Badge Blogs

A list of all blogs that fall under the category of Badge. A collection of unofficial JetPunk Badges created by our enthusiastic users.

This badge is for those who can score outstandingly on the toughest featured quizzes there are. Can you achieve this badge?

ఇది నా రెండవ తెలుగు వ్యాసం! ఇందులో నేను భారతదేశ బిరుదు ఎట్లా తెచ్చుకోవాలని చెపుతాను.

మీకందరికి తెలుగు పాటల సాహిత్యం గురించి తెలుసా?

ఇది నా మొదటి తెలుగు వ్యాసం! ఇందులో నేను ఆంధ్ర బిరుదు ఎట్లా తెచ్చుకోవాలని చెపుతాను!

Perdón, cathlete 😭

Badge de la série non-officielle francophone, consacré aux disciplines scientifiques.

Teste seu conhecimento do Brasil!

Badge de la série non-officielle francophone, consacré aux populations mondiales.

Badge de la série non-officielle francophone, consacré à l'Europe

Un double caractère aléatoire pour des millions de badges en un seul!

Vous vous sentez vieux, voyez apparaitre quelques rides? N'attendez plus le remède miracle! Voici ce badge qui mettra à profit vos connaissances d'il y a fort, fort, fort longtemps; et qui sait, peut-être même, qui éliminera quelques rides de votre mine.

Have you completed all your JetPunk badges? I haven’t, but if you have, here are some badge ideas.

In this blog I will give you some quizzes to try so that you can achieve the unofficial 'Territory Badge'.

This is sadly not going to show on your account but you still have the bragging rights.

Odznaka dla znawcy polskiej geografii

Parce que les lebrunistes ne gagneront pas cette guerre.

Pseudoznak Československa!

The American Civil War is a very fascinating part of history, but it is sadly underrepresented on JetPunk (as least as far as featured quizzes go). Thus, I figure why not make an unofficial Civil War badge? Try your hand at it.

This is the unofficial badge for debatably the greatest African country - Botswana!

Badge non-officiel francophone célébrant les 25 ans de la saga Harry Potter.

This is the unofficial badge for the Dawn of the JetPunk Empires.

Can you try your hand at these Minecraft Quizzes, to earn YOUR unofficial Minecraft badge?

Sixième badge de la série non-officielle francophone.

How much do you know about Catholicism? Enough to earn the badge?

En este blog, se podrá ver unas de las primeras insignias no oficiales de JetPunk en español.

Badge de la série non-officielle francophone, consacré à la France.

Quatrième badge de la série non-officielle francophone.

Troisième badge de la série non-officielle francophone.

Second badge de la série non-officielle francophone.

Premier badge de la série non-officielle francophone.

Présentation du système de badges francophones (non-officiels)

This is the Unofficial New Zealand Badge

Unofficial Taiwan Badge

Idea from my friend Afghabwe's Unofficial Turkey Badge

Unofficial Turkey Badge

To show I'm as self-centered as GrandOldMan and also shows that I take too many of his jokes. But I guess it's also inspired from him. Oh yeah, and also thanks to Pandora49 for the code. And KazakhstanKitten for the drawing (she hasn't been online)

How much do you know about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

Alaska: The Last Frontier.

How much do you know about my Favorite U.S. State?

How much do you know about Belarus?

Thanks to Pandora49 for helping me with the formatting.

See what you know about the Brazilian country by getting the required score on a set of quizzes.

An unofficial badge for the country of Afghanistan that i have created.

An unofficial badge for the country of Canada that i have created.

Thanks to this blog by Pandora49 for helping me with the formatting.

Good luck!

Try to complete the following quizzes to obtain this unofficial Badge!

An unofficial badge for the country of Mexico that i have created.

Many people have been creating badge blogs like these recently. Copy the code in this blog and edit the hyperlinks & text to make your own badge blog!

This badge will make you hungry guaranteed!

I brought you another unofficial badge! This country must get a country badge.

An unofficial badge for the great nation of India.

An unofficial badge I made for Japan.

An unofficial badge for the country of South Africa that i have created.
