The Future of the Apostolic Armenian Empire: Chapter 1


It's short for a reason. Still, I hope you enjoy it.

There is a part of the blog borrowed from McKenzieFam's blog, written by QuizzerBros. Credit to QB for that.

This is my first blog in three months. I hope you enjoy it. UwU.

Chapter 1


In the past six months, the AAE had undergone a brutal civil war between the Armenians, Azeris, Kurds, and Yazidis.

With Nickelz's leadership, the Armenian military was able to kill off the pesky Azeris and assassinate the leader of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan as well. The Kurds and Yazidis were deported from the AAE to the Blaze Empire, while the now 100% Armenian empire reveled in their victory.

Nickelz had organized a special concert in Yerevan to celebrate the now-peaceful AAE and the end of the civil war.

It was a jazz concert; Nickelz, a long-time jazz enjoyer, specifically requested it. The hottest jazz musician in all of the AAE, Verjnakan, was performing a long saxophone riff.

Everyone was enjoying themselves. Nickelz was sitting on a high glass-bottomed loft with the king, Wako, drinking only the finest and purest of Nickelz's favorite drink; rose extract tea.

"This is absolutely splendiferous." Nickelz chortled as he sipped his tea.

"Indeed, it is." Wako smiled and drank some of his tea as well.

Suddenly, one of the servers brushed past them on his way downstairs.

"Hello, President Nickelz. Can I interest you in a raspberry danish, sir?"

"That would be splendid." Nickelz happily took the plate from the server and chomped down on the sticky pastry.

"Yes, mm, quite delicious." The waiter mysteriously shoved a long object down into his pants.

Wako stared at him suspiciously, but decided not to say anything.

"Isn't this grand?" Nickelz spluttered as he choked down the rest of his tea.

"Yes, quite." Wako dabbed his mouth with a napkin.

Suddenly, the music stopped.

"What the-?" Nickelz gasped suddenly.

The waiter stopped on the steps and doubled back.

Wako turned around just as the waiter pulled out his gun.

"NICKELZ! DUCK!" Wako pushed Nickelz to the ground and stood as the waiter blasted Wako in the face with a shotgun.

Wako's body flopped backwards off the balcony and onto a random civilian on the ground floor.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Thousands of attendees began screaming and running for their lives.

Some even got trampled as everyone rushed to get out of the building.

The waiter pulled down his mask, and a glowing tattoo of the Azeri flag glared on his face.

He put his foot down on Nickelz's neck.

"I- I can't..." Nickelz gasped for breath.

"It's no use. Nighty night." The waiter put more pressure until he heard a faint snap, and the lifeless body of Nickelz lay on the loft floor, with the last laugh of Nickelz etched onto his face.

The waiter laughed maniacally.


The blood began to smear around the floor of the glass-bottomed ledge, and the bright red liquid pooled around the waiter's feet, as he bent down on Nickelz's body.

He put his finger in the open fracture wound in Nickelz's neck, and scooped out some blood. He smeared it on his face, in the style of war paint.

"This... is... war." The waiter slowly ambled down the stairs, as Nickelz's body began to decompose.


*Didn't feel like I needed to credit anyone for this, because despite it being in MKF's blog, I wrote it.*

It was a dark night in Baku. Almost the entire city, usually a bustling metropolis, was black. Every street light was off, every home was pitch black and dead silent. The only source of faded vision was the moon that ducked in and out of the hazy clouds above.

On the outskirts of the city, near the border with the AAE, a makeshift refugee camp had been set up. It consisted of a sea of small tents, each housing an Azeri family that had fled their homeland. Volunteers tended to those who suffered from severe wounds they had administered during their chaotic flee from their homeland. All had experienced immense trauma; many had been shot; many required amputation; some wouldn't even survive the night.

Many didn't know the full scale of the genocide that had just taken place. For most it was but a blurred memory. They had heard of the Armenian's plan to achieve ethnic homogeneity by deporting non-Armenians. They had no idea however, of the lengths that they would go to in order to achieve this. Of course they were aware of the mutual hatred between the Armenians and the Azeris. Many were already considering the tough decision to migrate with their families to another country. But on that one fateful day, the decision was made for them. The order was given to the Armenian military to deport all Kurds and Yazidis, but not to spare the life of any Azeris. The Armenians had turned to a method of ethnic cleansing, purging the conflicting ethnicities from the state. The Armenian armed forces swept through the Azerbaijani towns like a tsunami. They burst their way into each home with guns blazing, and then moved on to the next. A small minority had managed to escape the onslaught. They now found their only home in the refugee camp in Baku.

The thousands of fled Azerbaijanis created a huge problem for the PBE. Not only did they have to do something about the crisis, they feared that the Armenian assault would not stop at the border. There were still thousands of Azeris just kilometres over the border - the same Azeris that the Armenian military had been given orders to kill. The Bakuvian Infantry Unit of the Palapyan Armed Forces had been deployed to the border. The QB's desperately attempted to resolve the situation using diplomacy. The tactic had failed thus far, but the Armenians hadn't yet crossed the border. To do so would be an act of war, and a direct violation of the recently signed peace treaty. So on the border commenced an intense staring contest between the Armenian military and Bakuvian garrison. The Armenians waited for order from Yerevan, whilst the Bakuvian's were poised for any act of aggression that might come their way.

The Peace Treaty may have ended a world war, but it was in no way the end of world conflict. That was the hard truth that five million Azeris had encountered the hard way...

Written by QuizzerBros.


As police helicopters searched the premises for signs of the murderous waiter's whereabouts, Wako's body was being hoisted into a bag to be loaded into a helicopter. Nickelz was being examined by paramedics.

"Who could have done this?" Paramedic 1 asked.

"This could have been an inside job from another empire." Paramedic 2.

"The scientist should be arriving any second now." Paramedic 1 murmured.


Suddenly, a tall white man with a long coat raced into the building.

"Who are you?" Paramedic 2 asked.

"I am Dr. Joseph Bell, a world-renowned scientist. I am here to examine the body. I have arranged for Wako's body to be loaded in my truck instead."

"Okay..." Paramedic 2 looked unsure.

"I have been working since 2016 on revival technology, and I would like to test it on Nickelz and Wako." Joseph explained.

"Wow." Paramedic 1 was stunned.

"I must go now. I have a lot of work to do." The man grabbed his briefcase and walked briskly to his vehicle. He loaded the two body bags, one with Wako, and one with Nickelz, in the back of the truck, and got in the driver's seat. He drove away quickly.

In the Laboratory - Eight Weeks Later

In the center of the laboratory stood a large cylindrical tank full of an acidic blue liquid. Inside were the naked bodies of Nickelz and Wako, connected to the machine by three tubes; one leading to the mouth and into the lungs, one engulfing the genitals, and one splayed on their back. In addition, there was a cast on Nickelz's neck.

"According to my calculations," Joseph murmured, "They should regain consciousness in approximately four hours."

He looked unsure of himself, though.

The liquid was to heal the gunshot wounds inflicted on Wako.

Nickelz suddenly began to stir.

"OH MY GOD-" Joseph grabbed his video camera.

Wako remained unconscious, but Nickelz's eyes began to flutter. He opened his eyes.

Joseph looked stunned.

Wako began stirring as well, and opened his eyes. They remained unable to move, though.

"Fascinating!" Joseph began scribbling in a tiny rudimentary notebook.

Joseph lifted Wako and Nickelz out of the tank, and they slowly dried themselves off.

Joseph examined the naked bodies of Nickelz and Wako.

Wako still had a large scar anterior to his heart, but the wound was healed.

Nickelz's neck, meanwhile, was still inflamed and a deep purple color.

"What happened?" Wako asked, with slightly slurred speech.

"You died." Joseph explained concisely.

"Huh?" Wako asked, confused.

"Nevermind. As Nickelz is currently in distress, he will remain in charge of executive and legislative powers, but Wako, you will need to exercise some control over foreign relation."

"Understood." Wako nodded.

As Wako and Nickelz learned what happened, they became increasingly apoplectic with anger, and even more increasingly sure that QuizzerBros had something to do with the assassination.

"We will exact our revenge. Mark my words." Nickelz snapped.

"But how?" Wako asked.

"I'm not sure. We need to meet with Qy, urgently." Nickelz demanded hurriedly.

Nickelz picked up his cell phone and dialed Qy's phone number.

With Qy

His phone began to ring.

"What?" Qy saw that Nickelz was calling him.

He, frightened, accepted the call and held it pensively to his ear.

"Hello?" Nickelz asked.

"I thought you were dead?" Qy asked, scared out of his mind.

"I'm not really sure what happened either. All I know is that we need to meet." Nickelz demanded.

"Alright. I'll send a plane to Yerevan to pick you up. Will Wako be coming with you?" Qy asked.

"No. I need someone to be here to take care of the AAE." Nickelz replied.

"Affirmative." Qy began contacting his forces to send a jet to Yerevan to retrieve Nickelz.

At Svalbard

"I am absolutely enraged at the insolence of the QBs." Nickelz growled.

"But how do you know that the QBs had anything to do with this?" Qy asked.

"I'm not stupid." Nickelz grumbled. "And even if they didn't do this, they allowed it to happen. Inaction is the synonym of evil, not action. I learned that the assassin was an Azeri national that was a citizen of the PBE."

"Are you though..." Qy asked rhetorically.

"Shut up, Qy. We have more pressing matters to attend to." Nickelz demanded.

"Well, what did you have in mind?" Qy asked.

"I want to impose a draft on my citizens. All men ages 18-40 will be conscripted into the military." Nickelz replied.

"That's horrible! Why would you do that?" Qy asked.

"Because I can feel that the tension just skyrocketed around me. It's tangible. And I have to be prepared to defend myself and the Armenian peoples." Nickelz replied. "Why do you think I expelled all of those pesky Azeris? Despite them technically having historically inhabited my land, it's simply too risky. I would rather die than have any ethnic ties to the PBE."

"I can understand that." Qy responded.

"I know we are on the same side. And I would never go to war with him. He's still my ally at the end of the day. But I'm not sure if I can trust him anymore. So while this is in no way a threat to either of our territorial integrities, I must bulk up, just to be safe. And I have to hire more security for myself. The forcefield around Yerevan will be rebuilt, and my office will be reinforced with titanium."

"Anything else?" Qy was furiously scribbling in a notebook.

"Despite this newfound drama with QuizzerBros, I have more pressing matters to attend to. Essentially, I will be working with Dr. Bell to create something huge to benefit our empire. I can't reveal what it is yet." Nickelz revealed.

"Unfortunately for me, the atomic elements required for this project have half lives much too short to preserve in the form I want to preserve them in. We will be working on a way to interrupt radioactive decay." Nickelz admitted.

"Fascinating." Qy mumbled.

"None of this information is secret, but as for the more secret stuff, we can discuss another time. There is yet another thing I want to discuss with you." Nickelz pressed on.

"What?" Qy asked.

"We have been close allies for quite some time. I think it's time to make our consolidation official. I have made some decrees I want to share with you." Nickelz replied.

"Smashing! What are they?" Qy asked.

"The first one is that all Svalbardians can bypass the requirements for Armenian citizenship. In addition, English and Russian, as main languages of Svalbard, will be made official in the AAE, for a total of four official languages."

"All with Svalbardian passports can entire the Apostolic Armenian Empire freely."

"Ooh." Qy replied.

"That is all. I have matters to attend to, privately." Nickelz packed his things and left.

Qy sat down to ponder this information.

What does the future hold for the Apostolic Armenian Empire? Find out when the series returns!

Level 66
Apr 3, 2023
Thank you for reading. If you liked the blog, press the heart. If you hated the blog, still press the heart, and tell me how much you hate it.
Level 69
Apr 3, 2023
Interesting(...) blog. And I'll get to work after I wrap up internal measures.
Level 66
Apr 3, 2023
Level 60
Apr 3, 2023
Why can’t this be canon?
Level 66
Apr 3, 2023
I guess it could be.

Also, we need to talk privately.

Level 60
Apr 3, 2023
Go onto the group called “umm”
Level 60
Apr 3, 2023
But yeah cool blog
Level 60
Apr 3, 2023
This is the 64th DOTJE quiz/blog ever made, which is incredible, not that the number means anything.
Level 69
Apr 3, 2023
There were eight countries in the original DOTJE, and 8² = 64. Surely that means something.
Level 67
Apr 5, 2023
I can promise your "assassination" didn't have anything to do with the PBE. We would never encourage such retaliation, despite what has been done. An arrest warrant is enough for now.
Level 66
Apr 5, 2023
Those Azeris were revolting against the government. We couldn't have that. Better to kill them all for the sake of the AAE's stability :D
Level 66
Apr 5, 2023
Also, I'm prepared to make a deal with you in order to rectify this.

1. Joseph Bell will attempt to use his revival processes to try to revive as many Azeris as possible.

2. The remaining Azeris we didn't kill will be relocated to Serbia, which is a part of the AAE detached from the main part.

3. Serbia will become the Autonomous Azeri-Armenian Republic of Serbia

4. I will allocate 5 million USD to the education and healthcare of those Azeris.

5. I will formally recognize the Azeri genocide and take full responsibility for it.

However, this is dependent on you recognizing and taking accountability for the assassination of the president and king, me and Wako, and formally apologizing for it.

Level 67
Apr 5, 2023
I appreciate the offer, and I would be willing to do my part, only problem is the PBE had nothing to do with the assassination (remember I wrote my part of MKF's blog after the assassination had taken place. I only wrote about it because I couldn't think of anything else to write about). I'd be willing to aid you in investigating the culprit and putting him behind bars though.
Level 66
Apr 5, 2023
True, you had nothing to do with it. But the waiter was a citizen of your empire.
Level 67
Apr 5, 2023
I will be involving the Alpha Intelligence to investigate the case, and if you would like collaborate with you. Has the waiter been captured yet or has he escaped?
Level 66
Apr 5, 2023
I'll write more about the waiter next time. But the waiter is presumed for now to have escaped the crime scene.
Level 67
Apr 7, 2023
Ok I'll keep an eye out
Level 68
Apr 20, 2023