arizona is an adventurer. You can always see him hanging out with his best buddies, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. You can always see him in his pool relaxing, or going for a hike with his friends. Arizona never misses a day  wearing shorts and a T-shirt.

10. Colorado 

Just like Arizona, Colorado is an adventurer. You can always see Colorado in the outdoors, whether it's hiking in the mountains, taking his dog for a walk, camping under the stars, or skiing with his good friends, Utah and Vermont. You can always see Colorado being active. Colorado is very social and outgoing and has a lot of friends.

11. Nevada 

Nevada is a partyer. She is always having parties at her house. You can find her dancing the night away and listening to pop music. She also loves to go shopping with New York and Georgia at the mall, and always spends more than $100 there.

12. Louisiana

Louisiana is very loud and outgoing. She loves hanging out with Georgia and Mississippi, as well as bragging about her mother's Jambalaya. She loves jazz, and eating shrimp. She is very colorful, as shown in the bright clothes and necklaces she wears every day. She loves dancing and partying with Nevada, New York, and Georgia.

13. Illinois 

Illinois is very energetic and social. You can always see her hanging out with New York and Nevada in the City. She also loves hot dogs and you can see her hanging out with West Virginia at the local hot dog joint. She also loves hip hopping with New York.

14. Ohio

Ohio is very outgoing and energetic. He loves rock and roll, and you can always hear him jammin' to his favorite beat. His BFFs are Kentucky, Michigan, and North Carolina, and he loves hanging out with them. You can always find Ohio at concerts, singing and dancing to the Rolling Stones, KISS, and Aerosmith.

15. North Carolina 

North Carolina loves the outdoors. He loves hanging out with his BFFs Kentucky and Ohio, and loves going to the beach with his brother, South Carolina. North Carolina also loves to go bike-riding on trails in the forest.

16. Virginia

Virginia is kind and outgoing. She loves hanging out at the beach with Maryland (her BFF). She has a lot of friends, and loves going apple picking and taking walks around the neighborhood with West Virginia (her sister), and Pennsylvania.

17. Utah

Utah is smart, friendly and loves the outdoors. He has a lot of friends, and enjoys  hiking, climbing, and just having fun. He enjoys skiing with Vermont and Colorado, as well as studying with Massachusetts and Connecticut. He also has fun canyoneering with Arizona.

18. Washington

Washington is kind and entertaining. He enjoys hiking and bike riding on trails with his friends Oregon and Idaho. He loves eating apples and cherries as well as going to Starbucks. You can find him on his hover board with California and Ohio, or going fishing or whale watching with Oregon.

19. Michigan

Michigan is fun and playful. He appreciates spending time with his best friends, Ohio and Kentucky, as well as with his family. He loves swimming as well as showing off his dad's fine car collection. He enjoys sailing with Rhode Island and Connecticut, and fly fishing with Wyoming and Montana. He likes eating cherries and hot fudge, as well as singing rock music with Ohio.

20. Pennsylvania 

Pennsylvania is sweet and friendly. She loves hanging out with her friends, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia as well as going horseback riding with Wyoming and Montana. She enjoys water parks, and hiking. She also loves chocolate, and playing piano.

21. New Mexico

New Mexico is friendly and outgoing. He loves hanging out with Arizona and Colorado, and going hot air ballooning. He also enjoys spicy food, and searching for UFO's in the sky (although he's never gonna find any). Like Arizona, New Mexico never misses a day wearing shorts and a T-shirt.

22. Kentucky

Kentucky is funny and energetic. His best friends are Ohio, Michigan, and North Carolina. He enjoys having horse races and going horse riding with North Carolina, as well as listening to country and bluegrass music with Tennessee. He also enjoys taking walks and exploring caves. Kentucky is also jealous of Georgia, as his mom cooks the second best chicken in town.

23. Maryland

Maryland is kind and fun. She loves going to the beach with Georgia and Virginia, as well as taking walks around the neighborhood with Pennsylvania and West Virginia. She loves to eat crab cakes and play lacrosse. She loves walking on boardwalks and going to amusement parks.

24. Alaska

Alaska is unique and adventurous. She loves to go hunting with her dad, camping, and watching the northern lights. She loves hanging out with her BFFs Montana, Wyoming, and Minnesota. She enjoys fishing, dog sledding, skiing, mountaineering, and snowmobiling.

25. Arkansas

Arkansas is loving, relaxed, and gentle. He loves hanging out with Kentucky, Missouri, and North Carolina, going to Walmart, and canoeing. He enjoys swimming in hot springs, as well as rock climbing and diamond collecting.


Here I gave you guys the list of 25 most popular states if they were students. Let me know if you would like me to to a Part 2, 26-50. I hoped you enjoyed my blog!

Level 55
Apr 2, 2022
Agree with most of these. But what number is Massachusetts?

Guessing maybe it’s that quiet kid that gets an a+ In ever subject

Level 68
Apr 2, 2022
Massachusetts will be in Part 2. But, I would say Massachusetts would fall in the late 30s, but yes, your guess is correct.
Level 60
Apr 2, 2022
Level 60
Apr 2, 2022
Have you ever heard of YakosaysBOTSWANA?
Level 68
Apr 2, 2022
Level 60
Apr 2, 2022
Oh okay, no offense meant. He had a series called What if Countries Were High Schoolers. He was banned for being to toxic.
Level 68
Apr 2, 2022
oh okay, never heard of him.
Level 66
May 12, 2022
Level 60
Apr 2, 2022
Cool blog
Level 68
Apr 2, 2022
Level 59
Apr 2, 2022
agree with most of them, but I think New Jersey should be the state that everyone seems to dislike (which lots of people can agree with)
Level 68
Apr 2, 2022
Ok, I agree, but I didn't want to be rude. lol.
Level 59
Apr 2, 2022
Nj should also not be wearing a tank top if u know what I mean
Level 68
Apr 2, 2022
Level 59
Apr 2, 2022

(look at the name :))

Level 68
Apr 2, 2022
I still don't get it.
Level 59
Apr 3, 2022
... can someone else tell him
Level 60
Apr 3, 2022
He’s wearing a jersey, not a tank top
Level 68
Apr 3, 2022
Oh, lol
Level 66
Apr 6, 2022
New Jersey should also be a bad/rude driver db
Level 68
Apr 6, 2022
Level 60
Apr 4, 2022
Interesting selections and funny idea. Also I noticed a typo in the Arizona section. You have written 'Corado' instead of Colorado
Level 73
Apr 4, 2022
Nice blog! Looking forward to the second part. :)
Level 68
Apr 4, 2022
Thanks! I'm working on it now.