Adventures in the Veggie Caliphate : Cricket Fiasco


Nigeria, Veggie Caliphate

In the city of Lagos, the the Veggies and the Blaze duke it out at cricket

“Dollyfroggy, announcing live for the cricket match of the day, the Blaze Empire versus the Veggie Caliphate!  As the GIE, who would be normally hosting, did not wish to host under the fear that the Grandes or Yemen would attack the Blazes and Veggies, and indirectly, the GIE, the VC will be hosting instead.”  Dollyfroggy stood  in an announcer’s box above the crowd.  “LET THE GAME BEGIN!”

The VC played fantastically, but were outmatched by the Blazes, who won the game.  As the times lined up to congratulate each other, chaos broke out.

“AAAAAAAAAAH!” screamed Dollyfroggy, up in the announcement box.  Five men had appeared behind the announcer, and were throwing punches at the reporter.  One of them smashed the glass and the other four threw Dollyfroggy out of the box.  They fell 25 feet and hit the bleachers with a sickening smack.

The crowd gasped.  Out of nowhere, 2 more men in strange suits marched onto the field.  It was a state of panic, but the 100-ish guards at the field where rushing to capture the outlaws.  20 of them ran onto the fields and started firing at the 2 men, but the duo seemed unstoppable.  The bullets bounced off them like a force field.  The 2 men then started walking towards the soldiers, who mistakenly stood their ground.  1 of the men readied a fist, and with one swipe, 10 of the guards where flung into the bleachers.  The other 10 tried to run but where stopped by the other man.

McKenzieFam, watching over their team from a VIP bleacher, saw the chaos unfolding and pulled out a phone.  “Dylan.  Send 3 of our best supersoldiers to the VC, make sure they arrive swiftly.”

Soon enough, three Inferno soldiers marched onto the field and approached the 2 men, who were Yemeni Supersoldiers.  Two of the Inferno approached the first man, and the other Inferno soldier went to 1v1 the other guy.  The two Inferno soldiers forced the Yemeni into a retreat, and started shooting fire out of their fists at them.  The Yemeni punched one of the Inferno, and he flew halfway across the field.  He then charged the second man, and head butted them.  The Inferno’s armor folded in a little, seeming to cause the man a tiny bit of pain.  The Inferno quickly recovered though, and threw a punch at the Yemeni.  The Yemeni flew backwards a few feet.  The Yemeni recovered, and ran back at the Inferno, shooting a spike at the Inferno’s chest.  Before the Inferno could retaliate, the Yemeni pulled out a bazooka and shot the Inferno in the head.

The second Inferno had noticed a third Yemeni up in the bleachers, and had ran up to go fight him.

The other Yemeni and the third Inferno’s fight was pretty even, until the Inferno pulled out a rope, strangling the Yemeni.

The Inferno and Yemeni up in the bleachers started battling, shooting flames and spikes at each other.  Right as the Yemeni went to kick the Inferno, the Inferno caught his leg and punched him off the bleachers.  As the Yemeni fell, the Inferno threw a grenade at him, then jumped after.  The weak Yemeni tried to still fight, but the Inferno threw punch after punch at the Yemeni, until finally the Yemeni stopped moving and collapsed in a heap.

Up in Dollyfroggy’s box, two figures were standing there.  “Hah, Viniga, you thought you could control two supersoldiers at once?  You just lost us two valuable soldiers.  They aren’t infinite, the VCIA destroyed all of our chips and notes on how to make them.”

“Sorry Agent X, but your Supersoldier still remains.  We can win this.”

“No we can’t.  I’m leaving.”  Agent X walked out the door and left the stadium.  Viniga remained, taking over control of the final super soldier.

The two Infernos approached the Yemeni, and attacked.  The Yemeni defended themselves well, throwing punches and weapons at the attackers.

The Yemeni pulled out his bazooka, and got a shot in one one guy before the other Inferno shot it out of the Yemeni’s hand.  The Yemeni then pulled out two scythes, and stabbed them at both Inferno’s.  The first Inferno doubled back, clutching his chest.  His chest plate had a gaping hole in it, and so did his stomach.  The other scythe glanced off the second Inferno, being a weaker shot.  The Yemeni then turned to finish the weakened Inferno.  The second Inferno had disappeared.

Viniga, being all about shows and appearances, waited a good long while, mind controlling the Yemeni to Fortnite dance over the Inferno, then making the Yemeni take long menacing strides towards the Inferno’s writhing body.  As the Yemeni brought down the blade, it suddenly stopped.

Up in Dollyfroggy’s, or Viniga’s box, the second Inferno was holding Viniga up by the scruff of his shirt.

Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, Veggie Caliphate

MiecraftMan thinks about life in his vacation resort on the Galapagos

MiecraftMan (talking to himself) “That disaster at the cricket match was so horrible.  The reporter… my authorities say they were rushed to the hospital right after the fiasco with the supersoldiers ended.  They say that Dollyfroggy will make it… but they were beaten up badly then they fell quite a long distance.  And the casualties.  371 civilians, 28 guards, and that poor Inferno.  At least we killed 3 supersoldiers and captured Viniga.  I heard that the Blaze sentenced Viniga to death penalty.  I suppose they don’t want him to pull a dovewing and try to escape via supersoldier.  I wonder where dovewing’s rescuer is anyway, they’re probably close to the prison by now.

Suddenly, the door opens and a man walks in.

“Ah, Nickelz, what the cabbage are you doing here?”

“Well, your veggie-ness, the Galapagos mean a lot to me, and I wanted to talk to you, so I took a private boat all the way here.  It was just a couple hours ago that I heard the news about the cricket match.  Quite horrific.” said Nickelz.

“The Galapagos mean a lot to you… not sure how to take that.  Last time you committed atrocities by kidnapping half the wildlife to make mutant monsters or something.”

“Oh yeah, that was absolutely wonderful.  How grand my plans were.  And the scheme for the Veggie downfall was amaz- oop.  You heard nothing,” said Nickelz.

MiecraftMan raises an eyebrow.

“Ah, well, anyway, the AAE will be so, so, amazing this time, we’ll definitely defeat the Vegg- oop again.”

“About that Nickelz, I’ve decided I don’t quite want the AAE again.  I’ll give you the land you asked for, being semi ownership over Nigeria, and Equatorial Guinea and Armenia, but you’d only be in charge of taxes and laws and whatnot.  It wouldn’t be a vassal.  Last time that happened you made off with almost a ton of my splendid veggies and a quarter of my army.”

Nickelz gets a scary dangerous murderous look on his face for a split second, then says, “yes Miecraft.  How would you like to sail back to Nigeria tomorrow with me?  We could discuss this more.”

“Sure Nickelz, as you wish,” said MiecraftMan.

Later that night, MiecraftMan makes an important phone call.

“Hello.  I, ah, require your assistance,” MiecraftMan spoke.

“Well, what do you require?”

MiecraftMan explained what he needs.  “You’ve done it once, hopefully you can do it again.”

“Interesting.  I think we could strike a deal,” said the voice on the phone.

“This isn’t an alliance.  I merely require your experience in doing this.  You’ve angered many of my allies and friends, and I will not defend you nor help you if you get into a nasty predicament.”

“The same could be said for you MiecraftMan.  You’re in a nasty situation right now, and you won’t get any help from me besides what you’ve asked for.”

“Okay.  Do we have a deal?” asked MiecraftMan.

“Yes, yes we do.  I hope you had much fun doing business with the Brazilian STF.”

Nickelz also has to make an important phone call.

“You hate MiecraftMan, and he stands in the way of the AAE, correct?” says Nickelz


“And I want the AAE back.  I’ll be directing the boat your way, do your pirate stuff from there.”

“Lovely.  It will be done, Nickelz.”

The Atlantic Ocean

MiecraftMan and Nickelz are sailing in a boat

“MiecraftMan, I do hope that you could reconsider your opinion on the AAE?” asked Nickelz.

“No Nickelz, I will not.  Stop pestering me, I see a mega-pod of dolphins coming up.”

The boat approached a large pod of dolphins, with thousands of them jumping out of the water and swimming next to the boat.  It was a truly amazing sight.

Suddenly, an island came into view.  MiecraftMan noticed a large ship, heavily armed heading their way, and knew something was wrong.

MiecraftMan ran into the captain’s room, shouting.  The captain had headphones on and was in a phone call.

“Yes, I see your ship.  I’ll prepare for you to board, and MiecraftMan will be yours to do whatever you wish with,” said the captain.

MiecraftMan grabbed a chair and smashed it over the captains head, knocking him unconscious.  He then called in five of his guards to watch for any more mutineers.

Nickelz entered the room.  “Ah, MiecraftMan, what are you doing here?  Why are there soldiers?  What is the captain doing unconscious.”

“Mutiny.  That ship over there does not mean well.  They wish to kidnap me.”

“Oh.  Why, that’s horrible!”

“You don’t seem surprised, Nickelz,” said MiecraftMan calmly, while steering the ship.

“Oh, well it’s just that, well, there’s no need to worry with your amazing-ness to defend us, your veggie-ness,” stammered Nickelz.

“Well, that may be true, but we aren’t away yet,” said MiecraftMan.

MiecraftMan cranked the ship up to full speed, and soon enough they were out of sight from the island.

As soon as Nickelz and MiecraftMan were back in Nigeria, MiecraftMan called 88pikachu and asked him to investigate the island.

Kaliningrad, GrandOldLand

ClutchNferno observes his super-missile and thinks about what he’s going to do with it

“Interesting.  This missile has quite a long range, I’d assume,” said Clutch.

“Yes emperor, it does,” said a nearby man.  He pulled out a map showing the range.

The red circle is the range of the super missile

“Interesting.  It doesn’t appear as if there’s any Chilefornian territory here, apart from southern Nigeria.   I suppose we could give the IS a little surprise though,” said Clutch.

“Sir, it may not be wise to attack anyone yet.  It seems as if the world as forgotten we own this missile.  If the IS make any moves though, we’ll blast them into the Hadeon Eon,” said the nearby man.

“Oh, lovely indeed, how lovely,” said Clutch giddily.

Happy Halloween everybody!  (This is MiecraftMan here speaking to y’all reading the blog).  Are you trick or treating?  Are you dressing up?  Last Halloween MG17 conquered half of South America!  What will happen this time around?  Anyway, I’m a tree this year.  I painted my nails and dyed my hair green, and wore brown clothing and a brown cape.  Post your costume idea in the chat!

Level 60
Oct 31, 2022
Of all the VC blogs I’ve written, I bet this one has the least chance of becoming canon :/
Level 69
Oct 31, 2022
Very cool blog. I'm going trick-or-treating this year, though this is probably the last year. ):
Level 60
Oct 31, 2022
This year I’m just doing it to hang out with friends, don’t care to much about the candy anymore, apart from a good way to earn cash from dentists
Level 43
Oct 31, 2022
First - why do you like cricket?

Second - why do you have Halloween?

It turned to be absurdly bad to be Brazilian on these days lol

Level 60
Oct 31, 2022
I’m trying to find new cool sports, and I saw af and Geopro and others taking about cricket so i looked into it. It seemed cool so I joined the DOTJE league.
Level 60
Oct 31, 2022
As for Halloween, because free candy. That’s what Americas about, no? It’s also a fun time to hang out with friends.
Level 43
Nov 1, 2022
I install the Empires World Cup then, of soccer/football then. I shall define the details after I defeat Napoleon
Level 71
Nov 1, 2022
You're fighting Napoleon?
Level 60
Nov 1, 2022
@ MG you're not at war with Napoleon remember?
Level 43
Nov 1, 2022
I’m at war with who is trying to steal the orb who am I in war with?
Level 67
Nov 2, 2022
That's Alexander, not Napoleon
Level 65
Nov 3, 2022
yes mg be at war w/ Napoleon!

this was well written MCM , would be great is it was accepted as canon

Level 73
Oct 31, 2022
Aah no!!! GIE does not fear even the mightiest empire (2nd mightiest because 1st position is GIE itself)!

I appreciate your interest in hosting cricket given that you're American, the World Cup is going nowhere. ;)

Level 60
Oct 31, 2022
Not really fear, just not wanting to (or wanting to be forced to) get involved.

Just a pretty lame reason I had as one country normally hosts the cup.

Level 73
Oct 31, 2022
Oh and also Happy Halloween!

Is that how you wish? Idk, we don't really celebrate it here.

Level 60
Oct 31, 2022
Yeah lol
Level 60
Oct 31, 2022
I think first position is GSE lol
Level 66
Oct 31, 2022
i want the aae

but i was hoping to get it by peaceful means

and i thought you agreed to give me independence :(

Level 66
Oct 31, 2022
Level 60
Oct 31, 2022
Nice blog! This year for Halloween no one did anything really. Is it meant to be a happy day? I thought it was scary. Oh well, happy Halloween for yesterday, happy Melbourne Cup for today :)
Level 60
Oct 31, 2022
Eh. It’s a fun celebration, focused on the spooky. It’s a nice time to hang out with friends and stay up late, however.
Level 60
Oct 31, 2022
How much of this is canon lol?
Level 60
Nov 1, 2022
idk tbh. I think you can host some of the cup matches, and maybe some of this could happen, but I doubt I'll include all of it
Level 60
Nov 1, 2022
And what was the deal with the STF?
Level 60
Nov 1, 2022
They took out Yako and the AAE the first time around
Level 43
Oct 31, 2022
Oh yeah the conquer part, that was pretty scare tbh lol
Level 60
Oct 31, 2022
Level 60
Oct 31, 2022
Sorry for doing a deal with the STF lol
Level 43
Nov 1, 2022
Have you ever talked with Alexandre de Moraes?
Level 60
Nov 1, 2022
No lol that bighead started this whole war
Level 43
Nov 1, 2022

Good boy. I have a favor to do now... I just don’t know which.

Level 68
Nov 1, 2022
Btw at the start it says "the the veggies" also really good blog :)

Also I went to Nigeria earlier this year and played cricket with some friends so yeah,good luck with your blogs!

Level 60
Nov 1, 2022
I’m not seeing it - can you put the sentence here?
Level 68
Nov 2, 2022
Under "Nigeria,Veggie Caliphate

and after "in the city of Lagos"

Level 66
Nov 1, 2022
give me the aae
Level 60
Nov 1, 2022
You’ve gone behind my back quite a lot - last time, the deal with Qy, whatever Af said you requested on the Pentente group, information on a betrayal from an anonymous source.
Level 66
Nov 1, 2022
I didn't request anything bad on the Pentente group. I requested unclaimed land, that's it.

Also, the deal with Qy had nothing to do with "kidnapping you and stealing Nigeria" but I wanted security in case you refused to give me the AAE.

I'm trying to play nice with you here.

Level 60
Nov 1, 2022
Alright - it’s not that I don’t trust you, I’m just being extremely cautious. I’ll say that once I defeat Grande, Svalbard, and Yemen, you can have the AAE as a vassal. For now, you can be a good VP and help me end this blasted war.
Level 66
Nov 2, 2022
Ugh. Fine. These aren't desirable terms, but I will accept them, since it's better than no AAE at all. 🇦🇲
Level 67
Nov 2, 2022
Nice blog! We should host the next WC match :)
Level 65
Nov 3, 2022
Finally some Inferno supersoldier action! (and I won the cricket?!!!! yay)
Level 34
Nov 9, 2022
Very funny (AND WHERE AM I NOW?!?!)

After the Koreans break free can we ally with you?

Level 66
Nov 12, 2022
:0 Colin??? Is that you?
Level 60
Nov 12, 2022
Hmmmm, as you are allied with some very bad people, i would prefer not to have a canon alliance with you. For the sake of a good story.