Thank you, and here's AFOTWIT Chapter 8


The Takes

Thanks for the takes! I know, 840 takes is not a lot, but I feel very accomplished. I have been doing JetPunk for 2 years, but this account was not made until probably August 2020. And I know, I don't have subscribers, or any featured quizzes, but 840 takes feels accomplishing enough for me.

"Oh, your most popular quiz is a Fast Typing A quiz basically! It was created originally by someone! Ban him! Ban him!"

So, yeah, even though this negative voice-

"That's me! Ban him! Ban him for spamming and creating unoriginal quizzes!"

So, yeah, thanks guys! (and girls) Thank you for taking my non feature worthy quizzes and getting me to this!

The Blogs

At first, my first blog was a complaint blog, "Does anybody even know about this profile". It was there when MG17, Pandora49 and TheBerryLegend first commented on my blog. And this was where I learned that JetPunk is a place to take fun quizzes and post and read blogs.

Speaking of blogs, my next blog was the "Copy featured quiz feature".

Again, this received some harsh criticism. Because, a wise JetPunker said, be original with your quizzes, and only use it to figure out how something works. So thanks to that wise JetPunker for being wise.

"Yeah, because of that, we should ban him (GeoSmartKirbyXD)! He makes terrible blogs!"

Speaking of terrible blogs, my terrible blogs ended with...

"Jakarta is sinking..."

This was my first "good" blog. It received some good reviews, and I personally think it was very informational. I then started the humbled series of...

"Alternate Future of Southeast Asia/Southeast, East and South/ Asia/ Afro-Eurasia/ the World in Text"

The first installment was great! It received better reviews than I thought it would, even though it seems boring without a map, like on YouTube. But I think this is my greatest blog series so far. It was with the second installment that I received this comment from @DicBrian... (hint hint)

"Wow look at this blatant spam and propoganda"

"Yeah, I would make great friends with him! Ban him for spam and propaganda!"

I mean, lol, he didn't spell propaganda right, but that shocked me. I was humiliated by just that one comment. Am I making spam, and propaganda? Do I deserve to get banned? But many people, including SirPhilippines (he said he is Filipino, like me!), and many others. So thanks to those who defended me!

Then the GeoStumpers™©, a long hiatus, I should stop ranting about blogs now, yeah, that stuff.

Thank you so much! I appreciate it!

The Quizzes

My most popular quiz is the EVIL  A Quiz. And going back to takes, yeah, that is a Fast Typing quiz, but I personally think that even a single quiz getting a hundred takes is awesome to me! I have made other quizzes, one collaboration with NeilVedwan, one collaboration with SirPhilippines, and others. Now I will try to make custom SVG quizzes to advance my takes and all, but I enjoy making blogs and quizzes people enjoy. And do you want to know how I came up with my username?

"Hi! I am a non-negative voice that answers questions and helps out, not harms, like the negative voice. My dialogue will have an HV, then my dialogue. And also, yes, how did you come up with it?"


1. Geography. Shortened form: Geo

2. I am pretty good at geography. Smart

3. My favorite video game franchise is Kirby. Kirby

4. I like laughing, and I make my friends laugh. XD

Geo+Smart+Kirby+XD= GeoSmartKirbyXD

"HV: Wow, creative!"

"NV (Negative voice): Boo, how uncreative! Ban him for spam, propaganda and uncreativity!"

But whatever. Next!

The Friends!!!

My current friends:












Collab account

Another collab account




Another collab account




The "legendary" (in my opinion) blog writer Malkiboy! (I still think most of my friends (meaning those who write blogs) make good blogs too!)

and Jerry928.

I know, that's like 22 friends! (Technically 19) Thank you all!

Now, what we all came for! AFOTWIT Chapter 8.

Welcome back! We left off with Mexico colonizing Brazil! Now, what will happen on Ahoelata and on Earth? Find out now! Also, the Ahoelatan nations have learned English but still use their Ahoelatan names and sometimes speak Ahoelatan.

PL: Hey Eritrea!

Eritrea: (Oh no!) Hi, PL. What do you need?

PL: To colonize you!

Eritrea gives the secret "Help!" signal to Ethiopia, Ethiopia nods.

PL: Ethiopia? What are you doing here?

Ethiopia: Shut up and fight.

PL: Okay!! (Poland? Why are you triggered? Lithuania, they think we are cowards! But Poland! No, we must fight! Okay, Poland.)

Narrator: More on PL vs. Ethiopia later.

BUU: Russia! We want Smolensk, Bryansk and Kaluga Oblasts! We will give money, we promise!

Russia: I'm busy. Come back another time. I have plans to colonize Ahoelata. (Little do they know...)

BUU: Oh, ok...

Meanwhile, in PNG...

Lae: Independence!

PNG: No!

Lae: Yes!

PNG: Fine, I don't want war.

Lae becomes an independent nation.

Back to Ahoelata...

Œakóñöñzåmaixé (The Ahoelatan Capital Nation): We should defend our capital from the human invaders. 

µpójßnwixoabíßñoa (Mnnsycbwozbcu): But what will we do?

Öancµæói Sµóáœðöätnsia sáå Áµœáóøåóåäµw (Ujndicje Naoichnnekcocodi ajj Ahoelatania): Well, we need to research their technology-


ÖSsÁ: What the heck?

Œakóñöñzåmaixé: A signal jammer! We can't research now! Their technology is better!

Narrator: And you think an alien nation would have the best technology.

ÖSsÁ: Exactly, that's straight up disappointing for us...

On Earth...

Lae: I think I will conquer West Papua!

Indonesia: Big mistake, buddy.

Lae: Oh shoot! You didn't mean to hear that!

Indonesia: Lae, learn to keep your big mouth shut.

Lae: Ugh, whatever.

BUU: Now what Russia?

Russia: Fine, here you go. Where's the 50 million rubles we agreed on?

BUU: Here.

Russia: *counting* 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, ... That's only 49.5 million! I need .5 million more, or you won't get Smolensk.

BUU: Fine. (Ukraine, we need .5 million more? You have any? No, Belarus, I use hryvnia! There's no way I can pull any rubles out, but if we convert, we can get at least 1 million more. Then get the equivalent of .5 million rubles, and send them over once converted, okay Ukraine? Okay, Belarus.)

Russia: Okay, here you go.

Land Transfer

Land being transferred: Bryansk, Kaluga and Smolensk Oblasts

Signature of transferee: Russian Federation

Signature of receiver: Republic of the Beloukrainian Union

Germany: So, I should colonize, who should I colonize? Oh! Some small nations! Maybe... Oh! Caribbean ones, like Saint Lucia!

Saint Lucia, St Vincent, St Kitts and Nevis: Oh no...

Germany: Come here!

Saint Lucia: No!!!

Saint Vincent: Okay, I'm not scared to fight!

Saint Kitts and Nevis: I'm a little scared...

Germany colonizes Saint Lucia.

St Vincent: Oh no!

St Kitts: At least I'm still furt-

Germany colonizes St Kitts and Nevis.

St Vincent: I will relocate to A-

Germany colonizes St Vincent.

Baden, Bavaria: That's it?

Germany: Colonize small nations, build your military, colonize more nations.

Baden, Bavaria: Oh, we get it!

Brittany: I think I will colonize some places! Maybe, Guernsey and Jersey?

UK: Okay, they are independent, so attack them. I don't care.

Guernsey, Jersey: Wait, what?

Guernsey and Jersey are independent, after little debate in Parliament.

UK: Go ahead Brittany. I don't care. They're not mine anyway.

Brittany: Thanks UK!

Guernsey, Jersey: No!!!

Guernsey and Jersey get colonized by Brittany.

Brittany: That's it. Next time on Chapter 9...

Narrator: Brazil finally unfurls those plans to colonize... But where? And will Portugal and Spain finally get a spotlight? Who knows? I do! You guys will find out next time on...

Alternate Future of the World in Text, Chapter 9!

Before we go...

Again, thank you guys for this! I feel very accomplished, and appreciate the support you guys gave to my blogs and quizzes, even with only 840 takes. I say thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Even if it's not a 1000 takes, or whatever the case may be, and even though I don't have a spotlighted quiz (soon, I hope.), I still have appreciation for my friends and other users, even if they are not my friends. So, now that this blog is done, congrats! You read the whole blog! You get your free fake cupcake! I saved you 50 fake cents! If you used the quick links, then no congrats. You don't get a fake cupcake. Here's a picture of Polandball anyway.

Bye! Thanks for reading!


Level 61
Apr 8, 2021
Pop quiz! Whoever gets this right gets a prize! Have you been listening?


What is Ukraine's currency?

Level 60
Apr 8, 2021
Level 61
Apr 8, 2021
thank you so much
Level 60
Apr 8, 2021
ukraine currency is hryvinia, easy peasy
Level 61
Apr 8, 2021
Correct spelling please, thank you!
Level 60
Apr 9, 2021
oh, it's hryvnia
Level 61
Apr 9, 2021
Level 61
Apr 9, 2021
Choose your prize:

-Quiz about you

-Quiz about your quizzes

-Being a country in the next chapter of AFOTWIT (make your country and stuff and tell me where it is)

Level 60
Apr 12, 2021
Hard choice, I feel like... *thinking*... the first option (Quiz about me).
Level 43
Apr 8, 2021
Thought was Belize, not Brazil, but the stupid Brazilian Government don’t mind to be colonized. Worse than Portuguese don’t be but it still horrible.

Q. S. I’m not against no one here! LOL!

And thanks for mention me!

Level 61
Apr 8, 2021
You're welcome

PS Okay

Level 65
Apr 8, 2021
Sorry to be a bit cynical here, but I was just forced to spend over 4 hours at IKEA for nothing. Cool story, but if you don't like your quizzes why do you keep them?
Level 61
Apr 8, 2021
Level 65
Apr 8, 2021
You said you have fast typing quizzes.
Level 61
Apr 8, 2021
No I mean 4 hours at IKEA lol
Level 65
Apr 9, 2021
Oh. My parents (I'm only 13) forced me to go to IKEA to help them pick out furniture for our remodel. Long story short, almost everything we found and liked was unavailable.
Level 66
Apr 9, 2021
I think I took them. My family bought literally everything/100000 in a Ikea.
Level 61
Apr 9, 2021
I'm also 13, what a coincidence
Level 66
Apr 8, 2021
:D Thank you!
Level 61
Apr 8, 2021
Your welcome
Level 42
Apr 9, 2021

Also congrats for the takes

Level 61
Apr 9, 2021
thank you
Level 42
Apr 11, 2021
Level 35
May 12, 2022
I'm also 13..., uh coincidence?