War in the Veggie Caliphate : Equality… or Alienation


Rwanda, Veggie Caliphate

Many in Rwanda have sighted a large, fasting moving shape heading towards the PBE

Many have heard rumors of the figure speeding through Rwanda, and a group of three soldiers at the southern bit of the former country are trying to figure out what it is.

“Yo, Jeffery, think we’re gonna see it soon?”

“Idk, Manny, idk.”

“What do you think, Dave?” asked Manny.

Suddenly, a humanoid figure busted out of the trees.

“It’s here!” said Manny.  He ran in front of the figure, but it just picked him up and threw him all way to Svalbard.  Jeffery, upon seeing the flight of his comrade, ran away.  Dave hid behind a rock, and also knowing his stuff, realized the figure must be a Yemeni Supersoldier.  The supersoldier payed no attention to Dave, and kept his speeding journey to the PBE.


Dave heads to Abuja to report his alarming news to MiecraftMan

“So, what you’re saying, is that a Supersoldier from Yemen is heading towards the PBE?  And these supersoldiers just happen to be mind controlled by someone the PBE has in captivity?” demanded MiecraftMan.

“Yes, Grand Conservationist.”

“I must alert the QuizzerBros immediately.”

Gaborone, Palapyan-Botswanan Empire

MiecraftMan and QuizzerBros have a meeting to discuss the supersoldier, as well as the war

“QuizzerBros, may I ask how much security is being placed on dovewing at the moment?” asked MiecraftMan

“Quite a lot.  We have at least three alpha soldiers on patrol at all times.  Nobody in their right minds would try a jailbreak,” said QB1.

“Not even a Yemeni Supersoldier?”

The QuizzerBros started to look nervous.  “Well, we don’t have much intel on their supersoldiers, though I assure you, the Alpha Division are the best our soldiers, and added with their special ultramegatanium suits, they can not be defeated.”

“Well, I have no doubt in the power of the Alpha Soldiers, but every single report from the VCIA has declared that the Yemeni Supersoldiers are above the normal for supersoldiers.  And then there’s that poor village.  Don’t forget about the 8,000 dead.”

“More security will be added,” assured QB2.

“Has any crucial info been recovered from Dovewing yet?” asked MiecraftMan.

“No.  It is most alarming.  He has been threatened with most severity, but has not budged.  It’s as if he has an escape plan, though that would be most impossi… oh no.  Oh no oh no oh no.  Do you know which member of the Triumvirate is operating the Supersoldier?  Because I’m positive dovewing has overheard at least a few of the security measures.”

“I daresay it’s Dovewing himself.  It doesn’t strike me as an Agent X or Viniga thing to do, helping out others.”

QB1 turned to a nearby guard, and passed him a slip of paper.  “Go to this location and warn the Alpha Soldiers of what might be coming.  Tell them to add more security measures.  And if there’s time tell Agent Leopard to report to the scene.”  The guard nodded and proceeded to leave the room.

“Now, to discuss the war.  MiecraftMan, you’re in some pretty deep trouble right now.  I do hope you have a plan.”

“Well, I’m in the process of making one.  Chilefornia and Macedonia have both been angered by Svalbard’s attacks, so that’s something.  Thanks to your permission, things on the Vampire front are looking good.  As with Yemen, things are looking okay.  Viniga has not been sighted in a while, though the VCIA are on the move in Arabia and Israel, looking for Viniga and more intel on the supersoldiers.”

“Anything else,” MiecraftMan and the QuizzerBros both ask at the same time.

“No,” both MiecraftMan and QuizzerBros responded.

“Well, MiecraftMan, I thank you for this warning.  Until next time,” said QB1 and QB2.

On a small island in the Atlantic

Atrocities are being committed…

“Work, work, work!  Work foul vegetarian slaves!”  A man popped a piece of steak in his mouth, then whipped the man below him.

This island had been kidnapping and hijacking passerby ships, forcing any of the vegetarian population to work for the meat eating occupants of the island.  And soon, this island plans to make a move against Svalbard, a land of freedom, and the VC, a land of vegetarianism.

Level 69
Oct 6, 2022
Now who is behind this terrible isle? I suspect it may actually be a Veggie con in order to divert our war effort, but until we can reach a suitable conclusion we shall send a patrol to scope out the scene.
Level 60
Oct 6, 2022
It may not be canon, but I shall be patrolling as well.
Level 67
Oct 6, 2022
Thanks for the heads up. Also what was that last part about? And we're you suggesting that dovewing is controlling the supersoldier from his captivity?
Level 60
Oct 6, 2022
Yes, though of course you or Geopro could veto that if you wish
Level 66
Oct 6, 2022
can i please have armenia and be like a constituent country?

what i mean is like

you would be the United Kingdom, and I would be Wales

i just want autonomy so i can make some plans of my own ^w^

i'd still be part of veggie caliphate and be VP, and armenia would still be part of VC, but under the Apostolic Armenian State as an autonomous region/constituent country

Level 69
Oct 6, 2022
Tell you what, I think we can reach a deal…
Level 66
Oct 7, 2022
oooo, what deal? can you make a group so we can discuss it?
Level 60
Oct 7, 2022
It’s probably a deal where you turn against me and together, you and Svalbard make a new America
Level 66
Oct 14, 2022
I already turned against you and gained independence that route. I can do it in a more peaceful way, trust me.
Level 60
Oct 6, 2022
Geopro probably wouldn’t alllow it. After you declared autonomy from me last time then alienated yourself against me, I wouldn’t say yes at the moment. I’ll give more thought after the war (I don’t need 6 fronts), assuming the VC still exists
Level 66
Oct 6, 2022
please! pretty pleeeeeeeeeeeease! i'll be a good little boy an stick to exporting rose oil :)
Level 60
Oct 7, 2022
Good blog :)
Level 69
Oct 8, 2022
A question: what percentage of the population do omnivores make up? Also, how many are in the army, if any at all.
Level 60
Oct 8, 2022
There are about 210,000,000 omnivores in the VC. And about 7000 carnivores. As with the army, both Omnivores and Vegetarians are treated the same, and given the food they like. However, as veggies are healthier than meat, they normally perform a tad bit better. As for the numbers of omnivores in the army, I can’t say, as I’m not sure how big my army is in canon DOTJE (cuz ya know, I’m being beaten up and my army must be pretty small in that case lol)
Level 50
Oct 8, 2022
Um.. I know you love veggies, but having an omnivorous diet is generally considered more healthy because you can get the benefits of the nutrition of meat and plants.
Level 60
Oct 8, 2022
Yeah Ik
Level 60
Oct 8, 2022
Tho the stuff from meat can be found in other foods. The soldiers generally have a mostly meat diet as they enjoy it more, and the VC wants happy soldiers.
Level 60
Oct 8, 2022
Though some of the omnivore soldiers have a balanced out meal
Level 69
Oct 9, 2022
I mean… I don't really blame you for getting beaten up. You're fighting four countries over a span of, what, six fronts?
Level 35
Oct 13, 2022
maybe try feeding some of them veggie burgers or veggie bacon. Or veggie sausage

u get the idea...

Nice blog!

Level 66
Oct 16, 2022

He's trying to do something reasonable, not *torture* them.

Level 60
Oct 16, 2022
Fake meat isn’t about nutrition, it’s taste. They don’t want meat. They’re proud vegetarians.