If Countries Were High Schoolers X Hunger Games - Part 1


Summer subplot for If Countries Were High Schoolers.

*Decided not to delete the blog after all.

If Countries Were High Schoolers | Chapter 4 - Hunger Games

There are 198 students at United Nations high school. So there will be 99 districts.

The Reaping

District 1

United States

District 2


District 3


District 4


District 5


District 6


District 7

New Zealand

District 8


District 9


District 10


District 11


District 12


District 13

North Korea 

District 14

South Korea 

District 15


District 16


District 17


District 18


District 19

Northern Ireland 

District 20


District 21


District 22


District 23


District 24


District 25

Sierra Leone

District 26


District 27


District 28
North Macedonia


District 29

District 30

District 31
San Marino

District 32

District 33

District 34

District 35

District 36
South Africa

District 37

District 38
Illinois ♀
South Dakota ♂

District 39


New Hampshire

District 40

District 41


District 42


District 43


District 44


District 45


District 46

Vatican City

District 47


District 48

District 49

District 50

District 51
ew Jersey

New York

District 52

North Carolina

District 53


District 54

District 55

District 56


District 57


District 58


District 59


District 60

District 61


District 62

District 63


District 64


District 65


District 66


District 67


District 68

Puerto Rico

District 69


District 70


District 71


District 72


District 73

El Salvador

District 74

Costa Rica

District 75

Dominican Republic

District 76


District 77


District 78


District 79

New Mexico

District 80

Rhode Island

District 81

South Carolina

District 82
West Virginia

District 83


District 84


District 85


District 86

United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia

District 87


District 88


District 89


District 90


District 91


District 92


District 93

District 94

District 95


District 96


District 97
North Dakota

District 98

District 99

That's all the students. Good luck! 🎀

There is a twist in the story! When there are twenty tributes remaining, the game will be modified. A Lifesteal SMP twist will be employed. Each remaining tribute will have two hearts each. Killing someone gains you a heart, getting killed makes you lose one. This idea was hatched by MiecraftMan. I have his consent to use this.

The last person remaining will win the Hunger Games!

Same district does NOT mean teammate! District members can and will kill each other, and they usually will not stick together!

Kills are erased when a person dies.

If a group of people kill another group of people, each member of the first group will get credited with ALL the kills! So if a group of three kills a group of six, each person in the group of three will get six kills added to their total.

*Do not be offended by the broken English exhibited by some characters. It is stereotypical, yes, but it is a part of their character. And all of the characters are stereotyped, not just a select few.

The Bloodbath

The arena lights shined down to bathe the 198 tributes in their light as they took their place among the large round podiums. Narrow pedestals anchored the podiums to the compact soil below.

The tributes gazed down at the territory laden before them, taking note of threats and resources immediately. The podiums were numbered 1 to 99 (they were in pairs), with Turkey and Azerbaijan positioned at the far end of the arena from the cornucopia --- definitely a disadvantage, but possibly an advantage in slipping away without being noticed.

As the countdown from 60 suddenly began, everybody looked nervous, even the stoic Montana. His eyes scanned the distance to the Cornucopia, weighing the risks. Despite being well trained in weaponry, he was as tentative as everyone else; his life was on the line.

Contrarily, California was scrolling through TikTok, laughing annoyingly, and picking at her fake nails.

198 shadows intertwined with each other on the dead grass in the sweltering sunlight.

As the timer reached the final ten seconds, some were focused on the Cornucopia, some were nonchalant, and some didn't know what to do. And then there was Paraguay, screaming at the top of his lungs.

As the gong sounded, most of the troops' feet hit the ground.

A wave of weaker tributes stumbled for the forest, while the more confident ran for weapons.

Zimbabwe and Chad thundered shoulder to shoulder to the cornucopia, intent on first pick of weapons and fire starters.

Some snuck lithely between people to sneak towards supplies.

Spain hid behind France as spears were already being thrown.

"Eet will not help moi to survive if vous am alway using moi as une shield for hide!" France protested.

In the background, Illinois, Colin, and Alaska could be seen attempting to find high ground.

Iran ran to blend in with the rugged background, while Namibia and Panama were fighting alongside each other valiantly.

MiecraftMan grabbed a sword from the cornucopia, but he was struggling to hold it as it was too heavy for his lithe frame. He fell backwards, with the sword landing in the grass just centimeters from slicing through his skin.

Romania raced for a blue backpack in the center of the Cornucopia. He thought it felt a little light, but he picked it up anyway and ran with his little brother, Moldova, to safety.

"Did he really just grab an empty bag...?" California asked herself. "It isn't giving what it's supposed to give.

Ghana grabbed the nearest weapon to her, a mace, and camped at the Cornucopia to gather more resources.

Suddenly, a hatched whooshed past her head, chopping off her long braided hair.

Ghana punched the assailant, Missouri, in the chest. He took the hatchet and took a swing her stomach, piercing the skin and forcing her to crumple in a pile of blood and leaking organs. She wailed in pain before her blood loss rendered her permanently unconscious.

Sierra Leone suddenly came behind Missouri with a big steak knife and cut off Missouri's ear. He held his ear and pivoted around to slash Sierra Leone's head right off.

Missouri bent over and held his ear, blood seeping through his fingers. "SOMEONE! HELP!" He cried. Italy kicked the back of Missouri's head and he landed on the open wound as Italy ran with about twenty others to the forest.

His lifeless head fell to the side as his eyes rolled back into his head.

Albania stepped over the body hastily, but as he did so, a large spear sailed through the air, piercing the top of the spinal cord and entering his brain. He bled out on the ground.

Kosovo bent down to help him, but as he did so, New Jersey ran towards him with a big boulder. Kosovo screamed and ran for help.

New Jersey laughed, and dropped the boulder on Albania to finish him off.

Fianchetto suddenly appeared.

"Don't you know that Albania is plantsexual? That's so plantphobic-"

Fianchetto was shot with a double barrel from behind them by a masked figure. The figure lifted their mask and it was revealed to be Nebraska.

"Don't move, or I shoot." Nebraska threatened.

"You wouldn't, you're bluffing." New Jersey taunted.

Nebraska put his finger on the trigger.

"It's not loaded." New Jersey stated confidently.

"Try me." Nebraska looked serious.

"Do you hear that?" New Jersey asked.

"Stop trying to distract me." Nebraska held the gun harder.

"No, really." A faint ticking noise was going increasingly louder and more apparent.

"What's that?" Nebraska asked.

Suddenly, both were sliced open as the green-painted C4 concealed in the grass exploded, killing them both instantly.

Some very obnoxious and very French laughter could be heard in the background. "Hon hon hon hon hon hon!"

A tantalizing basket of bread sat on a tree stump in front of the Cornucopia.

Colombia grabbed the bread first. "Jaja! Gotta be muy rapido, pendejo! Ja!" He taunted.

South Africa swiftly ran up to him, and socked him in the nose.

"Ow! Tú broken mi nose!" Colombia ran for cover to avoid more injury.

"He had gettin his snout red stuff all over da bred!" South Africa looked mad at the bloody residue from Colombia's nose on the bread.

Turkey aimed a throwing knife at Peru and tossed it tactically. Peru braced for impact, but a metal shield had been thrown in front of him and deflected the shot.

Turkey fell over dead, and Greece stood there, with a bloody dagger in his hand.

Peru was too stunned to thank him.

Greece grabbed Peru's hand and led him to his hideout in the forest.

Most were in the forest by now, but there were a few stragglers.

Nauru was desperately searching for some bacon or gumbo or something to fill his black hole of a stomach.

"Found anything to eat, Pennsylvania? Mauritania?" Nauru asked.

"Yeah, I found some Biscoff cookies." Pennsylvania held up the bag.

"Give me one!" Nauru waddled over to Pennsylvania, with Mauritania close behind.

"Wait!" McKenzieFam and Iran suddenly appeared.

"Hi." Nauru waved.

"So me and my dear friends Iran and Delaware have prepared a lovely picnic lunch by the abyss, and we were hoping that you'd join us!" McKenzieFam snickered.

"Oh, that sounds great! Right, guys?" Pennsylvania asked.

Nauru and Mauritania nodded.

"For to giving of the big surprises big big large, we must cover of your pretty peepers with some cloth material, ah? It is needing to confuse the vision spheres so you not seeing what good food we have planned! My friend Delaware, would you pleaše be bringing the eye covers?" Iran asked.

"Sure, I'll ger get ther blindferlds." Delaware reached in her pocket and began tying them around Nauru, Pennsylvania, and Mauritania's heads.

The three let the three obese tributes to the abyss, and lined them up on the cliff.

"Did you make chicken? I love chicken!" Nauru asked.

"Oh, we actually made some caviar. It's abyss-mal." McKenzieFam snickered.

"What?" Nauru asked.

"Go get Russia, we aren't strong enough to push therm." Delaware said to Iran.

"Aha." Iran motioned for Russia to come to the spot.

Russia shoved Nauru first. He tumbled down the abyss, hit his head on the rocks, and plummeted to his inevitable demise.

Mauritania and Pennsylvania were pushed at the same time. They crashed into each other and screamed as the heavy friends fell to their deaths.

Iran and Russia high fived. The four of them grabbed their backpacks and shields and ran to find cover.

In another area, South Korea was looking fatigued.

"What is mattering?" Japan asked.

"I am cannot take it anymorings. Na be of endings rife todae." South Korea looked down.

"What is yuo saying just now? Ending rifes today also not answer is!" Japan tried to change his mind.

"I have make up na mind." South Korea stated flatly.

"Fine. Then I is end rife with yuo." Japan said.

"Great- I mean, if that what yuo want." South Korea stammered.

They walked to the edge of the abyss together.

"We jump together in tree." South Korea said.




Japan let go of South Korea's grasp and jumped.

As he rolled over, he saw South Korea's menacingly smiling face.

"Bye-bye, Japan." South Korea snickered.

He turned around to witness another massacre.

Alaska laughed as he set off a string explosive from his camp to explode the camp Kazakhstan shared with Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan, killing the three inside.

Alaska grabbed his rope and lighter and ran for shelter.


198th - Ghana

197th - Sierra Leone

196th - Missouri (1 kill)

195th - Albania

194th - Fianchetto

192nd (tie) - Nebraska

192nd (tie) - New Jersey (1 kill)

191st - Turkey

190th - Nauru

188th (tie) - Mauritania

188th (tie) - Pennsylvania

187th - Japan

186th (tie) - Kazakhstan

186th (tie) - Turkmenistan

186th (tie) - Afghanistan


France - 2 kills

Greece - 1 kill

Russia - 3 kills

Iran - 3 kills

Delaware - 3 kills

McKenzieFam - 3 kills

South Korea - 1 kill

Alaska - 3 kills

Number of tributes remaining: 183

Day 1

"Hi live! It's been a while, what's up everyone? Give me a second, I need to wait for more viewers." California propped her phone on the tree stump as she checked her reflection in her shiny knife. She had decided to go live in Instagram while participating in the games.

"Oh my god, hey guys! This is so exciting." California chuckled before she started reading comments. "I love your jacket... Oh my god, thanks! This was a sponsor from BetterHelp! Remember, you can't have a better head... if you're dead." She smiled and sipped her iced coffee.

"Thoughts on Andorra? First of all, horrible name. Sounds like Dora the Explorer. Second of all, not sure what she sees in San Marino. He clearly has a thing for Malta." California rolled her eyes as she read another comment.

Attention all tributes: In thirty minutes there will be a feast where we can give you something you need.

"Oh my god, I'll go on live later to show what I got from the feast! Bye!" California ended the live and ran slowly to the cornucopia to get first pick of the roughly 100 backpacks.

A small group of people were already at the cornucopia choosing their bags.

From what could be made out from those timid tributes hiding in the forests behind trees, the group consisted of Kingsfisher, Belarus, and Austria, holding butcher knives.

Kingsfisher rummaged through the bags swiftly.

"I into find banana and number corn chip big large and map and compass." Kingsfisher muttered.

"You take dat vun, I take dis vun here vith shotgun, ammo, vater und first aid." Belarus motioned. She bent down to pick up the sack.

"Austria, grab la tent." Kingsfisher demanded.

"Ja, ja." Austria threw the tent over her shoulder, when suddenly, metal arrows rained down on her, puncturing holes in her skin and killing her.

Iran laughed hysterically at his precision.

Russia patted him on the back, when he suddenly saw Kingsfisher and Belarus together.

"Vot de hell is goink on here, why iz zat hyoosier vith moy devushka!" Russia grumbled. "Nyet, nyet, nyet oh! zat leetle hyoosier not be goink to get avay vit zis! He zink he can steal moy devushka? Hah! I show heem, crush heem like puny cockroach tovarisch!"

"Gräb hэm!" Russia demanded.

Iran and Delaware rushed forward. Iran grabbed Kingsfisher's legs, Delaware grabbed his arms.

"Wh-what yuo guysies doing?" Kingsfisher asked.

"Gag his mouth!" Russia yelled.

Iran stuffed a used handkerchief in Kingsfisher's mouth.

"Ew." McKenzieFam grimaced in the background.

"Delaware, tie его lэgs!" Russia demanded.

Delaware took the rope in her left hand and tied it around Kingsfisher's ankles.

"Mmgh-mmf!" Kingsfisher's muffled screams were ignored as Iran and Delaware followed MKF and Russia to the lake. Belarus followed them because she didn't know what to do.

At the bank of the water, Delaware and Iran began swinging his arms and legs back and forth.

"What you are be doing!" Kingsfisher cried.

Russia jabbed him sharply in the stomach with a dagger. "Zis is vot you get for plyink around vit moi devushka. No one make fool out of Rossiya like zat!"

The crimson blood dripped onto Iran's shoes as Kingsfisher grew increasingly pale. His head slumped over as Belarus watched in horror.

Suddenly, a flash of light passed them. Colin and Qy swiftly grabbed Kingsfisher from Iran and Delaware and carried his body to safety.

A stunned Russia began chasing them, with Iran and Delaware close behind, and MKF lagging behind. Belarus didn't know what to do, so she went to find help.

Colin and Qy ducked behind a rock. Qy pulled a first aid kit out of his duffle bag and started wrapping bandages around Kingsfisher's torso. Unfortunately, he was still unconscious.

Russia gave up on looking for them.

"Oy oy oy devushka! So dis how you vant play eh, mishest korolyevna? Finkings you can jus drop mne for dis posesseskiy huh? Vell tinks again!"

Zought maybe get cozy vit fool in games insteet of strong like mne? Vell zink again moy krasivaya, no one make fool out me! Should kept close vit real man like mne. It too lates now." Russia shoved her shoulders back and she fell into the deep lake.

She struggled to the surface but a crocodile appeared and dragged her down into the deep water.

"Well, it's been fun." Iran suddenly turned around with a Glock and held it at Russia's head.

"Move an inch and I shoot." Iran threatened.

"Ты are bluffing." Russia laughed.

"Try me." Iran smirked.

Russia attempted to disarm Iran and he pulled the trigger and missed.

As the two fought, a grenade rolled under their feet.

"Uh-oh." Iran and Russia looked at each other.

The four of them (MKF, Delaware, Iran, Russia) were vaporized. Nigeria and Benin ran away for cover.

As they ran past the lake, they saw four rose-tinted bodies in the water, and they assumed a suicide pact. (Vermont, Tanzania, Ohio, Egypt). Well, they thought it was a suicide pact, until they saw Palestine on the prowl with a big butcher knife.

Nigeria and Benin backed away slowly to ensure Palestine didn't notice them.

That is, until Israel came along with a mace and smashed Palestine's skull in, running away with his duffle bag and compass.

Nigeria and Benin ran as fast as they could, leaping over Eritrea's body, and seeing England and Wales running from it.

At the top of the mountain, Montana was sniping and consistently hitting his targets. He downed Latvia, then Montenegro, then Rwanda, then Michigan.

The sun beat down harshly as three lone figures picked their way through the arena. Singapore the leader of them, eyes sharp, scouting for signs of danger amid the cracked earth and sparse vegetation. Behind, India and Costa Rica followed, looking to their guide.

Unseen in the craggy hills lurked threats. Venezuela peered at the trio from her perch, with her recon helmet surrounding her head, her long hair swaying in the wind. "Aquella," she grunted, passing her binoculars to Liechtenstein. He nodded, readying his musket.

As Singapore called a rest by a dry patch for a drink of water, a landslide rumbled down from above. Through the dust, Uganda emerged, machete flashing. Singapore dodged with grace but Costa Rica froze, fear claiming her. Uganda's blade swung, painting the dirt red.

India cried out but Venezuela was there, pinning long arms behind her back as Liechtenstein looped his wire around his slender neck. Singapore rolled, coming up with a jagged rock that crashed into Venezuela’s head and leaving her dead, buying freedom for India.

But Uganda laughed as India ran for his life, blood streaked, unwilling to face him alone. Singapore squared off against the monster who’d ended their ally. But Uganda was ready for him.

Uganda sliced a prominent neck artery and the blood erupted from the skin as Singapore fell over.

England and Belgium had tracked their targets through the arena for hours. Finally, up ahead through the heat haze, they spotted them - Armenia and Niger, taking shelter in the meagre shade of a scraggly tree.

England nodded to Belgium, and together they began to stealthily circle around. As they crept closer, England nocked an arrow to his bowstring while Belgium readied her mace. Just a little closer...

Suddenly, Niger's keen eyes spotted a flicker of movement. He nudged Armenia and grabbed for his club, but it was too late. England's arrow took Niger cleanly in the chest. As he fell, gurgling his last, Armenia leapt up with a vicious cry. But Belgium was already on her, swinging her mace with ruthless efficiency.

As England and Belgium made to head off, a new threat emerged from the simmering dunes. With the crack of whips through the hot air, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain emerged atop their speeding land-mobiles, scimitars glinting.

They swooped in, kicking up dust, and before the allies could react massive hands grabbed them. England found herself clutched in an iron grip by Saudi Arabia, blade pressed to her throat.

“Well well, what have we here?” sneered the huge man. Belgium cried out and strained against Bahrain’s restraining arms. Their situation was dire indeed.

Saudi Arabia laughed, a harsh barking sound. “Aye aye you English kheelbee, always making the problems for me and sister Bahrain! Enough is enough times, someone must teaching you lesson habibi..” His blade bit in, drawing a thin line of blood.

“However...” he drawled, eyeing Belgium thoughtfully. Ahlan habibi, iss okay no need for worry. I am thinking I can eat letting you life go yes, if you doing little killing of little friend for our fun time first, yes? You have one choice - him, or you."

England met Belgium’s frantic gaze, heart sinking. Their fates now hung by the slimmest of threads, and only one could walk away alive. What dreadful choice would she make, faced with her own destruction or being forced to kill her loyal friend?

England and Belgium found themselves at the mercy of their captors. Saudi Arabia's scimitar pressed ever so slightly into England's neck, drawing a bead of crimson blood.

Belgium struggled against Bahrain's hold, terror filling her eyes at the sight of her friend in peril. Saudi Arabia threw his head back and laughed, a harsh sound that sent the horrors of the situation into stark relief.

Her friend had stood by her side through everything - could she truly condemn Belgium now? As their fates hung in the balance, England steeled her resolve.

Belgium stared helplessly into England's eyes, willing his friend to understand what he was thinking without words.

They had been through so much together already in this brutal arena. But Belgium would not - could not - live with himself if England chose death over killing her. (Because he'd be dead.)

England met Saudi Arabia's eyes with sheer resolve. "I will not choose between saving my life over another. If killing is your only demand, then I accept my fate."

"Ahlan habibti, this one has fire no? Always speaking with grand words but no actions to back! English talk big like lion but inside is just little mouse I am thinking. No matter, we see how bold when real steel comes! But what about you little yellow chicken? You ready to fly away from here yes? Should I give you mercy cutting throat before sister meets sharp kiss?" Saudi Arabia laughed.

"So what say you, which friend goes to dirt? Or both of you can join dirt nap, hah! Decision is in small hands now habibti, better choosing wisely ya khara..." Bahrain warned.

"I choose neither." England said firmly.

"I guess I shall pick, eh?" Saudi Arabia held the scimitar to Belgium's throat, and moved it to England, then back to Belgium.

"...Die." With a slash of his sword, Belgium had been decapitated.

"Your playmate, she go nighty night kafir!" Saudi Arabia cackled. "Now just you and me for dance til end, habibti!"

Saudi Arabia dragged his scimitar behind him to flee the scene, Bahrain close behind.

England turned around to see smoke rising, but was too tired to investigate.

Back near the abyss, Pakistan and Serbia were attempting to figure out how to build a rope bridge across the abyss.

"Okay yaar listen up - take this here rope, see, and tie it many tight around that pole over there. Just wrap it big many good and we are laughing!." Pakistan demanded.

Serbia tied the rope around a wooden stake.

"Ej bre, listen up! We finally finish with that here most - no more work for today now. But Pakistan friend, you must into check it out first before we can rest." Serbia recommended.

"Yaar, I have better plan. HEY, Algeria, Vermont, Argentina, we require yuor assisdance." Pakistan motioned.

The three walked over to see what the issue was.

"Yaar, we need yuo thrree to test out dis bridge for us."  Pakistan explained.

Serbia nodded insistently.

Strangely, they didn't question it at all. The three just agreed.

Algeria, Vermont, and Argentina walked one by one in that order to walk on the bridge.

"Hey, this is pretty sturdy!" Vermont yelled. "You're so cool, Pakistan. So cool. So hot."

"Er..." Pakistan stammered. He took an axe and walked to the end of the rope bridge.

"What are you doing, eh?" Algeria asked.

Pakistan raised the axe over his head and dropped it on the rope, severing the bridge from its anchor.

Vermont screamed in horror, but to no avail.

Dominican Republic and Rhode Island were walking near the abyss looking lost, so Serbia decided to help them get found by pushing them into the abyss.


183rd - Austria

182nd - Belarus

181st - McKenzieFam

180th - Delaware

179th - Iran

178th - Russia

177th - Palestine

176th - Eritrea

175th - Latvia

174th - Montenegro

173rd - Rwanda

172nd - Michigan

171st - Costa Rica

170th - Venezuela

169th - Singapore

168th - Niger

167th - Armenia

166th - Belgium


Nigeria - 4 kills

Benin - 4 kills

Israel - 1 kill

England - 3 kills

Wales - 1 kill

Montana - 4 kills

Uganda - 2 kills

Saudi Arabia - 1 kill

Bahrain - 1 kill

Pakistan - 3 kills

Serbia - 5 kills

Cumulative Deaths:

198th - Ghana

197th - Sierra Leone

196th - Missouri (1 kill)

195th - Albania

194th - Fianchetto

192nd (tie) - Nebraska

192nd (tie) - New Jersey (1 kill)

191st - Turkey

190th - Nauru

188th (tie) - Mauritania

188th (tie) - Pennsylvania

187th - Japan

184th (tie) - Kazakhstan

184th (tie) - Turkmenistan

184th (tie) - Afghanistan

183rd - Austria

182nd - Belarus

181st - McKenzieFam

180th - Delaware

179th - Iran

178th - Russia

177th - Palestine

176th - Eritrea

175th - Latvia

174th - Montenegro

173rd - Rwanda

172nd - Michigan

171st - Costa Rica

170th - Venezuela

169th - Singapore

168th - Niger

167th - Armenia

166th - Belgium

165th - Algeria

164th - Vermont

163rd - Argentina

161st (tie) - Dominican Republic

161st (tie) - Rhode Island

Cumulative Kills:

France - 2 kills

Greece - 1 kill

South Korea - 1 kill

Alaska - 3 kills

Nigeria - 4 kills

Benin - 4 kills

Israel - 1 kill

England - 3 kills

Wales - 1 kill

Montana - 4 kills

Uganda - 2 kills

Saudi Arabia - 1 kill

Bahrain - 1 kill

Pakistan - 3 kills

Serbia - 5 kills

Number of tributes remaining: 160

Night 1

Bear with me with Ireland and Scotland's dialogue. It will make sense if you say it out loud. 

After Sudan died of a horrible parasitic disease, Ireland and Scotland raided their camp and skinned the bodies to use to make blankets.

Ireland and Scotland were walking and talking about the game so far.

"Och aye, tha wee bleeder Portygal's gonnae git it noo! Ah'm proper raging eftir yon wee fanny messed aboot wi ma patter." Scotland ranted.

"Is dat de wee bai's problem so - dat he's been datin' dat English pillock?" Ireland asked.

"Och aye ya wee dobber, Ah kin tell yer up tae naw good already! Naw idea what yer on aboot, mate." Scotland denied vehemently.

"Sure, mate." Ireland rolled his eyes.

"Och aye, ye ken fit, it's bin a reet larf n that but noo it's time tae sod off oot ay here." Scotland pulled out a long sword and held it to Ireland's throat.

"Oh. Oh. Uh uh. Ye'll be doin' no such ting, ya wee lad! Oi'm not just gonna roll ovaer an let ye off me dat easy, ya cheeky whelp. If anyne's doin' de killin' roun' here, it'll be my own self, do ye ken?" Ireland donned a mace in his left hand.

"Let's try n hae a civil blether 'ere min, like a couple a grown men. Pit the daggers away n ah'll dae the same - whitdae ye say? Ah'm no wantin tae clean yer clock unless ah huv tae." Scotland pleaded.

"Ah'm no lookin tae start nae scrap, but if ye keep flapin yer gums an makin threats ah might jist need tae box yer lugs! So dae us baith a favour an pits a sock in it aye?" Scotland threatened.

Ireland ran his knife along his pant leg. "Och, will ye pipe down wid yer gobshite already! Whaddya mean sayin I was tryin ta start a ruckus - twas yerself come at me all chattery wi yer threats about doin me dirt, if me oul ears don't fail me! Aye, you may tink ya started somethin, but it’ll be me endin it. Now less talk and more action - bring it if yer man enough, ye scut! I’ll beat ye black and blue til even yer own mudda wouldn’t know ya!"

"Ah'll tak it like a man n still be standin afore ye even hit the deck, so ye better bring yer A-game ya wee lily-livrd nancy boy! Jest try n gee me a dig, ah dare ye - ah'll dance aroon ye aw noight, ya gobshite." Scotland shot back.

Ireland lunged forward and slashed Scotland's right forearm. He winced in pain.

"Thas it. Ye'll be seein stars, ya gobshite." Scotland pistol-whipped Ireland with the back of his Desert Eagle, then straddled Ireland's hips.

He dug the knife deep into Ireland's stomach, turning it repeatedly to grind up his innards. Ireland's eyes rolled back into his head, and he was clearly deceased at this point.

"Aye, ye did run yer gob a wee bit, ah'll gie ye that wan ya mad basturt. But ah'm still standin, so seems yer aw threat n nae bother!" Scotland chortled.

As Iceland, Cambodia, France, South Dakota, and Nepal's suicide pact became known, another incident also got word around.

Montenegro fell asleep on a rock in the waterfall and got drowned in the lake.

Another person died in the waterfall to close out the night; it was Vatican City, getting smacked in the face with a Bible by Utah.


160th - Ireland

155th (tie) - Iceland

155th (tie) -  Cambodia

155th (tie) -  France

155th (tie) -  South Dakota

155th (tie) -  Nepal

154th - Montenegro

153rd - Vatican City


Nigeria - 4 kills

Benin - 4 kills

Israel - 1 kill

England - 3 kills

Wales - 1 kill

Montana - 4 kills

Uganda - 2 kills

Saudi Arabia - 1 kill

Bahrain - 1 kill

Cumulative Deaths:

198th - Ghana

197th - Sierra Leone

196th - Missouri (1 kill)

195th - Albania

194th - Fianchetto

192nd (tie) - Nebraska

192nd (tie) - New Jersey (1 kill)

191st - Turkey

190th - Nauru

188th (tie) - Mauritania

188th (tie) - Pennsylvania

187th - Japan

186th (tie) - Kazakhstan

186th (tie) - Turkmenistan

186th (tie) - Afghanistan

183rd - Austria

182nd - Belarus

181st - McKenzieFam

180th - Delaware

179th - Iran

178th - Russia

174th (tie) - Vermont

174th (tie) - Tanzania

174th (tie) - Ohio

174th (tie) - Egypt

173th - Palestine

172th - Eritrea

171th - Latvia

170th - Montenegro

169th - Rwanda

168th - Michigan

167th - Costa Rica

166th - Venezuela

165th - Singapore

164th - Niger

163th - Armenia

162nd - Belgium

161st - Algeria

160th - New Hampshire

159th - Argentina

158th - Dominican Republic

157th (tie) - Rhode Island

156th - Ireland

151st (tie) - Iceland

151st (tie) -  Cambodia

151st (tie) -  France

151st (tie) -  South Dakota

151st (tie) -  Nepal

150th - Montenegro

149rd - Vatican City

Cumulative Kills:

France - 2 kills

Greece - 1 kill

South Korea - 1 kill

Alaska - 3 kills

Nigeria - 4 kills

Benin - 4 kills

Israel - 1 kill

England - 3 kills

Wales - 1 kill

Montana - 4 kills

Uganda - 2 kills

Saudi Arabia - 1 kill

Bahrain - 1 kill

Utah - 1 kill

Scotland - 1 kill

Number of tributes remaining: 148

Part 2 out soon. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed.

Level 60
Aug 18, 2023
Level 74
Aug 18, 2023
District 70 ftw
Level 66
Aug 18, 2023
Level 60
Aug 18, 2023
Belarus didn’t die, but Palestines kills all did. This should be fixed. Sudan also died. Eritrea died priory to the plague from England and wales.
Level 66
Aug 18, 2023
You're right. I'll fix that today.

Even though if a crocodile drags you down in the deep water, I thought it was self-explanatory that she drowned.

Level 60
Aug 18, 2023
Ah, my mistake. I got a little confused there as I wasn’t sure who Russia was talking to. I thought he tripped or smth then got confronted by Iran while being drowned and then exploded simultaneously. Thanks for clearing that up.
Level 66
Aug 18, 2023
Belarus is a girl (Russia's girlfriend). Russia pushed her into the water for flirting with Kingsfisher. Colin and Qy then rescued Kingsfisher from death by Russia's hands.
Level 69
Aug 18, 2023
Truly the next installment of great American literature.
Level 65
Aug 18, 2023
Level 69
Aug 18, 2023
Cool blog, and good luck to the first, eleventh, and twelfth.

Brilliant religious commentary at the end there, by the way.

Level 66
Aug 18, 2023
I try.
Level 69
Aug 19, 2023
Oh, I know.
Level 54
Aug 22, 2023
Very interesting, especially when the countries use their language to call someone. Pakistan saying yaar again and again(That was funny)
Level 34
Sep 9, 2023
Wow I survived :)
Level 34
Sep 9, 2023
Could I go and kill Estonia and Finland
Level 66
Sep 9, 2023
Level 69
Sep 9, 2023
Happy birthday. 🥳
Level 66
Sep 9, 2023
THANK YOU!!! I'm 16 now!
Level 71
Nov 21, 2023
Is part 2 ever gonna come?
Level 66
Nov 21, 2023
Probably, though I've lost the motivation to complete it
Level 50
Apr 2, 2024