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:: Geography

Geography Blogs

A list of all blogs that fall under the category of Geography. Blogs all about the world, countries and all the things within it.

The second chapter of my Travelogue. This offers a firsthand account of the Lastonian Civil War.

I recently took a trip to Lastonia, and thought I would make a travelogue. Read to find out more.

Welcome back to the Countries Iceberg, featuring nearly every political entity that currently exists. In this blog, we will cover tiers eleven and twelve.

Winters in Oregon are beautiful. It is a wonderful experience for every person. The snow is arguably the best part-but that could all go out the window.

I recently designed a potential new flag for the state of Oregon. I love my state a lot, but I think the flag must be changed. Here are some of my designs.

Almost no country has purple on its flag. But why? Read this to find out the history of the color. This blog also contains objectives for relaunching the blog server in 2024.

We're so back.

Oregon may seem like a nice place to live. It may not. In this blog, I will go over the pros and cons of living in Oregon. It is very eco-friendly, but it has bad weather, legalized drugs, and homelessness. Not to mention the 9.0 earthquake that may occur tomorrow...

About my biggest Asian Cities by Letter picture quiz series. Where do the population statistics come from? What kind of cities have been excluded? How have cities with multiple names been dealt with? How difficult are the quizzes?

Connaissez-vous les communes qui composent votre département ?

Retrouvez ici les quiz créés par la communauté française JetPunk, dans lesquels vous pourrez tenter de deviner les communes françaises, par départements et à l'aide de cartes.

Yet another Five Islands blog, You must be getting bored with these by now !

A menudo se plantea la cuestión de una Cataluña unificada, pero ¿cómo sería ese país si se independizara? Es lo que intentaremos entender.

¿Qué pasaría si las tres naciones de Iberia se unieran?

Po dwóch pokazówkach czas na więcej!

భాషా కుటుంబాల గురించి తెలియాల్సిన విషయాలు!

This is the final of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

This is the seventh of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

¿Es ChatGPT realmente neutral en la cuestión catalana...? ¡Eso es lo que veremos!

Welcome back to the Countries Iceberg, featuring nearly every political entity that currently exists. In this blog, we will cover tiers five and six.

This is the sixth of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

This is the fifth of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

This is the fourth of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

Welcome back to the Countries Iceberg, featuring nearly every political entity that currently exists. In this blog, we will cover tiers three and four.

This is the third of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

This is the second of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

This is the first of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

Najśmieszniejsze, najdziwniejsze i najbardziej absurdalne nazwy miejscowości, w których byłem lub obok których przejeżdżałem.

Welcome to the Countries Iceberg, featuring nearly every political entity that currently exists. In this blog, we will cover tiers one and two.

Miejsca, które ze względu na nazwę są często mylone przez Polaków.

In diesem Blog geht es um Fakten und Irregularitäten, die es bei den Abkürzungen oder der Zuweisung österreichischer KFZ-Kennzeichen aufkommen.

Alright, Part 7. Almost to Part Ten! I included some of your languages, Here we go!

All of the changes you guys made to the world map on my last blog

Comment on this blog to change the world map

ITS BACKKKKKK! Hopefully it won't take 366 days again lol. Comoros time! I won't be a Moroni this time! (hahahah get it haha)

The story about my trip to India when I was 15 years old. Quite an adventure with many culture shocks and delicious food! Enjoy my travelogue!

The story about my trip to India when I was 15 years old. Quite an adventure with many culture shocks and delicious food! Enjoy my travelogue!

In June 2022 an agreement was reached which led to the official appearance of a new land border. This will have influence on a lot of border quizes on Jetpunk...!

This is the 4th part of my Balkan Trip Series.

This is the 3rd part of my blog series in the Balkans!

This is the second part of my Balkan Trip Blog series.

This is the first blog of my upcoming series about my trip in the Balkans.

The Commonwealth of Nations, formerly known as the British Commonwealth, is a big organisation of friendly, former British possessions. In this blog, I will be explaining its features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

This time, we have a hypothetical union of a group of countries collectively known as Latin America. In this blog, I will be explaining its features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

The Ukraine is a beautiful country, going through a tough time right now. Read this blog to learn more about this wonderful country.

A blog about the overseas territories currently administered by the United Kingdom.

You're prolly going like.....what.....???

Source: Google

This blog highlights the cities in the United States which have similar or the same names to settlements in the United Kingdom. One example is New York and York. Read on to learn more!

This is the final blog in my series about each of the 13 provinces and territories that make up the country of Canada. We have already covered all of the provinces, leaving the three territories - the last frontier - left on this little trip.

On the third installment of this series, we head out east to Canada's Atlantic provinces, known for their fishing and stunning seaside views. Join me as I explore some of the first European settlements in what is now Canada.

Last time we were began on a voyage through the heart of Canada, exploring each of the Canadian provinces and what they have to offer. Tune in for a expedition through one of the most naturally beautiful regions of the country as I explain each of Canada's Western provinces!
