If Countries Were High Schoolers - Profiles


Here is basic info about every student.

Comment any other ones you want me to add.

Profiles of Students at United Nations High School


France - He flirts with all the girls, but when you get to know him he’s kind of a creep. Might be gay. Had a bad feud with England for a while. Got over it, but is still a bit bitter, and sometimes hangs with Monaco. Sweden seems to gravitate toward him, probably because everyone thinks he's gay. Disapproves of Quebec's mockery of French culture. Best friends with Spain. Ignores North Korea. Resents Ukraine a bit for being the only European student taller than he.

Spain - Romantic guy who often goes to sleep in class, dreaming of flamenco and guitar. He is very attractive to many girls in the school due to his mentality, but poor marks. Best friends with France.

Italy - The boy who smokes cigarettes all over campus. He has a history that people try to ignore but it rubs some the wrong way.

Portugal - Often gets compared with Argentina because of his football skills. He is down to earth with some crazy football skills. He is said to be a playboy. Sits at the EU table. Currently dating England.

Germany - A hardworking kid who tried his hardest to reform as he spent some time in juvenile detention in middle school. Sits at the EU table.

Russia - Kid who’s built like a train. Plays football, and loves bullying and intimidating the other kids. He fell out with his old posse and only has one or two friends now. Eats lunch with Mongolia and North Korea. Sits at the pro-Russia table. Disguises his daily vodka as water.

Belarus - Russia's girlfriend who agrees with everything Russia says. Does Russia's homework. Sits at the pro-Russia table.

Ukraine - He’s finally gotten sick of Russia’s crap and started trying to make new friends. This pissed Russia off and Russia jumped him, but his new friends aren’t going to let him be treated like that. Now sits at the EU table.

 England - She is very rich and popular. She tries not to flaunt it too much, but pretty much always ends up doing it anyways. She’s not a mean girl, she’s very nice to most people. Hangs out with Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. She’s had a couple of really bad mental breakdowns, being horrible to her friends. Currently dating Portugal.

 Scotland - He is a loud but nice boy who has a huge crush on England, but won’t admit it. Brings alcohol to school, even though he really isn't allowed to.

 Wales - Wales is a party animal. He has a nose piercing, and has a weird affinity for sheep. Believes dragons are real, and so gets along great with Bhutan.

 Northern Ireland - Ireland’s cousin who doesn’t speak to him. His family had a falling out over their religion as Northern Ireland was Protestant and Ireland was Catholic. He now hangs out with England, Scotland, and Wales.

 Malta - Nice girl who hangs out with Italy but also likes Tunisia and Morocco.

Ireland - He grew up in a Catholic Church, but is pretty much always starting fights. Is almost always publicly intoxicated. England drugged him at a party and took his wallet in 9th grade, and they haven't spoken since.

Belgium - He’s the leader of the student council. He hangs out with The Netherlands and is cousins with Germany. Is great at making chocolate. Sits at the EU table.

Netherlands - Has the most laid back parents in school. His parents once came home to a house party where people were getting drunk and high. They shrugged and joined in the fun. No one likes to mention this, but he had a pretty messed up relationship with South Africa for a very long time, where he was at fault. Sits at the EU table.

Poland - She has been through a lot, with Germany giving her a hard time in the past, and Russia bullying her. She has a crush on Hungary. Hates Sweden, and is quite homophobic. Never allows Germany to get too close to her.

Hungary - Has a crush on Poland. He absolutely hates Romania, and trips Romania whenever he sees him in the hallways. Sits at the EU table. Is a bit closer to Russia than others in the EU group are comfortable with. Does not pay his club fees on time. Is not fond of Ukraine since Poland has started ditching Hungary to hang out with Ukraine. A bit racist without apology. Shunned by his European counterparts for his intrigue for Russia.

Austria - Germany attempted to force her to do dirty things with him in the past, but they are cool now. Hangs out with Germany and Switzerland often. Sits at the EU table. Is a bit wary of the fact that Germany lets her take the fall for anything bad that happens.

 Switzerland - Wears designer clothes and watches to school. Eats chocolate every day for lunch. Speaks French, German, and Italian. He hangs out with Monaco, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Qatar, Denmark, Canada, and United States (you'll see why hehe)

Romania - He is quite famous for being short-tempered, and always being viewed with skepticism by others. Likes to bite. Hungary is the person whom he hates the most due to previous fights. Moldova is his little brother. Sits at the EU table.

 Moldova - Romania's little brother who is tutored by Romania. Unlike Romania, though, Moldova is quite fond of Russia. Sits at the EU table.

Greece - Is always proud of himself even though he has to do a lot of jobs to earn money for school fees; his mother was a very famous person. He hates Turkey, and he will do everything to get him expelled even when they are studying in the same class. He doesn’t really like Albania because of previous issues. He is fond of Armenia, Serbia and Cyprus, often helps them doing projects in school or even willing to cover their wrongdoings. Used to be popular back in preschool. He’s still holding on to that history. Sits at the EU table.

Czechia - He and Slovakia were formerly conjoined twins who were separated at birth via surgery. Hangs out with Slovakia, Croatia, and sometimes Austria and sits at the EU table. Has a crush on Croatia.

Slovakia - He and Czechia were formerly conjoined twins who were separated at birth via surgery. Hangs out with Czechia and sometimes Slovenia and sits at the EU table. Has a crush on Slovenia.

Slovenia - Girl who cannot fit into the Balkan group but is too poor to fit in with the Central Europeans. Has a crush on Slovakia.

Cyprus - a cousin of Greece and pretty much hostile to Turkey as well. He is very open-armed, yet like Greece, he has his own pride to speak about. Because of their nature and similarities, often students mistake Cyprus for Greece.

Bulgaria - Seems scary, but is actually quite nice when you get to know him. Hangs out with Turkey, Kosovo, and North Macedonia, even though North Macedonia and Bulgaria have sort of a love-hate relationship.

Croatia - Literally hates Serbia with a burning passion. Is always arguing or fighting with Serbia. Sometimes she has to be put out of the room for getting angry with Serbia.

 Serbia - Hates Croatia and Albania. She tried to force Kosovo to stay in a toxic friendship, but Albania defends Kosovo now, and Serbia hates Albania for it. Hangs with Montenegro and Greece. Serbia wants to give Kosovo the same "you're not real" shtick they give to Wyoming, but nobody will do it.

 Albania - Is probably the most hated of the Balkan former friend group. Protects Kosovo from being bullied by Serbia. Best friends with Kosovo.

 Kosovo - Used to be forced into a toxic friendship with Serbia, but eventually broke free and now hangs with Albania. Is friendly with North Macedonia, Turkey, and Bulgaria.

 Montenegro - Is always sleeping in class. Always. Is rarely seen awake. Sleeps for at the very least 16 hours a day. When he is awake, hangs out with Serbia and Greece.

Denmark - Sort of arrogant. Likes building models out of Legos. Usually prefers group project partners to be Norway or Sweden. Normally takes charge of projects,

Sweden - He organizes LGBT+ support protests around the city. Always seems to show up whenever anyone acts remotely homosexual. Is, of course, homosexual. Is in a relationship with Norway. Does not get along with any members of the Arab League. At odds with Turkey. Pesters North Korea to pay back some money Sweden lent him last school year.

 Norway - Is in a relationship with Sweden, but he's not that active at sports. Has good relations with almost every other Nordic kid.

Finland - Always has a cup of coffee. ALWAYS. Drinks at least ten cups per day. Always has bags under his eyes and usually hangs out with his cousin, Estonia.

Estonia - Hangs out with her cousin Finland, and her best friends, Latvia and Lithuania, but secretly is desperate to be closer to the Nordics, like Denmark and Sweden.

 Iceland - Emo kid with black hair and fingernails. He eats rotten shark meat for lunch. Hangs out with Greenland from time to time. Has complicated past with Norway and keeps his distance.

Lithuania - Used to be bullied by Russia. Hangs out with Estonia, Latvia, and Finland. Has a weird fondness for Poland.

Latvia - Like Lithuania, used to be bullied by Russia. Hangs out with Lithuania, Finland, and Estonia.

Andorra - Curvaceous girl who gets along with practically everyone. Hangs out with France from time to time. Is San Marino's girlfriend. Smokes in the bathroom.

 Monaco - An insanely rich guy who has a gambling problem. Lives in a giant mansion with his older brothers, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg.

 Liechtenstein - Monaco's older brother. Is constantly giving Monaco advice.

Luxembourg - Is seen as a role model throughout the school. Is Monaco's oldest brother.

San Marino - Is moderately popular for his charity work. Is Andorra's boyfriend.

Vatican City - Everyone is nice to him, but he has no actual friends. Is extremely religious and formerly homeschooled.

Sealand - Is very oily. He is very short, so nobody takes him seriously as a person or competition in projects.



 Australia - A girl that everyone wants to date. She’s adventurous and athletic. Has a pet tarantula.

Fiji - Samoa's twin sister, Used to be bullied by North Korea when he threatened to kill her in middle school but now she stays away from him and is good friends with the Maldives and Australia.

New Zealand - Australia’s less popular brother, but is just as attractive. Best friends with Lightning.

Nauru - Fat. Super fat. Like, he weighs at least 400 pounds. Waddles when he walks. Is BEST friends with Pennsylvania.

Samoa - Is super big and tall. Best linebacker the football team has ever had. Calls himself "burly".



United States - The most popular boy in school who always posts suggestive photos on social media, and flaunts his dad’s money. Also sleeps around with almost everyone, boys and girls. He used to be a part of England’s group of friends, and when he tried to amicably part ways with him, England tried to force him to stay. He was able to convince him eventually, and they hated each other for a while before they made up.

 Canada - Relatively wealthy girl. Is liked by most. Is great friends with Maine. Has a dark past she likes to ignore to seem sweet and innocent, and it usually works. Despite her likability, is actually quite mean to those she dislikes. Likes to take credit for others' achievements.

Dominican Republic - She has a lot of botched plastic surgeries and is kind of aggressive. Lives next door to Haiti, and gets really angry when Haiti accidentally kicks a ball or a frisbee over the fence.

Haiti - A lot of people at the school are kind of afraid of him; he's always coughing. His father is in a gang and is an alcoholic. They live in a wooden shack. Friends with Quebec.

Quebec - She has a huge crush on France. Is Canada's cousin, but wants nothing to do with her.

Puerto Rico - Lives in a torn up house that he never was able to afford to get fixed after the last hurricane struck.

Cuba - The superrelaxed and handsome kid that brings rum to school and impress everyone with his smooth dance skills. He is smooth with the ladies. He is very loud and passionate. He drives around in his car from the 50s. He and United States had a feud over the course of last year.

Costa Rica - Is liked by practically everyone. She gets pretty average grades, but is a really good student in environmental science.

Guatemala - She is surprisingly really good friends with Taiwan, and as a result, not looked at fondly by China or his sycophants.

Mexico - She has an on and off relationship with America. They met in kindergarten when America broke half of Mexico’s crayons. Their friendship began early during freshmen year. America has continued to break off the friendship and suddenly turn hostile every four months (sometimes eight months if Mexico is lucky) only to apologize and resume the friendship after a while. North Korea hacked United States' phone and leaked racist memes that United States had posted to the entire school, including Mexico.

Paraguay -  Back in primary school, he took a lot of PCP drugs and in a psychotic state had challenged all the South American kids to a fight against him with bare hands. He went absolutely nuts, cutting off his genitals and throwing them at the enemy, even tearing out his broken arm and slapping Peru with it. He was later admitted to hospital and is essentially in a vegetative state. Bolivia pushes around his wheelchair. Is friends with Toowise, Florida, and Uganda.

Ecuador - Colombia's sidekick, helping him smuggle candy and olive oil to Latino students. Is almost always on her cell phone.

Colombia - Made a living smuggling candies cheap to the Latin American students. Was eventually put to an end after USA threatened him over not just his candy trade, but also his extra virgin olive oil.

Venezuela - Is incredibly attractive, but both of her parents are drug dealers.

Guyana - Major depressive issues and suicidal tendencies. Her parents recently won the lottery. Good friends with Brazil and India.

Panama - Small, quiet kid. Or so it seemed. Got into trouble recently when she was caught money laundering for some folks.

Brazil - Is tired of explaining the difference between Portuguese and Spanish to everyone. She is great at soccer, Volleyball and topless dancing.

Argentina - Used to be known as the best football player at school, until he was caught using performance-enhancing steroids. Hangs out with Chile and Bolivia (so Paraguay too).

Chile - She is an innocent kid and stays with Argentina most of the time. She is good with her academics and maintains good hygiene. She wants to get in medical school.

Jamaica - Is a stoner. He has been suspended twice for marijuana use.

Bolivia - Paraguay's best and essentially only friend as well as caretaker. She has a close bond with him.

Nicaragua - An unruly guy with many conflicts. Does not get along with Vatican City, as they got into a big fight last year. Likes to keep to himself mostly. Is one of Russia's yes men, but only to spite United States.

Peru - Kinda boring, not gonna lie. Speaks Spanish only. Bolivia gets annoyed when Peru calls her Alto Perú.

El Salvador - He gets really competitive with Honduras when it comes to soccer, to the point where he has physically fought with him over it.

Honduras - Has a love-hate relationship with El Salvador. They used to be best friends. He is still decently amicable with El Salvador, but all bets are off when it comes to soccer.

Uruguay - Argentina's little brother who loves soccer even more than Argentina does. Is extremely annoying to Brazil.


US States

Florida - This twerp can’t figure out how to open his locker at least six times a day. He sometimes drops his pocket. He has trouble figuring out doors. He can’t tell which side of the lunch line to enter from. He’s not frenetic or panicked at all. He’s just used to it. He can’t even figure out if he’d rather hang out with Alabama, New York or New Mexico. Complete idiot. No offense. None taken.

Georgia - This kid is super fly (or whatever the term for that is these days). He knows everything about Rap music - past and present. He’s a tough, urban kid with some charming, rural tendencies. He’s more street-smart than book-smart, but he’s acing American History.

Illinois - She grew up working on cars, trucks and motorcycles in her father’s garage. She’s brains and brawn. She scares California and sometimes helps Florida figure out how to use the drinking fountain.

Indiana - This guy does it all. Football, basketball, baseball, soccer, hockey, wrestling and several others. He’s sometimes a bit over-competitive but has a soft spot for the underdog. Gets along with the sports kids, like South Africa, Portugal, Argentina, and the guys on the football team, like Russia and Samoa.

Kansas - This kid lives a sheltered life. He has no idea what “Rock & Roll” music is. The most violent movie he’s ever seen is Balto. He tucks his button-down shirts into his khakis every day. He wears a fanny-pack. He brings his toothbrush to school and he brushes after lunch. His shoes are Velcro, he makes straight As, and is a member of the Chess Team. He dreams of one day experiencing a “party”.

Louisiana - This guy knows everything about all things music. Any album, any band, any song, any chord structure, any style or genre. He’s often seen hanging out and having friendly debates with Georgia and Massachusetts. Yes, he’s in the marching band.

Massachusetts - He has a 9.6 GPA. He was voted “Most Likely To Win All The ‘Most Likely’ Categories”. He’s already received letters of early acceptance into Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Georgetown, Oxford, Cambridge, etc. His personal slogan is, “Better than best. Always.” He constantly gives 110%. He’s a star Mathlete yet he also runs track and has broken every record ever set by anyone ever; including Indiana. He’s the Captain of the Debate Team and has never lost a debate. Ever.

Minnesota - He’ll go out of his way to let you know how much he loves something. If there’s something he hates, he LOVES hating it. He’s overly friendly and talkative. He LOVES friends. He LOVES talking. He’s not so fond of Wisconsin though.

Mississippi - This guy makes some pure drugs. I mean……just wow. His salesmanship could use some work, as could his dental hygiene; but other than that he’s a pretty friendly guy. He likes to hoot and holler as much as Alabama and Arizona.

Montana - Has to be alone to feel good. He can’t handle being surrounded by people. He has no faith in community; only in himself. If he can’t get what he needs within 36 inches of his current location, he’ll look elsewhere. He harbors no hatred toward anyone of any other belief or creed; as long as you leave him alone. He and Texas exchange silent nods of acknowledgement when they pass in the hallway. He owns guns and knows how to use them all, which he learned how to use from Eritrea.

Nevada -  This guy always has a better story than the last guy. He’s always going “all in”. He’s intensity to the extreme. He doesn’t know when to cash out or throw in the towel. Outwardly he’s friendly and seemingly family-oriented, but deep down underneath he’s deviant, skeevy, and revels in acute fetishism. Has a methamphetamine lab in his basement. Everyone likes to hang out with him every now and then; but only in small doses. He’s fond of Missouri’s work. Dating Hawaii.

New Jersey - Get out of his way. He’ll steal your lunch money. He’ll give you a swirly and a wedgie at the same time. He drives a truck, (though not as big as Iowa’s; and that pisses him off!) and he parks over the lines so no one can park next to him. Yeah. He’s THAT guy. He likes to push Florida around and can’t stand being in the same room with California. Hangs out with Russia from time to time.

New Mexico - Everyone picks on this guy. He tries his best to fit in but people just always give him crap. He does well in most of his classes and comes to most school events and activities, but he’s still just not accepted. Texas would look out for him if he pulled his own weight. Maryland uses him to further her own agenda. California is nice enough to him; but only to look good in front of others. She secretly hates him.

New York - Has to be surrounded by people to feel good. He can’t handle being alone. He has no faith in himself; only in community.. If he can’t get what he needs from within 36 inches of his current location; he cries and whines and blames everyone else. He hates and fears Texas and Montana. He likes New Jersey, though.

North Carolina - This guy smokes. I mean….really. A lot. Everyone gives him a wide berth in the hallways because he smells like he smokes. He spends 7 minutes out of every 5 smoking during class breaks. He smokes in the boys’ room, the girls’ room, the teachers’ lounge, the cafeteria, the auditorium, the gymnasium, the hallways, the locker rooms, and occasionally in the parking lot. When asked about being seated next to him in Geography, South Carolina is quoted as saying, “<cough hack cough wheeze cough…..>”

Oregon - This girl paints, sculpts, does pottery, graffiti, performance art, dance. Every visual art that exists; she does. She makes all her own clothes. She rides a tricycle to school each day. Dating Washington.

Rhode Island - Vermont’s little sister. She’s smaller than him, but smarter. She knows when to keep her mouth shut. But she also knows when to give someone a piece of her mind. She’s a pretty good graphic designer but has yet to truly find her “voice”.

South Dakota - This guy owns a ’27 Indian. I know. I guess it was his great-granddad’s or something? Maybe Illinois built it for him. (They’re best friends by the way.) He wears full leather and chains every day. He’s against helmet laws and thinks the Honda Goldwing is for lame-o's. He accepts Michigan as a fellow rebel.

Tennessee - He’s not a true cowboy (like Arizona), but he plays one on TV. He’s got that hospitable twang and charismatic demeanor that’ll reel you in and sit you down for a big plate of fried chicken and collard greens. He breaks up his cornbread in a glass of milk; the way you’re SUPPOSED to eat it. He rides to school in a tour bus and wears fur trench coats. He can neither sing nor play any instrument whatsoever.

Texas - This guy doesn’t like seeing people get picked on. He stands up for those who can’t stand up for themselves (except New Mexico). He’d help out Florida but Florida can’t figure out how to even accept help. The silent nods of acknowledgement with Montana are a sign of mutual awareness and respect. He’s not aggressive, only vigilant. He owns guns and knows how to use them all. Because of his protective nature, Russia and New Jersey despise him. He is proud to think of himself as a hero, but has a deep hatred for California.

Utah - She carries her Bible around with her and thumps it down on the desk in every class. Yes, she’s literally a bible-thumper. She likes to judge people and tell them they’re all going to hell, most of all, SWEDEN.

Vermont - This guy is a yes-man deluxe. He has never given any constructive criticism in his life. He has to be truly liked by everyone. He is truly liked by no one. Except he makes great Maple syrup. But that’s it.

Washington - This guy is an introvert to say the least. He cuts thumb holes in the cuffs of his long sleeve shirts. He has bad chin acne. He’s about a foot taller than everyone else at school. He carries a certain mysterious elan about him that puts most people off. He’s the President of the Drama Club. He writes plays. He writes poems. He writes lyrics. Dating Oregon.

West Virginia - He’s an isolationist. Completely willing and capable of self-sustenance. He hunts with his own bow. He brews with his own barley. He makes out with his own sister. He holds Alabama and Kentucky in contempt for no apparent reason - except that Kentucky stole his pig that one time.

Wisconsin - You wouldn’t know it, except to look at her. Full pale skin, black hair, black eyeliner, black nail polish, silver jewelry dangling from everywhere, tight halter-tops and corsets. Ripped black fishnets and leather pants. Knee-high boots.  She’s dating Michigan. Is friends with Iceland for their similar style.


Nigeria - He is the school con-artist. He came to the school telling everyone he was a prince, but he kinda sucked at the conning game because he screwed up his cover when he told others he was a king. Currently, has an ad on Craigslist to sell the Eiffel Tower for just 42,000 EASY payments of 99.99. Get that stuff now, before supply runs out.

Tunisia - He is good friends with Italy and Malta.

Guinea - Destined to be a miner just like her parents. Good friends with Liberia and Sierra Leone, randomly switching between the two in terms of who she likes more. Has adoration for Morocco and Ivory Coast and wants to be friends, but they basically just thank her and go hang out with their other friends, forgetting about Guinea like a lost puppy.

DR Congo - Father won the lottery at 21 but spent the entire check on a big mansion that burned down the next day, and now they are dirt poor. He used to be bullied really badly by Belgium in middle school.

Côte d'Ivoire - He can barely speak English and relies on Ghana to translate for him. Is really passionate about Michael Jackson and his music. Everyone always calls him by the wrong name, which upsets him a lot.

Somalia - He is a rule breaker and often bribe people to establish his own rules. He is an elite, thus he think the rules should not be applied to him. He often bribes teachers for better grades and it works because he is from an affluent family. Used to be friends with Italy. Pirates videos and games online.

South Africa - He’s the quiet kid, doesn’t talk much, but does like rugby. Is currently trying to figure out his nationality. Had a toxic relationship with the Netherlands.

Egypt - She used to be a very talkative and proud girl, but recently she’s been going through some mental health issues. Her childhood is very public for some odd reason and people love to talk about it. Despite these, she’s been improving herself and loves to hang out with Israel, Sudan, Libya and Palestine, although she has concerns about Sudan. Does not get along with Ethiopia.

Liberia - Major United States fanboy. Dresses like United States. Snuck spyware onto United States' phone to listen to his private conversations. Stalks United States, and takes the same classes he does, but gets bad grades.

Niger - Nice boy. Nobody will say his name out of fear of accidentally saying it wrong and being cancelled on Twitter by California.

Eritrea - Nobody wants to mess with Eritrea, he's got experience in hand-to-hand combat and gun knowledge. Showed Montana and Texas how to use guns.

Libya - Girl whose family used to be very rich from the oil industry, but lately has been experiencing some issues. She gets very good grades and used to be one of the most popular girls in school but has faded away with time. Got pregnant from doing risky behaviors with others at school and had an abortion, both of which earned her plentiful bullying.

Rwanda - The girl whose father is an alcoholic and hits her if she ever brings home a B or lower. Is a neat freak. Her mother was killed by white supremacists.

Uganda - Had to be put in special-ed after his mental state was reversed in a car crash with Tanzania and severe brain damage from his depression and self-harm. He’s a big fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, and has a crush on Knuckles. He also made his own charming action film using toys and figurines. Friends with Paraguay.

Ethiopia - Was practically forgotten and usually quiet until one day when Italy touched her inappropriately and she kicked him in the crotch. She was later admired but was conned by Russia into his way of living and later felt bad about herself and went on an anorexia diet. She says it makes her look better. Does not get along with Egypt.

Tanzania - Is not Muslim himself, but is very friendly with Muslim students. Is very anti-gay, which led to his main non-African friendships being Poland and Hungary.

Congo - Used to be one of Russia's yes-men in middle school. Is still really fond of Russia. DR Congo's slightly richer, kind of angsty cousin.

Zimbabwe - She is usually the last in everything and has a horrible sense of numbers, always thinking that everything is expensive.

Sudan - Tried to control her little brother South Sudan's life, but he decided to stand up to her a few years ago, and she has resented him ever since. Fights often with Egypt, though they are kind of best frenemies.

South Sudan - Sudan's brother that began standing up for himself to her. They don't get along as a result. Hangs out with Uganda and Kenya.

Botswana - Always wears diamonds on her ears and clothes. Her father is very strict. She used to get very bad grades, so he sent her to a camp for the summer, and now she makes great grades. Is good friends with Sierra Leone.

Morocco - Fell for United States' theory that Israel has a space laser. Pesters Israel every day to give him the laser.

Ghana - He makes the best coffee and he works at Starbucks. He's best friends with Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone - Enjoys diamonds. She is friends with Botswana and Ghana.

Angola - She is very expensive to date, therefore no guy wants to date her. Brags of her dad's diamond mines and his coffee plantations. Has a suspicious relationship with Russia.

Namibia - That one otherwise-normal kid who was recently discovered to be secretly helping North Korea with tests and quizzes.

Kenya - Really chill. He’s a complete jock. He’s also a part of lots of clubs, but everybody always looks over that. Being outside is his escapism.

Djibouti - He lets people like Saudi Arabia, United States, and China rent out his backyard for parties, and so has made almost $50K in one year.

Mauritania - Fat, and she eats fish every day. Improving herself to achieve top 100 students in school. Friends with Nauru and Pennsylvania.

Algeria - He is a former friend of France who is rivals with Morocco.



Turkey - Is quite arrogant. Thinks he is the best and greatest at everything he does. He hates Armenia, Serbia and Greece greatly and is never afraid to insult them. Turkey has become bitter towards many European members and candidates because he applied for club membership in freshman year and still hasn't been contacted about membership. Is great friends with Azerbaijan. Doesn't like Sweden.

Indonesia - The shy one. He is a bit lazy and often comes 4 minutes late to class but not more. He is polite and really open minded. He is a bit of dreamer so the teachers often think he is not paying attention.

Iraq - A moaning loner at school. He is constantly teased and patronised by the little mind games that Iran and the United States play on him. His family were the first to building houses in the local neighborhood during the very old days. He used to be friends with the US, but was falsely accused of having a gun in his school bag and suspended, ruining his family’s reputation.

Kuwait - A small girl who gets good grades and comes from a wealthy family background. Her home was once invaded by Iraq and almost the entire school went out to “Support” her. She is generally calm and good natured.

Iran - An intelligent and relaxed student with an interesting family background. He appears very religious and conservative to the other students, although he is secretly going through a rebellious phase at home. His family has a complicated relationship with the United States and has meddled a lot with Iraq’s household. Vowed to protect Armenia from harm. Is growing increasingly hostile with United States.

Jordan - A friendly student who is usually considered the basic normal kid at school. His family is a little poor, but they are very good in the trade business with the other families in the neighbourhood. He is proud of his old Arabian heritage. His family often tries to help out Palestine’s family. He has a unusual affinity for pottery and recreating old oriental art.

Azerbaijan - Turkey's cousin who hates Armenia even more than Turkey does. Has gotten into physical altercations with Armenia.

Turkmenistan - He is obsessed with marble and white. His backpack is white, his house is white, the horse he rides to school is white.

 Armenia - He constantly gets into fights with Azerbaijan and to a lesser extent Turkey. Started shaving in the fourth grade. Is the leader of the chess club, which Azerbaijan and Turkey are members of. Best friends with Greece, and mutual respect with Iran, who has committed to protecting Armenia from Turkey. Is trying to distance himself from Russia.

Nepal - Good friends with Bhutan and India. Not very vocal, keeps to himself mostly.

 Georgia - A beautiful girl who loves nature and polyphonic singing. She absolutely despises Russia and his family for their meddling and treacherous actions in the past. She usually sticks to herself, although she is sometimes friendly with Turkey and Azerbaijan, as well as Greece and Ukraine.

Mongolia - A girl who loves horses. Hangs with Belarus, Russia, and North Korea.

Singapore - Thinks he is famous, tries to fit in with both the Muslim dictatorship friend group and the EU group but really fits in neither. Is quite rich, and has been trying to grow closer to Monaco's friend group.

Oman - She is a smart student who gets good grades and gets along with a lot of the other kids. She is often labeled as the mom of her inner circle as she has a very loving and motherly personality. She sometimes hangs out with her shy cousin Yemen to cheer him up. Her grandfather recently died this year.

South Korea - He thinks he can sing, but he cannot. Has a twin brother named North Korea, and has a strained relationship with him. Is friends with United States. Pretends to be cool with Japan to please America but in reality hates Japan's guts.

North Korea - The aforementioned twin brother of South Korea. He’s kind of lost his mind and hangs out with Russia and Mongolia and Belarus. He’s threatened to kill almost everyone at the school, and there are rumors he keeps a knife in his bag. He has been told his entire life how great he is and he expects to be treated the same from his high school peers. He expects to be worshiped and that the entire school puts up photos and statues of him. Friends with China. Keeps throwing paper airplanes and spitballs at Japan to get a reaction, but Japan ignores him.

Maldives - Beach babe who is also a devout Muslim. Lives on an island with the nicest beaches that students and their families frequent. However, the beach's admission fee is exorbitant.

China - One of the smartest kids in class who is always doing something related to robotics or technology. He wants to be friends with McKenzieFam. Is friends with North Korea and Russia. Once got suspended for letting go of his balloon which hit the sprinkler and flooded the school.

Syria - A smart girl at school who used to get good grades. However, she is currently skipping class due to a dilemma at home. She is well liked at school, however a lot of the other kids all have opinions on her family issues. Nonetheless, many students and teachers generally feel sympathy for her and always give her extensions on her assignments. She loves to listen to music and is also known for bringing the best lunches to school.

 India - He works part time in the school command center and gets paid to fix people's computers. People make fun of his accent, which makes him sad. He is very smart, and he brings the same lunch to school every day. Does not get along with Pakistan.

Bhutan - The ever smiling, soft spoken, cute girl who helps everybody with their work diagrams.

Myanmar - Troubled girl with a lot of family problems. Her father is a military man that abused her and her mother, when she was a child. Has an unwarranted hatred for the Muslim students.

Tajikistan - Is good friends with Russia (though really only to be protected from bullying). Is also cool with China, though she is a little weary of his true intentions. She is also pretty close to Iran.

Malaysia - Calm student who is multilingual and is hard working, she gets along with everybody, helpful. Brunei is her little brother.

Pakistan - Does not get along with India. A little immature, likes to ignore people who cross him and never speak to them again. Completely ignores Armenia.

Qatar - A small kid at school who’s family are friends with Saudi Arabia’s parents. His family owns a television studio, even though this fact can be controversial in school as they are sometimes known to impose propaganda.

Palestine - Again, he is a controversial student at school. Everyone knows him as the guy who has an intense rivalry with Israel because his family lost their old home to Israel’s family.

Laos - The United States planted some land mines at Laos' house as a joke, but they went off, destroying his house.

Yemen - An Introverted boy who often gets ignored in school. Not a lot of students know about the pain he is currently enduring at home due to his parents' divorce and struggling relations with Saudi Arabia’s family. He has a lot of potential to do great things in the future, he just doesn’t know it yet. He loves fishing in his spare time to get away from all the drama.

Saudi Arabia - A student who is very well recognized by both students and teachers as he comes from a wealthy and conservative religious background. His family is influential in the local community and even own a large private beach where many popular kids like the US and Russia like to hang out during the summer. A lot of the other student’s Muslim families often visit his parent’s palace a few times a year. He appears to have some complicated relationships with the other students, however he secretly wants their attention even if it’s a fake liking for his expensive cars.

Israel - A Jewish kid whose family moved into Palestine’s old family home a few decades ago. He comes from a wealthy financial background and is  friends with the United States. His family is often disliked by the rest of the neighborhood, at least that’s what they say in front of their other neighbors. Recently, he has become super controversial at school when his parents, who own Palestine's house, had them evicted when they could not pay rent.

Philippines - Many sides to her that most people will never know about. Not incredibly smart but that doesn’t stop her from trying. Doesn't get along with Colin. Good friends with United States.

Vietnam - The girl who earned the respect of the entire school because she endured and overcame years of bullying by America. She is smart and kind of popular, especially in Russia’s circle.

Japan - He is a catboy. Wears a cat tail and cat ears to school. Secretly hates South Korea and completely ignores North Korea's existence. Japan is nice to United States' face, but secretly harbors a lot of resentment towards him. United States' dad threw acid on Japan's dad in a bullying attempt, and Japan has not forgiven their familyl

Thailand - Average looking cute girl. Easily approachable. Many lost their v-card with her. People suspect that she is transgender, but has had surgery that is so well done it is impossible to tell.

Afghanistan - Shy boy who flinches at sudden movements from others. Was abused and sexually violated by his father. His father is a drug dealer, and so has mutual respect with Venezuela.

Kazakhstan - Is Russia's best friend. Is sweet, but doesn't listen when people tell him that Russia's bad news.

Sri Lanka - Is poor. He owes a lot of debt to the library for late fees.

Taiwan - Is basically to China what Kosovo is to Serbia. She watches lewd anime with Japan and Cheese.

Bahrain - The rich but sort of airheaded cheerleader. She hangs out with Qatar and UAE.

UAE - One of the richest kids in school. He pulls up to school in a Lamborghini and has eight private jets. Has a YouTube channel where he expresses his homophobic and misogynistic opinions. Sometimes, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Qatar feature on his channel.


US States

Alabama - He looks 34, but he’s actually 22. Yeah, he was held back. So? He can buy beer for the other kids and he has the sweetest mullet. He’s been around the block and could tell you some stories. Plus, he has zero problem admitting that he messed around with his own brother during last summer break and contracted a disease from it.

Alaska - The one who would rather be hunting and sleeping in a tent than hanging out in clubs with the cool kids. He’s an Eagle Scout but never mentions it. He’s the guy you want to have around if you ever get lost anywhere in nature. He and New Hampshire like to hangout and exchange survival and repair/maintenance tactics.

Arizona - He’s of mixed Mexican/American decent and speaks both languages fluently. He’s relatively no-nonsense but enjoys hootin’ and hollerin’ with the best of ‘em. He’s occasionally seen hanging out with Alabama and Mississippi. Dating California.

California - She thinks everyone should always pay attention to HER. HER opinions are the best. HER thoughts matter the most. She’s on social media literally all day. Most people abide her narcissism and arrogance but secretly hate her. Is best friends with Singapore, and only talks in modern TikTok slang. Doesn't like MiecraftMan, New Jersey, or New Mexico. Dating Arizona.

Connecticut - Not the spoiled one. The cool one. The one with all the connections. This guy knows the bouncers at every bar, the salesmen at every store. His family has been rich since the 1300s. He has at least $75,000 in cash on him at all times. He drives a custom 1983 Bentley Mulsanne. Currently the class president for 2024.

Hawaii - The tan girl. The girl who’s always just coming back from vacation. She’s always smiling, always positive, always motivational. She’s taken approximately infinite selfies. She’d be fun to hang out with if her favorite band wasn’t Fun. She and Maine get along great. Dating Nevada.

Kentucky - This kid can distill 600 proof spirits from spring water. He knows the chemical ins-and-outs of almost every single booze or drug that exists. His mullet isn’t quite as sweet as Alabama’s. His meth isn’t quite as pure as Mississippi’s. and his sister isn’t quite as cute as West Virginia’s; but he can hold his own against the likes of all three.

Maine - This girl is just too much. From canoeing to rock-climbing, she’s just into it all. She always brings her hiking boots and she never turns down a fish-fry. She enjoys telling people what to do and as long as they do it her way, it’ll be FUN! She’s best friends with Hawaii and Canada and best best friends with New Hampshire.

Maryland - She was formerly the class President. She has been since first grade. She’s the Honor Society President. She has been since first grade. She petitions for everything from healthier school lunches to easier-to-remember locker combinations (on Florida’s behalf). She’s currently petitioning for more petitions even though she petitioned against it last Spring. She campaigns endlessly and is always meeting with scholastic lobbyists. She won’t openly admit whether or not she likes New Mexico. Blew a gasket after she lost the presidency to Connecticut for 2024.

Missouri - This guy is bad news. He’s always up to something. Getting into some sort of trouble. He’s a bad influence on others; including himself. He’s the son of a cop and an IRS agent. He knows how to get away with most petty crimes, and has committed… most petty crimes. He won’t be dissuaded by authority or the threat of punishment. He’s truly a rebel.

New Hampshire - This girl is willing to help anyone and everyone. And she can fix most things. She’s the kindest thing in the world till you mention authoritarian influence. Then she’ll rant for days about how taxes are ruining the economy. She grows her own herbs in her back yard. She hangs out primarily with Alaska and her best friend Maine.

Ohio - He went viral on YouTube in early 2023 for picking his nose on camera. Is tired of the constant Ohio jokes.

Pennsylvania - Cheesesteaks and Hershey Bars. This kid packs it in like nobody’s business. Hoagies and pierogies. Whatever you got, he’ll take it. He’s constantly being ridden by the likes of Maine and Oregon for his snack choices. Scrapple, bologna, Middleswarth chips and shoofly pie. MMMMMmmmMMMM!!… Hangs out with Mauritania, the other fat kid. Best friends with Nauru.

Virginia - This kid grew up rich, but in a strictly traditional fashion. His entire financial view is based on economic policies of 250 years ago. The only book he owns is Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations. He’s a war reenactor in multiple different groups including those who reenact The American Revolution, The American Civil War, and The War on Drugs. He and Maryland sometimes don’t see eye-to-eye.

Wyoming - He’s always last in line on picture day. He’s always last picked in gym class. He reads the morning announcements but no one recognizes his voice or knows who he is. He’s not in the yearbook because they couldn’t justify using another entire page for just the one picture that wouldn’t fit on the previous page. He’s not in any clubs or social groups. Is friends with Florida and Toowise.


JetPunk Users:

MiecraftMan - A particularly unstable kid - the class clown. Gets teased/bullied by a bunch of kids like Russia and New Jersey. Sometimes accepts it and plays along, other times randomly lashing out about it. Sometimes has quite obnoxious jokes, other times very funny ones. Takes pleasure in being annoying. Is often in trouble with the teacher. Is quite a good scholar, but intentionally makes it so people don’t focus on that side of him. Doesn't get along with California, and so is pretty cool with Texas. Not really fond of Qy.

Qy - Is good buddies with Kentucky and Texas. Friendly but keeps to himself usually. Makes average grades. Not fond of MiecraftMan.

Toowise - An absolute cringe machine. Reminds the teacher of homework when he forgets it, and is essentially hated by everyone and dejected from the society of the school. Naturally, gets along with other rejects, like Wyoming, New Mexico, Florida, and Paraguay.

Cheese - Gets A's and B's usually. Hangs out usually with Ethiopia and Kenya. Is a practicing Muslim.

Colin (also known as spartanfire or TancredTorsson) - Always a straight A student. Hangs out with South Korea, Poland, Greece, and their friend groups a lot. Gives singing lessons to South Korea. Fights often with North Korea and Egypt. Is also friends with Romania and India, but is not fond of Philippines or North Korea.

Kingsfisher - The conservative communist, suffers from inadequate mood swings, becomes either a clown or a teacher's sycophant. Have a bad jokes. Unable to write his name correctly, speaks broken English. He does not eat in the canteen, for which the cooks hate him. Loves Russia, India, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Norway, Canada, Scotland, Brazil and Hungary; is in love with Belarus, so has a major target on his back by Russia.

Fianchetto - An anime lover. Uses they/them pronouns. A social justice warrior. Identifies as bunnygender. Is extremely fragile and easy to offend, so people don't talk to Fianchetto a lot. Is disliked by the vast majority of the Muslim countries, Florida, Utah, California, and Texas. Good friends with Norway, Sweden, and Japan.

McKenzieFam - A nerd. Loves statistics and raw data. Always extremely punctual, never been late to class in their life. Always hands in assignments exactly on time, usually accompanied by a spreadsheet or two. Would make an excellent target for bullies except that ever since Tanzania fell into a coma while they explained quantum entanglement to them, people generally try to avoid contact. Once conducted a study on Paraguay's behavioral dysfunctionalities, then wrote a fifteen-page essay about it. Some think they were kidnapped in middle school and replaced by one of China's robotics projects. Will probably either invent time travel someday or blow up the school.

Astana - Really smart, years younger than all of the other kids. Skipped lots of school. Teacher's pet. Straight A's, but thinks school is a waste of time. Her father does some shady business dealings with the school board and teachers are afraid of her. Lives outside of town in a forested estate surrounded by a wall with guarded watchtowers. Some people have allegedly broken into the property and never come back.

Current number of students: 201

Countries and states represented, colored by continent (Quebec is represented as part of Canada and also represented individually as its own student) (The US states not represented individually are represented through the United States character)
Ratio of boys to girls 
Level 60
Nov 13, 2022
Sure is a strange sight to see a Yako blog on the RUB.
Level 60
Nov 13, 2022
Can I be in the story:

A particularly unstable kid - the class clown. Gets teased/bullied by a bunch of kids, sometimes accepts it and plays along, other times randomly lashing out about it. Sometimes has quite obnoxious jokes, other times very funny ones. Takes pleasure in being annoying. Is often in trouble with the teacher. Is quite a good scholar, but intentionally makes it so people don’t focus on that side of him.

Level 66
Nov 13, 2022
adding u rn, just waiting for approval

wait who do u wanna be friends with and enemies with

Level 60
Nov 13, 2022
Ummmmm, I’ll be the new kid and let myself blend and merge into whatever friend groups seem to fit my character
Level 66
Nov 13, 2022
I only became able to make blogs last night when I reached Level 40. I hit the 6 month mark four days ago.
Level 60
Nov 13, 2022
Ok - I’ll be enemies automatically with anyone who does TikTok dances and trends. Otherwise, I’ll let you decide by my character description above
Level 66
Nov 13, 2022
Level 69
Nov 14, 2022
How can you be a good scholar if you're often in trouble? That's quite literally the opposite of what "good scholar" means.
Level 60
Nov 14, 2022
Gets work done, isn’t dumb
Level 69
Nov 14, 2022
That's only the half of it. To be a good scholar, you must also be well-mannered, disciplined, and alright.
Level 60
Nov 14, 2022
Alright, maybe I didn’t choose the best wording
Level 69
Nov 13, 2022
I'd like to see North Korea, Sri Lanka, and Texas. They seem like interesting enough characters.

One suggestion — the Vatican. Extremely religious and formerly homeschooled. Everyone is nice to them, but they've no real friends.

Level 66
Nov 13, 2022

You don't want to be a student?

Level 69
Nov 13, 2022
That's an option? Sure, then.
Level 66
Nov 13, 2022
I'll need a short description of your character.

Look through the list and pick who you want to be friends with. By that, your enemies will become clear.

Level 69
Nov 13, 2022
What can I say? Friendly but keeping to myself. Decent grades I guess. Good with family (American southerners, mostly in the Central South).
Level 69
Nov 13, 2022
Reckon I'd make good friends with Texas and Kentucky.
Level 66
Nov 13, 2022
:0 country boi
Level 78
Nov 14, 2022
Brilliant, I was laughing out loud at some of the descriptions.

You're right about the RUB being dry recently too.

I'll give you free rein to describe me. Can't wait to see what you come up with, or do I have to write my own ?

Level 66
Nov 14, 2022
Thank you so much! Also, I need a standard name to call you. Toowise is a bit... uhh... weird.
Level 43
Nov 14, 2022
Sorry but, I don’t know what’s weird on “Toowise”, comparing to “Qy” lol
Level 66
Nov 14, 2022
Do you want to be in the story, MG17?
Level 43
Nov 14, 2022
Not sure, had some controversies last time I ever participated of your series lol
Level 66
Nov 14, 2022
as long as you don't say anything homophobic ion have anything to say to you about it
Level 78
Nov 15, 2022
Not sure about my description being 100% accurate, love it all the same, thank you.

Toowise only seems weird to me when you use a capital T at the beginning, far less weird if it's all lower case...LOL.

Now about that Tentacle Hentai......

Level 69
Aug 9, 2023
I still don't understand that last comment, and perhaps it is better I not.
Level 69
Nov 15, 2022
Woah, that got weird fast.
Level 66
Nov 15, 2022
Level 15
Nov 14, 2022
i'll join

A average-level student who always hands in assignments on time, even if he only gets C- most of the time, best friends with New Zealand, finds older sister Australia annoying sometimes but still gets along. Secretly wishes America could behave better but says nothing. Dislikes Iran, Iraq, North Korea and Russia.

Level 68
Nov 14, 2022
I'll join

My friend group is most eastern African countries,I don't pay attention,get like A's and B's and I kinda do my own thing.

Level 68
Nov 14, 2022
Wait where is Tanzania?
Level 66
Nov 14, 2022
Doesn't have a profile.
Level 68
Nov 15, 2022
Level 57
Nov 15, 2022
Quite funny, but might want to change some of the language, because they've gone after people for that before.
Level 66
Nov 15, 2022
I realized that a little while ago. I need to remove the profanity.
Level 57
Nov 15, 2022
Definitely change it, bc this is really funny!
Level 57
Nov 15, 2022
And, i don't want it to get deleted.
Level 15
Nov 16, 2022
I want to be in this!

My profile:

"Always a straight A student. Hangs out with South Korea, Poland, Greece, and their friend groups a lot. Gives singing lessons to South Korea. Fights often with North Korea and Egypt."

The first part is true

Level 66
Nov 16, 2022
Hey Colin ;-;

i forgive you

and i hope we can be good friends again :)

Level 15
Nov 22, 2022
Colin : also known as Tancred, spitfire, patrick, dovewing, tigerheart, = 100000000 others


Level 34
Aug 1, 2023
Wait spitfire? I mean, the WW2 plane?
Level 15
Dec 16, 2022
Cool thanks :)

(BTW I sent a friend request to you but on the WRONG account. My alt will be sending you one soon)

Level 68
Nov 16, 2022
Oh wait don't forget I am a practicing Muslim that is important too
Level 68
Nov 16, 2022
We need Tanzania if we have Uganda cause Tanzania is like the big brother of East Africa since it has some of the world's oldest settlements.
Level 15
Nov 22, 2022
tanzania was put into a coma by McKenzie. While he/she/they was explaining quantum entanglement
Level 59
Jun 1, 2023
I didn't know Mauretania was obese, I knew it more for the slaves
Level 66
Jun 1, 2023
They aren’t fat. It’s just for the storyline. Plus, I had already written Mauritania to be friends with Nauru and Pennsylvania, who are notably fat, so I decided to make Mauritania fat too.
Level 59
Jun 2, 2023
Nebraska Furniture
Level 66
Jun 2, 2023
Level 69
Aug 9, 2023
Nebraska Furniture
Level 50
Dec 14, 2023
But what does that mean?
Level 59
Feb 6, 2024
nebraska furniture mart
Level 50
Feb 16, 2024
Oh...Yeah, I'll look that up.
Level 63
Jun 4, 2023

The conservative communist, suffers from inadequate mood swings, becomes either a clown or a teacher's sycophant. Have a bad jokes. Unable to write his name correctly, speaks broken English. He does not eat in the canteen, for which the cooks hate him. Loves Russia, India, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Norway, Canada, Scotland, Brazil and Hungary; is in love with Belarus (what is her gender there);

I'm probably late as usual. Does the questionnaire fit?

Level 66
Jun 4, 2023
Belarus is female and is the boyfriend of Russia.

Also, you’re not late.

Level 66
Aug 10, 2023
Level 69
Aug 9, 2023
Finally got around to updating it, huh?

By the way, most of the user-student descriptions sound like satire. I know you didn't write them, but gee whiz.

Level 66
Aug 9, 2023
I wrote a few of them.
Level 50
Dec 9, 2023
Is it too late to add people? If it is not, I would like to be in this story. Here is who I am.

Astana-Really smart, years younger than all of the other kids. Skipped lots of school. Teacher's pet. Straight A's, but thinks school is a waste of time. Her father does some shady business dealings with the school board and teachers are afraid of her. Her mother is a plastic surgeon suspected to be a facial reconstruction specialist. Has an older brother and two younger siblings. Lives outside of town in a forested estate surrounded by a wall with guarded watchtowers. Has a staff of over 100 muscular men patrolling the perimeter. Estate has a small airport, a bunker, and a 4-story garage guarded by armed men. Some people have allegedly broken into the property and never come back. Estate has a modern mansion and a fleet of military jets, as well as a convoy of helicopters and a power plant and high-tech viral research lab. Family is suspected to be running shady operations at their home.

Level 59
Apr 13, 2024
.....astana moment
Level 59
Apr 13, 2024
Damn the references are crazy