Adventures in the Veggie Caliphate - War Preparations


88pikachu relives being captured, in a dream

There was a cell.  88 remembered that.  Tamashii was trying to form a plan, but most of the men were to tired, depressed, or downright hopeless to do anything.

Occasionally, a man would come in and take one of the boys away.  The spy never came back.  One time, two men came in.  One of them spoke with a heavy Korean accent, and the other 88 recognized as Viniga.

“Viniga, we need to take more of them for testing.  The operation is going slowly,” said the Korean.

“No.  I want the rest alive, so they can watch as they slowly get boiled to death in a pit of flaming salt and vinigar chip essence,” said Viniga.

“Viniga, the super soldiers were your idea.  You’re backing out of that to boil them alive?”

“Look Colin, you and I, along with Agent X are all the super soldiers we need.  X’s boss will be pleased,” spoke Viniga.

“No!  We have the resources to make more suits, and the mind control chips just need a little more work.  Just give me a few more of the spies to test on!”

“And why do we need the chips again?”

“The three of us are the only ones trustworthy enough to be free roaming around the the super suits. If we get more soldiers, we need the chips.”

“And you’re sure Agent X won’t turn on us?  She and her boss have always been… well, out there.  I’m not even sure if I can trust you, Colin, I see the anger in you, every time Agent X and I boss you around.  Then again, you’re the weakest, the most inferior.”

“Shut up Viniga, just give me one person, one person to perfect the chips.”

“Very well.”

One of Tamashii’s top spies was dragged away that day, but Colin never came back for more.  He had finished what he was working on.

About a week after, Tamashii and the boys busted out of the prison using some explosive moss, the sadly Tamashii didn’t make it.

88pikachu tells MiecraftMan the horrible conversation he overhead in the prison

“88, you’re sure you heard everything correctly?” fretted MiecraftMan.

“Yes, Grand Conservationist,” said 88pikachu.

“Well, action must be taken.  I need you to lead a mission with some of your spies to track down your former prison, which seems to me like some facility.  If the chips are still there, destroy them.  If not, track them down and then destroy them.  This happened what, a fortnight ago?  If so there’s probably 10-15 super soldiers by now.  Beware of them.  Also, while you’re at it, try to alienate Agent X, Colin, and Viniga towards each other.”

“Yes, Grand Conservationist.”

MiecraftMan addresses the country

Citizens flocked from all areas of the VC to Abuja, so they could listen to MiecraftMan adress the war.  Everyone else was listening to the live broadcast.

“Dear citizens of the Veggie Caliphate, the world is in crisis.  Only a few days ago, war broke out.  Elbe was blown to bits.  Macedon is under siege.  The Empire’s Empire has been attacked by the IS. GrandOldLand has joined the war.  Alexander is being mysterious.  Colin, the emperor of Korea, has returned from his prison on Middle Earth.  A mysterious cult known as the Orange Jackets are making themselves known.

“Among all those threats, an illegal separatist group in our own beloved country, is causing mayhem and madness.  Sultan Viniga, the former dictator of the fallen Sultanate of Viniga, is leading this.  The Dead Camel, being controlled by Viniga, has forced our hand into World War Three.  And, I fear that a dangerous group of people, Agent X from the OJ, Viniga from the Dead Camel, and Colin, former emperor of the Korean Empire, are making super soldiers.”

A loud gasp rung out from the crowd.

“Yes.  Our new head of the VCIA informs me of this intel.  And these people, also known as the New World Triumvirate, are not the people that we want to have super soldiers.  The Blaze Empire and the PBE both also have super soldiers, but I fear that these new troops are much too powerful for the Inferno and the Alpha Division.  And why, you may ask, because these new super soldiers would be under mind control by the Triumvirate.”

Another loud gasp ensued.

“Now for the solution.  I want every one of you to decorate a large sheet of paper with cute broccoli pictures.  This will definitely convince the other world leaders to help us, the Blazes, and the Macedons.”

Everybody started cheering.

Agent X, Colin, Viniga, and a super soldier stand on a ledge and stare down at a small obscure African village.

“Such a puny innocent village, let’s destroy it,” said Agent X.

The triumvirate watched as the around 100 citizens bustled around doing everyday life.

“Well, super soldier, what are you waiting for?  Go!” commanded Agent X.

In the span of 15 minutes, all that was left of that village was rubble.

The end….
Level 60
Sep 13, 2022
Really sorry for that dark part at the end.
Level 60
Sep 13, 2022
Again, I’m not sure if Geopro will canon-ize this, though i hope he will!
Level 71
Sep 13, 2022
Wouldn't it be funny if Alexander was secretly X's boss...
Level 60
Sep 13, 2022
That sure would be a plot twist.
Level 60
Sep 13, 2022
Level 66
Sep 13, 2022
*cries in doesn't have an empire anymore*
Level 67
Sep 13, 2022
Nice job. Maybe we should mobilise the Alpha Division against the New World Triumvirate? I don't think just 4 soldiers would stand a chance against our [insert undisclosed number here] supersoldiers though...
Level 65
Sep 16, 2022
the Inferno may be on hand to help with that...
Level 65
Sep 18, 2022
Nice! I also hope this is canon, as I've finally understood what's been going on lol