Bahamas Population

Live population as of 19 April 2024, updated in real time:
Historical and Future Population
Year Population
1950 81,882
1951 82,534
1952 84,595
1953 86,596
1954 88,493
1955 91,604
1956 95,225
1957 99,203
1958 103,098
1959 108,216
1960 113,933
1961 118,734
1962 124,836
1963 131,434
1964 137,779
1965 143,803
1966 149,699
1967 156,784
1968 163,815
1969 171,522
1970 177,766
1971 183,169
1972 188,319
1973 192,837
1974 197,186
1975 201,209
1976 205,231
1977 209,830
1978 214,178
1979 218,101
1980 223,286
1981 227,217
1982 231,238
1983 235,832
1984 240,210
1985 244,860
1986 249,836
1987 254,798
1988 259,065
1989 264,215
1990 269,942
1991 274,731
1992 280,797
1993 286,813
1994 292,820
1995 298,915
1996 303,687
1997 309,154
1998 314,183
1999 319,194
2000 324,321
2001 328,836
2002 333,179
2003 337,104
2004 342,317
2005 346,868
2006 351,839
2007 356,836
2008 361,816
2009 366,693
2010 372,162
2011 377,296
2012 381,216
2013 385,315
2014 388,133
2015 392,306
2016 395,096
2017 398,694
2018 401,257
2019 404,175
2020 405,958
2021 407,627
2022 409,634
2023 412,218
2024 414,471
2025 417,678
2026 419,505
2027 422,689
2028 424,636
2029 427,227
2030 429,582
2031 431,602
2032 433,601
2033 435,604
2034 437,605
2035 439,612
2036 441,705
2037 442,493
2038 443,985
2039 445,740
2040 446,632
2041 447,626
2042 448,590
2043 448,870
2044 450,084
2045 450,035
2046 450,622
2047 450,977
2048 450,998
2049 450,998
2050 450,971
2051 450,378
2052 450,021
2053 449,973
2054 449,376
2055 448,994
2056 448,382
2057 447,994
2058 447,387
2059 447,126
2060 445,889
2061 445,380
2062 445,126
2063 443,891
2064 443,384
2065 443,125
2066 441,888
2067 441,344
2068 440,413
2069 440,138
2070 439,032
2071 438,025
2072 437,024
2073 436,024
2074 435,024
2075 434,024
2076 433,024
2077 432,022
2078 430,986
2079 429,268
2080 428,513
2081 427,052
2082 425,988
2083 424,268
2084 423,510
2085 422,016
2086 420,268
2087 419,470
2088 417,301
2089 416,507
2090 415,016
2091 413,271
2092 412,513
2093 411,052
2094 409,987
2095 408,259
2096 407,378
2097 406,515
2098 405,053
2099 404,001
2100 402,668
Caveats and explanations
  • All data is based on the 2022 edition of the UN World Population prospects.
  • Table data shows population as of January 1st of that year.
  • Historical records are based on the current territory of the country. For example, the population of Germany in 1970 includes both East Germany and West Germany.
  • Years after 2021 are projections based on the UN's "medium fertility" scenario.
  • Country population includes all overseas territories and autonomous regions. For example, population for the United States includes Puerto Rico.
  • Morocco includes Western Sahara.
  • Population for Israel does NOT include Palestine.