A Year and a Half on JetPunk



I first discovered JetPunk at around age 8 the same way many people have-by finding the Countries of the World quiz. On my first try, I got about 160. I tried a few more times, and by around my fourth, I had reached 186. I left JetPunk for a while before coming back during the end of COVID-19. I made an account and took and made a few quizzes. I stayed on JetPunk because the community valued knowledge of random trivia, intelligence, and the desire to learn "pointless" information, which I could not find anywhere amongst other kids my age. My current account is now a year and a half old. I had no idea that I would stay on the site for this long.

18 Months of Quizzing

During my time on this site, I have created quizzes, blogs, and begun to make a few charts. The first things I made were admittedly very bad. It is nice to see how much my content has improved over many months.

In the future, I plan to continue my Debate Night and Mystery series. Thanks to everybody who participated. If you have suggestions for future topics, I will accept them.

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who took my quizzes and read my blogs. I appreciate your feedback on my content and participation in Debate Night discussions.

One More Thing

I would like to translate some of my quizzes into other languages, mainly French and German. Would anybody be willing to help me with that?


I hope you like this blog. See you next time!

Level 65
Nov 9, 2023
Congratulations @SaveOurPlanet! May you be on JetPunk for years to come
Level 65
Nov 9, 2023
Unfortunately I don't know German or French but I'm sure you'll find someone who does! (or use Google Unreliable Translate)
Level 50
Nov 9, 2023
Thanks! You too!