Puzzle - Monarchs



There is three puzzles. I will add clues for every puzzle at 5 PM (12 AM for Americans). Can you link the Monarchs together? If you do answer in the comments! If you answer a puzzle which is already guessed, I will simply ignore it.

Note: You Can't answer more than once per day.



Louis XIV of France

Bhumibol of Thailand

Franz Joseph I of Austria

Ivan IV of Russia

Hirohito of Japan

Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom

Fernando II of Aragon


Philip IV of Spain

Louis I of Hungary

Otto of the HRE

Ivan III of Moscow

Frederick II of Prussia

Casimir III of Poland

Alfred of Wessex

Bonus: Can you name the Monarchs in the first puzzle?

NOTE: You don't have to write the country e.g. Anna of Russia, Christina of Sweden etc. so you would write Anna, Christina. You can also use greats e.g. Alfred the Great, Vladimir the Great etc.

  • Winner for Easy: Jetpunker180!
  • Winner for Medium: 4knowledge!
  • Winner for Hard: 4knowledge!
Level 60
Mar 8, 2021
ANSWERS (spoilers):

Easy: Female Monarchs.

Medium: Monarchs Longest Reigning in their country.

Hard: Monarchs that were "great".

BONUS: Victoria, Isabella, Wilhelmina, Jadwiga, Mary, Elizabeth and Anne

Level 55
Feb 26, 2021
Easy: Monarchs of England

Medium: People who ruled for a very long time

Hard: Rulers who ruled before the renaissance

Level 60
Feb 26, 2021
Easy: No

Medium: Very Close

Hard: No

Level 78
Feb 26, 2021
1) Queens of the UK

2) Monarchs of modern day Republics

3) Monarchs who ruled over 2 countries

Level 60
Feb 26, 2021
Sorry, there false. 1 is close btw.
Level 54
Feb 26, 2021
Easy : Female monarch
Level 60
Feb 26, 2021
Easy is correct!
Level 75
Feb 26, 2021
Female Monarchs

Monarchs that reigned for over 60? years

I have several ideas, but I'm gonna say Monarachs who ruled when their country was the largest that it has ever been.

Level 60
Feb 26, 2021
1. Already Guessed

2. Very Close

3. Good Guess, but it's not the answer

Level 42
Feb 28, 2021
2.Monarchs who ruled the largest time in the country.

3.Monarchs in Dynasties.

Level 60
Feb 28, 2021
2. Correct!

3. Every Monarch is in a Dynasty.

Level 55
Mar 1, 2021
Victoria, Isabel, Wilhemina, Jadwiga
Level 60
Mar 1, 2021
Level 42
Mar 1, 2021
I dont know anything about Hard so I will say anything

3.Monarchs who didn't rule their country properly

Level 60
Mar 1, 2021
Sorry, Incorrect.
Level 42
Mar 2, 2021
Monarchs who ruled at the same time?
Level 60
Mar 4, 2021
Sorry, Incorrect
Level 42
Mar 4, 2021
Idk the answer till now so I will guess anything

Monarchs which had the worst times to their country

Level 60
Apr 3, 2021
Sorry, incorrect
Level 42
Mar 5, 2021
Monarchs that are "great"
Level 60
Mar 5, 2021
Correct! Now time for a Collab Account!